• 4 months ago
If I Wanted to Make $10,000 as a Student, I'd Do This


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00:00Okay, so I made my first $10,000 or £10,000 because I'm here in the UK when I was a second
00:04year medical student and that money genuinely changed my university experience. Before that
00:10point I didn't really have my own money but suddenly when I made my first 10k, A. it introduced
00:16me to the idea of like how to actually make money properly on the internet and that has completely
00:20changed my life because then the following year I made like 40k in profit, the following year after
00:24that was like 50k in profit, now it's like business does several million a year in revenue and several
00:28million in profit and all of that really stemmed from the fact that I learned how to make that first
00:3210k as a student and secondly it also helped transform my experience of university because
00:36I was able to then use that money to go on holidays and trips and stuff and just not think
00:41too hard about the finances. Admittedly if I'd wanted to I could have asked my mum for the money
00:45and she'd have been like of course etc etc but there's something about independently earning
00:48that money by myself that made me feel this profound sense of empowerment in a way that
00:52asking my mum for money really wouldn't have done. So I think for any student watching this or anyone
00:57watching this really if you haven't yet found a way to make 10k a month on the internet off of
01:01your own back it is a skill that is very learnable and it is a skill that can massively change your
01:05life which is why I'm making this video. Now the first thing to say is please don't be intimidated
01:08by the figure of 10,000. It sounds like a lot if you told me when I was 18-19 years old that I'd be
01:12making videos casually teaching people how to make 10k and I thought you were off your rocker because
01:17the most experience I had with money was earning like 15 pounds an hour which is like 18 an hour
01:22doing private tutoring but when I learned some of the strategies around how to make money
01:26and learned even more of them over the last 10 years I now look back and I realise huh I just
01:31had a skewed perspective of money. I was thinking too much in a scarcity mindset. I was thinking too
01:35much like a teenager for whom like $20 is a lot. When you change the way that you think about how
01:40much is a big amount of money it really changes the energy with which you approach it and it makes
01:44it feel much more doable to actually earn those sorts of sums. So if I could go back in time and
01:51give myself advice on how to make the 10,000 here is how I would be thinking about it. You kind of
01:55want to begin with the end in mind. So let's say the goal is $10,000. Now there's broadly two ways
02:01to make money doing anything. You can sell products i.e goods or you can sell services
02:08and it's generally worth emphasising that the way you earn money is by providing value to people who
02:13can afford to pay you for that value. Money is simply an exchange of value so you've got to
02:17figure out how do you add at least $10,000 worth of value to a person or a business or multiple
02:23people or multiple businesses. So that's thing number one that I would say. Thing number two I
02:26would say is that you can really just work back from the number. So there was actually one day in
02:30I think when I was like a third year medical student where I actually made 10 grand in a
02:34single day and the way I did that is because I was teaching kids how to get into med school so I was
02:37running a course called the BMAT crash course and we were selling tickets I think for £89 or
02:43something and we had 150 people in a lecture theatre. So what is that? So that was £13,000
02:49that I made in a single day because I managed to get 150 people to pay me £89 to attend this
02:54course that I was teaching. It cost me about £10 to sort of print the booklets and so this ended up
03:00being I don't know about £1,000 in booklet costs which took the profit down a bit. I think it cost
03:05about £2k to hire the venue and so actually I ended up with about £10,000 worth of profit
03:10from a single day. This was because I realised I had value to add. I could charge a relatively
03:15small amount of money £89 for that value but I somehow got 150 people to attend the thing
03:20and therefore was able to make £10,000 a single day. So you can charge a small amount of money to
03:24a relatively large number of people in order to make this happen. The other way of going about
03:28this which is in some ways easier is that you can you can try and find five people to pay you two
03:34grand. This is actually way easier and this is probably the advice that I'd give to myself if
03:38I were a student trying to make money is that it's generally very hard to make money by selling to
03:43individuals which is what I was doing here. I had a bunch of different advantages. I've been doing it
03:47for three years at that point. We had traffic to our website. We had good word of mouth etc etc.
03:51It's a lot easier to sell £2,000 or $2,000 packages to business to businesses and to do
03:58that five times. So one thing that you might like to think of as a student is what is the sort of
04:02service you can offer to a business that would be worth more than £2,000 to that business.
04:08So now we're going to zoom into that. We want to get five clients.
04:12We just want to get five clients paying $2,000 and that is how we're going to make our first
04:16$10,000 as a student. So the next question is probably how the hell do you do that? Now there
04:20are various high income skills that you can learn that would help you actually charge $2,000
04:24to businesses and just do that five times. I've already made a video on those. They'll be linked
04:28up there and down below. It's about things like copywriting, web design, graphic design,
04:32consulting for software. But if I were to go back in time and give myself advice,
04:37I'd be thinking firstly, what are the things I'm already good at or already interested in?
04:42You ideally want to find that sort of Venn diagram of things that you're good at,
04:46things that you enjoy and things that there is a market need for. In my case, when I was 18,
04:52I would have made this money by doing website design. Why? Because I'd been doing website
04:58design since the age of 13 and I knew how to code and I knew how to develop stuff and design stuff
05:04and I'd been doing that was the stuff that I would do in my spare time when I go home from school.
05:08That's kind of weird. Most people are not like that. If you have something like that,
05:12great, go with that specific thing. In my case, it would have been web design or it would have
05:15been web development because it's not that hard to find businesses who are willing to pay $2,000
05:19for a website to be designed and developed. It's actually quite a small amount of money
05:23in the grand scheme of things. But let's use a different example. I didn't mention this example
05:27in my high income skills video and so we're going to talk about social media management.
05:34If you're a student and watching this, you are probably quite good at using social media and
05:38that you understand what Instagram is and TikTok is and how YouTube works and possibly even how
05:42Twitter and maybe LinkedIn works. If you're a student watching this, you have grown up in the
05:45age of social media. Most business owners, most people who run businesses did not grow up in the
05:50age of social media because they are old. And so being able to offer social media management as
05:54a service to local businesses or online businesses can be a highly valuable thing to do. A local
05:59coffee shop probably wouldn't pay $2,000 a month for it, but they might pay $1,000 a month and
06:04that might be a 12-month contract. And now you've just made $10,000 with a $1,000 a month contract
06:09for 12 months. Easy, right? It's not too hard to do that. Basically, any local business knows that
06:14they want to get more leads and every local business knows that they should be on social
06:17media, but they probably don't know how. So local coffee shops, local restaurants, local accountant
06:22services, the local dentist office, the local private practice doctor office. You just look at
06:26any business that is within a three-mile radius of your house or your university or your school
06:31and you can go up to them and you can ask them questions. You can ask them what they're struggling
06:34with on a social media front and you can say, hey, I do this sort of thing. I'd probably recommend
06:39starting off doing it for free for your first client and say, hey, I'm a student. I'm looking
06:42to get experience. I'd love to do this for free for you. When you do it for free, they'll give
06:46you a testimonial. You can turn them into a case study. And now for subsequent clients, you can say,
06:50hey, look, this is what I did for this coffee shop over here. And here's what they said. And here's
06:55how much value they got from it. And this is how many followers they gained on Instagram. And this
06:58is what they said it did for their business. Would you like the same sort of thing? And now it's
07:02relatively straightforward to find you just five clients paying $2,000 or just find one client
07:06who's willing to pay you $1,000 a month. And as a student, imagine getting $1,000 a month to manage
07:12a coffee shop or restaurants, Instagram account. That's life-changing money that completely changes
07:16the game. If you have, if you had an extra $1,000 a month kicking around, but the point to reiterate
07:19is that you really want to find this event diagram. What am I good at? What do I enjoy? And
07:22what is there a market need? If you feel like you're not good at anything, you're probably wrong.
07:27You probably are good at stuff, but you can just learn stuff. If you suck at literally everything,
07:30you can just learn. So find something that you think you might enjoy that you think there's a
07:33market need for. If you spend a lot of time on social media, which you probably do, if you're a
07:36student, social media management is a relatively straightforward way of doing this. But then once
07:40you've made that money, then you might want to manage it with a service like Trading212, who
07:44are very kindly sponsoring this video. Trading212 is a fantastic app that I personally use that lets
07:48you invest in stocks and shares without any commission. In particular, they have a new cash
07:53ISA, which is paperless and offers the highest annual percentage yield on the market. It's also
07:57FSCS protected up to £85,000 if you're here in the UK, and it's completely free to use. Both the
08:02cash ISA and the stocks and shares ISA are flexible, which means you can withdraw from it and
08:06return money to it freely within the tax year without impacting your ISA allowance. They also
08:10have a new Trading212 card that gives you 1.5% cash back, which will be allocated to your investment
08:15account for each deposit that you make into your ISA. So if any of that sounds up your street, then
08:18do hit the link in the video description, and that will take you to this page where you'll be guided
08:22on how to sign up for an account. And if you use that link, you'll also get a free share worth up
08:26to the value of £100. It is completely free money, you might as well. So thank you so much Trading212
08:30for sponsoring this video. Now at this point, whenever I talk about this advice in like talks
08:36and stuff that I give to students, people are always like, how could I possibly charge a
08:40business $1,000 a month? Because you are thinking like a consumer, you're thinking like a normal
08:45person. Normal people don't pay $1,000 a month for anything. But businesses really do. It's really
08:50useful to understand that businesses value money in a ridiculously different way compared to
08:55individuals. And it can be so hard to appreciate that upfront, you kind of have to see it enough
08:59times to believe that that's a thing. So essentially, this is what I would do. I would start off by
09:04doing it for free for a single client. You have no business charging anyone for anything if you
09:09can't give it away for free and provide value. I think this is one of the issues with all this
09:12sort of get rich quick shit that you see online. It's often around trying to, I guess, swindle
09:17people out of their money and sort of provide a bit of a substandard service. But really, you want
09:20to be able to do the thing for free and add so much value. So much value that the business owner
09:25or the person that you're speaking to feels so indebted to you that, oh my god, you've done such
09:29a good job that I almost feel bad that you did this for free. They will give you an absolutely
09:33glowing testimonial. So you start off by doing it for free. Then you think, okay, well, I gave this
09:38much value away for free. And you ask that person that you did it for free, you know, how much would
09:41you have paid for this? I mean, I did it for you for free. But like, how much would you have paid?
09:44Or how much do you think I could charge another coffee shop or another restaurant? And they might
09:48say, well, you know, maybe you could charge on a 300 a month. And you're like, really? 300 a month?
09:53They pay 300 a month for social media? They're probably like, yeah, they probably would. So then
09:57you go to a restaurant, and you see if you can charge 300 a month. And you say that with confidence.
10:00And you say that with conviction. And if you need help, you can read books like Million Dollar
10:04Weekend, which I have a video about. You can watch videos on how to do sales. But really, it's not
10:07that hard. You just pitch it. And if you pitch it enough times, and if you aim to get rejected, like
10:1120 times, I can 100% guarantee, you're going to land at least one client. The goal is to aim for
10:16rejection. And you get one client at $300 a month. And again, you give them so much value, where
10:21they're like, holy shit, I've bought a steal $300 a month. And then they're like, can you keep working
10:26with me? This is amazing. I want to keep going. And then you're like, yeah, of course, you know,
10:29I'll keep you at 300 a month. But to be honest, you know, I was thinking of increasing my prices
10:32to 500 a month. But you know, I'll keep you at $300 a month if you can give me a referral. So do you
10:36have any other friends who run businesses who might need my social media management services?
10:40Now, most entrepreneurs have a network of friends who are also entrepreneurs. So if you get in with
10:44one of them, and you provide so much value by referral, you're then going to start landing other
10:49clients. Now that restaurant owner might say, Oh, yeah, actually, my brother runs the local dental
10:54practice. And he and they always complain about how they can't get enough leads and blah, blah,
10:57blah, blah, blah, blah. And they wish they had someone young on their team who could manage
11:00social media. So then you go to that person's brother, and you pitch 500 a month.
11:06And you aim to get rejected 20 times, and you're guaranteed to land at least one client.
11:10And over time, you just sort of start laddering your way up also by giving so much value,
11:15your goal should essentially be to give them so much value to provide so much value that they feel
11:20like they're getting a bargain for $500 a month. Again, like if I was a student, someone told me
11:23this $500 a month, like how how can anyone possibly pay it? It must be a scam. You do this enough
11:29times and you realize actually $500 a month is literally nothing to a business that's making
11:33decent amounts of money. Our business does 5 million a year in revenue $500 a month doesn't
11:37even register in our profit and loss. There are lots of businesses doing more than that lots of
11:41businesses doing at least six or seven figures a year in revenue. Those are the sorts of businesses
11:45who don't really care about $500 a month, especially if they can land more customers as a
11:49result of that spend. If for example, you're a medical practice and you do private surgeries,
11:54private consultations, you probably make more than $500 for a single consultation. So in your
11:5830 days of Instagram or TikTok posting for that medical practice, if you can just give them one
12:03more client, they're probably ROI positive any more clients beyond that, and they're laughing
12:07all the way to the bank, which is exactly what you'd want. You want to provide more value than
12:11you charge for. And over time as you ladder up your prices, you realize, oh, actually, I do have
12:15value. You feel very empowered as an individual and as an entrepreneur, because that's what you
12:19are at this point. And you can just keep on increasing the prices until you make so much
12:22money that it makes you question what the meaning of money actually is to quote Alex Hormozy. Oh,
12:26by the way, if you're enjoying this video so far, then you will absolutely love my book,
12:30Feel Good Productivity. It's about how to be more productive in a way that actually feels good.
12:33You can apply it to your studies if you're a student, or if you're not a student, you can
12:36apply it to your business. And it'll basically teach you how to be more productive in a way
12:39that's actually enjoyable, meaningful and sustainable. So you can check that out. It
12:42is available everywhere books are sold. Final thing to reinforce is that this is accessible
12:49to literally anyone. Maybe if you're in a country where $10,000 is a lot of money and business
12:53can't afford $10,000, then like, okay, maybe you might have to adjust the numbers based on your
12:57own country's purchasing price parity and stuff. But if for example, you're in the UK, US, Canada,
13:03Germany, any almost any European country, $10,000 is very, very, very achievable as a student. And
13:08you realize once you get there that oh, this wasn't that hard. And you start thinking about
13:11100,000. And you start thinking about a million. I've been in this game now for like 10 plus years,
13:15I've been making money on the internet since the age of 18. I've just turned 30. And I've made over
13:19like, I don't know, 15 million online in that time. And so now looking back at my student years,
13:23and how I kind of thought, Oh, my God, like, I feel so bad charging 59 pounds for this course
13:27that I'm doing. And how I just didn't realize that you could charge money to businesses. I'm
13:32just like, Oh, I missed. I missed such a trick there. I was so focused on thinking like a
13:36consumer. I had so much imposter syndrome around charging money. It was all kind of completely
13:39unnecessary. And now like 12 years since I started university, there is so much information online,
13:44there are so many books out there about how to make money. There are so many books about how to
13:48build businesses, how to learn these high income skills. There are so many YouTube videos from
13:51people like me and so many others about how to do this stuff. And it can be so easy to be like, Oh,
13:56it's just a scam. But like, there are there are people who are teenagers who are making $10,000
14:01a month doing social media management as a service or doing web design or web development.
14:05Like, this is a thing people are doing it real people just like you are doing this sort of stuff.
14:10It's not that hard. But it does feel like a genuine black box when you don't know how the game looks
14:15and how things work. So if you're interested in learning more about this stuff, you should check
14:18out this video over here, which is about the high income skills that students should learn. And you
14:23can just pick one of those. I guarantee if you just pick that skill, learn it and try and sell
14:26it to businesses, you'll be making at least $10,000 as a student. So thank you so much for
14:30watching. Hope you got some value out of this video, and I'll see you in the next one. Bye.
