• last year


00:00Cast stepping in separate over here. We're sweet. I'm mr. Brennan. There is
00:07As well as the the actual microphone, we're gonna put some range extenders on you for today's game
00:16Who can say you just put it under your clothes just like shouldn't be like
00:24Get ready for a game
00:27Changer tonight's guests note the tea and Marovitch. It's Katie Marovitch
00:35Yes, or no never cast your vote alongside Brennan Lee Mulligan
00:44So far undefeated game changer champion Carolyn page
00:53Your host me I've been here the whole time
00:58this is
01:00Game changer the only game show where the game changes every show. I am your host Sam Reich
01:06I am joined today by these three lovely contestants
01:10Now you all understand how the game works. No, no, that's the whole
01:14We don't know how it works, right?
01:17Occasionally you do know how it works because there are sequel episodes, but in this instance, I don't know how it never correct me
01:23That's right our players have no idea what game it is
01:26They're about to play the only way to learn is by playing the only way to win is by learning and the only way to
01:32Begin is by beginning. So without further ado, let's begin
01:46No, no, no behind here I have too many secrets I have too many secrets by this podium
01:52My instinct in an uncertain circumstance is to just seize the game item for myself
02:04But players I am great news early in the game that is a point for all three of you
02:11But what did we do players? I want to tell you a little story the other day
02:15I went to the grocery store because I wanted a watermelon for a watermelon salad classic summer salad
02:21I don't know if you've heard of the watermelon salad and I
02:24I'm very jumpy. I'm so jumpy. I've hyper reflexes. My doctor told me. Oh, I didn't jump at all. I've got news
02:30Yeah, that's points for Brennan and Carolyn, but not for Katie because I told a personal story Katie. When did time begin?
02:39When did time begin five four three two one zero
02:45Too late. Sorry kitty. I thought the game was being silent that I am afraid is another point for Brennan and Carol
02:53So I was supposed to talk and I didn't talk interesting interesting players if you could each do me a favor
02:59Gram on to one of these. Uh-huh
03:02There we go. Yeah one for you Katie players the first to untangle their headphones wins an extra point
03:09Ready and go
03:13Could hear a pin drop in the Game Changers stadium
03:18Carolyn seems to be enjoying herself. I love untangling things 42 seasons of survivor have prepared Brennan for this very moment
03:28Famously bad at everything
03:30Carolyn seems to be almost there. If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life. Come on, Katie
03:37Carolyn and Brennan neck-and-neck
03:40Done, that is it
03:42Carolyn Bravo
03:44Thank you. Oh, I am shaking. That is an additional point for Carolyn, but also an
03:53Extra point for Carolyn putting Carolyn in the lead
03:57Brennan, yes, if you punch yourself and it hurts, are you weak or strong strong easily strong?
04:04Doesn't necessarily have the connotation of resiliency in gaming you'd refer to that as a glass cannon someone that can pack a lot of punch
04:12But it can't necessarily withstand it Brennan. That looks like an additional point for you. Bravo
04:16You care to elaborate on why that's an additional point for me
04:23For this next challenge, I am going to require the support of Nico. Could you please bring out the luggage?
04:37My god players you have one minute to fit this luggage
04:44inside of the bag together all together working as a team, okay, okay, I
04:53Just sort of let you guys
04:55Got it
04:59Like that I would prefer it sideways if it's possible rip the wheels off it's not gonna fit rip the wheels off
05:04It's not gonna fit Sam. You're gonna have to oh, yeah
05:08That's not gonna work
05:10Okay, well, we'll accept the original version
05:15Well done players, I don't know if the TSA would accept it but I'll accept it
05:20Well, is that three points do we get it Katie did we do good it's a really interesting one
05:29Sorry players. You did accomplish the task I set for you, but that's no points for any of you your tower is gonna fall
05:38Laugh it up now laugh it up Carolyn is the answer to this question. No
05:46No, but you just said no, no five four, yeah three two one
05:55Carolyn congratulations. That's a point for you. Fuck. Yeah
05:59Players, I want you to listen
06:01Carefully because I'm gonna tell you a personal story
06:04When I was a kid one day my father calls me out on the porch
06:08and he says son, there's something I've been meaning to tell you and
06:15I told you I'm hyper reflexes
06:19That is somewhat predictably a point for Brennan, but not for Katie and Carol. Hang on my face players
06:26I forgot to tell you the matter in which you're being judged see those straps on your body aren't in fact
06:33range extenders no shit
06:39Anything 20 BPMs above your standard heart rate will mean you don't win a point that
06:47Round I just want to say you got to wake up pretty early in the fucking morning to go
06:53Oh, here's a range extender for your love Brennan. Yeah, don't worry. It's not attached in any way
07:02We knew it was something I didn't I thought it was a range extender and here we have the full range of humidity
07:08Experience. I gotta control my heart rate. You know what they say like
07:13Deep breaths meditation Brennan. You're a practitioner of meditation. We're talking about this just the other day. I'm not even here right now
07:21Get ready for the worst TV show your fucking life
07:24I'm gone, dude. Brennan has stopped identifying with his body ego is a lie
07:28I'm never gonna die because I'm part of everything so fucking watch this heart rate players
07:32We have a series of challenges relating to that little ticker inside your bod bods
07:38First up a group challenge Nico if you could please bring out the puzzles
07:47I'm going to calmly solve this puzzle. I'm going to calmly solve this puzzle
07:53They are going to calmly solve this puzzle
07:58Players I will give you one full minute to solve this puzzle for an extra point on top of how I am judging your
08:06Heart rate three two one and go. I'll be honest. This doesn't look like a puzzle to me. Oh
08:14That's minus one Brennan in the middle of his own immunity challenge
08:17I feel like this puzzle is gonna make me feel bad about myself. I've never
08:22Successfully solved a puzzle what not even a jigsaw puzzle. No Brennan making some real progress
08:28Don't compliment him
08:30ten nine
08:33eight seven
08:35Six five four three two and one
08:45Players those puzzles are in fact impossible. Let's see how you did in terms of your heart rates
08:52Interesting results 20 BPMs above resting
08:57Carolyn I'm afraid that means no point for you. Well 30 BPMs above resting. Sorry Katie
09:03No point for you very obvious Brennan three BPMs below resting that's a point for bread
09:11Give me the assignment and I don't miss I'm gonna die before this episodes over
09:17My mind is gonna shut my heart down you fucking watch Sam. Can I get a point if I go 60 above?
09:25Katie you're asking me essentially if you could shoot the moon in this game players next
09:31We have a very special opt-in challenge. This will be a challenge for one of you
09:35I will give you a clue as to what the challenge is all about the first person to opt-in after I say the clue
09:42Gets the challenge if you win you get an extra point if you lose
09:47Your fellow players do make sense. Mm-hmm your clue is
09:52Phone opt-in Brennan has opted in Brennan. Could I grab your phone, please? Sure can
10:00Thank you so much you can return to your podium, oh
10:02Thank you very much. Nico Brian. Go ahead and give me a number between 1 and 10
10:071 come on 1 you're gonna give me one shot at this. I
10:12Picked 1 and I feel it would be dishonest to change my answer
10:17Katie give me a number between 1 and 10 9. Thank you very much. That's much
10:36Brennan come and join me, please
10:42Here's your phone back sir, oh things as they are meant to be
10:47Who I didn't know that if you made like wholeness of spirit a competition I would like dive in
10:58You just needed for it to be gamified and now you're you've achieved enlightenment if we could make compassion a point-based phone app
11:05I think that the world would really turn
11:08Can I ask is there any part of you that thought that was your phone once the phone left I
11:15Was no longer participating in this world
11:20Whose phone Brennan that's made up Brennan is a concept me and this yeah, we're made of the same stuff
11:26It's just electrons pushing on each other you and that
11:30Brennan I have good news. Yeah, while your heart rate did spike a little it only spiked
11:3917 BPMs above resting. Wow, that's an additional point for Brennan
11:44next up a
11:46Pvp challenge
11:48You may do whatever you like to try to spike the heart rate of your fellow players, but not touch them whenever you're ready
12:22I'll cut you up there Carolyn before you pass out
12:25Nailed it
12:27That was fucking gangster. That's great. My heart rates elevated it is
12:34I'll tell you what that is an additional two points for Carolyn
12:41Brennan you spiked
12:4321 points above resting Katie you've been hovering a good like 30 ish BPMs above resting this entire game
12:50So I think that's actually my normal
12:53Next we have something. I like to call a targeted challenge
12:57This is a challenge that we built especially for Katie Maravich Katie if you would come center stage, please
13:04Katie the master of deadpan the queen of the straight face
13:09I am gonna have you go head-to-head with a staring contest
13:15Professional max. Could you come out here, please?
13:19Max would like you to meet the lovely Katie
13:23When we say staring contest professional what makes a professional in the world of staring contests like what credentials do you have?
13:29I won the West Coast division recently. Yeah, and when I was in Atlantic City, I won nationals. Oh very cool
13:35I didn't realize there was like a national championship of this. I'm gonna have the two of you switch places. Apparently how this works is
13:41Thank you very much. I'm gonna have you go back to back. This is sort of duel style trying to face each other in
13:48five four
13:50three two
13:52One go
14:08Katie we did a little bit of research ahead of time to figure out
14:12I asked wolf what sent you mother fucker. That's a divorce
14:16Max what an incredible ruse. Thank you so much for joining us. Nice meeting you guys. Yes. Nice meeting you too. Thank you so much
14:22Katie I have remarkable news
14:25You were only 14 BPMs above resting
14:28You sailed through that challenge moving right along our next group challenge a little something
14:35I like to call don't spill
14:37Nico if I could please have the bowls
14:46When I'm at the dentist I employ a technique of
14:50Visualization. Yes, where I'm hitting high on a mountain overlooking an ocean with dolphins jumping in it and I'm trying to go there now
14:56I love the dentist you fucking freak
14:59I am going to ask each of you to come up take a bowl of water back to your podium
15:06Spilling can we interfere with each other's bowls? You may not interfere with each other's bowls. Great question Katie and
15:15Go for it
15:18Is it in a certain order is it timed not sort of a free-for-all
15:24Are these clean yes
15:25If we spill we lose or is spilling would make your bowl less deep, right? If you spill a little bit, that's okay
15:32I'm going first guys
15:34Carolyn with a very full looking bowl. There's some real surface tension going on in that bowl
15:40Focus and concentration does mean a higher BPM
15:51I feel like the water the calmness of the water is
15:55Counteracting. Ooh
15:57Interesting Katie making these slow but sure cross across the studio
16:02Can we rest it or do we have to hold it? You have to hold it
16:05This looks like some ancient ceremony. It's taking place here
16:16How long do we hold this for it's very heavy
16:22Keep that focus
16:25Bravo, you know what I find most impressive is
16:30God damn it, right
16:32Good job players. You can come bring your water back over. Was this all a ruse not exactly a ruse. Oh my god
16:41Whoo, I think I ruined your podium
16:46Carolyn you were a mere
16:49seven BPMs above resting Brennan a
16:53mere one
16:54BPM above resting and Katie
16:5718 which is still acceptable
17:01It's good for me points for all three of you. Hey Katie, and we got our bow
17:10That's coming home players
17:12It's time for your next opt-in challenge the same rules apply the first opt-in after I give you the clue gets the challenge
17:18Brennan you are no longer eligible to opt in
17:22That means that Katie and Carolyn. This is up for grabs for you. Your clue is
17:28Rat in Carolyn. Oh, you're a rat
17:32Carolyn I would like to introduce you to Marco and Natalia to wrap
17:40Hello everyone Marco, thank you so much for being here
17:44Thank you for having me here. This Carolyn is a rat snake or more specifically Marco
17:50What exact type of snake is this? Can you this is a Taiwanese blue beauty?
17:55Needs rats and butts and birds. Oh
17:57Cool, you can go ahead and come center stage and Marco is gonna drape the lovely Natalia around you around my neck
18:12I'm gonna look at your heart rate Carolyn while you have this lovely little animal encounter. Is she kissing you?
18:17She is I think that's how they smell with their tongues. Oh, she's grabbing my fringes
18:26No kissing Oh
18:31I think I should get one and it's not venomous. I would hope not venomous. I would hope so too
18:36Otherwise, I would pick the wrong one
18:40Well now that you've had this lovely little encounter Carolyn, it might be time to say goodbye
18:44I know. Yeah, this is a moment for me. I don't care about your little comedy show. I'm communing with nature
18:50Why on earth would you thank you so much. You're welcome. Oh my gosh Marco. Thank you. So
18:56Thank you so much
18:58Really really appreciate it, sir
19:01Carolyn a mere eight BPM above resting you sailed
19:06Just for joy
19:09Too excited your ecstasy a point for you
19:15Don't get too excited next up
19:17sabotage challenge number two
19:20Pvp style Katie marriage now is your opportunity to raise the BPMs of your fellow players
19:26You let me know when you're ready. I'm ready and
19:29Go, there's an egg on your head
19:33Joke is falling down. There's a knife in your spine
19:39And the blood is falling down
19:42There's a hammer on your head. Your brains are falling down
19:52Someone has taken floss
19:54Dental floss that's a stronger than floss and they've wrapped it around your head and they're pulling
20:06Got you up there Katie taking me right back to grade school with that one
20:11I know that worked. I know both of them were free to say
20:17that in that particular case
20:19Both Brennan and Carolyn were meaningfully below their resting
20:27Kind of like a guided meditation
20:32It was very rhythmic
20:36That brings us to the minigame
20:40This is a little minigame we like to call name that bird simple rules
20:45I'm gonna show a bird you tell me what that bird is. Calm down Brennan. Calm down. This is your cup of tea
20:51Carolyn we'll start with you your bird is
20:54Pigeon very good Carolyn. That is one point for you bringing Carolyn to 11 Katie your bird is
21:02Flamingo, that is correct. Katie. Bravo
21:05That is an additional point for Katie bringing Katie to four Brennan. Your bird is
21:17Sorry, Brennan any foul. Sorry. I was looking for a Siamese fireback
21:23Carolyn your next bird
21:26Peacock that is correct. That's a point for Carolyn bringing Carolyn to 12 tear it into the lead
21:31Katie your bird is oh
21:34No, is that a?
21:39Katie on Brennan's heels. I'm down Brennan your bird is oh
21:48I know this one Marabou. Sorry Brennan. I was looking for rosate
21:57Spoonbill Carolyn, did you know that was a rosate spoonbill? I knew it was a spoonbill
22:00No points for Brennan that particular round. This last round is worth a full five points five points on the line
22:07Carolyn your bird is penguin. That is correct. Carolyn five points for sorry, just penguin just penguin Katie your bird is
22:16That's a chicken again
22:18rooster chicken
22:20You know what? I'll take it. That is in fact a chicken take it and
22:24Rooster is a type of chicken and so that works Brennan worth five points your bird is
22:33Pretty happy with yourself, huh? Hmm. This is not a real bird. This is the greater sage-grouse
22:46Remember that we can go ahead and revert these points to how they were before the minigame
22:52This was a test to see if I could make Brennan face losing a river of sweat is running down my back
23:01Oh Brennan you were so close to passing that challenge
23:08But at 21
23:11Overresting I'm afraid I have to give points to Carolyn and to Katie
23:17Did it break on a certain bird or was it right away?
23:22Points as we head into round three of our game
23:26Katie with four Brennan with eight and Carolyn with 11 players as we reach the end of our show
23:32I want to try to teach you to soothe yourself
23:36with the power of
23:38Guided meditation see meditation has a phenomenal power in my experience to allow us to regain control
23:45Over our mind and body at times when we might feel a little stressed out a little outside of ourselves
23:51So if I could ask you to all close your eyes
23:55Take a deep breath with me ready? One, two, three
24:00Let it out
24:03Good feel your feet connecting to the floor
24:10Notice any tension that you might be holding on to and with another breath release that tension
24:21Repeat after me. I am NOT that tension. I am NOT that tension. Good
24:28Turn your attention now toward your mind
24:31What ideas are you holding on to about this game? What ideas are you holding on to about yourself with another breath?
24:39Release those ideas
24:44Repeat after me. I am NOT those thoughts
24:47I am NOT those thoughts. I am NOT my toes. I am NOT my toes
24:54I am NOT my legs. I am NOT my legs. Carolyn going full west world over here. I
25:01I am NOT my arms. I am NOT my arms. I am NOT my head. I am NOT my head
25:09I am NOT
25:10my mind
25:12I am NOT my mind
25:15Players i'm happy to report that so far in this meditation. You're each scoring new lows with your bpm
25:21Let's see if we can carry this along continue to repeat after me. I am NOT my parents expectations of me
25:32I am NOT that friend. I used to have who I weirdly fell out of touch with
25:36I am NOT that friend
25:41I am NOT that weird sexual kink that nobody knows about. I am NOT that weird sexual kink
25:48I am NOT this microphone feedback. I am NOT this microphone feedback. I am NOT this baby crying on my
25:56transatlantic flight
26:00I am NOT this car alarm keeping me awake at three o'clock in the morning
26:06Keeping me awake at three o'clock. I am NOT this inexperienced dentist drilling my teeth
26:16I am NOT someone vomiting in the stall next to me at the port authority bus terminal
26:24I am NOT
26:25The ambiguous kind of voicemail that leaves you stressed out because it doesn't go into any detail. I am NOT the ambiguous
26:36I um, I know that you're on game changer right now, but I think I you need to call me right away. It's um, really important. Um,
26:45It's about the show that you make dimension 20. It's about that show and um, it's bad
26:50I'm, not gonna lie bren. It's really bad. I am NOT donald trump's 2024 platform. I am
26:57You know what we're gonna do we're going to close all of the zoos
27:02Zoos are a waste. They're a waste of animals
27:05We're going to take the animals all the zoo animals and we're going to turn them into hamburgers
27:11Well done players
27:12You may open your eyes
27:17Carolyn a mere 10 bpm above resting for you by the end of that. Well done brennan
27:23A mere 8 bpm for you above resting. Well done
27:29classic merevich
27:32That is points for brennan and for carolyn carolyn maintains her itch our last
27:39Opt-in challenge only this time. There's only one person who can opt into it
27:44I'll do it. Katie is a
27:47precision challenge
27:49Firstly, I would like to introduce you to anna anna if you would step back here, please
27:54Hello. Hello
27:56Katie anna is a professional knife thrower
28:00Um, anna, how long have you been throwing knives?
28:04At this point it has been
28:06Just a little over five years. Where does this happen? Where do people like to have knives thrown at them?
28:11well, I mean
28:12I mean some people are if you pay enough some people aren't but
28:15But personally I got into it when a friend of mine had a knife throwing show at the ren fair
28:20I have frequented many a ren fair. I know this scene now
28:24Have you ever had any accidents occur while you were throwing knives?
28:29Okay, hear me. I'll hear you out. Hear me out. They saved the finger could reattach it
28:35It's all good. It's all good. You're in safe hands katie if we could please bring in the board
28:42And katie you can come with me
28:45I'm, really glad I did the snake one phone one feels like a good call right now
28:50Let's set you up in front of this board here katie
28:54Anna was kind enough to loan this to us
28:57Now you have handles here on either side of you katie. Those are for your arms. Where do you want to hit me?
29:03I don't think the point is to hit
29:06Let's go ahead and blindfold you katie. Yeah, that makes more sense. Yes
29:12Absolutely help you tie it
29:15How you feeling katie? You can call a timeout if you feel unsafe. I don't care
29:19Okay, I am gonna ask you to stay very still i'm worried about being tickled
29:23You're about to have a knife thrown at you. She said i'm worried about being tickled. Don't tickle me. Oh deep breath
29:29Yeah, okay ready? We're gonna breathe in
29:31and out
29:35Okay, good katie, all right stay there we're gonna do it we're gonna do another we're gonna do another I feel like I can get
29:40A little bit closer than that. All right, so deep breath in
29:45And out
29:47All right, we're gonna do one more katie you got this deep breath in
29:52And out
29:54All right, you survived well done katie
30:02Thank you so much. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely fantastic job. I'll take that from you
30:08I would have been worried about being tickled too. I hate being tickled that anytime I have my arms up like that i'm like
30:14Yeah, it's not a nice thing to be getting getting it's like literally torture katie you showed some real bravery there
30:21unfortunately, it was bravery to the tune
30:24of about
30:2636 bpm above resting before it even began that is going to mean points for your fellow players
30:33Damn, brennan. Yes. It is time for you
30:38to sabotage
30:44Please raise your heart rate, please raise it
30:49They're gonna fucking kill me. They're gonna fucking kill me, please dear god
30:56My dear god and i'll cut you off there brennan bold attempt
31:01Let's see how well that did you i'm afraid a little bit more effective in terms of raising your own heart rate than karen
31:07I won't dock your points for that. Thank you. I simply won't award you points either
31:13We record the intro real quick just for audio. Sorry, though
31:16We just need to do the audio real quick for the heart monitors ironically fucked up our audio
31:21Oh like at the very beginning. Yeah, do you mind? Yeah. Yeah
31:24Guys, so apparently at the very beginning of this your heart rate monitors did interfere with my audio ironically
31:30So i'm just gonna take your intros one more time. Sure. Sure. Am I good to go? Go go go
31:36Get ready for a game changer tonight's guests
31:40Note the t and merovich it's katie merovich
31:46Yes, or no never cast your vote alongside
31:51brennan lee mulligan
31:54And so far undefeated game changer champion carolyn page
32:03Oh, it's so grippy
32:09Think this means I won they want to eat my brain because they've got them. Oh because I hate zombie stuff
32:14I will have nightmares about this. I do hate zombies and I will have nightmares about this tonight
32:19But in this moment, I just feel like i'm surrounded by friends. I'm surrounded by my good friends. You guys look awesome
32:24Let me quickly check your heart rate carolyn and see how well you're doing
32:29I'm, just carolyn your heart rate betrays you a little it does
32:3516 points above resting. That's not 20, but that's not 20 just surrounded by buddies
32:40That brings us to the end of our game
32:44our points at the end katie with four brennan with 10 and carolyn with
32:4913 that means carolyn is the winner of this episode carolyn
32:54You win two tickets to los angeles's own haunted hayride that does it for us here at game changer
33:00I am your host sam reich reminding you that if you expect the unexpected
33:04Nothing can surprise you
33:07Enough. Good night
33:36Sam approaches us and says we would like to do something with a heart rate monitor. I have this thing I
33:44Feel snobby about which is that I love ideas that are elegant in their
33:50The game mechanic is too complicated
33:53Or too multifaceted. I find that it dilutes it
33:57I love an idea that you can sort of summarize in an elevator pitch before every season of game changer
34:05chloe and myself
34:07Gather together. It's a little brain trust where we really try to map out
34:13What the season is going to be what our biggest hopes and dreams of episodes will be what we can actually accomplish
34:19I think there were a few game ideas that came out of that brainstorm and one of them this idea of a
34:27heart rate game the idea was to time it out for halloween and have it be
34:33Nothing, but scary, but the more we brainstormed it and the more it evolved. We figured it was more interesting to explore
34:41The notion of heart rate in its three dimensions. We tried to think of other things that influence your heart rate
34:49There's stress
34:50there is
34:53Like temperature we went through many different iterations of what this show would be. So this episode was originally slated to be
35:02and katie and ralph and unfortunately
35:05ralph had to drop out brennan
35:08Being so close to the company
35:10and so close to me personally is like
35:13You know someone I can call a last minute favor out of he was like I got you
35:18Showed up on time showed up early
35:20God bless friendly mulligan when we were talking about putting heart monitors on them
35:24obviously, we think they're going to figure out that there's some sort of
35:28thing on their chest and that it's probably
35:31A monitor of some kind we've learned a lot about heart rate monitor options. They have some that go on your wrist
35:39Uh, they have some they have your oximeters that kind of can can uh read, you know something on your finger
35:44uh, there's the ones that literally you have leads under the under your shirt and
35:49And you wouldn't think about it, but all of those translate to
35:53Production questions. How are we going to be able to record the heart rates for post-production?
35:58Does it look good on a screen?
36:00Can people see it who can see it and we used the excuse that it was a it was for sound
36:07Uh, this is extra sound equipment and gear something with frequencies. I'm fairly certain brennan figured that one out pretty quickly
36:14Apparently he thought it was a piece of laser tag equipment
36:17And I think maybe he thought there was going to be an element of people shooting at him at some point during the game
36:22When we're planning these especially if brennan is going to be involved
36:26We have to really think about how we're going to make sure people are duped. Our audience is really smart
36:32Our contestants are really smart. They're way more analytical and paranoid for lack of a better term
36:38See those straps on your body aren't in fact
36:41Range extenders. No shit. I just want to say you got to wake up pretty early in the fucking morning to go
36:49Oh, here's a range extender for your love brennan. Yeah, don't worry. It's not attached in any way to the soundtrack
36:57We knew it was something I didn't I thought it was a range extender and here we have the full range of human experience
37:04The jump scare was actually something that sam wanted for a few years
37:08So I was glad that we finally got to deliver this season the jump scares the podiums
37:15Uses a mechanism that I have no understanding of but there's so many little tiny wires that we had to outsource somebody
37:21To figure it all out. It was really hard to execute
37:24I had to hire somebody who knew what they were doing and they could do that pressurized system inside
37:30and then we had to hide it and try to make sure that
37:33It was something that kind of the contestants wouldn't notice if they were just looking at it sam likes to customize the game
37:39According to who's going to be in it
37:41So the first way we do it is with katie with flipped eyelids where katie thinks that she's in the challenge that she's not
37:46I'm, just staring contest turns out. It's like one of her biggest pet peeves in the world. Did you ask wolf?
37:52I asked wolf. What's that motherfucker? That's a divorce
37:56That's a divorce
37:58The second was brennan where we pretend as if there's a minigame
38:02It turns out there's not I knew that he had been defensive in the past about people thinking he was like a super bird nerd
38:09So I thought let's give
38:12Everybody birds and then whatever brennan says it's gonna be wrong. His heart rate did go up so we can see that
38:19It does bother him
38:21And the third was we got a tip from tony wilson
38:25Who used to work with carolyn very closely?
38:28on dorkly
38:29That carolyn's one of her biggest fears is zombies and zombie attacks
38:35Paul has been pitching for for like a year the idea of doing something with doppelgangers
38:41I've been pitching a lookalikes episode of game changers in season three
38:46There's something so funny to me about the idea of players coming out and being greeted by
38:53versions of themselves people who look just like them
38:58That's kind of as far as the idea went because it was never clear what was supposed to happen after that
39:02And when we were putting this episode together sam had the idea to combine it with this zombie thing
39:07That was targeted for carolyn and create that targeted challenge, which was perfect because we were able to use
39:13This fun thing that had been sitting on the back burner for so long
39:16Certainly the most sophisticated makeup we've ever done in the show for a small bit, you know hats off to
39:22Uh jedi and bianca and the rest of the the makeup department
39:26Doppelganger for katie doppelganger for carolyn pretty good doppelganger for brennan
39:31We had to get last minute wasn't even a matching shirt. Listen, we do our best
39:36The doppelganger we had for rav that we weren't able to use. Can we show a picture of this guy?
39:44It's just heartbreaking so good