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All our videos are filmed on our private gun range in Texas where we are taking all of the proper safety precautions. Do not try anything we do on our channel at home.


00:00Is a telephone pole bulletproof?
00:02We are going to shoot a telephone pole today on Yee Life
00:05with everything all the way up to a .50 cal and see what it would stop.
00:09My name is Parker, you're watching Yee Life.
00:11We take anything and everything and we shoot it with guns to see what happens.
00:14So part of this experiment is to see if you're hiding behind a telephone pole,
00:18would it be able to stop a bullet if someone was coming at you?
00:22This is a .50 BMG, the Beretta .50 cal, made popular in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.
00:27Shooting the telephone poles in COD?
00:29If I did, then they were probably bulletproof and same in Grand Theft Auto.
00:32If you run into a telephone pole, your car is going to be totaled.
00:34So these things are like made out to be indestructible.
00:41Maybe we shouldn't shoot this one.
00:44All right, you ready?
00:45Three, two, one.
00:53We are not going to be shooting this telephone pole with live wires and a transformer,
00:57but we did buy one online on Facebook Marketplace that we have rigged up.
01:01Let's go check it out.
01:04Did you, like when I snap, then it like goes to the other one, like.
01:10You want me to cut us down by the other one?
01:12Yeah, like when I snap, then it cuts to the other telephone pole, like this telephone pole.
01:23All right, here we are.
01:25This is our telephone pole.
01:26This looks great.
01:27Zach, you dug this hole?
01:28I dug the hole, man.
01:29Dude, this looks so good.
01:31It looks like one of those poles in those like competitions when it's like 3 a.m. on ESPN,
01:35and it's like the guys who jump up the poles with their little axes
01:38and like try to climb them really fast.
01:40Yeah, those guys are cool.
01:41All right, Fred's back here.
01:42He's ready to go.
01:44His head has been decavitated quite a bit this week,
01:47so we got a little neck brace on him, but he's got his helmet and he's ready to go.
01:50He's going to let us know if this telephone pole is stopping bullets
01:54or if they go all the way through, then we'll see Fred fall.
01:57All right, we got shotguns.
01:59We got handguns.
02:00We have an AR.
02:02We got the .50 cal.
02:03We're going to start with our good old-fashioned .22 to get a good baseline,
02:07see where we're at with this thing.
02:08All right, we have our .22.
02:10We're going to shoot it from like, I don't know, 10 yards, 15 yards out,
02:12and I'm expecting it to stop it.
02:15I've never shot a tree.
02:16Have you ever shot a tree?
02:17Never shot a tree.
02:18I don't think I've shot a tree on purpose.
02:19I'd imagine it's going to be pretty bulletproof though.
02:21All right, let's see if Fred survives shot number one.
02:25Here's our entry right there.
02:29Kind of splintered.
02:29It's really hard to tell how deep it went from there, but Fred is clean.
02:33Stopped it.
02:34I'm actually really glad that we have Fred because sometimes it's hard to see exits.
02:37So stop the .22.
02:38I think Fred's glad to be here too, man.
02:40You think he's glad to be here?
02:41What makes you say that?
02:42I just, he told me earlier that he's so excited to come into work every single day.
02:45Are you serious?
02:46He didn't, he wasn't comfortable saying it to you, but yeah.
02:51Wow, it did decapitate him.
02:53You know, he loves it here, man.
02:54All right, we're moving up to our Glock 19.
02:55We're shooting a FMJ 9mm.
03:01What do you think?
03:02I think it stopped it.
03:03You think so?
03:04Entry is definitely bigger.
03:05I didn't see Fred react at all.
03:07You never tell from these entries.
03:08From there, it looks like it went in half a centimeter, but it may have snuck in further
03:11than that.
03:13And Fred's clean.
03:15Good job, Bubba.
03:16Telephone pole, 9mm proof.
03:18So I don't know, a lot of people have Glock 19s, right?
03:20Someone's coming at you with a Glock 19.
03:23I'm safe.
03:25Next up, we got this 1911 that you just bought.
03:29We replaced our pretty one.
03:30Put too much wear and tear on it.
03:31This one's nice though.
03:32You got a good deal on it, right?
03:34275 bucks.
03:35A steal for a 1911.
03:36That's easy for our sponsors to cover.
03:38Oh, you kidding me?
03:39Did the sponsors cover that one though?
03:42The what?
03:43The sponsors, did they help pay for the gun with all the views we've been getting?
03:46Yeah, they took care of everything.
03:48They did?
03:49No, we don't have any sponsors.
03:51All right, we have our full metal jacket round of .45 ACP.
03:59I'm not used to that trigger.
04:00.45, biggest entry so far.
04:03And the fat bullet, as we could have guessed, did not go through.
04:07.44 Magnum, pretty big step up.
04:09Let's see.
04:10Not the Rick Grimes gun.
04:11I got absolutely roasted for calling this the Rick Grimes gun from The Walking Dead.
04:14I see a big revolver.
04:16I think of Rick Grimes.
04:17Apparently he shot a .357.
04:19Thank you guys for letting me know.
04:21Rookie mistake.
04:24All right, let's see what it can do.
04:28Shoot it already, dude.
04:33Hey man, I was wondering, what are you wearing?
04:36This is our 9941T, which is actually a play on words for Jesus in the Bible,
04:42leaving the 99 for the one lost sheep.
04:46And so we come up with this idea.
04:48Kind of cool, man.
04:49It's like a lost sheep in the mountains.
04:51I feel like there's a lot of Christian shirts out there that are, I don't know,
04:54not really my style.
04:55So like we wanted to come up with something that was like a little more subtle.
04:57Something kind of cool though.
04:58Why don't you give the people a discount code or something, man?
05:00You think?
05:01Like 5%, 4% maybe?
05:1120% off.
05:12You guys can get 20% off this shirt.
05:14If you use code FRED at checkout.
05:17And all of our other shirts and-
05:19And we have a whole bunch of shirts.
05:21The discount code will work for anything.
05:23Yeah, they'll work for anything.
05:24All right, back to the action.
05:2644 Magnum.
05:27It smack dab in the middle.
05:28Did not go through.
05:30Fred is still safe.
05:32Telephone poles, man.
05:33Man, I'm excited now.
05:35Now we're going to move up to-
05:35Are we going to do slug or are we going to do the 223 next?
05:38The 223.
05:39We're going to do the 223.
05:44All right, I think this is a pretty good shot of going through.
05:46We're shooting with the 223, shooting our AR.
05:49This is going to be the real test.
05:50And then the 50 cal.
05:52We'll see, man.
05:52This could be the end of Fred.
06:00I didn't see him move.
06:01No movement from Frederick.
06:02Either the pole stopped it or Fred just got shot and just went into shock and just froze.
06:07We got a classic teeny weeny entry from our 223.
06:12It's got a lot of penetrating power.
06:15Stopped it.
06:17Fred, give us a sign if you're okay.
06:19How excited are you right now?
06:22First try.
06:27I think if we had this channel for 30 years, I don't think I'd ever get that.
06:30Except for right now.
06:34Okay, we have the slug.
06:37I don't think it's going to go through.
06:39It packs such a punch, but it's too big.
06:45Biggest hole so far.
06:46As expected, the big slug.
06:49Dude, I think that went like a quarter of an inch.
06:51I mean, there's no way to know.
06:52It definitely didn't go through, obviously.
06:54These things are pretty legit, man.
06:55Dude, super legit.
06:57I love how clean we keep the range, man.
07:00It's all about cleanliness, man.
07:02That's what it's all about.
07:04Make your bed.
07:04That's what I always say.
07:05And how organized we keep our shelves over here.
07:08Why don't you give the people a breakdown of like how we have this organized?
07:11Yeah, so up here is bowling balls, hammers, targets, extra pants.
07:17Extra pair of pants.
07:18Yeah, that's when the guns get really close to Fred and we gotta change his pants.
07:22Over here, we have helmets, windex, fire extinguishing tools.
07:26And then right here along the bottom, you have your classic setup of tripod, Fred's
07:31old bodies, saran wrap balls, and then clay pigeons and brooms.
07:36Yeah, manholes.
07:37You never know, dude.
07:38I'm not sure why they put that out here or what the issue is, but...
07:43Oh, look at that.
07:47That is the stuff of nightmares, bro.
07:49I did not know that was gonna be in there.
07:52That'll be fun to shoot.
07:53Yeah, so that was for a future video.
07:56I didn't know that there was a colony of demons hiding underneath it, but we'll shoot that
08:01in another video.
08:01There you go.
08:02For all of you who are curious as to the setup of the range, I'm gonna go ahead and put it
08:06I'm curious as to the setup of the range, what goes on here.
08:09All right, we have a round of green tip 5.56 here.
08:11We're gonna throw it at the pole, see if it gets the job done, see what happens.
08:16Do you think it's gonna go through?
08:18Do you think the .50's gonna go through?
08:21All right, firing.
08:25No movement.
08:26Verde, cinco, cinco, seis.
08:29Into the pole, Fred.
08:31Clean, buddy.
08:32It's good, man.
08:32Stopped it.
08:33That was Spanish for the pole stopped it.
08:36Oh, I didn't know you were fluent in Spanish.
08:38I spent a little time in Portugal in my youth.
08:42I mean, Poland or...
08:45All right, we've got our round.
08:47It's been ready to go.
08:48Always keep it on me just in case.
08:50We have our silver tip armor piercing incendiary round going into our .50.
08:55And I think it's gonna be the end of Fred if I can hit it because it's pretty hard to
08:59shoot this thing without the bipod.
09:04See what happens.
09:04Can we scoot back a little bit?
09:07Actually, probably.
09:17That's a shoulder workout.
09:18I can smell it.
09:18You smell that?
09:19It smells like a .50 cal through a target.
09:21Wow, dude.
09:22It's a really strong smell.
09:24I smell burning wood.
09:26Oh, so yeah, we had our entry.
09:27That's the back of the telephone pole.
09:28Big accent went through the back.
09:30And we got a huge hole in Fred here.
09:33Oh, this is charred wood.
09:35I can just smell it.
09:36I don't know if it's like whatever resin they put on these things and then went out the
09:40back of Fred.
09:41Oh, dude, that smells so bad.
09:43Get a close up of that.
09:44Look how wide it is.
09:46Isn't that interesting?
09:46I wonder if that bullet like turned on the inside or if that's just like naturally what
09:50the exit looks like.
09:51I'm surprised the telephone pole like didn't fall over or something.
09:53Because of how good my hole was that I dug.
09:55I had all the supplies I needed.
09:58You had a shovel, right?
10:01You used that to dig this?
10:02How did you even do that?
10:03Scraping away at it for hours.
10:05You could have gotten you a shovel, man.
10:07How many people you think are still watching?
10:09There you have it.
10:09You need a place to hide.
10:11Telephone pole.
10:12Stop everything up to a 50 cal.
10:13Thank you guys for watching.
10:14YouTube thinks that you may like this video next.
10:16Come on, one more.
10:17One more to finish.
10:21Is that it?
