• last year


00:00Ready for a game-changer, tonight's guests.
00:04A mystery wrapped in an enigma, it's Sakoyama.
00:10A pair of scissors ironically wrapped
00:13in a difficult-to-open package, it's Jacob Wysocki.
00:18And an untamed spirit wrapped in an Allie Beardsley,
00:21it's Allie Beardsley.
00:26And your host, me.
00:29I've been here the whole time.
00:32This is Game Changer, the only game show
00:36where the game changes every show.
00:38I am your host, Sam Reich.
00:41I am joined today by these three lovely contestants.
00:46Now, you all understand how the game works.
00:50No, that's the point.
00:51It's now, dude.
00:53That's right.
00:54Our players have no idea what game it is
00:57they're about to play.
00:58The only way to learn is by playing.
01:01The only way to win is by learning,
01:02and the only way to begin is by beginning.
01:04So without further ado, let's begin
01:06by giving each of you 25 points to start.
01:10That's gonna go a long way.
01:12Sam says, touch your nose.
01:17Sam says, touch your ear.
01:20Touch your other ear.
01:22Easy, right?
01:23I mean, it's a kindergarten game.
01:26I'm being babysat right now.
01:28Sam says, touch your elbows together.
01:34That counts, Jake.
01:35This is hard.
01:36That counts.
01:37This is hard.
01:38Well done, players.
01:39Do as I say, not as I do.
01:42Now, reach for the sky.
01:46Sam says, reach for the sky.
01:50Sam says, reach for the ground.
01:54Sam says, between the four of us,
01:57let's make the YMCA.
02:02Oh, oh, okay.
02:03You gotta be the young man.
02:05I thought we were, you know,
02:06not necessarily in order.
02:07Took you a while to wake up to your responsibility
02:09to the group there, Zach.
02:11Just hang on just like this for a moment.
02:14That is a point away from Ali
02:15for hanging out just like this for a moment.
02:19Sam says, clap once.
02:21Sam says, clap twice.
02:23Sam says, clap the lowest prime number amount of times.
02:30That is points away from all three of you.
02:33The lowest prime number is in fact, two.
02:39Dude, math sucks, dude.
02:41Sam says, bow to your neighbors.
02:46Sam says, pat your neighbor's backs.
02:51Sam says, shake your neighbor's hamstrings.
02:56How's it going?
02:58That is points away from all three of you.
03:00I said hamstrings.
03:06Players, you're doing great so far,
03:07but let's make things a little more challenging
03:10by taking it a player at a time.
03:13Zach, Sam says, say something that's never been said before.
03:20Chicago is flying up into the sky.
03:27Chicago is flying up into the sky.
03:29Or actually, something that's never been said before.
03:34Oh, I like both attempts.
03:36I'm gonna put the first one on the record.
03:39Yeah, okay.
03:40As we head over to Jacob, what you got for me?
03:43And the Oscar goes to Jacob Wysocki.
03:47A little bit self-deprecating there, Jake, but I like it.
03:50Ali, Sam says, say something that's never been said before.
03:56It's from Garden State.
03:59This has been Garden State energy for me.
04:01In other words, Ali, you heard the prop
04:04and specifically said something that has been said before.
04:07Take my points, you fucking sweet bitch.
04:10Take my points away.
04:13Well, on a technicality, I gotta take points away
04:17from Ali and Jake because I didn't say Sam says.
04:20I heard the difference and I wasn't gonna rat you out.
04:23Sorry, Jake.
04:24You gotta be different.
04:25I thought it was different.
04:26I will get you.
04:28Because you said we're moving on,
04:29so I thought it was different.
04:30Sam says, give me an S.
04:33Sam says, give me an A.
04:36Sam says, give me an M.
04:38What does that spell?
04:46When he gets you, it sucks.
04:48That is a point away from Zach, I'm afraid.
04:53Sam says, create a fan art worthy tableau.
04:57All of you together.
04:59I mean, she's gotta be a mannequin.
05:02I mean, I could grab her real quick if you want her.
05:04Oh, it's really heavy, my dude.
05:06Oh, that's fine, I'm huge.
05:09We're coming in.
05:11Hey guys, this is Trish.
05:12She's number four on the call sheet.
05:15Oh, fantastic.
05:16Thank you for the help.
05:17I think I'm gonna throw some energy this way.
05:19Okay, yeah.
05:20I'll be kind of like.
05:23And I'll be the guy taking the picture.
05:25Oh, great.
05:26Great, now stay just like that so our cameras can get it.
05:30That is points away from Jacob and Allie.
05:34Well done, Zach.
05:35It's like, the game never stops.
05:37This is what I'm learning.
05:39God damn it.
05:40All right.
05:41Dan, do you think you might help us?
05:43Oh yes, I'm sorry.
05:45Sam says, stuck your face.
05:50I had to pick too many of these off the ground.
05:52Chubby bunny, chubby bunny, chubby bunny, chubby bunny.
05:55Oh God.
06:03Yeah, I'm gonna say that passes for all three of you.
06:05If we could get buckets for our contestants, please.
06:08We don't need it, we're good.
06:13Sam says, show some real vulnerability,
06:17starting with you, Jacob.
06:23And they.
06:28Allie, I'm not gonna fall for this.
06:31Sam says, show some real vulnerability, well done.
06:36I just, I'm really coming up with nothing.
06:43You know, I'm just an empath
06:45and I'm still thinking about Jacob, honestly.
06:48That's me being vulnerable.
06:50I'll accept that as an entry.
06:51Zach, Sam says, show some real vulnerability.
06:55This sounds like a joke, but it's kind of real.
06:58I am named Zach, and I'm just gonna keep getting older.
07:02Do you know any Zachs who are 40 or 50?
07:05I don't, that's a really good point.
07:08So I'm gonna be like, one day,
07:10I'm gonna be like a 70 year old man named Zach.
07:13No, but that's so real, like my grandpa Brayden.
07:18It's like, yeah, wow.
07:20This point in particular is going to go to Jake.
07:23Bringing Jake back up to par with Zach Oyama.
07:29Sam says, repeat after me.
07:31Repeat after me.
07:34That is points away from Jake and Allie.
07:39Interesting, you gotta really decide when that starts.
07:42And we made a decision, and Zach made a decision.
07:45That's totally fair.
07:46And there were different decisions, and Zach got that.
07:48I honestly still am confused.
07:49No, Sam, you said it so tentatively,
07:51and I was like, you're gonna fry.
07:54So Sam says, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
08:03Sorry, after I said that, so stopping now.
08:11I like this a lot.
08:12I like it a lot.
08:14Points away from Zach and Allie.
08:16I'm gonna say for that little stunt, Jacob,
08:18yeah, absolutely, well done.
08:20Well done.
08:21Sam says you can stop now.
08:22Thank God.
08:23Sam says, make this face.
08:27Sam says, make this face.
08:29Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, cock, piss, ass, cunt, shit.
08:41Sam says, make this face.
08:44Sam says, make this face.
08:50Everyone doing their darndest.
08:52I don't have it.
08:53I don't have it in my lower back.
08:54All right, Sam says you can stop that.
08:56Whatever that was.
08:57Little memory exercise.
08:59You do face number two again.
09:03Shit, fuck.
09:06That is a point away from Zach.
09:12The first curse was you doing it,
09:14the second was realizing what you had done.
09:18Sam says it's now Zach's turn to run the game
09:21with the trigger phrase, Zach says,
09:24whatever you would like to be the challenge, Zach.
09:26Zach says, give everybody a round of applause.
09:30Oh, that's so nice.
09:33That's really sweet.
09:34Thanks for the hard work, guys.
09:35Sam says, dedicate the episode to someone,
09:39starting with Allie.
09:41I dedicate this episode to Joe Biden.
09:50We're all rooting for you, baby.
09:54Zach, you got a dedication for me?
09:57Sam says, dedicate the episode to someone, Zach.
10:01I'm gonna have to dedicate this episode to the crew here.
10:04Oh, how nice.
10:06Sam says, dedicate the episode to someone, Jake.
10:10This is a very special episode
10:11and I'd love to dedicate it to Nems,
10:13the guy from Sidetalk NYC.
10:15Bing bong!
10:17Sorry you're trapped, my dude.
10:18It seems like you're not gonna really be able
10:20to move beyond the bing bong bubble,
10:21but it seems like the people want you in your box
10:24and that ain't cool, Nems.
10:25Wow, Jake knows my audience.
10:28Real tempted to give you the point for that one
10:30and I will, congratulations.
10:32Damn, God.
10:34For this next one, players, before I say Sam says,
10:38I'm gonna ask you to make a wager.
10:41We're gonna start with you, Zach.
10:42Do you need to say Sam says, make a wager?
10:45Before I say Sam says,
10:47I'm gonna ask you to make this wager.
10:53Let's say 15 points.
10:5515 points, quite a few points there, Zach.
10:58Jake, what about you?
11:00Four points.
11:02I'm not doing anything.
11:04So what does that mean, Allie, zero?
11:05I'm not even gonna make the wager?
11:09That is 15 points away from Zach Oyama,
11:11four points away from Jake,
11:13and zero points away from Allie Beardsley.
11:16You get that that is sucks?
11:18Who's close?
11:20What sucks is that I clarified the game, idiot.
11:23Honestly though, brave.
11:24You know who'd really like that, how brave you were?
11:27Joe Biden.
11:28Sam says, loser says what?
11:33That is a point away from Allie Beardsley
11:36because I said Sam says, loser says what?
11:38Sam says, make me blush starting with Jake.
11:45Oh, sorry.
11:49What is it?
11:50I'm sorry.
11:51I'm sorry.
11:53He's a little pink.
11:54Oh my God.
11:55He's a little pink in the cheeks.
11:56Jake, phenomenal entry.
12:00Allie, it's gonna be tough to beat.
12:03I just.
12:05You know, Sam, you look so pretty in your glasses.
12:11Thank you so much.
12:12You're welcome.
12:13Zach, Sam says, make me blush.
12:19It's the same thing.
12:20Are you gonna do the same thing?
12:22Because my God, uh-oh.
12:28That was pretty cute, Zach.
12:30Pretty darn cute.
12:31What was it?
12:32I just sort of blew in his ear.
12:34That particular point is going to go to Jake.
12:37And also let's take a point away from Allie Beardsley.
12:40I knew it.
12:41Sorry about that, Allie.
12:42That's okay.
12:43Sam says, say Sam.
12:46Sam says, say Sam says.
12:48Sam says.
12:49Say Sam says, say Sam says.
12:52Sam says, say Sam says.
12:54That is a point away from Jake.
12:58This sucks.
12:59The energy of this episode is um, actually,
13:03but every single one is like a technicality um, actually.
13:07Sam says, say Sam says, say Sam says.
13:11Sam says, say Sam says.
13:13Try saying that three times fast.
13:16Sam says, try saying that the lowest prime number
13:18amount of times.
13:19Say Sam says, say Sam says.
13:21Sam says, say Sam says.
13:23Sam says, deescalate.
13:25Oh, you wanna fucking go?
13:27Let's go!
13:31Hey boys!
13:32You might have to get in the middle of this.
13:35Hey, call your dad.
13:36Call your dad.
13:37You might have to get in the middle of this.
13:38Yeah, you also call your dad.
13:42Yeah, call your dad.
13:43Call his dad.
13:44Hey dude, what's this?
13:45And he'll tell you all about how you betrayed the family.
13:47Oh, you're related.
13:48That's crazy.
13:49I'm gonna kill you.
13:50It seems like everybody cares about their family a lot.
13:53I'm gonna need to see some IDs.
13:55All right.
13:57We'll say that's a good de-escalation.
13:59Oh my God.
14:00Hey, I hope you're okay.
14:02Yeah, just for everything.
14:04Good luck.
14:06See you guys.
14:06Good job.
14:07Fuck you.
14:08Come on, dude.
14:10Apparently those guys straight up know Jake.
14:11Yeah, those are old friends.
14:13Yeah, those are old friends of mine.
14:14Totally coincidence.
14:16I think that point is gonna go to Zach.
14:19I think he got in the middle.
14:21I think he had some nice things to say.
14:24Sam says, it's Jacob's turn to run the game
14:28with a Jacob says.
14:30Jacob says, bring me any bills under $5
14:33that you have in your pocket.
14:35Under five?
14:36I don't wanna be rude.
14:37Have my wallet.
14:39No wallet, huh?
14:40Yeah, nothing.
14:42Do you have change or?
14:43No, it's gotta be under a $5 bill.
14:45Hey, there's no cash.
14:45There's no cash.
14:46That was smart, Jake.
14:47I like that a lot.
14:48I'm here for money, bro.
14:50Sam says, propose a visual effect to go here,
14:58starting with Allie.
15:00Kind of like a Times New Roman goes across your face
15:03and it says Sam says.
15:04Wait, my face or your face?
15:05Your face.
15:06My face.
15:06Sorry, what does it say?
15:07It just says Sam says.
15:09And then it goes, do-do-do-do-do-do.
15:10Is that the music?
15:11The effects would maybe have like a music component.
15:14But it just scrolls across my face.
15:16It says Sam says and then goes, do-do-do-do-do-do.
15:19You keep doing this and this implies motion to me?
15:22The whole screen kind of shrinks down
15:23and flips around after Sam says.
15:26Just being clear.
15:27Sam says, Times New Roman, and then I shrink
15:30and it goes, do-do-do-do-do-do.
15:32Uh-huh, and you spin around and then it's.
15:36Zach, propose a visual effect to go here.
15:41I think I'm stupid.
15:42Apologies, Zach.
15:43I think I'm stupid.
15:44Sam says, propose a visual effect to go here.
15:47And just like one little tiny beam
15:49that charges between my forehead.
15:53A little nosebleed and then it goes, pew.
15:58It's sort of, it's almost like
15:5911 from Stranger Things moment.
16:01I'm trying to power up, but there's not really
16:03that much power there, it charges.
16:05And then it falls.
16:06Jacob, Sam says, propose a visual effect to go here.
16:14So it can be anybody's head,
16:16but I'm happy for it to be my head.
16:20And it's like eight bit versions of NEMS
16:23coming into the screen and he's like,
16:25bang, bong, and then the older guy is an eight bit
16:28and he's like, take me out to dinner.
16:29And then that little nine year old kid's like,
16:31we outside.
16:33And they're kind of coming in and kind of like,
16:34you know, Mortal Kombat, like, whoopsie.
16:37And it's like, bang, bong, take me out to dinner.
16:40We outside.
16:42That point's gonna go to Jacob.
16:45Now players, are you familiar with the rules
16:47of red light, green light?
16:49Sam says red light.
16:53Green light.
16:57That is points away from that.
17:00Oh my God.
17:00And Jake.
17:02This sucks.
17:05I'm an idiot.
17:07This is literally edging.
17:08Yeah, I feel like if you could bottle how I feel
17:10when I beef it, like, and give it to people,
17:12they'd give it to people in Guantanamo
17:14who are having a good day.
17:15It's like, oh, we got to make it worse.
17:17Sam says green light.
17:22Red light.
17:24Sam says green light.
17:29Sam says green light.
17:34That is a point for Allie Beardsley, you're quick.
17:40For this next prompt,
17:41I'm going to require the assistance of Nico.
17:45Nico, if we could have the kazoos, please.
17:48Players, if you would please take a kazoo from Nico.
17:57Honestly, I just like Nico so much.
17:59I'll take the point.
18:00That is a point away from Allie Beardsley.
18:04Thank you so much, Nico.
18:07See you, Nico.
18:08If it was bright color, it would've been fun.
18:11It would've been great.
18:12I would've loved to grab a kazoo,
18:13but that's not why we're here.
18:14Oh my God.
18:16Sam says harsh the vibes, starting with Zach.
18:22I'm so freaking tired.
18:25Oh, I like that, Zach.
18:26I got up like too early today,
18:28and I've just been so busy.
18:30A set doesn't love a complainer.
18:33Jacob, Sam says harsh the vibes.
18:37We're staying long, everybody.
18:39We're staying long, okay?
18:41No OT.
18:42I don't want to see anything wrapped up
18:43until I'm out of the building.
18:45I don't want to see lenses in boxes, okay?
18:48I don't want to see lights turned off.
18:49And as long as I'm here, you guys are working, okay?
18:53I take my job seriously,
18:54and I want you guys to take your job
18:56as seriously as I'm taking my job.
18:58Can I hear a yes, sir?
18:59Oh my God.
19:01I need to hear a yes, sir, before we move on.
19:04Jake, tough competition.
19:07Allie, Sam says harsh the vibes.
19:10There is a island of trash off the coast of Texas
19:16right now that is just collecting
19:18and leaching into the water.
19:21And this is my third water bottle today.
19:25So you're a part of the problem.
19:26There is a water machine
19:28that I could easily refill this with,
19:30and I do nothing.
19:32Allie, that sure was depressing,
19:33but that point is going to go to Jake's.
19:37Now say yes sir.
19:38Yes, sir.
19:39Now say yes, sir.
19:40Yes, sir.
19:41Now say yes, sir.
19:42Players, Sam says, don't flinch.
19:44Oh my God.
19:45Oh my God.
19:46Oh my God.
19:47Oh my God.
19:48What is this Mr. Magoo-ass fuckin'?
19:51What is this Mr. Magoo-ass fuckin'?
19:52Let's see if we get any more action.
19:53There we go.
19:54There's a little more meaning.
19:59That is going to be a point away from Allie.
20:04I think that Jake and Zach both stayed pretty stoic
20:10through that.
20:11This is crazy.
20:12Your eyes are so wide.
20:13This is so crazy.
20:15You could all do me a favor, just poke me back down.
20:19Thank you so much.
20:20That is a point away from Zach.
20:22I'm bringing Zach to war.
20:25What can I say?
20:26Oh my God.
20:28Sam says, go ahead and poke me back down.
20:31Goodbye, Sam.
20:32Thank you so much.
20:33Players, Sam says, watch this.
20:37Sam says, do the robot.
20:40Oh, that was Adam's voice.
20:42That was Adam Conover's voice.
20:44Well done, players.
20:46That was in fact Adam Conover's voice.
20:50We now take you behind the scenes.
20:53Okay, we ready?
20:54I'll give you a couple in a row.
20:56Here we go.
20:58Sam says, do the robot.
21:01How was that?
21:03That is points away from Zach and Allie.
21:06Not quite fast enough, Zach.
21:09That was in fact me dugging over Adam Conover.
21:14I didn't get trapped.
21:16That was you doing an Adam impression.
21:19It was.
21:20Oh my God.
21:21That felt great.
21:22We now take you behind the scenes.
21:24Okay, you ready?
21:25I'll give you a few in a row.
21:28Here we go.
21:30Sam says, do the robot.
21:34That is points away from Zach and Allie.
21:36That was me dubbing over myself.
21:40Doing an impression of Adam Conover.
21:43Any white man can do an Adam Conover impression.
21:47That shouldn't be held against me.
21:50That sucked.
21:51The only time this game doesn't suck is when it doesn't,
21:53and it feels awesome when it doesn't suck.
21:56Closing in on the first round,
21:58we have a winner, Zach and Allie.
22:00That was awesome when it doesn't suck.
22:02Closing in on the end of our game,
22:04Sam says, give us a group instant replay
22:08to something that happened earlier in the episode.
22:12The picture?
22:14Oh no.
22:15I'll go get it.
22:16Oh no.
22:17I feel bad for him.
22:23All right, slo-mo.
22:26We got to put it together.
22:30So we could do...
22:32Why are we so heavy?
22:35Shoulders from head to top.
22:38Somebody got to take the picture.
22:41And then he was like something about,
22:44you guys hold there.
22:46Sam says, let's see this in reverse.
22:48I'm the one taking the picture.
22:51And just...
22:52All right, bro.
22:54He's a mess, you know.
22:56Just a numb one, yes, you know.
22:59He said, I was getting footage.
23:06Why does this feel a little different in reverse?
23:08I'm going to hit this.
23:10Oh, what?
23:15My God.
23:17Oh, yeah.
23:22I got to say that point goes to Jake
23:26given all the special effort
23:28and that second knock into the wall,
23:30which really made me laugh.
23:34Sam says, it's Ali's turn to take over the game
23:38with the trigger phrase, Ali says.
23:41Ali says, ask if you can give one of your points to me.
23:47I really like that, Ali.
23:52Can I give you one of my points?
23:53Can I possibly give you one of my points?
23:56I mean, my hands are tied on the production end,
23:58but let's ask if you guys both are willing.
24:03Yeah, I'm going to say, let's take a point away from Zach
24:05and give it to Ali and a point away from Jake.
24:07That was really smart.
24:08I didn't say I was going to.
24:10I admire the ingenuity.
24:12Any minute, I know that this is going to jump back out.
24:15Of course not.
24:17I would never do that to you.
24:18I hate you.
24:19The score's at the end of our game.
24:22Zach with one, Ali with 15, Jake with 19.
24:26There is one more prompt left and it's worth 30 points,
24:30making the rest of this game completely irrelevant.
24:33Players, Sam says, go.
24:53Hey, thanks for a fun time, guys.
24:56Appreciate you.
25:02I don't know where I'm supposed to go.
25:04I might just go home.
25:08You better skedaddle, Ali.
25:11Okay, okay.
25:16I'm going to win, bitch.
25:23Zach is running down the street.
25:26He's just in a full-on sprint.
25:30Jake has gotten in his car and left.
25:34What about Ali?
25:35Any sign of Ali?
25:52Attention all passengers.
25:56Here I am in a beautiful, deserted New York City.
26:03Ali Beardsley is on their way to the airport.
26:07Going where?
26:08We don't yet know, but that's gotta win.
26:11Meaning Ali wins 30 points, bringing them to 45.
26:15Ali Beardsley is the winner of this episode.
26:19Ali, you win a Roomba.
26:24Have fun with that, Ali.
26:25That does it for us here at Game Changer.
26:27I am your host, Sam Reich,
26:30reminding you, don't just blindly follow orders.
26:35I didn't say Sam says.
26:37Good night.
26:41Good night.
26:53I win.
26:54I win.
27:24I encapsulate a lot of like smaller ideas
27:26that don't quite make it into other episodes.
27:29It's really fun coming up with prompts for Sam Says.
27:32I was really inspired by the idea of going meta
27:35with some of these prompts.
27:36Dedicate the episode to someone.
27:39Propose a visual effect to go here.
27:43Give us a group instant replay.
27:47I liked the idea of playing with the edit
27:49and doing things that kind of broke
27:51the fourth wall a little bit.
27:53Casting Sam Says is important.
27:54You know, I didn't want it to be
27:55the same three people again.
27:57It's gotta be imps.
27:58It's gotta be people who are like
27:59willing to push it a little bit.
28:02Brennan, Lou, Izzy, all imps.
28:04Zach, Jake, Ali, all imps.
28:08This was Jake's first time as a part of Game Changer,
28:12but the guy is like willing to go a little farther
28:16than everyone else all the time.
28:18When I told him that he was gonna be on a Sam Says sequel,
28:21I remember him being like,
28:23careful what you ask of me, Sam,
28:25because I will do it.
28:28This season, I think folks will be disappointed
28:31not to see Ash, who at this point has become
28:33sort of a co-face of the show.
28:37Ash was taking a well-deserved vacation.
28:40This season, we have Nico.
28:43Nico has also been on the show,
28:45I think since season two,
28:46he was willing to don the outfit for us.
28:49Right before the curtain opens,
28:51I'm usually like, we gotta grab that,
28:53we gotta grab this, and then keep this clean.
28:57And then like,
29:01I've never done that before.
29:03But it's honestly, it is such a pleasure.
29:06Players, if you would please take a kazoo from Nico.
29:10It's very rare in a Game Changer episode
29:12that we decide to do the same prompt twice.
29:17And I think in the case of propose a visual effect
29:19to go here, it was just so successful the first time around
29:23and now that we had a new cast of folks,
29:26we wanted to see how three new people
29:32would pitch differently.
29:34First time we did it, obviously,
29:35it was three pitches on the same theme, buttholes.
29:39Could you just show me where the buttholes are,
29:40where they appear?
29:43I think that our audience naturally assumes
29:47that our cast has all seen every episode of Game Changer,
29:50that everybody watches the show.
29:52I don't think that's true at all.
29:54I don't think Zach, Ali, or Jake have ever seen Sam Says,
29:58so they were coming to this fresh.
30:00I worked with Sam a little bit in the pre-production phase
30:03just to sort of throw out a couple ideas
30:04of like, hey, we could do this, we could do that.
30:06The more difficult one, I think, creatively
30:08was trying to figure out what Ali's visual effects
30:10should look like in terms of the description that they had.
30:13As Ali is talking about Sam Says
30:16and swirling around my face,
30:17we get to see that a few times
30:18as I'm clarifying what exactly they mean.
30:20Zach is really the only one
30:22who pitched a true visual effect.
30:25The lightning effects, that's kind of what,
30:27obviously, I was thinking of all the superhero stuff,
30:29see if I can kind of capture a little of that.
30:31And then Jake had this sort of impossibly surreal idea
30:37of taking these popular TikTok characters
30:40and having them appear as Mortal Kombat characters.
30:44I just felt like Jake's was the most creative of the three,
30:48the most out there.
30:49You would say, Sam says, do the robot.
30:51I would say probably.
30:52Sam says, do the robot.
30:54Sam says, do the robot.
30:56Yeah, that's pretty good, yeah.
30:57Adam Conover was willing to come in,
30:59we filmed his piece, it took all of 10 minutes,
31:01and then I did my best Adam Conover impression,
31:03and I guess I pulled a fast one on him.
31:06Sam says, do the robot.
31:09Was that good?
31:11I think that Sam Says prompts are easy to pitch.
31:15It's a little bit more of an art form
31:17deciding which ones, in fact, to use.
31:20But just to have some fun,
31:23some ones we didn't use from this season.
31:26Sam says, invent a catchphrase.
31:30Sam says, impress your dad.
31:32Sam says, violate OSHA regulations.
31:35Sam says, move me.
31:37The goal, I think, is to find prompts
31:42that feel very juicy in terms of all of the different ways
31:46in which they could be interpreted.
31:47Sam was really intrigued by the thought
31:50of giving the players the prompts, go.
31:53Sam says, go.
31:54I had no expectation that what would happen, happened.
31:59My expectation was that someone might hike
32:03to the top of Griffith Park.
32:05Maybe the players would just think
32:07that meant go home, you're wrapped for the day.
32:09Which, that's not that exciting, you know?
32:12But we needed to be ready in case it happened.
32:14I don't know where I'm supposed to go.
32:16I might just go home.
32:17So when Sam suggested that our players would go,
32:21and not just go, but go places
32:23that we had no idea they were going to,
32:27we had to make sure that we had cameras
32:29that were ready to just jump and go,
32:32which is a very different kind of setup
32:35than what you have inside of a stage.
32:37I remember our DP explaining to his crew,
32:42some of you may need to follow the talent out
32:46to wherever they go.
32:47Fortunately, we have a great crew,
32:49and they're willing to do things that,
32:51every season we really push the boundaries on.
32:53When Ali ran and pulled confetti out of one of the cannons,
32:59I don't know what they have planned,
33:01but it feels ambitious.
33:03As soon as they left, and we got word
33:07that Ali was planning to go to the airport,
33:08we were like, okay, well that's nuts.
33:10Where are they going?
33:12Do they even have any bags with them?
33:14If you just watch the episode,
33:16what you're gonna see is Zach running down the street,
33:20Jacob getting in his car, going home,
33:22and Ali flying to New York.
33:25Here I am, in a beautiful, deserted New York City.
33:32I'll say this imagining that folks
33:33are gonna be watching this BTS.
33:35There's the version of this
33:36that we're gonna show in the episode,
33:38and then there's the version of it we're gonna show
33:39in the cut for time at the end of the season.
33:42And they're pretty different.
33:44I wouldn't be surprised if I bring them back, even again.
