Dentist Plans to Buy Halloween Candy From Kids

  • 11 years ago
A dentist in West Des Moines, Iowa is planning to buy kid’s Halloween candy from them.

A dentist in West Des Moines, Iowa is planning to buy kid’s Halloween candy from them.

Steffany Mohan is advertising her ‘Cash for Candy’ campaign that will pay children who bring in their Halloween candy stashes a dollar per pound of unopened candy.

Her plan is to use the candy buyback as a way to reduce the tooth decay and cavities caused by eating too much candy after the Halloween haul.

After buying the candy from kids, Mohan is going to send it to military troops stationed abroad.

Some candy is better than others for teeth, which is something Mohan plans to teach parents and children alike when they come to participate in the buyback.

Gummy candy and taffy that get stuck in teeth can cause the most harm, along with acidic sour candy that damages tooth enamel.

Hard candy and suckers are not as harmful because they promote salivation, which prevents a dry mouth that can lead to plaque build up.

Dark chocolate is also a not so bad option as it contains antioxidants.

The candy buyback is scheduled to take place from 3 to 5 in the afternoon from Halloween until November 4th at Mohan’s dentist office.
