OTTCONversations: John Gildred, SyncTV - OTT Video is Replacing Traditional Broadcast TV

  • 11 years ago
Earlier this year at OTTCON, I met up with John Gildred, Founder and CTO of Silicon Valley-based SyncTV to discuss how OTT video is replacing traditional broadcast TV. According to Gildred, media consumption methods are changing, and mobile devices and OTT video is the main driver behind the shift. In this video, he shares how and discusses if OTT is on the path to replace conventional TV, but for now, it's becoming a strong supplement to legacy broadcast platforms.

Gildred says, video is such a focal point of what's going on and live television is going to be a big component too. An important theme in 2012 is making Over-the-Top technology be suitable for a full multi-channel live television services, and VOD, network DVR, accessibility on any device with all the things you would normally expect.

Another trend, Gildred says, is broadcasters and content providers will seek and leverage OTT video services with robust offerings, including; flexible CMS, VOD and live transcoding, rights management, availability windows, billing, branded apps, analytics and integration.

"They may know they need a CDN, they know they need an app, but they don't necessarily know how to tie the billing in and the customer management, and the entitlement and the DRM, and there's so many other pieces they don't always know they need to have."

The SyncTV provides an OTT platform for broadcasters and content providers for pay TV and pay-per-view. Gildred has experience working with companies like NBC Universal; France’s largest broadcaster, M6; AVAIL-TVN; LimeTV.
