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00:00Today, we're building a secret Taylor Swift concert inside our house.
00:04And you're probably wondering why we're even doing this.
00:06And that's because our wives are the biggest Taylor Swift fans.
00:10And I mean the biggest.
00:12So we developed a plan for our wives to finally meet Taylor Swift.
00:16The first thing I have to do is somehow get a hold of Taylor Swift,
00:20which is not going to be easy.
00:22And I have to turn this entire house into a Taylor Swift concert.
00:25And I only have four hours.
00:27Oh, and if you guys are wondering where the girls are,
00:29well, to distract them, we sent them skydiving.
00:35We are going to iFly.
00:38Ah, what? You didn't know that?
00:40We're going to go fly in the sky.
00:43My feet have never left the ground. I'm not sure about this one.
00:46If we die, at least we died in the wind tunnel.
00:48We just got back from the store with all of our supplies.
00:51Now we have to hurry up and get building before the fans get here.
00:54Maverick, the fans are already here, man. I'm on top of it.
00:57Look, there's a fan right there.
00:59There's a fan right there.
01:01And there's a fan right here.
01:03What? Gosh, that's not the kind of fans I was talking about.
01:06We need Swifties. Taylor Swift fans.
01:08Not ceiling fans or hand fans.
01:10Where do you even get that fan?
01:12Oh, that fan?
01:13I bet you would like to know where I got that fan.
01:15But how about you stay out of my business?
01:17Stay out of your business?
01:18I would stay out of your business if you got real fans.
01:21You have to go get real fans right now.
01:24Yeah, I don't want to go get real fans.
01:25You have to.
01:26Stop it! Stop it!
01:32Now that Cash has gone to get real fans and not ceiling fans,
01:36I have to move this couch and everything in the living room
01:38so we can start building a real stage.
01:41All right, so to promote this show, I want to do three things.
01:44Number one is I want to get a billboard kind of close to the house
01:47so everyone can know exactly where we're having this concert.
01:50I also printed out these flyers and I'm going to put them literally everywhere.
01:55On light poles, the back of people's cars,
01:57the front of people's cars,
01:59on people!
02:00The third thing I'm going to do is go through drive-throughs
02:03and sing them Taylor Swift songs
02:05so that way they'll become Taylor Swift fans
02:07and they'll want to come to the show.
02:08I have to start promoting this show because we are running out of time.
02:11We made it to iFly and we're kind of terrified.
02:15I'm excited to like get in a tunnel and get tossed around by wind.
02:18Like that's kind of cool.
02:21Since the girls are only going to be gone a couple of hours,
02:24we have to quickly turn this entire living room into a concert.
02:28We got so much more work to do.
02:30We have to hurry.
02:31We're going to the flight deck.
02:32Oh my gosh, I see a wind tunnel.
02:34Oh no, it's right there.
02:36That's where we're going to die.
02:37Guys, there is popcorn kernels all over this couch
02:40and I know Kate is a neat freak and would be very mad about this.
02:45Oh well, we're starting to make some progress here
02:47and I'm about to start building.
02:49I wonder if Cash has found any fans yet.
02:51Man, I want to kiss that billboard.
02:53I mean, that is the best billboard I've ever seen in my entire life
02:56and now everyone is going to show up to my party.
03:00All right, let's roll this up.
03:03This is all cleared out now and it's just in time
03:06because I just got a call.
03:07The stage is here.
03:08All right, I'm about to tell everyone in town about the Taylor Swift concert.
03:12Let's go.
03:13This is me later tonight when we're partying with Taylor Swift.
03:16I'm going to be dancing all over the room.
03:18Do you want to come to my Taylor Swift concert?
03:21Okay, here you go.
03:25Taylor Swift concert everybody at my house 6 p.m.
03:29Be there or be square.
03:31Guys, this stage looks sick.
03:33It's going to be absolutely huge in here.
03:35It's going to look like a real concert.
03:37Let's get started building so I can show you what it looks like.
03:39This stage is the first piece to turning this living room into the heiress tour.
03:43Hopefully, after I get this set up, things will move a little faster.
03:47This looks like a pretty good spot for me to put my poster.
03:49What the heck is happening?
03:51There we go.
03:52Now, everybody can see my sound when they're walking into the Walmart.
03:55Do you guys want a poster?
03:59Not many people like my posters apparently.
04:01Taylor Swift's coming.
04:02You want to see her?
04:03There you go.
04:05Yeah, at my house tonight 6 p.m.
04:07I think they might be coming.
04:08What's up, man?
04:08How you doing?
04:09You want a Taylor Swift poster?
04:11Hey, Taylor Swift's coming to my house tonight.
04:14No, she is, she is.
04:15She's coming to my house tonight.
04:16Cash and Maverick's house, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
04:20Hey, let's go.
04:21I'll see you there.
04:23I'll see you there.
04:24I only have one poster left.
04:26A lot of people are taking them, but a lot of people also don't like them at all.
04:29I'm going to give this last one out to a very lucky fan.
04:33You want a Taylor Swift poster?
04:35All right, she's coming to my house tonight at 6 p.m.
04:37Okay, cool.
04:38She is.
04:39All right, I think she's coming.
04:41I can't believe I got rid of all of my posters.
04:43This is going to be crazy.
04:44Taylor Swift is coming.
04:45Taylor Swift is coming to my house tonight at 6 p.m.
04:49Attention, Walmart civilians.
04:51Taylor Swift is coming to my house tonight at 6 p.m.
04:55A little OOTD for iFly.
04:58Got the blue fit, blue helmet.
05:00Are you going to fly first or you want me to?
05:02I can go first.
05:02Okay, Kenzie's going to fly first, so I'm going to be out filming her.
05:06And then, I don't know, we'll see.
05:08So since the stage was extremely heavy,
05:10I called some of my friends over to help me put it together.
05:12Things are starting to look really good.
05:14We're on the last piece of the stage.
05:17And it looks like I hurt my finger again.
05:19Why do I always get hurt in these videos?
05:24The stage is finished.
05:27Now, I need to finish setting up.
05:28Let's go.
05:29Every concert needs lights.
05:31These are some of the best lights you can get.
05:34The guy I hired to get me these lights has done light shows for Taylor Swift,
05:39Beyonce, and even Michael Jackson.
05:41This light show is going to be amazing.
05:43This is our state-of-the-art speakers.
05:45These speakers are used for crowds of like 5,000 people.
05:49So inside this house, it's going to be insanely loud.
05:53I also got this huge sound mixer.
05:56This thing is top of the line.
05:58The guy I hired to work the soundboard is one of the best sound guys in the world.
06:03He's been doing music since like 1920.
06:06All right, here's the reveal of our amazing soundboard.
06:09What the?
06:11This thing looks like it's from 1920.
06:12All right, guys, we got the lights, the sound, and the stage.
06:16But this place doesn't really feel like a concert.
06:19It kind of still looks like our normal house.
06:21So I'm going to black out the entire room.
06:25Hopefully, I can finish before Cash gets back.
06:27Let's go.
06:28All right, we are at the first drive-thru.
06:30I'm about to sing them a Taylor Swift song.
06:32And hopefully, they will want to come to the show.
06:34Can I sing you a song?
06:36Yes, sir.
06:37Please, please, please don't prove I'm right.
06:42What do you think?
06:43I'm having a Taylor Swift concert at my house tonight.
06:46Do you want to come?
06:47I can try.
06:47Hey, Knuckles.
06:50Can I get a small chocolate shake?
06:53Will that be all for you today?
06:56Can I sing you a song real quick?
06:58All right, ready?
06:59I stay out too late.
07:01And I don't get drunk.
07:04I got nothing in my brain.
07:06But where can I get in?
07:11Hello, can I get an expresso?
07:14All right, I'll see you soon.
07:15I'll be honest, guys.
07:16I don't even know what an expresso is.
07:18Hello, how are you doing?
07:19Do you mind if I sing you a song today?
07:22Sing me a song.
07:24Okay, ready?
07:24I can't stop moving.
07:28I don't know the lyrics.
07:29It's Taylor Swift.
07:30I can't stop.
07:31I can't stop grooving.
07:32Yeah, there you go.
07:34Do you want to come to my Taylor Swift concert tonight?
07:37I mean, we have Swifties here.
07:38So I'll let them know.
07:39Oh, let them all know, please.
07:41All of them.
07:41Let all the Swifties know.
07:42All of them know.
07:43What's your shirt?
07:44My shirt?
07:46Yeah, I made this shirt.
07:47It's a Taylor Swift shirt.
07:48It has her face on it and everything.
07:52I think they're coming, baby.
07:53We got fans.
07:54I'm tired of this, grandpa.
07:56My wife better be the happiest wife on the planet when I'm done with this.
08:00I'm literally like as high as I can reach right now.
08:03It hurts so bad.
08:04Okay, I'm doing this all for you, Kenzie.
08:06I hope you're having fun right now.
08:27How was it?
08:28It was terrifying.
08:30I just finished blacking out the room.
08:31And now I got these lights.
08:33And I think it's going to really bring the room together.
08:35Check this out, guys.
08:36We got an official Taylor Swift merch table.
08:38So we got friendship bracelets with the names of all of her songs.
08:42Like Red and Evermore.
08:44Wait, are these albums?
08:45I don't even know.
08:46We also got VIP passes for every single person that comes here.
08:49Because everyone's going to get to meet Taylor Swift herself.
08:52Also, I got two Taylor Swift books.
08:54So if you don't know anything about Taylor Swift and you happen to be here tonight,
08:57you can start reading.
08:58Obviously, we got the Taylor Swift merch shirts.
09:00I'm wearing one.
09:01Cash is wearing one.
09:02Everybody's probably going to be repping these tonight.
09:04Can't wait for everyone to get here.
09:05I hope Cash gets back pretty soon, though.
09:06Because it's getting close to showtime.
09:08Guys, we're iFly certified.
09:13I would definitely do it again.
09:14Yeah, it was really fun, honestly.
09:16Now we're certified.
09:17So if you need an instructor, don't ask either of us.
09:19Yeah, actually, no.
09:20I was going crazy in that tunnel.
09:22I finally completed the room, guys.
09:24They are going to love this concert.
09:26This room is completed, guys, with lights, speakers, merch, a stage.
09:31And we clothed all the walls to make it dark in here.
09:34So it really has that concert feel.
09:36But there's just one last thing we need.
09:38Taylor Swift.
09:38And she should be here any minute.
09:40All right, all the fans are officially here.
09:42Let's go tell Maverick.
09:43All right, Maverick.
09:44Oh my gosh, what is this?
09:45There's a merch table?
09:46This is crazy.
09:47Maverick, Maverick, I got all the fans outside.
09:50OK, what the?
09:51Bro, what was that?
09:53Dude, I finished the concert.
09:55Isn't this sick?
09:56All right, all the fans are outside, Maverick.
09:58I got a lot of them, OK?
09:59Dude, I hope you did.
10:00If you got like two fans, I would be so disappointed.
10:02No, Maverick, I got a lot of fans.
10:03And they're not stealing fans this time.
10:04Let's go.
10:05Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor.
10:15This felt right.
10:16No, get out of here, dude.
10:24Come on, we've been waiting forever.
10:25We want Taylor.
10:27Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor.
10:30All right, guys, Taylor Swift's pulling up right now.
10:31She's about to get out of the car.
10:33Cause we scream, fight, hate, cry.
10:36Guys, Taylor Swift is here.
10:37This is amazing.
10:38This is amazing.
10:38I'm sorry.
10:39I'm sorry.
10:39I'm sorry.
10:40I'm freaking out right now.
10:41I'm kind of fangirling.
10:42I'm a little excited.
10:43But how are you doing?
10:44Hi, I'm good.
10:47Are you ready to perform?
10:48Our wives are literally your biggest fan.
10:50This is going to mean so much to them.
10:52Literally, thank you so much for coming.
10:53I love that.
10:54All right, guys, this is going to be insane.
10:56All right, guys, we're in the backyard right now with Taylor Swift.
10:59So are you ready to go inside?
11:01I'm ready for it.
11:02All right, let's go.
11:03So come on in.
11:04Come on in.
11:04Welcome inside.
11:05It's not a whole lot.
11:06But this, you know, this is me trying.
11:08So get it?
11:09I get it.
11:11She got it.
11:11Get it?
11:11Cause never mind.
11:13All right.
11:13So here is our backstage area for you.
11:15We got a kitchen.
11:16We got a couch.
11:17And that's about it.
11:18Oh, wait.
11:18I also did get you one more thing.
11:20Most green rooms have like candy and stuff like that.
11:22So I got you a candy cane.
11:27I love candy canes.
11:29I mean, you're welcome.
11:29You're welcome.
11:30That's what I meant to say.
11:31I meant to say you're welcome.
11:32But it's taking too long.
11:33Everybody out here is about to leave.
11:34They want to see Taylor Swift.
11:35Maverick, she's right here, man.
11:36Oh my gosh!
11:37Shh, shh, shh.
11:37Get yourself together, Maverick.
11:38Get yourself together.
11:39Thanks, Maverick.
11:39Thanks, Maverick.
11:40Maverick, Maverick.
11:40Maverick, get it together.
11:41He is a big Swifty.
11:43I have all the wrong names.
11:45Maverick, get out there, bro.
11:46Go, go, go.
11:48All right.
11:48Sorry about that.
11:49Don't, don't mind him.
11:50He's just, he can't control himself.
11:51Maverick, what are you doing?
11:52Get out of here, bro.
11:53All right.
11:53Are you ready to perform?
11:54I'm ready for it.
11:55The fans are ready for you.
11:56Take a peek.
11:57Take a peek.
11:57Look at how many fans are out there right now.
12:05So there is a lot of fans out there right now.
12:08Is this like the biggest crowd you've ever performed for?
12:10I mean, it's only like 80,000 people in the stadium.
12:14But I love this.
12:16Oh, OK.
12:16Well, this is going to be great.
12:18Also, are you going to eat that?
12:21I'll just take it back because I'm kind of hungry right now.
12:24All right.
12:24I'm going to go get them ready.
12:27Someone's definitely having a party.
12:28Probably all the way down at the end of the street.
12:30Walk them out to get to our front door.
12:34Overall, it was fun.
12:35But like, I wouldn't do it again.
12:37Oh, the high five.
12:38I'm not going to probably never do that again.
12:42Hey, what's up?
12:43What are you doing?
12:47Why aren't you inside?
12:50I got to wash the door.
12:50You got a ticket?
12:52A ticket to our house?
12:53Michael, this is my house.
12:54You have to have a ticket to get in.
12:55It's my house.
12:56No, I'm going into my house.
12:57You have to have a ticket to get in.
12:58What do you mean I have to have a ticket?
12:59It's my house.
13:00I can't let you go through the door.
13:02Let me in.
13:03It's our house.
13:04Hey, Michael.
13:05Chill, chill.
13:05They're with me.
13:06They're with me.
13:06You guys can come in.
13:07Are you sure?
13:08You guys can come in.
13:08What are you?
13:09Matt, what is happening?
13:10Keep up the good work, Michael.
13:11Why are you wearing that?
13:13What is it?
13:13No questions.
13:14What are you wearing?
13:20Move, move, move.
13:20Keep going.
13:21This will be fine.
13:22Come on.
13:22Keep going.
13:22Keep going.
13:23Stop pushing.
13:24Stop pushing.
13:25I'm sorry.
13:26How can I help you guys?
13:27Welcome to my show.
13:28Why is Cash on stage?
13:30Why is there a stage?
13:32Welcome, Kate and Kenzie.
13:33The special guests in the back.
13:35Welcome to the show.
13:36Get your hands off me.
13:37Are you not excited?
13:38Yeah, Kate.
13:39Are you not excited to be here, Kate?
13:40Is this karaoke?
13:41This is our living room.
13:42Yes, yes.
13:43This is our living room, Kate.
13:44But it's also the Aerostore.
13:46Introducing Taylor Swift.
13:50Y'all did not.
13:51Are you excited?
13:52Taylor Swift is not here right now.
13:53She is not here right now.
14:19We got you.
14:21It's what you're doing.
14:23It's making me feel like I'm falling.
14:26Yeah, I'm falling in love.
14:36You're making me feel excellent right now.
14:42Has anyone here actually been to the Aerostore?
14:45Me, me, me.
14:47Has anyone seen the Aerostore on Disney Plus?
14:51Me, me, me.
14:53All right, well, man, seeing your energy here,
14:55you're making me feel like I'm at the Aerostore.
14:57And you're making me feel so powerful.
15:00I kind of want to try something.
15:10That was cool.
15:12So this is kind of like the Aerostore living room version.
15:23All right, well, then let's do something a little fun
15:25because I don't have any song requests.
15:26Oh, I do.
15:27I do.
15:28I do.
15:28Play Expresso.
15:30No, shut up.
15:30Shut up.
15:31You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift.
15:38I guess they're not playing Expresso.
15:39I hope they play Fiend.
16:13Man, this is so much fun.
16:14Getting to perform in Cash and Maverick's living room.
16:17Hey, I'm going to let you finish.
16:18I'm going to let you finish.
16:19But first, I just wanted to do something real quick.
16:22I wanted to also sing a Taylor Swift song.
16:25You guys ready?
16:29All right, we're going to sing Shake It Off.
16:31All right.
16:32I say out too late.
16:43I don't think that was Taylor Swift.
16:46Oh my gosh.
16:48They're gone.
16:50You ruined it.
16:50Everybody left.
16:51You ruined the whole show.
16:52Everyone is gone because of you.
16:56Well, Taylor Swift is still here.
17:01Get off the stage.