Americans Say 50 Is the Best Age

  • 11 years ago
Over 2000 Americans were polled, and on average they said the perfect age to be is 50.

Over 2000 Americans were polled, and on average they said the perfect age to be is 50.

The specific question posed by Harris Interactive was, “If you could live forever in good health at a particular age, what age would you like to be?”

Not surprisingly, the answers varied depending upon the ages of the respondents.

Those in the 18-36 range imagined 38 as being ideal.

37-48 year olds decided to stop time at 49.

Baby boomers, representing the years of 49-67, said 55 was perfect.

People over the age of 67 said that 67 was, in fact, the best place to be.

For all of the flack women get about obsessing over age, it turns out men were the ones who wanted to be younger, picking 47 as their max.

Women were content to pull the plug on aging at 53.

According to one psychologist, 50 makes perfect sense, as it’s the age where the most opportunities seem both available and possible.

As far as life’s milestones, most said they’d like to start a family around 28, but they would prefer to be empty-nesters at the age of 45.

