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Wazifa | Shan e Sehr | Shan e Ramazan 2025 | Special Transmission | Waseem Badami | ARY Digital

Notable scholar Mufti Sohail Raza Amjadi, will do a daily segment in Shan-e-Seher where he will suggest different virtuous supplications to audience.

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr


00:00I have come to you as a mercy
00:08How can I face you?
00:13I am falling, please hold me
00:22I will use this.
00:23I would like to welcome you once again.
00:25Sorry, I did not switch it on.
00:26We have with us Mr. Mufti Sohail Ahmeduddin from the Qibla section of Wazaif.
00:31Assalamu Alaikum.
00:32Walaikum Assalam.
00:34How are you?
00:35Alhamdulillah. How are you?
00:40Today is the 7th day of Ramadan.
00:42I will come to the Wazifa so that we can try to include as many questions as possible.
00:47Mr. Ahmed from Karachi is saying that
00:50I am a victim of problems on foot.
00:52Business was going well.
00:54It has been destroyed after Corona.
00:57Then my relatives took over my property and put a stop to me.
01:02And I feel that some magic has been done on me.
01:04Because the environment of my house has become very bad.
01:07Just pray that Allah gives me a better life than before.
01:11In fact, even better than that.
01:13In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:16Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his companions.
01:21Waseem bhai, after Corona, the poor land was devastated.
01:25I have seen many people who used to give Zakat before Corona.
01:30Their hands were like this.
01:31And after Corona, it became like this.
01:34So, may Allah have mercy on everyone.
01:38Bhai, when your real relatives fought over your property,
01:43Real relatives mean real siblings, right?
01:47They fought and took over your property and put a stop to you.
01:52This is such a situation that a person cannot tolerate it.
01:58And he becomes depressed.
02:00His ability to think and understand is completely lost.
02:06Now he feels that someone has done magic on him.
02:10If he stays at home, he will become irritable.
02:14He will shout and scold.
02:17Obviously, he will try to vent his anger on his family.
02:22My brother, what had to happen has happened.
02:26You cannot vent your anger on your family and bring back that period.
02:33If you can bring back that period, which was a good period,
02:37then you can vent your anger as much as you want.
02:40But this will not happen.
02:42So, refresh your mind completely.
02:47And the method I have told you to do magic is Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas.
02:54You can find it anywhere on social media.
02:57And follow that method.
02:59Follow that method and no matter how much magic you do,
03:06it will end.
03:07I have told you the whole story behind it.
03:11The situation I am telling you now
03:13is to make the enemy helpless.
03:18Let's say that there is a head.
03:23And you are the enemy.
03:24It is not that you are doing something wrong
03:27and you say, he is my enemy.
03:28Read for him.
03:29If you read in a wrong way, the result is your responsibility.
03:34In a wrong way, there is no permission to read for wrong deeds.
03:39No one needs permission to do good deeds.
03:42There is no permission to read for wrong deeds.
03:46Now, if this is the situation with you,
03:49then this is Surah Kausar.
03:50Verily, We have given you power.
03:54So, pray for your Lord and sacrifice.
03:56Verily, your enemy is the worst of all.
03:59No doubt, We have given you power.
04:03So, pray for your Lord and sacrifice.
04:08Your enemy is the worst of all.
04:11And this Surah was revealed by Allah to His Beloved at that time.
04:16When the Beloved was very sad.
04:20And this Surah was revealed at that time.
04:22My brother, do not pray.
04:25If you are on the right path,
04:27then decide after two prayers,
04:31that it should be the time of Fajr and Isha.
04:34I suggest this.
04:35Otherwise, decide at the time of two prayers.
04:39And after that, seven times.
04:42First, last, brief.
04:43Read Durood Sharif three times.
04:46Read it while imagining the enemy.
04:49Allah Almighty, if He wills, if he is on the right path,
04:54then Allah Almighty will make him helpless.
04:58He will not come to you.
04:59And it is about this Surah,
05:02that the one who has suppressed your right,
05:05he will be forced to return your right.
05:10These people eat money in the name of business.
05:12They eat money for investment.
05:14Okay, you gave money on loan, you ate it.
05:16This is a surah for that too.
05:18Read it.
05:20Allah Almighty will work in the days of time.
05:22The point is that the more you read it with certainty,
05:25Allah Almighty will bless you.
05:26The second is Kareem.
05:28It is the attribute name of Allah Almighty.
05:30Ya Kareemu, Ya Allahu.
05:32Read it while walking.
05:34O Beneficent One, O Beneficent One, O Allah.
05:37Keep reading it whether it is ablution or not.
05:40Read it.
05:41Allah Almighty, my Lord,
05:42if He wills, will bless you and whoever has these problems.
05:46Okay, the time is up.
05:48But I will leave the questions now.
05:49If you can give a brief answer, otherwise we will leave it for tomorrow.
05:51People often ask a lot of questions about the poverty of livelihood.
05:54That there is poverty of livelihood, people have turned away.
05:57Is there any understanding?
05:58Yes, just a minute.
06:00This narration has been quoted in Zurqani as well.
06:03It is also in Lisan-ul-Meezan.
06:04A companion came, O Messenger of Allah,
06:06the world has turned away from me.
06:09The Prophet of Allah said,
06:11These are the words of Bukhari Sharif.
06:13There are two words,
06:15Kalimatani, Khafeefatani, Alal-lisani, Wa Saqeelatani, Alal-Meezan.
06:21Two words which are very light to read on the tongue,
06:24but are very heavy on the scale.
06:26Subhan Allahi, Wa Bihamdihi, Subhan Allahil Azeem.
06:30And if you want, you can mix it.
06:31Wa Bihamdihi Astaghfirullah.
06:34Otherwise, that is enough.
06:35It is also very good to mix it.
06:37With the prohibition of Salat,
06:38after the Fajr Salat, read it 101 times.
06:41The first, the last, the third, and the fourth.
06:43The companion says,
06:44it is about the companion who came after a few days and said,
06:48O Messenger of Allah,
06:49the world has turned away from me.
06:52Allah Allah, wow.
06:53What to say? JazakAllah.
06:54Thank you very much.
06:55May Allah bless you.
06:57Let's take a break,
06:59and then we will come back with the next segment.
07:01O Mother of Ramadan, you have come
07:07and the mercy of my heart has been quenched.
07:12How can I complain to you?
