
  • 13 years ago
RELIEF AT THE PUMPS WITH NEW TECHNOLOGY FROM NATIONAL FUEL SAVER!!!! Consumer Research: Diesel Fleets Find Relief at the Pumps With New Technology From National Fuel saver. They can put a man on the moon, but they can't make a truck that gets reasonable fuel economy. In a world of cell phones, laser technology, and high tech Bluetooth capabilities transferring info via satellite, one would think that a viable fuel savings device would surface. Until now .. Platinum Fuel Saving device. Read full article at http://1800lessgas.com

NATIONAL FUEL SAVER HELPING YOU SAVE AT THE PUMP!!!! National Fuel Saver helping you save at the pump. Read more at http://1800lessgas.com Platinum Fuel Saver, Platinum 22, Platinum Gas Saver.

TEST CONFIRMS THAT THE ROBINSON ENGINE HEAD!! U.S Gov't. Test Confirms that the Robinson Engine Head Delivers 48% More

30% Read full article at http://1800lessgas.com.