Cutlery Choice Influences Food Flavor

  • 11 years ago
The utensil you choose could alter the flavors of the foods you eat. A recent study confirmed that our taste buds’ perceptions change with the cutlery.

The utensil you choose could alter the flavors of the foods you eat. A recent study confirmed that our taste buds’ perceptions change with the cutlery.

Along with its classification, a piece of silverware’s size, weight and color all play a role in how the morsels taste.

These are the conclusions over a hundred student participants in a University of Oxford study reached after days of tasting specific foods via a plethora of delivery methods.

Overall, the results came down to balancing weight with expectations. For example, sweets taste sweeter on traditional small dessert spoons.

Color makes a big impact, too. The students were given various colors of yogurt on spoons of many hues.

White yogurt on a white spoon was deemed to be sweeter than when it was served on a black one. Pink yogurt was judged to be less sweet when a blue spoon was used.

Not one to pass up on culinary opportunities, Heston Blumenthal of London’s famed dining establishment The Fat Duck has already enlisted the study’s researchers as consultants. They’ll be participating in the redesign of the restaurant’s spoons.


