The Future of TV and The Great Unbundling of Video ...

  • 13 years ago
We're in the end game of the of the great unbundling of video services, says Jim Louderback, CEO of Revision3, as next generation television channels shift from traditional models to IPTV video networks. Experts agree that the overall TV experience and PayTV business model will see dramatic changes over the next five years. The emergence of cloud-based services, OTT (over-the-top) content delivery, multi-screen entertainment, and the unbundling services are all driving that change.

I caught up with Louderback recently at the TV Next Con 2011 where he spoke on the executive panel session, Executive Panel Discussion, "MSO, Satellite and Telco Operator 2.0 – The Rise of the Next Gen Service Provider". He shared some of his thoughts on the changing video landscape and the great unbundling of services.

Louderback says, "We’re in the early days of a great unbundling of services from transport. Over the past 30 years, TV services and the cables they run upon have been inextricably linked — you paid your cable bill, and got wire and channels together… I see these unbundled cable services giving way to direct relationships between video content providers and customers."

Louderback maintains, that within the next few years most of the video we consume will be delivered over an open IP network, ending the long monopoly of proprietary services delivered through cable, satellite and broadcast streams. But even though our favorite shows will be delivered mostly on-demand, we'll still have bundles of services - but it will just be offered in new ways.


