Atheists Plan to Launch Hotline for Doubters

  • 11 years ago
Individuals in the market for a new religion as well as those considering abandoning it entirely will soon have a place they can call for advice and direction. The people at Recovering from Religion are planning to launch a 24/7 hotline.

Individuals in the market for a new religion as well as those considering abandoning it entirely will soon have a place they can call for advice and direction.

The people at Recovering from Religion are planning to launch a 24/7 hotline.

The organization said they will not push every caller towards atheism. When appropriate they’ll recommend faith options that are in line with the callers’ desires.

Based on the long roster of religions from which its working members hail, they’ve got that pretty well handled. According to them, they, “are recovering from every imagineable religion: Baptists, Mormons, Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Hindus, Muslims, Lutherans, Pentecostals, Evangelicals, and many more.”

Deeply religious upbringings are common among the board. The father of one of the directors is the founder of the Westboro Baptist Church.

Advice seekers preferring a face-to-face connection can be referred to the group’s national, regional, and local resource network if they’d like.

Recovering from Religion has live support groups in towns around the world as well as a presence on both Facebook and Twitter.
