The Magic School Bus Rides Again s02e06

  • 3 months ago
Ms. Frizzle's kid sister Fiona takes the wheel at Walkerville Elementary, leading the class on wild adventures packed with science-fueled fun.


00:00You're relaxed and feeling good. Next thing that you know, you're seeing
00:18Octopus in the neighborhood. Surfing on a sound wave. Swinging through the stars.
00:30Take a left at your intestine. Take your second right past Mars. I'm the magic scuba.
00:36Navigate a nostril. Climb on the magic scuba. Spank a fainting tooth. Take that!
00:42I'm the magic scuba. Rock the river of lava. I'm the magic scuba. Such a fine thing to do.
00:50So strap your bones right to the seat. Come on in and don't be shy.
00:55Just to make your day complete, you might get baked into a pie.
00:59I'm the magic scuba. Step inside, it's a wild ride. Come on, ride on the magic scuba.
01:12Impressive. Great play, Carlos. Solid catch, Wanda. And Tim, good hustle.
01:23Thanks, Captain.
01:24Where is Ralphie anyway? Our star player's never late for practice.
01:28Woo-hoo, let's go!
01:36Was that Ralphie?
01:41Perplexing. Ralphie, why aren't you on the field?
01:44Sorry, Jodi. My folks said if I don't get my grades up, no more baseball.
01:48So, you're reading a comic book.
01:51But we need you.
01:52Don't worry, guys. I have a plan.
01:54But I have everything planned around you to win. Look at my playbook.
01:58The Ralphie Squeeze play, the Ralphie Pickoff, the Ralphie Rundown. Failure is not an option.
02:05Which is why I've got it covered.
02:07You're going to study?
02:09Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Let's not get crazy here.
02:12I'm just going to learn everything there is to know in the world, the easy way.
02:16Allow me.
02:18What are you talking about?
02:20With this.
02:21The Gem of Geniusness, a powerful relic left behind by a lost alien civilization,
02:27which holds the answer to every question in the universe.
02:31See? Why study when you can solve any problem with a magic rock?
02:36A magic rock?
02:39Interesting. The gem is located on a small exoplanet in the Centaurus constellation.
02:44That's only...
02:45420 light years away?
02:47Eh, so it's a bit far.
02:49Still easier than studying.
02:50It is.
02:51It is when you have a magic bus.
02:54Come on. We need Ralphie on the team. Failure is not an option.
03:00Oh, the fan belt's connected to the engine.
03:03The engine's connected to the warp drive.
03:06The warp drive connects with nothing. Magic and...
03:10Miss Frizzle!
03:11Hello, kids.
03:17Miss Frizzle, can we take the bus to a distant exoplanet to get the Gem of Geniusness
03:22and raise Ralphie's grades to save the baseball team?
03:25Wouldn't it be simpler for Ralphie to just study?
03:32All aboard, class!
03:34Yay! A field trip!
03:36See? Way better than studying.
03:58Here's our exoplanet!
04:00Is one side stuck facing the star?
04:02Yeesh. Talk about sun damage.
04:04No kidding. According to my research, the part of the planet facing its sun is blazing hot.
04:09The part facing away is icy cold.
04:11And the whole thing gets hit with regular dust storms made of salt.
04:15Not to mention the nearly impossibly impossible terrain.
04:18Relax. We have the bus. That means super smooth sailing from...
04:23What's going on?
04:25We've hit a powerful magnetic field coming from the exoplanet.
04:30The instruments are going haywire. Isn't this exciting?
04:35Well, it's about to be. Bus, do your stuff!
04:43Huh. The bus isn't... doing its stuff. Huh.
04:48The magnetic field is affecting the bus' instruments.
04:51You mean the bus can't land?
04:53Not without crashing.
04:55Sorry, class. I guess the field trip's postponed for now.
04:58Just like my baseball season.
05:00Looks like you've got a lot of work ahead of you, Ralphie.
05:03We all do. Because we're not giving up. Failure is not an option.
05:08And we start with step one. Back to school.
05:19If the bus can't get us all the way to the gem because of the magnetic field,
05:23then we'll build something the bus can lower onto the planet. Like this space rover.
05:27That sounds like work.
05:29Actually, it sounds really cool.
05:31One small question, Jodi. How?
05:33That's a small question?
05:35It's only three letters. We'll do what real engineers do.
05:38Yep. Learn from failing over and over and over and over and over again.
05:43Actually, we'll get everything right the first time by building a mini version of the rover to test.
05:48Now, what does the rover need to travel on that exoplanet?
05:52Well, first, it's got to handle all that hot, cold, salt, stormy terrain.
05:57And we should probably make it lightweight for easy transport.
06:01Don't forget a power source. Maybe solar panels and batteries.
06:04And a fully articulated gem of geniusness gem grabber.
06:07Plus, I have my own list.
06:09Chrome spoiler, racing stripes, subwoofers, quad sound, wicked rims, fuzzy dice, dash cam,
06:14and most important, an ice machine to keep my post-gem-grabbing victory juice cold.
06:20Well, then, let's get building.
06:33Mini rover, check. Model exoplanet, double check.
06:37That's one small step for a kid, one tiny leap for kid kind.
06:52The rims, the spoiler, the racing stripes. It's even more awesome up close.
06:57But does it need an ice machine?
06:59It seems a bit, what's the word, crazy heavy.
07:02I think you mean crazy mission critical.
07:08Let's start this test. We've got ball games to win.
07:14All systems, go, go, go!
07:20Power dropping, gears grinding, weight shifting.
07:24Uh, is that engineering talk for...
07:29Abandon rover!
07:45This is my fault, right?
07:47No, it's my fault for letting you have the ice machine.
07:57Introducing Rover 2.0.
07:59No chrome spoilers, no subwoofers, much lighter now, with nothing except what we really need.
08:07No ice machine? Fine, but don't come crying to me when we're choking down warm victory juice.
08:13Okay, Keisha, let's test this new design.
08:26Let's see if this rover is worth its salt. Wanda, Tim, now!
08:38Sorry about this, Jodi.
08:40It's for science!
08:42And our baseball team!
08:48Need more power!
08:54We're making it through!
08:57Okay, now hit us with some heat.
09:08Deploying heat shield!
09:13Deploying heat shield!
09:16Cool! Looking good.
09:29And the heated seats are a great touch.
09:31Now the final test.
09:33To see if the grabber can grab the gem.
09:44Success! We did it!
09:46Next step, get to the exoplanet, grab the gem and drink victory juice, and dominate at baseball.
09:52Almost, but not quite.
09:54Huh? Why not?
09:55We need to test a full-size rover.
09:58Ms. Frizzle?
09:59Yeah, on it like green-eyed lizards.
10:04Awesome! Shem of geniusness, here we come!
10:08Not yet. We still need to test the rover in environments like the exoplanets.
10:12Only here on Earth.
10:13You mean real frigid ice capes in super scorching deserts?
10:17Like Antarctica? Or Death Valley?
10:19Great ideas, Arnold. That's the spirit.
10:21I knew I should have stayed home today.
10:31Gotta say, Rover 3.0 is pretty slick.
10:44Is everyone okay?
10:45My life just flashed before my eyes.
10:47And it's way more interesting than it should be.
10:49Yeah, we're cool.
10:55Maybe too cool. The tires keep slipping on the ice. We're stuck.
10:59How can we plan for the cold, but not ice?
11:02And if the rover can't handle this, there's no way it can handle the exoplanet.
11:07You know, in the words of my inventor cousin, D-Buckle,
11:10if at first you don't succeed, gripe!
11:13But how could failure be great? It's not an option. Ever.
11:17Of course it is. You kids are putting too much pressure on yourselves.
11:20A failure is just finding a flaw.
11:22Just focus on fixing the flaw and don't get flummoxed by the fail.
11:25You see, every failure is a step towards success, my little failures.
11:31Isn't it better to have the rover break down here than on the other side of the universe?
11:36So I guess we have to make even more changes to the rover.
11:40Back to the drawing board.
11:42Okay, we need ideas to keep the wheels from sliding on the ice.
11:46Maybe thinking is the problem. We're jammed up because we're overthinking things.
11:51We need to...
11:53Exactly. Don't think of the best idea. Just blurt stuff out.
11:57Like, maybe we need an anti-gravity device to hover us over the ice.
12:04Intriguing, but that technology hasn't been invented yet.
12:09Okay, so Ralphie's idea didn't work, but didn't it feel great to just throw it out there?
12:14Yeah, I know. We could put glue on the wheels to keep them from slipping.
12:18Wait, then it wouldn't go anywhere.
12:20That won't work.
12:21And who says a rover only needs wheels?
12:24Why not add tractor treads?
12:26Like the bus had when we went to visit the glaciers.
12:28Treads for the ice!
12:32See? Crazy ideas led us to a breakthrough. Anything else?
12:36And survival stuff, for when all this fails.
12:39Now you're thinking like engineers, kids!
12:55All systems optimal. Rover version 4.0 running smoothly.
13:00Here comes the ice!
13:07Yahoo! Yeah, we did it!
13:10So, jam-grabbing time?
13:12Not yet. We know the rover can beat real-life ice, but can it beat... the heat?
13:17Welcome to Death Valley, where it's hot enough to cook breakfast on the driveway.
13:22All right, guys, let's see how fast we can fail.
13:33So far, so good, except for the... dust!
13:40Which is totally gumming up the engine!
13:43Maybe we can clean it out in the street down there.
13:49I don't like the sound of that.
13:53Hey, failers, how's the failing?
13:55Um, pretty good, I think?
13:58Yeah, we nearly stalled out because of dust in the engine.
14:03And we wrecked the suspension coming down a rocky hill.
14:07And the way we built it means we can't get to the parts we need to fix.
14:10We have to take apart the whole rover!
14:13Basically, we discovered a bunch of new challenges to overcome.
14:16I think that actually I'm the one that's overcome by the way that you kids have embraced failure.
14:23It's so beautiful.
14:27I guess we should start pushing the rover back to the bus.
14:37Looks like the rover's top-heavy, too. Way to find a flaw, Arnold!
14:42Back to work, everybody! Time for Rover 5.0!
14:47Now it's sealant on all intakes to keep the dust out.
14:50And taller suspension holding the rover higher off the ground so rocks won't wreck the parts.
14:55But if they do break, we've added all kinds of access panels.
15:00So we can fix any part without flipping the rover over.
15:03Which won't happen anyway.
15:05Because we've moved the weight around...
15:07And given it a wider wheelbase...
15:08To make it unflippable!
15:10You all get an A for F-A-I-L. Fail!
15:14Now let's get to space so I can know the answer to everything and play ball!
15:19Okay, class. We're almost at our drop point. Is everyone ready?
15:23Affirmative. We've failed so much, we've got no fear left!
15:33We're here. Deploy the rover!
15:41What's happening next?
15:45Let the door open.
15:46Electromagnetic turbulence is sending the bus' magic stabilizometers into advanced wonky mode.
15:52What does that mean?
15:53It means we tested the rover, but we forgot to test the bus!
15:58It also means we're about to...
16:23At least the rover's okay.
16:25Which means we can get anywhere on this planet!
16:27We just can't get home. And all because I didn't think to test the bus!
16:32Guys, I'm so sorry.
16:35Uh-huh, uh-huh. Oh, I see.
16:37What is it, Ms. Frizzle?
16:38The good news is the bus manual tells us exactly how to fix it.
16:42And the bad news?
16:43I left the manual on my desk.
16:45Can we all finally admit there's such a thing as complete, total, catastrophic, ultra-failure?
16:52We've come too far. We may not have the answers yet, but they're out there, somewhere.
16:56Yes, the gem of geniusness!
16:58It's got to be somewhere.
17:00But they're out there, somewhere.
17:02Yes, the gem of geniusness!
17:04It's got answers to every question in the universe. Even this one.
17:08All we have to do is take the rover out there and get it.
17:12It's our last, best hope.
17:14Ah, perfect. Okay, you guys grab the gem, and Liz and I are going to stay here and keep failing to fix the bus.
17:26According to the map in here, the gem should be that way.
17:30Um, you mean through that field of frozen fissures?
17:33It's nothing we can't handle.
17:42Oh, salt storm!
17:50I think we snapped an axle.
17:52Step aside, Tim. I've got this.
18:00Replacement axle.
18:05Got her fixed, and look good doing it.
18:14Here's the gem!
18:17Here's the gem! Everybody look!
18:24So what are we waiting for?
18:26Um, that.
18:30Another day, another field trip, another raging stream of molten hot lava.
18:34Is this how it ends? An actual failure?
18:37Man, I could sure use an ice cold victory so close yet so far away juice right now.
18:43Ralphie, you're a genius!
18:45I've been called a lot of things in my life, but never that.
18:48What exactly did he figure out?
18:49That we need something cold.
18:51Like the ultra compact super cool liquid nitrogen ice machine I tested and redesigned for Ralphie.
18:57It was supposed to be a surprise.
19:09Wow, Jodi, you really did us a...
19:11Please don't say it.
19:21Told you the ice machine was mission critical.
19:25There it is!
19:31No, go left!
19:33No, your other left!
19:35Right, right!
19:36No, other right, other right!
19:40That's it!
19:46Goodbye studying, hello easy answers, do everything!
19:50Hey, there's something on the bottom.
19:54The gem has a manual?
19:55No, it's a note.
19:57From Professor Frizzle.
20:00Say what?
20:01What's it say?
20:02Dear former class, if you're reading this, then you've found the gem of geniusness.
20:06Good job, but there are a few things you should know.
20:08I put the gem here.
20:10And wrote the story in Ralphie's magazine, using my sci-fi name of course.
20:14Philip K. Dizzle.
20:17And why couldn't the bus land?
20:20So you would figure out how to get here by taking chances, making mistakes, and getting messy.
20:26But mostly making mistakes, because learning from them is what engineering's all about.
20:32P.S. The gem's only good for one answer, so you'd better make the question good.
20:36There's only one thing to ask.
20:39Oh, all-powerful gem of geniusness, holder of knowledge, keeper of secrets, saver of bacon.
20:47How do we fix the bus?
20:59Look what the gem turned into.
21:01Of course, it's so simple.
21:03So super obvious.
21:04The one thing that can fix everything.
21:07Magic duct tape.
21:16Seriously, is there nothing that stuff can't fix?
21:21This is it, team.
21:22The moment we've been training for.
21:24Remember, failure is...
21:25Sorry I'm late.
21:26I lost track of time studying at the library.
21:29Way easier than traveling across the universe.
21:32Glad you made it, Ralphie.
21:33Where was I?
21:35Failure is just fine.
21:36Now let's go out there and build on our mistakes.
21:40Who's the team that's not afraid to fall flat?
21:43The Walkerville Warthogs, now up to bat.
21:48I know, I know.
21:49The champ could use some fixing.
21:52Let's play ball!
21:55The Warthogs
22:03Hi, I'm looking for the Magic School Bus.
22:05Is this the Magic School Bus?
22:07Magic School Bus?
22:08Is this the Magic School Bus?
22:09Hi, I'm looking for the Magic School Bus.
22:13Magic School Bus?
22:14Magic School Bus?
22:15Magic School Bus?
22:17Is there still Autobus Magico?
22:19Bonjour. Je cherche l'Autobus Magique.
22:21I'd like to speak to the Magic School Bus, please.
22:30Professor Frizzle, Ph.D., delighted to hear from you.
22:33Hi, Professor.
22:35The class failed a lot in this episode, but that's because they're kids and not real engineers, right?
22:40Not quite.
22:41The kids ran into fewer setbacks on their project than most engineers do.
22:45In fact, engineers count on failures during testing to make designs better and prevent problems later.
22:51The NASA engineers brainstormed lunar rover design ideas for seven years before they built one.
22:58Then they built eight rovers and tested them for five months before they used it on the moon.
23:04Is that all there is to engineering?
23:07What about the math and science and stuff?
23:09Oh, there's lots of that, too.
23:11But at its core, engineering is about finding solutions to problems.
23:15Whether it's driving on a moon or making a better phone, it's the same process.
23:20Brainstorming, designing, testing and retesting, finding the flaws and learning from failure is a big part of that.
23:27Cool. Thanks, Professor. What's next?
23:29Well, let's just say it will be a tortellini of a trip.
23:35So, Goldie, pen A for your thoughts.
23:40NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
24:10NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
24:40NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
25:10NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology