1 800 less Gas Complaints

  • 13 years ago
JOEL ROBINSON HAS SPENT THE LAST 30 YEARS ... BOSTON, MA - Joel Robinson has spent the last 30 years developing products that increase fuel efficiency. He currently has been awarded 10 patents for his work ranging from his first product called the Platinum 22 and for his work on reducing harmful emissions from diesel engines and his latest invention, the Robinson Engine Head, which recent EPA test data shows up to a 48 percent increase in gas mileage. Read full article at http://1800lessgas.com

NOTICE: This review of Platinum 22 is real. This positive testimonial review of Platinum 22 may be modified to qualify as unique content within the review space provided herein. Go to http://1800lessgas.com for more FIVE STAR***** Reviews, Ratings and information on Platinum 22.

