The Story Behind Surah Al-Fil | PART - 1 | Qasas ul islam | Waseem Badami | ARY Digital
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
00:00In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
00:19In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
00:50In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
00:57Did you not see how your Lord dealt with the companions of the elephant?
01:19Did you not see how your Lord dealt with the companions of the elephant?
01:24What did he do?
01:25I say this in your service.
01:27The recap so far is this.
01:29He is the king of Yemen.
01:31He is the Khan of the Kaaba.
01:33In the face of the Khan of the Kaaba, the king of Yemen has built his own mosque.
01:38He has built his own mosque.
01:40He wants people not to come to the Kaaba.
01:42He wants people to worship in his mosque.
01:45But he has built the mosque.
01:47He has built it with great effort.
01:49He hoped that when the mosque was built, the Kaaba would be desolate.
01:53But it was unsuccessful.
01:55So now he has decided to attack the Kaaba.
01:58It is a unique event in history.
02:00It is a unique army in history.
02:02It is a unique attack of its own kind.
02:04As I said, there is a Surah in the Holy Qur'an.
02:07And he has prepared a great army of his own.
02:11But this is a strange army of the world.
02:14As per the customs and traditions of the world,
02:16it didn't come on horses or any other vehicle.
02:19It is in fact an army of elephants.
02:23It is an army of elephants.
02:25It has a strange nature.
02:28Now when this army is moving towards Mecca with all its vigour,
02:33there is a strange atmosphere.
02:35There is a strange terror in the air.
02:39The army of elephants is ready.
02:42The elephants are ready, the elephants are ready, the elephants are ready, the elephants are ready, that is, the companions are ready.
02:48The army is marching from Yemen, the army's destination is Mecca, the army has departed from Yemen to Mecca.
02:55The army has departed to the side of the Kaaba.
02:58There, around the Kaaba, there is a commotion among the Arabs.
03:01For the Arabs, this was a very unique and difficult situation,
03:05that they were not used to fighting with elephants.
03:09Horses were found in the desert of the Arabs.
03:11So, this was a completely new situation for them.
03:14The army has departed.
03:16The army has left the borders of Yemen.
03:18Leaving the borders of Yemen, the army has advanced.
03:21From wherever the army passes,
03:23there, there, the number of elephants,
03:25and the sound of the footsteps of the elephants,
03:27there is a strange atmosphere in the air.
03:29Somewhere, there is a strange atmosphere in the air due to the sound of the elephants.
03:32Till here, the army kept marching.
03:34Now, it has started to reach near its destination.
03:37Till here, the leader of this army, Abraha,
03:39has placed his army near Mecca.
03:45There is a strange commotion in Mecca.
03:47Why? The army has arrived.
03:50What is the first thing that has been done?
03:52The leader of this army has tried to find out about the leader of Mecca.
03:56Is there a leader of Mecca,
03:58who can be talked to?
04:01He said, yes, there is a leader of Mecca.
04:03What is his name? Abdul Muttalib.
04:05He is the grandfather of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
04:08Now, imagine what will happen in the desert of Arabia,
04:11where there will be an army of elephants.
04:13The leader of that army,
04:15he must have asked,
04:17as if there is an army at the border,
04:20and he is asking, who is the leader?
04:22I want to talk to him.
04:23Yes, there is a leader. Who is he? What is his name?
04:25His name is Abdul Muttalib.
04:26The same Abdul Muttalib, whose story we have narrated in your service.
04:29The story has to be fast-forwarded.
04:31Hazrat Abdul Muttalib has arrived.
04:34Now, everyone is waiting,
04:36what will be the dialogue?
04:37The army is standing.
04:38There is the Kaaba.
04:40There are the people of Mecca.
04:42There are the people of elephants.
04:43There are the people of Mecca.
04:44There are the people of elephants.
04:46Now, what will be the dialogue?
04:48Here is Abraha.
04:49Here is Hazrat Abdul Muttalib.
04:51Abraha has presented his position.
04:54I have not come to you with the intention of killing.
04:58I don't want to be killed.
05:00It is clear.
05:01I don't even want to occupy your area.
05:03I don't even want to occupy your area.
05:05I don't want to occupy your place.
05:07I don't want to be killed.
05:09Why I am setting up my army?
05:11The army comes to occupy your place.
05:13And, the people lose everything.
05:14That is why this is the army of theirst type.
05:17The king comes and says,
05:19I don't want to kill.
05:20I don't want to kill anyone.
05:21I don't want to occupy your place.
05:23I don't want to be ruled over here.
05:24Do whatever is going on here.
05:26Use my words.
05:27Use your system, use it.
05:31My kingdom is very vast.
05:32I will come to the borders of Mecca, I will come near the Kaaba, I will make it fall and
05:38I will leave.
05:39This will happen.
05:40I have come to make it fall.
05:41Now keep that gathering in mind that where the head of the army of elephants who is talking
05:46about making the Kaaba and in front of him is the head of that nation who is going to
05:51pass through this problem.
05:52So now it is necessary that everyone's eyes, when Abraham gave his opinion, now everyone's
05:57eyes are on the face of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib.
06:00How will Hazrat Abdul Muttalib respond to this tense situation, this very tense situation
06:07which can go anywhere?
06:09Listen to the response of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib.
06:12After listening to the response of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib, forget the courtiers, even
06:17the king was surprised.
06:19What did he respond?
06:21Hazrat Abdul Muttalib thought about the situation and in such a tense situation, Hazrat Abdul
06:28Muttalib, without mentioning the war, without mentioning the destruction of the war, he
06:33said one thing.
06:34What was that?
06:35O King, your soldiers have taken over my two hundred camels.
06:38This is an unlawful act.
06:39Regarding this, I am not going to say anything.
06:42I am not going to say anything.
06:45I am not going to say anything.
07:49Hazrat Abdul Muttalib has limited his conversation to camels.
07:53He said, O King, return my two hundred camels.
07:57Return my two hundred camels.
08:00Yesterday it was a story of a hundred camels, today it is a story of two hundred camels.
08:06The courtiers, the king himself was very surprised to see Hazrat Abdul Muttalib's
08:10majesty and glory.
08:12But now he is also surprised.
08:15The king said, I am very surprised to hear this from you.
08:19You are the chief.
08:20I was expecting something else from your mouth.
08:23That you will say something else.
08:25I was thinking that a chief will do something for the security of his people.
08:30You have talked about your camels.
08:33Now the answer of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib was more surprising than his first words.
08:39What does it mean?
08:41Hazrat Abdul Muttalib smiled in a very meaningful way.
08:44And he said an amazing sentence.
08:47Look, King.
08:49Look, Abraha.
08:50The thing is.
08:51I am the owner of my camels.
08:55Of course.
08:56The thing is, I am the owner of my camels.
08:59I have come to talk about my ownership.
09:03The house you have come to own, it also has an owner.
09:07Every owner knows how to protect his thing.
09:10He will do it.
09:16The situation has adopted a new direction.
09:20I am the owner of my camels.
09:22I have spoken about myself.
09:23The house you have come to own, it also has an owner.
09:25He will see.
09:26Hazrat Abdul Muttalib got his camels.
09:30Hazrat Abdul Muttalib came out of that gathering with such pride.
09:36That he has made a great achievement.
09:41Has he succeeded in saving the Kaaba from the evil of Abraha?
09:46It is not obvious.
09:47There is nothing like that.
09:50Anyway, Hazrat Abdul Muttalib got up from that gathering.
09:54Now he went to the Kaaba.
09:59It is a strange gathering.
10:01Have you seen this gathering again and again?
10:03Getting up, sitting, eating, drinking, Kaaba, Kaaba, Kaaba.
10:06Have you seen?
10:07Then Hazrat Abdul Muttalib went straight to the Kaaba.
10:09He did not talk to anyone else.
10:11Now Hazrat Abdul Muttalib is the grandfather of the Prophet.
10:15The Kaaba is in front of him.
10:17To cover it, a person is ready with his entire army.
10:21It is not strange.
10:22Any army will come.
10:23Everything will cry.
10:25Abdul Muttalib is standing.
10:26He has circumambulated the Kaaba.
10:28He is standing at the door of the Kaaba.
10:29Everyone stands up thinking what will happen.
10:32Abdul Muttalib is standing.
10:33The army is standing outside.
10:34Abdul Muttalib has circumambulated the Kaaba.
10:36Hazrat Abdul Muttalib is standing at the door of the Kaaba.
10:39He is calling his Lord.
10:41You are the owner of this house.
10:43It is your responsibility to protect it.
10:45You know that apparently the people of Mecca do not have the strength to face the death of Abraha's elephants.
10:51These words expressed that now the war is the owner of the Kaaba.
10:56The Lord of the Kaaba and the enemy of the Kaaba is between Abraha.
11:05Now here Hazrat Abdul Muttalib has done one more thing.
11:10O leaders of the Quraish.
11:12He has gathered everyone.
11:13Abdul Muttalib is gathering the leaders of the Quraish.
11:16An army is outside.
11:17Do we have to attack it?
11:20O leaders of the Quraish, come here.
11:22They came.
11:23Call your wealthy people.
11:25They came.
11:26I am speeding up the story.
11:29What should we do now?
11:30The leaders of the Quraish have come.
11:32Wealthy people have come.
11:33The family has come.
11:34Should we attack?
11:37There are mountains in front.
11:39Go to the mountains.
11:41Go to the mountains.
11:45O leaders of the Quraish, call your wealthy people.
11:48Go to the mountains.
11:51It is time to get go to the mountains.
11:54Because now there is no link between you,
11:58Now there is no link between you,
12:01Now there is no link between your wealth,
12:03There is no link between your families,
12:06There is no connection between your wealth and money.
12:09His only goal is to give the land of Ka'ba.
12:11Then he will know.
12:12When will the owner of Ka'ba get to know.
12:16God knows what will happen.
12:18So, this is what I want to say to all of you, that if you want to leave the Kaabah, and
12:25if you want to leave the Kaabah in this state that the enemy is sitting in front of you,
12:32the people of Makkah are going to leave Makkah.
12:35The king of Yemen has come to Makkah.
12:38The life of Makkah is going to be taken away from the Kaabah.
12:42The life of Makkah is going to be taken away from the Kaabah.
12:46The life of Makkah is going to be taken away from the Kaabah.
12:55We are going to leave Makkah.
13:03I'm sure, seeing this whole scene, Abraha, whose morale was already high,
13:07now must have multiplied many times.
13:09Now Abraha must be thinking, it's just a matter of a few moments,
13:13a few moments later, this building, which the Muslims call Kaaba,
13:16Nauzubillah, this will be a heap of rubble.
13:18My elephants will roar at it.
13:20The people of Mecca will be terrified.
13:22My elephants will be terrified.
13:24Kaaba will be desolate.
13:25The mosque will be populated.
13:27People will come to my mosque for Hajj.
13:29The people of Mecca have emptied Mecca.
13:32Now the army of elephants has once again set out.
13:36Now there is the sound of the footsteps of the elephants.
13:40The elephants have set out.
13:44Now with a loud noise,
13:47the preparations for the attack have begun.
13:51The caravan has set out again.
13:53The caravan is going to its destination again.
13:56Here, in the traditions, it is said,
13:58an Arab leader, who was present in Abraha's caravan,
14:01the caravan is moving ahead in silence.
14:03From Abraha's elephant,
14:05who was obviously the center,
14:07he said to Abraha's elephant,
14:09Do you know anything?
14:11Do you know the house in front of you?
14:13Do you know that the house you intend to destroy
14:15is the house of your Lord?
14:17You should never make this mistake.
14:19He has said this.
14:21From Abraha's elephant,
14:23he has gone to the mountains.
14:31The army is moving.
14:33That Arab leader has said this.
14:35He had to say this.
14:39Abraha's elephant,
14:41on which Abraha himself was riding,
14:44the elephant that was leading the army,
14:46suddenly sat on the ground.
14:48The army has stopped again.
14:50The sound of the footsteps of the elephants has stopped again.
14:56Everyone is worried about this unexpected action.
14:59Now the attack has been left aside.
15:02The biggest problem is to lift this elephant.
15:07The attack will happen later.
15:09The army of the leader,
15:11the army of this entire caravan,
15:13the ride of that has stopped.
15:15It has sat down.
15:17It has been hurt in every way.
15:19The body has been wounded.
15:22The elephant is not moving.
15:24The army has stopped.
15:26The army is near the Kaaba.
15:28The army is near Mecca.
15:30The people of Mecca have left Mecca.
15:32The rider has refused to move.
15:34Next phase.
15:38We will talk about this tomorrow.