Shelter Dog Has Been Looking for a Home Since 2004

  • 11 years ago
A dog named Dan was taken to the Highland County Humane Society back in September of 2004. He has yet to find a permanent home.

It's heartbreaking to hear about a domestic animal that just can’t seem to find the right home. A dog named Dan, who lives in Cincinnati is one example.

He was taken to the Highland County Humane Society back in September of 2004. Sadly, he’s still there.

Luckily the facility is classified as a no-kill shelter. For nearly nine years, Dan always finds himself back in the same building.

He has been placed into homes before, but a problem usually arises because Dan just can’t seem to get along well with other dogs and he also isn’t fond of children.

Over the course of the years, the 14-year-old pooch has had some adventures. He managed to escape from the shelter twice, one of those times he got hit by a car and required surgery.

The shelter director, Melanie Dodson has established a bond with Dan. She occasionally takes him for rides in her Jeep just to give him something to look forward to.

Although he has a bed, food, treats and he gets walked daily, there’s still a hope he will find happiness in the right home. Dodson stated “But don't take Dan out of here because you feel sorry for him. He's fine. Take him because you want a great dog.”

