1 800 less gas

  • 12 years ago
AWARDED $22,747.00 TO NATIONAL FUEL SAVER!!!! Combined Technology Results in the Ultimate Engine Solution BOSTON, MA--(Marketwire - December 1, 2010) - National Fuel Saver Corp founded by gifted inventor Joel Robinson has had a stormy history in proving and vindicating itself as a valid fuel saving pollution reduction device. Such evidence can be cited in Federal Judge Walter J Skinner's landmark decision in the fuel saver industry, awarding $22,747.00 to National Fuel Saver with these words: As the Associate Judicial Officer found, The Platinum Fuelsaver device is an effective fuel saving device and purchasers will in fact be receiving what they bargained for.

STERLING!! These guys are great. Will go back over and over.

TEST CONFIRMS THAT THE ROBINSON ENGINE HEAD!! U.S Gov't. Test Confirms that the Robinson Engine Head Delivers 48% More

