• 6 hours ago
Aalim Aur Aalam | Shan e Sehr | Shan e Ramazan 2025 | Special Transmission | Waseem Badami | ARY Digital

An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.

Guest: Allama Muhammad Raza Dawoodani ,Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi , Molana Imran Bashir

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr


00:00The mercy of the mind has spread again, how do I face you?
00:13I am falling, please hold me.
00:18Once again, we have this session with the Ulema.
00:21Dr. Mohammad Reza Daudani Sahib, Mufti Aamir Sahib, Imran Bashir Sahib,
00:25Janab-e-Khilafat-e-Suhail Sahib, thank you all for coming.
00:28There is very limited time in Damrak, so without any delay,
00:31the telephone number is on your screen, you can send your questions.
00:34Let's start with the first question.
00:36I am Zainab from Saudi Arabia.
00:38My question to Mufti Sahib is that my husband is working in a private company,
00:41which is a manpower supplier company,
00:43where he is working as an after-sales coordinator.
00:46He has some projects in which some employees are working in different places.
00:51So my question is that if an employee has any problem,
00:54like someone has to take a transfer or some amount has stopped at the company,
00:59so definitely that is under my husband, so he has to sort it out.
01:02So my question is that sometimes it happens that the company does not transfer an employee so easily.
01:08So the employee is getting a salary at a good place and he has to take a transfer.
01:14So for this, my husband makes an effort, for any reason, he gives it to the company and gets it transferred.
01:18So for this, if he does not tell the employee,
01:21he is charging a lot of fees, which he can give, not everyone.
01:25So will this be fair for my husband?
01:27Right, absolutely right.
01:28Doctor Sahib.
01:29Allah-o-Rahman-o-Raheem, this is corruption, what else is there?
01:31What do we call corruption?
01:33Because when he is on a post, someone has appointed him.
01:37It is not his personal property.
01:39He has been appointed to a position.
01:41The person who has been appointed has described his job,
01:45it is the nature of his job.
01:47And while living within those limits, he has to take care of the interests of the company.
01:51Loyalty and loyalty matter here, it is very important.
01:55And while going against their interests,
01:57going out of the way,
01:59they said that they will charge a little.
02:01If they are doing it without charging, then they are doing it wrong.
02:03For example, if that person complies with the merits,
02:05and if he complies with the standards of the transfer,
02:08then he can definitely do it.
02:09Otherwise, the straight and clear thing is that the company will have criminals,
02:12but since they had made a promise that I will work according to their job description,
02:16then this will come under the category of treachery.
02:18Doctor Sahib, is this the only opinion in this?
02:20No, Allah-o-Rahman-o-Raheem.
02:20Raza Bhai is absolutely right that this is clear corruption.
02:24In the same way, people open the door of bribery.
02:28This type of higher income that is there,
02:30the Shariah has not allowed it and its reasons are the same.
02:34Which Raza Bhai was just mentioning.
02:36The place where they are sitting, they are taking their salary.
02:38Yes, absolutely right.
02:39And we also work hard at our place, right?
02:42Our work.
02:43Yes, right.
02:43This does not mean that the additional amount should be taken.
02:45By giving the name of fees or something else,
02:48the matter will not be settled.
02:49By giving the name of fees, it will not be settled.
02:50By giving the name of fees, it will not be settled.
02:54By the way, tell us how important is this in terms of Shariah?
02:57We know it in terms of morality, but in terms of Shariah.
02:59Wherever you are working, you have to be loyal to that place.
03:04Whether your master is watching or not,
03:06you have so many working hours, so you have to give that much time.
03:08How important is this?
03:09In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
03:12The blessed verse of the Holy Quran,
03:13Those who strive in Our way,
03:15We will surely guide them to Our ways.
03:17Indeed, Allah is with the doers of good.
03:19Those who strive in Our way,
03:22make sacrifices so that they can please Allah.
03:25We open the ways of guidance for them.
03:27Then it is not said that we are with those who strive.
03:30It is said, Indeed, Allah is with the doers of good.
03:33We are with those who have the attribute of goodness.
03:36What is the attribute of goodness?
03:37To spend 24 hours like this, to worship Allah like this.
03:41To worship Allah like this.
03:44It means that you are looking at Allah.
03:47If not, then at least get the attitude that my Allah is looking at me.
03:55The camera is looking at me,
03:56that person is looking at me,
03:58a small child is looking at me,
03:59so let's scroll forward and backward.
04:01Allah is looking at me, so keep it in front of you all the time.
04:03What to say?
04:04Absolutely right.
04:05Next question, please.
04:06Assalamu Alaikum.
04:07I am Muhammad Ahsan from Karachi.
04:09My question is that in Ramadan, if Isha prayer is left with the congregation,
04:16then is it necessary to offer the Bittar prayer with the Imam,
04:19or is it necessary to offer it individually?
04:22In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
04:24Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his companions.
04:28Look, in Ramadan, in Hanafi jurisprudence,
04:32if you do not offer Isha prayer with the congregation,
04:35then if you offer Taraweeh prayer with the Imam,
04:40then if you do not offer Bittar prayer with the congregation,
04:45then you will have to offer Bittar prayer individually.
04:49I see.
04:49But in this case, if you offer Bittar prayer with the congregation,
04:52then it will be done.
04:53And this question comes up every year,
04:54so let's repeat that is it necessary to sleep for Bittar prayer?
05:00For Bittar prayer?
05:02Sorry, for Tahajjud.
05:05Is it necessary to sleep?
05:06If you look at the meaning of Tahajjud prayer,
05:11it means to get up after sleeping and worship in the presence of Allah.
05:17So, it means to sleep after Isha prayer for a moment,
05:22and then get up and read two rak'ahs,
05:25or at most read eight rak'ahs,
05:27then it will be counted as Tahajjud.
05:29If someone has not slept the whole night,
05:32and he wants to read, then he should read.
05:34It will be counted in Salatul Lail.
05:36Allah will reward him.
05:38Absolutely right.
05:39In Fiqh-e-Jafri, what is the time for Isha or Maghrib prayer?
05:45What is the time for Isha prayer?
05:46Niswa-e-Shab is considered to be the time for Isha prayer.
05:51What is the definition of Niswa-e-Shab?
05:52Niswa-e-Shab means to count from dawn to dusk,
05:56Some talked about sunrise and some talked about dawn.
06:00The Niswa-e-Shab will take a little time.
06:02But the basic thing is that even after that,
06:05if he reads Isha prayer,
06:06it is not said that he should do Qaza.
06:09Rather, he should do it without Adha and Qaza.
06:11He should do it with the intention of Ma'afiz Zimma.
06:14Allah has given him some scope and scope.
06:17This is one thing.
06:18Is this formula for Maghrib prayer or only for Isha prayer?
06:20Not for Maghrib and Isha.
06:23Now comes the next thing.
06:24And that is that the Nafilah of Isha prayer,
06:29if you interpret it as one rakat which is read sitting down,
06:35then the Nafilah of Isha prayer,
06:36because it is a mustahab prayer,
06:38then the rule is that it will be read alone.
06:41The Nawafil, with the Jama'at,
06:43only have one Namaz, Namaz-e-Istisqa,
06:45which is read to ask for rain.
06:47So in Fiqh-e-Jafari, it can be with the Jama'at.
06:50Apart from this, every mustahab prayer in Fiqh-e-Jafari,
06:52reading it alone is a must.
06:53You cannot read it with the Jama'at.
06:54There is no choice in it.
06:55So what are the rules of Eid?
06:57In reality, it is a must.
06:58In reality, it is a must.
07:00It is obvious that it is a matter of Zahoor and Ghaibat.
07:02Give us your details.
07:03Otherwise, in principle,
07:05the rule of Eid prayer was a must.
07:09Eid prayer is also a must.
07:10It comes immediately that if one is read,
07:12the rest become silent.
07:13Is that the formula in Eid prayer or not?
07:15There are conditions.
07:16For example, it is not compulsory for women.
07:17It is not compulsory for old people.
07:19Almost all the problems of Jummah
07:20are the problems of Eid prayer.
07:23So the conditions will be seen from that perspective.
07:26And as far as Namaz-e-Tahajjud is concerned,
07:28in Fiqh-e-Jafari,
07:29there is no condition of sleeping at night.
07:31As the Mufti has said,
07:33it will be done.
07:34But the nature of it is that
07:36if a person has rested,
07:38then he is awake.
07:39In the last part of the night,
07:40as close as possible to the first time of Fajr,
07:43it will be done.
07:44The reward for that is more.
07:46In our case, the number of rak'ahs is 11.
07:488, Jummah 2, Jummah 1.
07:49That is, two rak'ahs will be read
07:51with the intention of Namaz-e-Shaf,
07:52two Namaz-e-Shafa,
07:53and then one Namaz-e-Baitah.
07:55Shafa and one Baitah.
07:57Can you please increase my voice a little?
07:59In our case also,
08:00the congregation of Nawafil is compulsory.
08:02Whatever Nawafil you read,
08:03you will read individually.
08:06Still, throughout the year,
08:08you have to read individually.
08:09Only in the month of Ramadan,
08:11you have to read with the congregation.
08:12Yes, okay.
08:13Before I ask the next question,
08:15many people also ask that
08:16a very good habit develops in Ramadan
08:18that Fajr is not Qazan.
08:20Because they stay awake at night.
08:21Or even if they don't stay awake,
08:22they wake up for Suhoor.
08:23They say,
08:24is there any tip,
08:26any wazifa,
08:26that most people who want to continue,
08:30say that it is not possible.
08:31So, what should we do
08:33so that the Fajr prayer,
08:34which is not done in Ramadan,
08:37continues in Surah Al-Hijr.
08:40Waseem Bhai,
08:40first of all,
08:41Ramadan is giving us a proper training.
08:43Yes, right.
08:44It is exercising us.
08:46So, the more fit we are in Ramadan,
08:48and the more active we are,
08:50then we read 20 rak'ahs of Taraweeh
08:53or Nawafil.
08:55And after that,
08:55even four rak'ahs become heavy for us.
08:58This is a very strange matter.
09:00Ramadan is training us.
09:02So, we should connect very well
09:05with Ramadan.
09:08But as far as the fundamental issue is concerned,
09:11do you know what is the foundation of this?
09:13See, all these things
09:15are contained in the love of Allah.
09:18So, if the love of Allah is in the heart of a person,
09:22then Ramadan, war, peace,
09:24cold, heat, harshness, softness,
09:27will not be accepted.
09:29A person should have his beloved
09:31in both Ramadan and after Ramadan.
09:34You see, the society that the Prophet
09:36peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
09:39for 13 years,
09:40he only gave them divine love.
09:43For 13 years,
09:44he gave them oneness of Allah.
09:45For 13 years,
09:46there were no commandments.
09:47There were moral deficiencies.
09:49There was no education.
09:51There was no justice.
09:52There were all kinds of sins.
09:55But what did the Prophet do first?
09:57First of all,
09:58he put the love of Allah in their hearts.
10:00When it came down,
10:01after that,
10:02they themselves wanted to know
10:03what Allah wanted from them.
10:05And then,
10:05it was just a matter of time for the commandment to come,
10:07it would be fulfilled.
10:08This matter should be born within us.
10:11I wish,
10:11what is the result of this love?
10:14Love of Allah.
10:15If the love of Allah
10:16comes down within us,
10:17then we will know everything.
10:19What we have to do
10:20and how much we have to do.
10:22one more question.
10:22I have one last comment.
10:23Please go ahead.
10:24Mufti Ahmed will answer.
10:25Please go ahead.
10:26It is said that
10:26one should not celebrate an anniversary.
10:28But somewhere,
10:29it is said that
10:30one can celebrate an anniversary.
10:31According to Islam,
10:32what is the celebration of an anniversary?
10:34It can be a happy birthday.
10:35Celebration of an anniversary is not
10:39It is not like that.
10:40Religious people,
10:42they say that,
10:43this is the way of the British,
10:45this is the way of the foreigners.
10:47it is not their religion.
10:49And if you celebrate an anniversary,
10:50because in our society,
10:52it has become a custom.
10:53you should not be strict.
10:54Children are happy.
10:56Shariah has not prohibited it.
10:59if something is forbidden,
11:00then it is forbidden anyway.
11:02It is forbidden anyway.
11:02Absolutely right.
11:03One last thing.
11:04Please tell us,
11:05Mufti Sahab has told us about Salah.
11:07People also say about the Quran.
11:09They say,
11:09in Ramadan,
11:10we read it so easily,
11:11once or twice,
11:12or one page,
11:13two pages.
11:14And after Ramadan,
11:15the atmosphere is not good.
11:16It does not happen.
11:17They say,
11:17they are surprised themselves.
11:18please tell us a few sentences on this.
11:20I will ask Mufti Sahab.
11:21when the love of the Holy Quran is in the heart,
11:24like a poet says,
11:26every time,
11:26if there is a blessing upon them,
11:28it should be like this.
11:29Ali Baba,
11:29Nabi Nana,
11:30if there is decency,
11:31it should be like this.
11:32Hussain kept his head in prostration,
11:34and recited the words of Allah.
11:36Even the angels were amazed,
11:37if there is recitation,
11:38it should be like this.
11:39If we have true love for those people,
11:42then even after going to Karbala,
11:43they are not leaving the Quran and Salat.
11:45And if we leave it in routine,
11:46then we have a lack of love.
11:48We should deal with it.
11:50And with good friends,
11:52we should befriend them.
11:54And along with this,
11:54when this practice is left,
11:56then we should impose some kind of a fine on ourselves.
11:58One of our elders,
12:00for twenty years,
12:00his Tahajjud prayer was not performed.
12:03Nor recitation.
12:04I asked,
12:04how did you get this opportunity?
12:06He said,
12:06when there was a holiday,
12:08and it was in Dubai,
12:09I used to give charity for ten days.
12:11I liked this practice so much,
12:12that Allah gave me this opportunity.
12:14I don't want to ask you,
12:16how did you maintain this atmosphere in Ramadan?
12:18Please tell us.
12:20When in Ramadan,
12:21you do so much worship,
12:24like the five daily prayers,
12:30and recitation of the Quran.
12:33You are doing so many activities,
12:36in a spiritual way.
12:39And most importantly,
12:41you leave the permissible activities,
12:43for the sake of Allah's pleasure,
12:44for a certain period of time.
12:48So, can't you do this much,
12:49apart from the month of Ramadan,
12:51that you perform the five daily prayers,
12:52with restriction.
12:53And along with this,
12:54you leave the permissible activities,
12:56for the sake of Allah's pleasure.
12:58You adopt the permissible activities.
13:00So, at least you can do this much.
13:02We should think about this.
13:05Thank you very much.
13:05Many thanks to all the Ulema.
13:07Sariqa Dasar Khan will also have a brief session.
13:09Now, our segment for the quiz, InshAllah.
