• 11 years ago
Different prescription medications are being given to patients more often than others in various regions of the United States.

Different prescription medications are being given to patients more often than others in various regions of the United States.
A new study by the Dartmouth Atlas Project looked at the frequency of prescriptions for a variety of medications filled by people on Medicare across the US.

The results of the study found that some drugs are being overprescribed and others are misprescribed for patients.

The study compared regional data on medications, and came across some significant discrepancies for prescriptions concerning treatment of the same ailment.

Dr. Jeffrey Munson, assistant professor at The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice said: “There is no good reason why heart attack victims living in Ogden, Utah, are twice as likely to receive medicine to lower their cholesterol and their risk of another heart attack than those in Abilene, Texas, but this inconsistency reflects the current practice of medicine in the United States.”

What do you think about the differences in medication being prescribed for patients in different parts of the country?


