The Magic School Bus Rides Again s02e07

  • 3 months ago
Ms. Frizzle's kid sister Fiona takes the wheel at Walkerville Elementary, leading the class on wild adventures packed with science-fueled fun.


00:00You're relaxed and feeling good. Next thing that you know, you're seeing
00:20Octopus in the neighborhood. Surfing on a sound wave. Swinging through the stars.
00:26Take a left at your intestine. Take your second right past Mars. I'm the magic school bus.
00:32Navigate a nostril. Climb on the magic school bus. Spank a fainting tooth.
00:38I'm magic school bus. Raft a river of lava. I'm the magic school bus.
00:44Raft a river of lava. I'm the magic school bus. Such a fine thing to do. So be strong.
00:50So strap your bones right to the seat. Come on in and don't be shy.
00:55Just to make your day complete. You might get baked into a pie. I'm the magic school bus.
01:01Step inside. It's a wild ride. Come on. Ride on the magic school bus.
01:08Bye, Mom.
01:14Out of my way, bro. Oh, yeah?
01:21I've heard of spaghetti westerns, Ralphie, but this is the spaghetti-est. I know, right?
01:27Took my dad and me two days to make it out of all different kinds of pasta.
01:31Would have been just one day, but I kept eating the Sierra Madre. It was delicious.
01:36Noodles! Get away from that! That's our dog. She's been licking our chops ever since we made it.
01:42No, you don't. Yes, I do. I win!
01:46Carlos, you didn't win. And neither did your brother. It was a total tie.
01:50Yeah? Well, I bet I'd win if we raced around the block.
01:53Bet I'd win if we raced around the city.
01:55Oh, yeah? I'd be first up a mountain.
01:57Too bad there's no mountain around here to prove it.
02:00Except that one. Old Spaghetti, they call her.
02:05They say there's gold in them hills.
02:08Inconceivable. That mountain? It's so little.
02:11Little is a matter of perspective, Jodi.
02:14Okay, who wants to see Carlos and Mikey race up that peak?
02:17Count me in. Sure. Yes!
02:20All aboard! Next stop, Pasta Plains. Y'all jump in now.
02:26Bus, do your stuff.
02:37Hey, I can't see anything. A little help here, please.
02:42Thanks, Liz. Perfect.
02:45Where are we?
02:48Wow. Is that the gold you were talking about, Miss Frizzle?
02:52You bet, D.A. And first team up, that mountain gets the claim.
02:56Teams? I get Jodi, Ralphie, Wanda and Arnold.
02:59Oh, yeah? Then Tim, Keisha and D.A. are in my posse.
03:04What's going on?
03:06Good question. Let's find out.
03:17She's plumb busted, all right.
03:19But we gotta get to the gold. I mean, mountain.
03:22Come on. Let's lift the wagon so we can change the wheel.
03:30Now what?
03:31Keisha, guess what? It turns out we've got every machine in the world we need to lift the wagon.
03:36No way! We have a triple-turbo-mega-lifting oomphabot?
03:40Well, not exactly that.
03:42But we do have simple machines.
03:45Every other machine out there is just made of a combination of these.
03:48Even oomphabots.
03:51Like, you can use an inclined plane to use a lever... grab a wheel and axle and move it with a pulley...
04:07...until you find a wedge and a screw, and here's what you do!
04:11I love it!
04:15Whoa! You can lift the wagon with one hand, one little turn at a time.
04:19That's called mechanical advantage.
04:21Doing things a little at a time makes them a lot easier.
04:24Including getting up a mountain.
04:26He's right. Real mountain climbers need tools, too.
04:42Uh-oh. No bus ride, no tools.
04:45So, does that mean...
04:47No mountain?
04:48No, Biggie. I can still make that climb to gold before Mikey can.
04:53What, you mean hoop it all the way up to the mountain...
04:56...and then somehow get all the way to the top without climbing tools?
05:01If you want to give in now, I totally understand.
05:05No way! We're doing this, right, team?
05:09Well, my team's in two, right, guys?
05:12Uh, I guess.
05:17Let's go!
05:18Um, only, how exactly do we get there?
05:22To get to the mountain, we need to get past Meatball Pass,
05:25through Spaghetti Junction, across Alphabetti Gully,
05:28and finally to the foothills of Ol' Spaghetti.
05:34Come on, guys! This way to Meatball Pass!
05:38You mean, no past Meatball.
05:42Whoa, can't go that way.
05:44Ralphie, as leader of the posse,
05:46I order you to eat a tunnel through that meatball!
05:54Sorry, but a meatball that big is a tummy ache waiting to happen.
05:58Then I'm going over it!
06:00Who's with me?
06:04You got this, Carlos.
06:09Unfortunate. If we don't get through, nobody's getting through.
06:13And we don't have any tools to help move it.
06:16Are you sure, Wanda?
06:17Ms. Frizzle?
06:18You're surrounded by all kinds of machines, right?
06:22Machines? All I see are noodles.
06:27Whoa, I found a seesaw!
06:35Check it! When you push on one side, the other side goes the other way.
06:39The very definition of a lever.
06:42It's a simple machine.
06:43Fortuitous! Quick, bring it over to the meatball!
06:52No good. Since it's flat on the ground,
06:54there's no space under it to push it down.
06:57How about adding this?
06:59It was under the noodle.
07:01Good thinking!
07:03That's the fulcrum, the point the lever pivots on.
07:07Ready? Push!
07:09Why won't it move?
07:13Try it now!
07:16It's working! Move the gnocchi closer!
07:22The closer the fulcrum is to the meatball, the easier it is to move it.
07:27All right!
07:28We did it!
07:29Great job, guys!
07:32Thanks for moving the meatball!
07:34Come on, they're gaming on us!
07:36Come on, guys! Let's go!
07:58Blocked again?
08:00Maybe we can climb over.
08:04What if we removed each spaghetti strand one by one?
08:07That'll take too long!
08:10How about another lever?
08:13Let's do it!
08:16Not because the spaghetti's too heavy to move with the lever.
08:19It just falls apart when we try.
08:22Shh! Hold up!
08:29There are all kinds of simple machines.
08:31Maybe you just need to match the right one for the job.
08:34Bye-bye now.
08:35Guys, she gave me an idea!
08:37At home, I use a ramp to get over the stairs.
08:40And a ramp is a kind of inclined plane.
08:43Another simple machine!
08:45Those lasagna noodles look like ramps.
08:49Move aside, little doggy!
08:56Out of my way, bro!
09:01See you at the top, Carlos!
09:07Let's go! Let's go!
09:09Crisis! They nullified the noodle!
09:11And there aren't any more to make our own ramp!
09:14If we can't climb the spaghetti and it falls apart when we use a lever,
09:17how can we lift it?
09:19Got it!
09:21If we had a rope,
09:22I'd run it through a pulley to lift the spaghetti out of the way.
09:26Miss Frizzle?
09:27Too bad you don't have a rope to tie all the noodles together.
09:30No rope at all.
09:32Nothing even close.
09:33Bah! You're rope-less!
09:36Entirely lacking in rope.
09:38Wait! Maybe we do!
09:40We can use this for rope!
09:42Yes! Fresh linguine that hasn't been dried yet!
09:46Fresh linguine that hasn't been dried yet!
09:48Strong, but flexy!
09:50Well, and to think there was a rope the whole time!
09:59And this for the wheel part!
10:01Yes! Let's do this!
10:10Got it!
10:18One, two, three, pull!
10:25Come on!
10:28Pulleys save the day!
10:30Good job!
10:36I see the goal!
10:37We're getting closer, guys!
10:39Good, because look who's on our tail!
10:41Come on!
10:43Let's go!
10:47What was that crash?
10:53Whatever it is, it's bad!
10:55Alphabet X!
11:17T for trouble!
11:19We'll never get through it!
11:21Too bad we don't have a plow!
11:23I'll tell you right now, a plow ain't nothing more than a simple machine gone large!
11:29Whoa! Ms. Frizzle, where do you keep coming from?
11:32Yes! A plow is pretty much a wedge that pushes stuff apart!
11:36Hang on! I saw some wedges of cheese back there!
11:39I think you mean back yonder!
11:42Now all we need are wheels to make it easier to push the wedge!
11:45Wheels? I have wheels stuck to my butt!
11:48How cool is that?
11:50Good idea!
11:54Make way for the Mikey Express!
11:57Let's go!
12:03Perfect! Now what do we do?
12:05Come on!
12:12Hop on! We got this!
12:16They're winning!
12:18We gotta move!
12:33Um, Arnold? Maybe you should have stayed home today.
12:36Wait! Mikey's chair gave me an idea!
12:38Quick! Grab some wagon wheel pasta!
12:44A hover, Arnold?
12:45I don't like this.
12:48Feeling sick.
12:51Let's make this pasta go faster!
12:57We're doomed!
13:17Liz! Come in, Liz!
13:18Time to get the bus back in action! Stand by for instructions! Over!
13:26Wahoo, Buckaroo! This race just got interesting again!
13:29Yeah! Well, the way I see it, there's still a mountain to climb!
13:33And I'm still getting to the top first!
13:39Is it my sensitive toes? Or does anybody else feel that?
13:45Arnold's toes are right. There's something big coming this way. Sounds like a stampede!
13:50Of what? I ain't seen no varmints!
13:54Uh, unless you count that adorable giant pup with those adorable giant gnashing teeth.
13:59Noodles! She's eating the display!
14:03Potential disaster! We've got to get to the top to stay clear!
14:06Uh-oh! Look up there!
14:15That was close. Hey, where is everybody?
14:18On the other side of the cheese.
14:21How are we going to get back to them?
14:25Forget climbing or moving this glop. It's way too gooey.
14:33Noodles! She's still eating!
14:36Hey, where's next?
14:38Boys? Boys, do you hear me?
14:40Copy that, Miss Frizzle.
14:41Okay, Liz and the bus are on their way, but we do have to meet them on the mountaintop,
14:45because that's the only place you can land. Okay?
14:47Okay, see you there!
14:49Only how?
14:53Okay, let's do this. To the summit!
14:56How are we going to get up that?
14:58You could have added an elevator.
15:00Straightforward. Where you guys see a wall of doom, I see a rock climbing.
15:05Going up!
15:08Or not.
15:25Okay, Mikey, race or no race, it's just you and me now.
15:29I guess we're working together.
15:31The fastest way to the peak would be to climb something.
15:35Like a noodle.
15:36Yeah, but that's hard enough without lunging a wheelchair.
15:40Lucky for us, you've got all the simple machines we need.
15:44Weavers, axles, wheels, inclined planes.
15:51Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
15:53We make it easier to reach the top, little at a time, by building...
16:00Totally! A series of ramps zigzagging up the mountain!
16:21There's got to be another way up.
16:24But all we've got are these screwy noodles.
16:30Did you say screwy?
16:32That's it! We just found another simple machine.
16:35A screw!
16:36But how's a screw going to get us up a cliff?
16:39Like this!
16:40By screwing the facili into the cliff wall. See? Instant footholds!
16:46Okay, going straight up is tiring.
16:49But it's the shortest way.
16:51Come on!
16:55I don't know if I can do this.
16:57Oh, I'm pretty confident I can't.
17:00Arnold was right. Should have added... an elevator.
17:07Better take a few simple machines.
17:09But I don't know how to use it.
17:11Oh, I know!
17:12You can use a piece of wood.
17:14I'll show you.
17:16I'll show you.
17:17I'm gonna do it!
17:21I'm gonna do it!
17:22I'm gonna do it!
17:23I'm gonna do it!
17:24I'm gonna do it!
17:25I'm gonna do it!
17:26I'm gonna do it!
17:27I'm gonna do it!
17:28I'm gonna do it!
17:29Better take a few simple machines, just in case.
17:48How's that?
18:11Sorry guys!
18:26We made it!
18:27Couldn't have done it without you, bro. You were awesome, man. We make a good team guys a
18:33little help here
18:36Whoa, you look beat and where's everyone else still stuck on cliff?
18:46No problem, we got this one pulley coming up
18:50Brainstorm to police means two sections of rope would be holding her. So we only need half the muscle power genius
19:28Okay, let's go
19:40Thank you, thank you. Mmm cheesy
20:03Thank you, let's go
20:10All right here
20:17You claiming it or am I
20:32Wagon home time to go
20:57You thinking what I'm thinking always
21:18Awesome believable Wow, that was way too close
21:24Carlos and Mikey your heroes, you know, you two really used your noodles
21:31Yep, those simple machines really helped they made everything way easier
21:37So who's ready for lunch? I sure am spaghetti lasagna fusilli my treat
21:44Well, we just go straight to dessert. Well, we do have this giant cannoli
22:24This is the life peace quiet a gentle breeze and
22:28Unstoppably curious minds professor frizzle PhD determined to help
22:34I just saw the simple machines episode and I could see how they could help if you're like stuck in the woods
22:38But simple machines seem pretty old-fashioned to me
22:41Well, you'd be surprised at how many simple machines you use every day
22:45even when you're not in the woods a
22:48Seesaw is a lever you use to lift a friend a slide is an incline
22:53And a toy shovel is just a wedge you used to do
22:58I live in an apartment building is an elevator a simple machine
23:02Elevators work with simple machines to once powered by electricity
23:07pulleys attached to wheel and axle gears
23:10Raise and lower the elevator car between floors and wedges help work the braking system
23:16Sounds like simple machines are everywhere
23:20Exactly, even the most complicated machines are just combinations of simple ones all to make our work easier
23:28That's amazing. Thanks professor
23:32Let's just say the sky's the limit and hope for rain