• 11 years ago
With the recent boom in urban beekeeping, scientists have begun to develop concerns that the practice is becoming more harmful to the colonies than they are beneficial.

Urban beekeeping has become all the rage over the past couple of years, as news of dwindling honeybee populations continues to make headlines.

Although the efforts by concerned citizens are applause-worthy, scientists are concerned that the concentrated population spikes, together with inexperienced keepers, are doing more harm to the bee colonies than good.

Food sources are more likely to become scarce as a result of overpopulation, which could damage not only the urban honeybees, but the other wildlife that feed on them.

In areas with high concentrations of hives, diseases can also spread quickly. Among the deadliest and most contagious is American Foulbrood, which necessitates the destruction of the whole infected hive.

The expert advice from professionals at the Laboratory of Apiculture and Social Insects at the University of Sussex is that those wanting to help should plant flowers instead.

Giving the bees the right food sources will attract them from miles around.

Reportedly, bees are particularly fond of lavender and marjoram and just a window box full is enough to get their attention.


