• 3 days ago
00:00On the topic of what is going on in his head
00:02I got about a minute and 12 second clip here for you from yesterday's winners presser
00:06Just talking about the question is, you know
00:08Do you see yourself Shay Knight said in the postgame presser as well?
00:12Like you're talking about him being a perfectionist the question being do you see yourself as a perfectionist?
00:16Do you feel like you're a perfectionist? I?
00:20Guess you can use that word to describe it
00:24I just view it as if you put your heart and soul into doing something
00:29you might as well do it, right and
00:33Swung the club extremely well, and I think my ball striking has been really really good over a long period of time
00:40and then when it's not doing that I
00:43You know that I'm gonna work on that. I'm gonna figure it out and I I think it's like I
00:51Find it kind of weird that we're professional athletes and the people that are wanting to improve or somewhat looked at as oh
00:58He's a perfectionist. He's kind of he's out on the perimeters searching too much. It's like that's what we do
01:04We're here to get better and we're here to win tournaments. So if you're not gonna try to get better
01:08Well, what are you doing? You know, so it's like
01:12Especially when I know there's issues there. It's not like I'm inventing stuff
01:16I have data that can show that what I used to do was objectively better than what I'm doing now
01:22So why shouldn't I try to go back to what I used to do?
01:30Hear that and the thing it reminds me of right off the bat is when Jordan Spieth came on the show a while back and talking
01:36About this sort of spectrum of where you can live if you want to play successful golf and you either have to not think about
01:42The swing at all be very, you know, just I swing it
01:45I hit it and just I kind of take it for what it's worth or you have to be so immersed in understanding your swing
01:50That you know, you know exactly what's going on when you're off how to fix it things like that
01:55What what are your reflections on what you just heard there from Victor Hovland
01:59Well, I think technology has helped
02:02For going for good and bad and I think for a case like Victor Hovland
02:06and even a Jordan Spieth who you hear players like even Scottie say I just want to get back to my DNA and
02:13I think when guys get their swings measured in 3d
02:17That's like their way of saying I don't want to go chase swing theories
02:21I want to go chase my golf swing when it's at its best. So when you're able to like measure, you know
02:27Okay, this is your pelvis is moving X amount this way and it used to be like this. It's like, all right
02:33well, what do I need to feel to make it be more like this and
02:37Based on what I've heard from what Grant Waite and him are working on
02:40This goes back to when I talked to Grant last year at Bay Hill
02:43but when they briefly worked together before he went back and worked with Joe Mayo is
02:47That he's trying to get him to not
02:51Rotate quite as much with his torso on the way back in that first third of the golf swing
02:56The more that he can keep the club lower and slower on the way back
03:00it's gonna slows torso rotation down to where as if you get all of your like three-quarters of your torso rotation before the club is
03:07halfway back
03:09the only thing that your arms can do is lift up and raise because you got nowhere else to go unless you just
03:14You know keep going around the bend like some if you have tons of
03:18mobility in your torso, but
03:21He wants him to keep it a little slower
03:23Maybe keep the chest pointing at the ball a little longer and then from there like he's he's always been a player that goes into
03:29Up, but if you can maybe eliminate that a little bit more to where you know, he can kind of get the feeling of
03:35You know Jordan's kind of the same way. It's like both both
03:40Bowed wrists a bright right wrist extension and then basically just turn a burn and there's not a player in the world
03:47like Victor Haven who can go hit a golf ball with all like the most freedom of
03:56Hitting it straight and swinging hard at it
