1800lessgas Reviews

  • 12 years ago
PLATINUM 22 IS A GREAT PRODUCT!!! This thing works and don't let anyone tell you any different. I don't now why it seems that life in all areas can advance technologically by leaps and bounds yet our vehicles don't get better gas mileage. It almost seems like there isn't any push to make is so. Well this new product the Platinum Fuel Saver works. For more info go to http://1800lessgas.com Platinum 22

SERVICE WAS EXCELLENT. These guys are great. Will go back over and over.

PLATINUM INJECTION SYSTEM IS AN EFFECTIVE FUEL SAVING DEVICE!!! As the Associate Judicial Officer found, The Platinum Injection System is an effective fuel saving device and purchasers will in fact be receiving what they bargained for. Federal Judge Walter J. Skinner

Awards Inventor $22,747.50


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