Eating Popcorn Renders In-Movie Ads Powerless

  • 11 years ago
With all of the dazzling superpowers movie watchers have witnessed, who would have ever guessed that the cinema’s signature snack, popcorn, has one of its own.

With all of the dazzling superpowers movie watchers have witnessed, who would have ever guessed that the cinema’s signature snack, popcorn, has one of its own.

In a recent study, researchers from the Cologne University discovered that popcorn made its consumers impervious to the power of advertising.

Advertising relies heavily upon two things – creating a brand with a positive image and then getting people to remember it.

Previous research has found that brand names are committed to memory when people hear them and subconsciously simulate their pronunciation.

This study showed that when people ate popcorn during the ads, that didn’t happen because the chewing disrupted the hearing to pronouncing process, rendering the ads powerless.

The study involved the participation of 96 people. Half of them were given the buttery, salty snack and the other half were handed sugar cubes. All of them watched a film containing advertisements.

When questioned a week later, the sugar cube group showed great enthusiasm for the products in the commercials. The popcorn eaters failed to show any significant recognition of them.

Could this study possibly be setting the stage for an epic battle between advertisers and the concessions industry?


