Poland’s Illegal Adoptions

  • 11 years ago
Many hopeful parents in Poland unable to have their own children are turning to illegal means.

Many hopeful parents in Poland unable to have their own children are turning to illegal means.

Apparently, the babies they’re so desperately seeking can be easily found on the Internet.

Typically, in exchange for pregnancy and birthing costs and a stipend, the birth mother agrees to stand with the adoptive dad in front of a judge and declare that he is the biological father. Following the proclamation, she agrees to give up all custodial rights.

Official statistics clearly don’t exist, but it’s estimated that there are over 2 thousand illegal adoptions annually. Some trackers say they’ve seen as many as 600 ads posted on two websites this year alone.

What has been documented is that of the over 2400 adoptions in 2005, fewer than 700 were approved by official adoption agencies, with no information available on the balance of adoptions.

One woman who skirted the legal process said she did so because the government takes up to 3 years to process the requests. She also noted that the expectations are high.

To legally adopt in Poland there are no legal age restrictions on prospective parents and both married and single parents are permitted to adopt, however, the country doesn’t acknowledge civil or same-sex unions.


