How to Do Wall Squat - Women's Fitness

  • 13 years ago
How to Do Wall Squat - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats.

Hi guys, my name is Jasmine Parr from Austin fit and Fearless. And today I'm going to be showing you guys how to develop the lower body. The next movement is our Wall Squat, with the emphasis on the inner thigh. So you want to find a good wall, go down to about 90 degrees. Put the ball in between your thighs, and as I'm sitting in this 90 degree position, I really want to squeeze the ball with my (word unclear), my inner thighs, and really put that pressure on the ball. As you can see it gives in a little bit and that shows how much pressure I'm putting in on it. I want to hold this position for about 30 seconds or so and then come back up. You can do that for several times, several repetitions, go up and down, hold it for 30 seconds again, untill it feels. And that is the Wall Squat.