• 11 years ago
A beautiful young woman in China, who has become an Internet sensation capturing the hearts of many, is actually a 21-year old guy.

A beautiful young woman in China, who has become an Internet sensation capturing the hearts of many, is actually a 21-year old guy.

The man goes by the name Xiao Can and the frenzy of adoration began after somebody posted a picture of the individual with the comment, “a peerless beauty”.

There’s no question that Xiao is ravishing, and since the image appeared Chinese message boards have been buzzing with excitement and even marriage proposals.

Anyone searching for more information about the Asian princess has a good chance of happening upon Xiao’s blog.

When they do, they’ll quickly learn that she is a he.

The moment that reality sets in is probably different for everyone. For some, they may realize that the make-up less, hair extension free person doesn’t just resemble the beauty from the photos; they are in fact, one and the same.

For others it could be during the talent show videos in which Xiao is often asked, “are you really a guy?”

Regardless of when it comes, reactions tend to be mixed.

The proposals still happen. Said one man who extended an offer, “I don’t care if you’re a guy, marry me!”


