3 Unusual Things Craved by China's Millionaires

  • 11 years ago
China’s new and aspiring millionaires are demanding new levels of extravagance and oddity with these three hot status symbols

Throughout history, the rich and famous have had their quirks and unique takes on what’s fashionable. However, China’s new and aspiring millionaires are demanding extraordinary levels of extravagance and oddity with these three hot status symbols.

Number 3 – Gold cars. China already has the largest market on gold next to India as well as the largest on jewelry next to the U.S. But, gold jewelry just isn’t cutting it. To properly show off their wealth, China’s rich cover their luxury vehicles in solid gold.

Number 2 – Rhino horn. Even though rhino horn is no different in substance than human fingernails, many in China have believed in its healing properties for centuries. The rich will pay $30,000 for one pound. This has led to rhino poaching in South Africa increasing 3,000 percent since 2007.

Number 1 – Tiger penis. Many in China also believe the myth that ingesting this tiger organ will act as an equivalent to Viagra and enhance a man’s sexuality. China’s rich will pay $300 for a bowl of tiger penis soup and $5,000 for the whole thing.

While no cars are harmed in a solid gold makeover, the endangered rhinos and tigers continue to pay with their lives.


