Man Arrested After Taking Dog for Walk Naked

  • 11 years ago
A man in Florida was recently arrested for walking his pooch, while completely naked.

It’s no secret that drugs can make some people do things they could never never imagine doing when sober.

A 20-year-old man named Robin Campbell from Florida was recently arrested for walking his pooch, while completely naked. Campbell was reportedly high on hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Maitland police approached the nude stroller and asked him where his clothes were.

Campbell simply replied "This is God's house." While the exact turn of events remains unclear, police were initially baffled by the man's behavior and seemingly odd statement.

The responding officers were forced to use a Taser to subdue Campbell. Once he was relatively calm, cops brought out the handcuffs and arrested him.

According to a report written by law enforcement authorities, Campbell later admitted to taking hallucinogenic mushrooms. He also threatened to kill an officer following his arrest.

After his naked walk, Campbell was charged with exposing his body, resisting arrest and battery. It was not immediately known what happened to Campbell’s dog after he was detained.


