• 2 days ago
During a Senate Energy Committee hearing prior to the congressional recess, Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) spoke about the potential closure of mines in Montana due to complex land ownership regulations.

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00:00Senator Jaynes
00:02Chairman, thank you. Talk about the Bull Mountains coal mine. This is a mine near Roundup, Montana
00:08Plays a crucial role in Montana's energy economy
00:11The mine employs 250 people
00:14These are high-paying jobs with good benefits generates over 90 million dollars a year in state local and
00:21federal taxes and revenues
00:24It is the lifeblood of Muscle Shell County
00:28Unfortunately, these jobs are now at risk and the life of the mine and the community it serves are in limbo
00:35It's because of the checkerboard federal ownership in Montana and as well as this long wall mining process
00:42This mine is running out of permitted coal and might be forced to close
00:47This is why I introduced Senate bill 362
00:50It's a targeted
00:52Short-term fix that allows the mining of very specific federal minerals to ensure that we have enough time
00:59To find a longer-term solution for the mine
01:03This bill simply allows the mine to continue mining the same materials it has for decades
01:09Under the same permit it's had for years
01:13Last Congress this committee passed this identical bill with a bipartisan vote. I
01:19Want to thank my colleagues in this committee for working with me to make that happen
01:23And I hope we can again pass this short-term fix. So these workers in Montana can continue to provide for their families
01:31Mining jobs saw a major hit in Montana over the last couple of years
01:37the Bull Mountains mine recently had to lay off dozens of hard-working Montana's because they've run out of permitted coal and
01:44Recently the Stillwater mine
01:47the United States only
01:50Platinum and palladium mine, which is used in catalytic converters to keep our air clean
01:56It recently laid off
02:01We can't afford the loss of any more jobs for these Montana miners
02:06That's why we must pass this bill and get it on the president's desk
02:11Mr. Summers as the president of the Utah Mining Association
02:14You understand how vital the mining industry is to building jobs
02:19local communities now security tax revenues in
02:24Montana coal-fired plants provide the largest share of Montana's electricity generation
02:31accounting for 45% of
02:34Montana's in-state generation
02:37The coal industry not only supplies Americans with low-cost reliable and secure source of energy
02:44It's called baseload power
02:46but it also generates millions of dollars of
02:50Federal state and local revenue per year and creating hundreds of very good paying jobs in Montana
02:58Mr. Summers, can you speak to the importance of supporting our coal jobs in ensuring the coal mines?
03:04Like the Bull Mountains mine in Montana continues to provide revenue for our states as well as our counties
03:13Absolutely, thank you senator
03:15Utah is very similar to Montana and with regard to its coal industry. We also deal with checkerboard ownership. We deal with
03:23you know underground mines and the the planning that has to go into that and
03:27Like Montana the vast majority of our electricity is provided by by coal-fired generation
03:33I mentioned in my testimony that you know mining jobs on average in Utah pay about 46% more than the Utah average wage
03:40But when you go into our coal-producing counties that number can go actually go over a hundred percent
03:44So in many of our coal-producing counties, especially in central, Utah
03:48mining companies coal mining companies are by far the largest private employer and
03:53Provide very essential revenue and not just for the direct mining jobs
03:56But for all of the service jobs that go into to those particular industries
04:01And Utah in particular has that like Montana has made a very concerted effort to ensure that our coal mines stay healthy and also that
04:09our coal-fired
04:10generation plants are preserved and we're able to provide that essential baseload power so that we can continue to have the type of
04:16Economic growth that we've become used to in Utah over the last number of years. It's fascinating when you have conversations with
04:22Technology leaders today you're chatting with the weather's Google or AWS
04:28Microsoft and others
04:30Before we start talking about the technology perhaps AI
04:34The first conversation right now is the shortage of baseload power
04:37It is the constraint for innovation here for our country long term and grateful that we have baseload power these coal-fired plants
04:45Chairman Lee I want to close by saying thanks for holding this hearing
04:48I can't stress enough the importance of passing this bill Senate bill 362
04:54It's been passed before this committee ensuring that the roundup and the musselshell community isn't left behind
05:01because of federal inaction
05:03Federal government's low role in this
05:05This is a short-term fix to allow the processes to finally become completed for a long-term solution
05:11This will allow enough time for the Trump administration to finalize a new permit for Congress to pass
05:17Legislation like my crow revenue act to bring long-term economic certainty for the workers
05:23Musselshell County as well as the crow reservation and the crow nation
05:27Chairman, thank you
