The Magic School Bus Rides Again s01e01

  • 2 months ago
Ms. Frizzle's kid sister Fiona takes the wheel at Walkerville Elementary, leading the class on wild adventures packed with science-fueled fun.


00:00You're relaxed and feeling good. Next thing that you know, you're seeing
00:20Octopus in the neighborhood. Surfing on a sound wave. Swinging through the stars.
00:26Take a left at your intestine. Take your second right past Mars. I'm the magic school bus.
00:32Navigate a nostril. Climb on the magic school bus. Spank a plant in two. Take that!
00:38I'm the magic school bus. Raft a river of lava. I'm the magic school bus.
00:45Such a fine thing to do. So strap your bones right to the seat. Come on in and don't be shy.
00:51Just to make your day complete. You might get baked into a pie. I'm the magic school bus.
00:57Step inside. It's a wild ride. Come on. Ride on the magic school bus.
01:32Phew! Thank goodness. I was afraid of what I might find when I got here.
01:37Something could have changed over the summer.
01:39Nope. Nothing different. Except Doty, of course.
01:42Arnold's not big on change.
01:44But everything's exactly like it was when we left last year.
01:48Come on, Doty. Welcome to your first day. I'll show you around.
01:51Exciting. But from what you guys said, I thought everything would be more magical.
01:56Oh, don't worry. It will be. But first, the normal stuff.
02:00Like how everybody sits in the same place every class and how we all have jobs.
02:04It's a delicate balance. Wanda and D.A. handle the brain builders and Ralphie annoys the skeleton.
02:10Yeah, but he never gets rattled.
02:13And of course, I handle the worrying for all of us.
02:16Cool. It's like you have your own balanced ecosystem.
02:19According to my research, you're right. An ecosystem is...
02:22Yep. A community of plants and animals all with a role to play.
02:25How'd you know that?
02:26An old pizza box I left under my bed. My mom called it the world's smelliest biome.
02:31So what about me? Where do I fit in?
02:33Dunno yet, but I bet we'll find out before the day's over.
02:36Here, you can have Phoebe's old seat. She went back to her old school.
02:40There she is!
02:41Get ready, everybody!
02:43That's awesome.
02:44Told ya. Now, get ready for the frizz and her mug in... 14.2 seconds!
02:49Miss Frizzle always gets here at exactly the same time and puts her mug...
02:53That we made for her!
02:55In the exact same spot on her desk.
03:10In three, two, one...
03:13That's weird. One second late.
03:20Miss Frizzle!
03:21Hi, Miss...
03:26You're not Miss Frizzle.
03:28Oh, but I am, Arnold.
03:30And may I just say, I'm so glad you didn't stay home today.
03:35Hey, Tim. Love your artwork.
03:37Wanda, how was your summer at the animal rescue?
03:39Keisha, oh, love the outfit.
03:41Jodi, welcome to your first day.
03:45Ralphie, I see you had oatmeal this morning. You're wearing it.
03:50Carlos! Iguana say hi to you, too.
03:53And D.A., according to your research, you must realize...
03:58It's a whole different Frizzle!
04:00It's a whole different Frizzle!
04:04Miss Frizzle!
04:06Hey, Val.
04:07Whoa! Total Frizzle overload!
04:11Actually, you can now call me Professor Frizzle, Ph.D.
04:15The first of many changes this year.
04:19Class, please welcome your new science teacher and my little sister,
04:24Miss Fiona Felicity Frizzle.
04:29This can't be happening.
04:30Now, where to put my special, magical, crazy-growing, must-stay-in-a-pot,
04:35Crescent Iunium Frizzlea vine?
04:38That's the question of the day.
04:40How about here?
04:43But, but, but...
04:47So much to do today, kids.
04:49To the bus!
04:52New teacher or not, that plant does not belong in this special spot.
05:00Class, my sensational sister will be taking over this year,
05:04with Liz's help, of course.
05:07But what about you?
05:08As a research professor, I'll be traveling the universe, traversing the ages,
05:13exploring quantum realities.
05:15Your basic fact-finding flummery diddle.
05:18But what about us? We need to be taking chances.
05:21And making mistakes.
05:23And getting messy.
05:25Oh, don't you worry. You'll get plenty of that.
05:28Bus, do your stuff.
05:32Hmm, something's missing.
05:34Wait, Fiona, the keys.
05:45Thanks, sis.
05:47Come along, everyone.
05:50I wonder where we're going.
05:52It's a mystery. Don't you love it?
05:54Oh, right.
05:55Yay, a field trip!
05:58Even my seat is different.
06:02After I got it all worked in and everything.
06:05Seatbelts, everyone!
06:18Ah, so many modes to choose from, but which one do we pick?
06:24Ah, there we go.
06:28All good, class?
06:31I'm guessing you don't get motion sick much.
06:37Ah, we're here!
06:40Good, because I cannot get off this bus fast enough.
06:46Ah! Ah!
06:48Hang in there, Arnold!
06:52I haven't lost a kid yet.
06:54This year.
06:55Eh, kidding.
06:56Or am I?
06:57You'll never know.
06:59Oh, sure.
07:00She may be new, but she already knows how to work the wedginator.
07:05You know, she seems nice and everything, but I'm not sure about her parking skills.
07:21How much do I love this bus?
07:24Phew, that was close.
07:26There it goes.
07:27Phew, that was exciting.
07:29Since we're here, wherever we are, we might as well look around, right?
07:35Where are we, anyway?
07:38According to my research, we're in the Galapagos Islands.
07:43How you doing, gal?
07:45Galapagos Gill!
07:46What's up, bear man?
07:49They know each other?
07:50Well, like a lot of the animals here, the only place you find Galapagos Gill is on the Galapagos Islands.
07:55I'm rarer than a screen door on a submarine.
07:58Everything here lives in perfect balance.
08:01Look at this way healthy, way special ecosystem.
08:05You know, Miss Frizzle, whenever we used to go on a trip, Professor Frizzle used to...
08:11How do I put this?
08:12Enhance the experience.
08:15With sandwiches?
08:16With magic!
08:18You know, as my great-aunt Clairvoyant used to say...
08:20I knew you were going to say that.
08:22She smelled like onions in the worst possible way.
08:33Talk about a turtle surprise!
08:43I have serious remote envy.
08:45The glasses show you how the parts of the ecosystem fit together.
08:50Mushrooms point to grasshoppers, point to owls?
08:53What does that mean?
08:54Follow Carlos and Wanda's arrows.
08:56Plants grow, tortoises eat the leaves, ticks bite the tortoises, and finches eat the ticks.
09:04These are actually pretty tasty.
09:06The kid in me says, eww, but the finch in me says, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom.
09:13Everything here is interconnected.
09:15Ding, ding, ding!
09:16Nailed it, new kid!
09:17Everything's got a role to play, and that keeps everything stable.
09:20And since this is an island by itself in the middle of the ocean, it has its own natural balance.
09:30Come along, everyone.
09:32Um, Ms. Frizzle, can you change us back to...
09:38Oh, I'm next!
09:41Oh, I love this thing! Just say when.
09:47Let's go!
09:50Galapagos Gill, with everything in unison, don't you worry about something throwing that off?
09:55You bet your giant tortoise we do.
09:57That's why we inspect everything.
10:00You mean like luggage, coats, hats, everything?
10:04Everything, so no new plants or animals get here.
10:07Accidents happen, you know.
10:11So you have to look at everything really close up.
10:14Tim, what a great idea.
10:16Oh, no.
10:19Oh, I love getting microscopic!
10:21Magical! Majorly, majorly magical!
10:25Sure, till we get eaten or baked into a pie.
10:28Let's explore, class!
10:35Hey, guys, how about we suit up to boot up?
10:46Yeah, that's good.
10:53I'm rock climbing on a boot.
10:55Okay, look closely, everyone.
10:57Anything could be an invasive species that throws off the island's delicate balance.
11:02An invasive species is a plant or animal the island's not ready for?
11:07To the guests from D.A., if things that already live here have no defense,
11:11the new species can take over and change everything!
11:15And change everything.
11:17Wow, this is absolutely...
11:19The reason they invented sneaker spray.
11:22This guy's a walking cautionary tale.
11:25Looks like he's been hiking in the woods back in his home country.
11:28Well, let's hope there were no invasive hitchhikers.
11:33We have insects.
11:37Those look like insect eggs.
11:39By Jodi, you're right.
11:41These eggs could mean the unwelcome arrival of a whole family of gypsy mobs.
11:46And you don't want that.
11:48Here's what they can do.
11:49Here's before.
11:52And here's after.
11:56That poor ecosystem.
11:57It was totally defenseless against the invasive species.
12:01All that could happen because he didn't clean his...
12:03Wow, have you seen a dirtier boot?
12:06Looks like a banner ad for yuck!
12:17What else do you have in those boots, sir?
12:20Ralphie, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
12:22I think so.
12:23But who would really invest in a rocket-powered tortoise?
12:26No! I mean, that the new Ms. Frizzle keeps talking about invasive species because she is one.
12:31Relax, buddy. She's got a sense of humor. I can work with that.
12:35Don't you get it? It's part of her plot.
12:38Our classroom is a perfectly balanced ecosystem like these islands.
12:42We need to protect it!
12:44Arnold, what are you doing?
12:45Oh, just protecting our ecosystem from an invasive creature. That's all.
12:54Starting with her plant.
12:58Actually, looks good on you.
13:00Sets off your show.
13:05All aboard, class!
13:07Bus, undo your stuff!
13:18Ms. Frizz... I mean, Professor Frizzle?
13:21Hi, Arnold. Meet my new research assistant, Goldie.
13:24What is it?
13:25Looks like a golden tamarin monkey.
13:29I mean, what else is it?
13:31Um, I'm not sure how to say this, but...
13:35You need to come back!
13:37What's the problem?
13:38Your sister is nice and everything, but she's new.
13:42And new things are always trouble. It's like on the Galapagos.
13:46True, sometimes a new species can be a problem, but not always.
13:51Honeybees were new to North America once, but they became part of a new balance.
13:56No disasters at all, just yummy honey.
13:59So, ecosystems always create a new balance over time, but it's not always bad.
14:04Sometimes it works out wonderfully, like with the honeybee.
14:07But with invasive creatures, it's not always good.
14:11I wish I knew how it would work out for our class.
14:13Maybe a little magic will help you figure that out.
14:17Runs in our family, you know.
14:19Thanks, Ms. Frizzle. I mean, Professor Frizzle.
14:28Hey, Arnold. I see one of my students hasn't adapted to the idea of a new teacher.
14:32I'm supposed to ask you a question.
14:34What is it?
14:36Hey, Arnold. I see one of my students hasn't adapted to the idea of a new teacher.
14:40I'm supposed to ask you about magic, but I don't see how that will help me see how things will work out in the future.
14:46Well, let's go see.
14:47Are you saying we should go ahead in time?
14:50Like my time-traveling Auntie Meridiam will say one day,
14:53there's no better time to visit the future than the present.
14:56To the bus!
15:05To the bus!
15:15Cool. Salivating.
15:17Just look at all that yummy tech.
15:20I want to go to this school 30 years in the future.
15:23If I don't bring my grades up, I will be at this school 30 years in the future.
15:27Look! It's Arnold Jr., Wanda Jr., Ralphie Jr., everybody Jr.
15:32Say, Arnold, the class' ecosystem has survived.
15:35There's nothing to worry about.
15:37You're right.
15:38What a relief.
15:39I guess I was totally overreacting.
15:42Guys, want to see my project on the huge Galapagos crisis?
15:46Crisis in the Galapagos?
15:48What's she talking about?
15:50Maybe we'd better find out.
15:53Oh, no, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening.
15:56Arnold, are you okay?
15:57That plant is growing everywhere.
15:59I can barely see where we're going.
16:08These poor islands.
16:10Well, at least it couldn't get any worse.
16:12Oh, no. It is worse.
16:16Oh, no!
16:18Oh, no!
16:20Oh, no. It is worse.
16:22Ah, no!
16:26This is not good.
16:32Bunnies! Adorable. Best thing ever.
16:35This is a rather hair-raising situation.
16:41Galapagos Gill? Is that really you?
16:44The second. You must be the Frizzle class.
16:47My dad told me you might show up one of these days.
16:50And indeed we did.
16:52So, what precipitated the profusion of this particularly perfidious plant?
16:56No one knows.
16:58But somehow it wound up on the islands and threw off our ecosystem.
17:02What's with all the bunnies?
17:04Well, once the plants started taking over, they wanted to control the plants.
17:08So they brought in bunnies to eat them.
17:11But there was nothing to control the bunnies.
17:14Exactly. So now we have two invasive species instead of one.
17:19That plant is obviously a non-native invasive species.
17:23But what is it?
17:25I know exactly what it is.
17:27That's the magical, crazy-growing, must-stay-in-a-pot-at-all-times,
17:30crazy-to-iunium Frizzlelea vine.
17:32Like the one you put on your desk 30 years ago?
17:35Exactly. Only how did it get here?
17:38Did I accidentally cause this?
17:41That would have been a terrible thing to do.
17:44I'm sure it's not that bad.
17:46But it is, Arnold.
17:48This is a really big mistake, and I'm supposed to lead by example.
17:53And if it was my fault, I don't know what I'd do.
17:58It is an example of plants growing like crazy and taking over the islands.
18:06Well, maybe I am an invasive species.
18:10Maybe I shouldn't be here.
18:12Should I ask my sister to come back?
18:14I, uh, I mean, you shouldn't take it so hard.
18:18But still, getting old Frizz back, that would be amazing, huh?
18:22Arnold! No! No!
18:25That settles it. I'm calling Valerie right now.
18:31Hey Val, did I catch you at a bad time?
18:33Not at all. What's up?
18:35Listen, I really messed up. You see, what happened was...
18:39Wait. Um, can I talk to the professor? Privately?
18:45You got it.
18:51Hi Arnold, what's on your mind?
18:55Uh, right. That plant, it was my fault.
18:59I did it. I left it on the island.
19:01Goodness, why in the sky would you do that?
19:04With that plant in place of your mug, it was just too much.
19:08I know I'm the guy who hates change,
19:10but I caused the biggest change ever in the form of plants and bunnies.
19:15Can you help us fix this?
19:17Well, remember when I said a little magic will help?
19:20Yes, that's it! Magic bunny disappearing spray!
19:23Um, no.
19:25Wait. The best way to stop an invasive species is to not let it invade in the first place.
19:30Exactly. Good thinking Arnold.
19:33Well, maybe you'd better get back now.
19:42Arnold, hey!
19:44Miss Frizzle, you didn't leave the plant here. I did.
19:48But I know how to fix it. If we take the plant away before it can cause any trouble.
19:52To the bus, Arnold?
19:54To the bus!
20:08I left it right over here.
20:10Tortoise, wait up!
20:22Hang on, Arnold.
20:23Hang on, Arnold. We're coming to help you.
20:29Hang on, Arnold.
20:32It's okay, Arnold. We're coming.
20:45Oh, now that was a mistake.
20:52We're going crazy!
21:03Best class ever.
21:05Thanks, Miss Frizzle.
21:06Thank you, Arnold. Because of you, the carefully balanced ecosystem here will stay balanced.
21:13You know what, Mr. Pearlstein? You're all right.
21:16You know what, Miss Frizzle? So are you.
21:23Good old familiar desk.
21:26Good old familiar pencil case.
21:28Good old familiar orthopedic cushion.
21:31And a new teacher. That is, good new, like a honeybee.
21:37Hmm. Now, what should go where?
21:41There you go. The place of honor.
21:44Perfect. Thank you, Arnold. And what's this?
21:48A little something I made. It's a pot with a motion sensor perimeter.
21:52That way, if this little guy gets roamy again, we'll know.
21:55Looks like the new kid just found her spot in the class ecosystem.
22:00I like it. New gear, new teacher, new balance.
22:03You're going to have great new adventures, class.
22:06I just have one thing left to say to you.
22:10What could that be?
22:11What is it?
22:18Well, Goldie, our adventure begins.
22:21Although I'm going to miss those kids, including...
22:25Hi, Professor Frizzle. Before you go, I had another question.
22:28I know. Why didn't you just stay home from school today?
22:31Besides that, nature doesn't have fences to keep animals in their own ecosystems.
22:36So what's stopping them from invading all on its own?
22:39Wild animals do roam free inside boundaries like oceans and mountains.
22:43But they like to stay in places that have what they need to survive.
22:47Could be a small range.
22:49They like to stay in places that have what they need to survive.
22:52Could be a small range. Like one tiny island.
22:55Or it might be all the oceans in the world.
22:58Okay, so invasive species make a mess.
23:01But what if you don't have a time machine?
23:03How do you fix it after the fact?
23:05It's hard to undo damage done.
23:07What we can do is stop invasive species in the first place.
23:11Like never set pets free in the wild.
23:13And when you travel, be careful not to bring stowaways.
23:17Arnold! Time for your audition!
23:19Right! Just let me practice my line.
23:21Ahem. Oink. Oink.
23:24Audition? Oink? What are you kids up to now?
23:28Just a little surprise for next time.
23:30Where will you be, Professor Frizzle?
23:32Wherever the wind takes me, Arnold.
23:35Wherever the wind takes me!
23:47Oink! Oink!
24:17Beep. Beep. Beep.
