Genitals for Sale in Malawi a Growing Problem

  • 11 years ago
Malawi, Africa has a serious problem with people trying to sell mutilated human genitals.

Malawi, Africa has a serious problem with people trying to sell mutilated human genitals.

Four people, including a hospital mortuary supervisor and an attendant accused of supplying the human body parts, were recently put in jail for allegedly trying to sell human genitals.

They were attempting to sell the genitalia for the equivalent of over 24 thousand dollars.

The number of cases in Malawi where people are arrested for selling human genitals is disturbingly on the rise.

Another reported case from Malawi’s central Lakeshore District of Salima involves a 24 year old man who was caught trying to sell a severed male penis.

His alleged victim was taken to the hospital, where doctors discovered his brutal injury, after being found bleeding and unconscious next to railroad tracks.

Police were notified hours later when a motel owner reported that a guest had offered to sell her a penis for 360 dollars.

The man accused of trying to sell the penis admitted to selling body parts to well known business people.

Local people in Malawi reportedly believe that owning human body parts can bring fortune, and businessmen and witchdoctors hire poor people to kill and dismember victims.

