• last year
Ms. Frizzle's kid sister Fiona takes the wheel at Walkerville Elementary, leading the class on wild adventures packed with science-fueled fun.


00:00You're relaxed and feeling good Next thing that you know, you're seeing
00:20Octopus in the neighborhood Surfing on a sound wave
00:28Swinging through the stars Take a left at your intestine
00:32Take your second right past Mars I'm the magic school bus
00:35Navigate a nostril Climb on the magic school bus
00:39Spank a fainting tooth I'm the magic school bus
00:44Raft a river of lava I'm the magic school bus
00:48Such a fine thing to do So strong, so strong
00:51Your bones right to the seat Come on in and don't be shy
00:55Just to make your day complete You might get baked into a
00:58Pot on the magic school bus
01:01Step, step, step inside It's a wild ride
01:04Come on, ride on the magic school bus
01:26I have a doctor's note.
01:27I'm not allowed to be entertaining.
01:30It's legit.
01:31Uh, okay, uh, who else we got?
01:34I'll go.
01:35Let me.
01:36I'm next.
01:37I've got a great idea.
01:38I know exactly what I'm going to do.
01:39Me first.
01:40Me first.
01:41I've been working on this.
01:42Did you really need to blow your whistle then?
01:46And just in case you missed it, you will be.
01:51Frustrating, isn't it, William?
01:53Those magnets just don't want to connect.
01:57Okay, little brother.
01:58Turn this one around.
02:00Now watch.
02:05Guys, a variety show.
02:12Thanks, guys.
02:13Sorry I forgot to sign your field trip permission slips, Wanda.
02:16But what a sense of humor your teacher has.
02:20Outer space.
02:23Oh, my dear.
02:26Ms. Frizzle is really something.
02:28Bye, Mom.
02:31So what's up with the auditions, Ralphie?
02:33It's a disaster.
02:34Well, can't be that bad.
02:45They all want to do dance acts?
02:49The problem with a variety show is that I need variety.
02:55Um, there's only room for one dance act.
02:58But we still have openings for a stilt walker and a bagpiper.
03:01Well, I'm doing the Keisha Kromp.
03:03Well, I'm doing the Joe D. Gore Catecholy.
03:05I'm doing the Timothy Twist.
03:13Hey, Ralphie, you mind scraping your fingernails along a chalkboard or something?
03:17Just to change it up a bit?
03:18Nah, I'm good.
03:19Since we can only do one dance act,
03:21why don't you come up with something where you all dance together?
03:24As a troupe?
03:26Never done that before.
03:27I guess we could try it.
03:29But where do we start?
03:31Not sure.
03:32But we need something with excitement, style, action.
03:36Did someone say action?
03:39With style.
03:40And spin.
03:57And there's frizzle.
04:04Where did you learn those moves?
04:07Oh, from a little troupe I know called Adam and the Electrons.
04:11Talk about moves, they just won't stop.
04:14That sounds amazing.
04:16Maybe they could give us some ideas.
04:18Can we meet them?
04:19Well, like my DJ cousin Young MSB always says,
04:22let's bust a move.
04:32Wait for me!
04:37Okay, we are ready to...
04:40Uh-oh, something's missing.
04:43What's that, Miss Frizzle?
04:44The destination for our inspiration.
04:46Ralphie, may I borrow your whistle, please?
04:49Uh, I guess.
05:15Never seen something like this before.
05:27Where are we?
05:28I think we're inside my whistle.
05:31As in, inside the iron it's made of?
05:34Ah, it's so much quieter inside the whistle.
05:39That's right, kids.
05:40Everything in the world is made of tiny little particles.
05:45You mean atoms.
05:47A perfectly petite perception, Jodi.
05:50M, spinning round and round.
05:52May I present to you my favorite dance troupe,
05:55Adam and the Electrons.
05:59Some electrons in these atoms are spinning one way,
06:01and some are spinning the other way.
06:06This is what I mean.
06:08This dance has excitement, style, action.
06:11So you want us to do the atomic boogie?
06:15You could be the spin-tastics.
06:19Why not?
06:20I'll give it a shot.
06:21Then let's do it.
06:27Okay, Liz, hit it.
06:30Everybody spin.
06:32Ah, yeah.
06:33Break it down.
06:34Give it up for the Timsters.
06:37Can I get a whoop whoop?
06:39This is great, you guys.
06:45Jodi, watch where you're going.
07:04My show.
07:05It's ruined.
07:06This couldn't get any worse.
07:18Hey, how you doing?
07:24Okay, now it couldn't get any worse.
07:29Guys, what happened?
07:32You were supposed to be doing the atomic boogie,
07:35not the wreck-the-entire-show-dance-aster.
07:38How are rehearsals going, kids?
07:41No, the opposite of well.
07:43We tried, but I was spinning one way.
07:46I was spinning the other.
07:47And I was going another way.
07:49Ooh, and you canceled each other out, just like Adams.
07:53Sounds to me like it couldn't have gone better.
07:55Um, maybe you should talk to my mom.
07:58She knows an excellent hearing specialist, and I can ask her to...
08:01Oh, Ralphie, just because you've seen some Adams in action
08:04doesn't mean they all act that way.
08:07Hang on.
08:08You're saying that there's other atomic dance acts
08:10that are more, you know, coordinated?
08:12I am.
08:13And I'm guessing they aren't in Ralphie's whistle.
08:15Not unless things change.
08:19To the bus?
08:20To the bus!
08:29Where are we, anyway?
08:32My compass is going all weird.
08:34Let's check the GPS.
08:38Our coordinates.
08:40Entering latitude and longitude.
08:44It's Cadete Geomortania.
08:46No way!
08:47That mountain has one of the biggest deposits of iron in the world!
08:51Field trip of my dreams!
08:54So I dream about rocks.
08:55It happens to have huge deposits of magnetite, too.
08:59Is that another kind of rock?
09:00More than a rock!
09:02It's also a...
09:08This I gotta see!
09:09Oh, don't worry, kids.
09:10You're gonna see.
09:11Or I'm a couple bricks short of a lodestone.
09:22Ralphie, since you're our leader,
09:24wanna conduct the caravan?
09:25Heck to the yeah!
09:28All aboard!
09:31Ralphie, we've been aboard all day.
09:33I know.
09:34I just like yelling.
09:38A powerful engine needs a powerful parking brake.
09:50Don't worry, Ralphie.
09:51I'll take care of it.
09:54Clumsy me.
09:55Look at that!
09:58It's stuck!
09:59Hey, I need that back!
10:06Ralphie, I'm so pleased.
10:07You picked the perfect place to pause.
10:09I did, but all I wanted was to get my whistle.
10:13Well, why don't we grab it on our way back out?
10:15From where?
10:18From the magnetite?
10:22What's happening?
10:35Here are more iron atoms, like we saw before.
10:38Only this time, things look different.
10:41Before, the atoms were all facing different ways.
10:44But now, they're all lined up the same way.
10:47Yeah, these are totally lined up and way less...
10:49Bluggity, blaggy, wobbly.
10:52Dude, sometimes you are so science.
10:54Does it have something to do with being in a magnet?
10:57Deft deduction, DA.
10:59In non-magnetized material, electrons spin in all directions.
11:04But in magnetic material, the spinning is in stunning synchronicity.
11:10Oh my goodness, I couldn't have alliterated it better myself.
11:13But how does that explain the magnet part?
11:16Let's find out with our magnetic field glasses.
11:22I love this part!
11:25Look at that!
11:28It's magnetic force, of course.
11:30Each atom has its own magnetic field, okay?
11:33That's what the streams of light represent.
11:36Now, let's focus on one atom first.
11:39Looks like the magnetic force comes out one end of the atom and goes back in the other.
11:43That's right!
11:45Out the north end and in the south end.
11:47And when we look at the atoms together...
11:49When all the north ends and south ends of a number of atoms are lined up...
11:53That's when it gets really attractive.
11:58That area up there looks different.
11:59What is that?
12:01Is it something stuck to the magnetite wall?
12:04Is that my whistle?
12:07Atomically correct, Ralphie.
12:09The lines of force run from the magnetite through the whistle and back again.
12:15Weird or cool,
12:16Weird or cool!
12:17Last time we were in the whistle, the atoms weren't lined up.
12:20And now they are!
12:21Just like in the magnetite!
12:23So the magnetic field in the magnetite made the atoms in the whistle line up too?
12:27Thereby making the whistle magnetic as well!
12:31Which is why it's stuck to the wall!
12:33It's like the world's tiniest line dance!
12:36A line dance?
12:38It's perfect!
12:39That's what you guys could do!
12:41All line up and spin in the same direction, just like these atoms!
12:44Why not?
12:45Let's try it!
12:46Works for me!
12:48Let's get back and start practicing!
12:52Good to see you again, Tweets!
13:08I thought magnets were supposed to stick together!
13:10If they're facing the right way.
13:12If not, just like with my little brother's train set!
13:20Actually, I've seen that!
13:21But why?
13:26Arnold, that's the question of the day!
13:29Yeah, that's the question of our every day!
13:33These two magnets face opposite ways.
13:37So their lines of magnetic force flow in opposite ways too!
13:42So their lines of force push each other away!
13:46But if the magnetic force is all flowing in the same direction...
13:51The magnets pull together!
13:53They go with the flow!
13:55I thank you, and my toes thank you!
13:59But weird.
14:00You know what else is weird?
14:03Our ride's gone!
14:04Hang on.
14:05No bus?
14:06Where did it go?
14:07Where did it go?
14:09Um, you put the brake on when we stopped, right, Ralphie?
14:12No, I forgot!
14:13So it rolled off on its own?
14:15According to my research, that track could go on for miles!
14:19According to my research, we're stranded!
14:25Hey, bus!
14:26Where are you?
14:28Magic School Bus, where are you?
14:34I think I see something!
14:40You think?
14:44I see some yellow!
14:45Uh-huh, that's our bus, all right!
14:47So, now what?
14:49It's way too far down to reach!
14:52Look, there's a whole bunch of us!
14:55One of us must be able to find a way to get the bus up here!
14:58Keisha's right!
14:59One of us will fix this in no time!
15:01Good, because no time is exactly what we've got!
15:06Okay, who's got ideas?
15:08A giant suction cup!
15:11Uh, where exactly is this giant suction cup?
15:14I have three!
15:15At home!
15:17Who else?
15:18Anybody know any superheroes?
15:20Just great!
15:21What are we going to do, guys?
15:23Come on, guys!
15:24Hmm, looks like everyone's coming up with ideas on their own.
15:30I know!
15:31I know!
15:32We're just a bunch of little kids, and this is a big, big problem!
15:36Well, by working together, atoms can exert a pretty big force,
15:40and I can't think of anything smaller than atoms!
15:43Guys, we need to work together here!
15:47So, is there any way we can get to the bus?
15:50What can we do to make ourselves bigger and longer?
15:53A human chain?
15:54That's hilarious!
15:56For a second there, I thought you said human chain!
16:04This is great, you guys!
16:07By working together, we're going to reach the bus!
16:11Not reach the bus!
16:15I'm so, so, so close!
16:18But I can't quite reach!
16:24Can we get any more slack up there?
16:27That's all we've got, kids!
16:29That's it!
16:30That's as far as we can go!
16:35No use.
16:36We'll have to think of something else.
16:41There's got to be some other way to pull it up.
16:43Some way to reach further than we can with our arms.
16:52I've got it!
16:58That tickles.
17:02Okay, what did we learn when we were inside the magnetite?
17:05Oh, oh, oh, I know!
17:06That I can get motion sick pretty much anywhere?
17:09But also, remember the magnetic fuel glasses?
17:19Thanks, Ms. Frizzle!
17:20Come on, guys!
17:23Now watch!
17:24Look at the force coming from the magnet!
17:26We can't see it, but it's there, and it does this!
17:32The magnet's invisible magnetic force pulled the whistle towards it!
17:35You want to pull the bus to us?
17:39Forget human chain!
17:40What if we become human magnets?
17:43Excellent idea!
17:45You know, I've been waiting for the perfect time to use my Mega Magneto Multi-Tool,
17:49and here it is!
17:52What am I supposed to do with this little...
17:57Now, let's get us some magnetite!
18:06Now that's style!
18:12Okay, guys, let's do this!
18:16Okay, guys, let's do this!
18:20I wouldn't do that.
18:23Got it!
18:24High five?
18:25Could get sticky.
18:26Bad idea.
18:27Let's do this anyway!
18:29You're a magnetic force to be reckoned with!
18:42Feel the might of the magnetite!
18:47Okay, guys, here goes!
18:49You can do it, Ralphie!
18:51Getting closer!
18:53Is it pulling the bus?
18:54Not sure.
18:55I don't know if my magnet suit is strong enough.
18:57But it's not just yours, Ralphie.
18:59We're just like the atoms!
19:01One atom has a little bit of force, but it adds up!
19:04So one suit might not be strong enough to pull the bus,
19:07but when you put all of us together with the wall of magnetite behind us...
19:11Almost there!
19:13Keep going!
19:16It's doing it!
19:18Got it!
19:19Now pull!
19:21Good work, guys!
19:22Keep going!
19:35We did it!
19:36We did it!
19:37All right!
19:38We did it!
19:39We rule!
19:40Put the brake on, bus!
19:42Once again, science saves the day!
19:45Oh, I love when that happens!
19:51Thanks, Arnold.
19:52You know, this whole adventure has given me a great idea.
19:55You mean for the variety show?
19:58A new dance.
19:59Something we can do together.
20:00A topsy-turvy upside-down idea!
20:09Little help?
20:20You guys ready?
20:21Beth, wait!
20:22So ready!
20:23Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for the Magnetic Forces!
20:30Hit it, Liz!
20:58I gotta say, nice working with you guys!
21:02On a topsy-turvy...
21:05Totally magnetic force to reckon with!
21:08As my cousin Eddie Current used to say,
21:10anyone can learn to dance on the ceiling if they just stick to it.
21:33Hi, I'm looking for the magic school bus!
21:35Is this the magic school bus?
21:37Magic school bus!
21:38Is this the magic school bus?
21:40Hi, I'm looking for the magic school bus!
21:47Is there still Autobus Magico?
21:48Bonjour, je chante l'Autobus Magique.
21:51I'd like to speak to the Magic School Bus, please.
21:57Finally, Goldie, my new shrinkerscope is ready.
21:59Time to test it out, wouldn't you say?
22:01Professor Frizzle, Ph.D., answering your questions, big or small.
22:15Hi, Professor Frizzle, question.
22:17My fridge is metal, but magnets don't work on it.
22:20What gives?
22:21It depends what kind of metal it's made of.
22:23Magnets attract only a few types of metals,
22:26mostly nickel, cobalt, and iron or steel,
22:29like my motorbike.
22:32It was really cool when the kids danced on the ceiling,
22:35but come on, are magnets really strong enough to hold a person?
22:39You bet.
22:40Some are strong enough to lift entire trains.
22:42But in real life,
22:43a magnet strong enough to stick the kids' feet to a metal ceiling
22:46would be too strong for them to pick up their feet,
22:48let alone dance around.
22:51Just one more thing.
22:53That magnetite rock vein was huge.
22:55Yes, and at the moment, I can relate.
22:58What's the biggest magnet on Earth?
23:01You just named it, Earth.
23:03Our entire planet is one giant, not very strong magnet.
23:07That's why compasses work.
23:08The magnetic needle lines up with the magnetic field of our planet.
23:12I can't wait to see where the magic school bus takes us next time.
23:16Then I hope you have a really strong magnifying glass,
23:19because if there's one thing about the bus,
23:22there's no bigger adventure than getting small.
23:27Isn't I, Goldie?
23:29Maybe we'd better look into that really close up.
23:58NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
24:02California Institute of Technology
24:28NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
24:32California Institute of Technology
24:58NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
25:02California Institute of Technology