A helpful segment for our audience which focuses on Islamic history and teachings.
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
00:30The story of Ibrahim A.S. has to be taken to another level today.
00:35We have to end one chapter of the story.
00:37We will try to end one chapter of the story and move on to the next chapter.
00:41A quick recap of the story till yesterday.
00:45Ibrahim A.S. challenged Namrud.
00:48There was an incident of breaking the idols in the Buddha house.
00:50He identified Ibrahim A.S.
00:53The court of Namrud is decorated.
00:55People are standing in the court of Namrud.
00:58The Prophet of Allah, Ibrahim A.S. is standing there.
01:00He is reciting the Kalima of Haqq in the court.
01:02There is an argument going on.
01:03People are asking questions.
01:05He even realized that he cannot win this argument.
01:10He cannot win this argument through dialogue.
01:13So he made a strategy against Ibrahim A.S.
01:16And announced it immediately.
01:18What was that strategy?
01:19We told you yesterday that we will tell you tomorrow.
01:21We will tell you today and move forward from here.
01:24The people in the court heard Ibrahim A.S.'s answer clearly.
01:29The court of Namrud has the same grandeur.
01:31But the atmosphere of the court is tense.
01:33The mind is fixed.
01:36The process of dialogue has become one-sided.
01:39Ibrahim A.S. has won.
01:42Everyone has lost.
01:43What happened now?
01:44Now they have gone down the path of extremism against Ibrahim A.S.
01:49A combined strategy has been made.
01:53A combined strategy has been made.
01:54Everyone is sitting.
01:55The king, the court, the minister, the people.
01:58What has been decided?
02:00The verses of Surah An-Nisa.
02:02It is the translation of the verse.
02:04It is the meaning.
02:05What has been decided?
02:09Burn him.
02:11Cut him into pieces.
02:13Kill him.
02:14If I read it exactly,
02:15He said, burn him.
02:17And support your God.
02:19If you want to do something.
02:22If you talk to each other,
02:23His tongue cannot be stopped.
02:25Do this.
02:26Burn them.
02:28Help these gods.
02:30Burn them.
02:32So now in the court of Namrud.
02:34The atmosphere of depression has changed to an atmosphere of aggression.
02:40Now again,
02:41All the courtiers.
02:43All the welcome.
02:45Everyone is exalted.
02:46Everyone's life has come to life.
02:47Yes, this is right.
02:48This is what should happen.
02:49We will be able to get rid of this matter in the same way.
02:53So now the scene has changed.
02:55Now the nation has found a new way.
02:57If you want to save your gods.
02:59Then you have to burn Ibrahim.
03:01Now the fire is getting ready.
03:03On one side is the whole court.
03:05On one side is the king.
03:06On one side is the courtiers.
03:07On one side is the people.
03:08On one side is the whole city.
03:10Or the whole country.
03:11On one side is the Prophet of Allah, Ibrahim.
03:14The fire is being prepared.
03:19The fire is being prepared.
03:21And this is not a small fire being prepared.
03:23Think about it.
03:24On the governmental level.
03:26On the state level.
03:27On the state level.
03:28One thing is being done.
03:29Bring the fire.
03:31Now people are bringing sticks.
03:33Strangely someone is picking sticks.
03:35Someone is talking.
03:36Oh Ibrahim.
03:37Allah has done this.
03:38Namrud has decided.
03:40We have to burn it in fire.
03:42Everyone is bringing sticks.
03:45Everyone is bringing sticks.
03:47Suddenly the pile of sticks.
03:49The pile became a hill.
03:51The hill became a mountain.
03:53So the stick became a mountain.
03:55It became a gathering of people.
03:57It became a gathering of people.
03:59And the fire is getting ready.
04:01It is getting ready.
04:05Seeing the fire getting ready.
04:07The people's spirits are also getting ready.
04:09That today we will be free from this matter forever.
04:11That today we will be free from this matter forever.
04:13It is said.
04:15While the fire was getting ready.
04:17The fire was getting ready so much.
04:19That even if a bird was passing by.
04:21Then it would not be able to bear the heat.
04:23And it would fall into the fire.
04:29The fire is ready.
04:31Now a new problem has arisen.
04:33The fire is so intense.
04:37Now it is not possible to go near the fire.
04:39Because of the heat of the fire.
04:42So how to put Ibrahim A.S. into the fire?
04:46Then they sat together.
04:48Then a new strategy was made.
04:50It was decided.
04:52A machine like Minjinikh should be made.
04:54Or if I say it in simple words.
04:56A machine like Ghulail should be made.
04:58In which Ibrahim A.S. should be seated.
05:02Then Ibrahim A.S. should be put into the blazing fire.
05:04Then Ibrahim A.S. should be put into the blazing fire.
05:06In the fire it was not possible to push.
05:10You would have to move away.
05:16This thing was also put into practice.
05:20Ibrahim A.S. was being put into the fire miles away in a machine like Minjinikh.
05:26Here this practice is being carried out.
05:28Here a fire is being lit on the Arsh.
05:32Lord is the one who wishes on this earth.
06:04Now all the people have moved away from the fire.
06:07Everyone is afraid.
06:08It is not possible to stand close to this fire.
06:10Otherwise, without going into the fire, the heat of this fire will increase.
06:14So, there was a dangerous jump.
06:16Aatish-e-Namrud, Nish.
06:18These bad people were thinking that after seeing death so closely,
06:22now Ibrahim A.S. will change his stance.
06:24They did not know that these flames were apparently very high.
06:27But what were these flames in front of those flames
06:30that were the flames of God's love in the heart of Ibrahim A.S.
06:35So, Ibrahim A.S. keeps going towards the fire.
06:38The opponents keep watching.
06:40Namrud keeps watching.
06:42He keeps thinking.
06:43It will be a little late.
06:44There will be flames.
06:45There will be a dance.
06:46There will be a party.
06:47There will be celebration.
06:49Ibrahim A.S. will not even get a corpse.
06:52All of them are sure to see this scene.
06:55Now the victory is certain.
06:57Now the matter is over.
06:59This scene is still going on.
07:01The celebration is still going on.
07:03But the eyes of heaven are accepting something else.
07:05The eyes of heaven are going to show something else.
07:07A scene that will surprise everyone.
07:10A scene that will make all these happy faces worried.
07:15This is what happened.
07:16What happened?
07:17The voice of nature came.
07:19I am presenting the verse of the Holy Qur'an.
07:21It is said in Surah Anbiya.
07:22Verse number 69.
07:23This is the scene.
07:24Everyone is happy.
07:25In this, the voice of nature came.
07:27Everyone is happy.
07:33O fire, be a safety for Ibrahim.
07:41The voice of nature.
07:43O fire, be a safety for Ibrahim.
07:46Now the scene is going to change.
07:48Now the people are watching.
07:50The people are the same.
07:51The field is the same.
07:52Ibrahim A.S. is the same.
07:53The fire is the same.
07:54But now the scene is not the same.
07:56People are feeling a strange scene.
08:00What is this?
08:01Why is the heat of this fire less?
08:04Why is the heat of this fire less?
08:07Why are the flames less?
08:11Why are the flames going out?
08:14The heat of the fire is less.
08:17The flames of the fire are less.
08:19The heat of the fire is less.
08:21The fire is going out.
08:22The heat of the fire is going out.
08:24and the fire was extinguished.
08:26The fire that was lit by the wood,
08:28was the same wood
08:30that was burning
08:32a few moments ago.
08:34Now flowers are blooming in that fire,
08:36now plants are sprouting from that fire,
08:38now the scene has changed.
08:40As soon as you see that fire,
08:42the flowers and plants
08:44have turned into a magnificent garden.
08:50It is a breeze of peace,
08:52a cool breeze,
08:54in which the Prophet of Allah,
08:56Ibrahim A.S. is present,
08:58Nimrod is surprised, Darbari is worried.
09:02That has happened that no one
09:04had thought of.
09:08This is one scene,
09:10this is one story.
09:12I have to finish the story
09:14to this day.
09:16It is the next verse of the Holy Qur'an.
09:18They wanted to do evil
09:20but we
09:22made them
09:26It is the next verse of the Holy Qur'an.
09:28If you get a chance, read it.
09:30It is the sequence of the verses of Surah An-Nisa.
09:32It is said in verse 71,
09:34We saved Ibrahim A.S.
09:36and Lot A.S.
09:38and took them to the land
09:40in which we have kept blessings
09:42for the people of the world.
09:44Now the story of Ibrahim A.S.
09:46is entering another turn.
09:48Ibrahim A.S.
09:50after this fire,
09:52took his wife and nephew,
09:54Ibrahim A.S.
09:56and left this land forever.
09:58Now it is a land of stars.
10:00Your remaining life
10:02will pass through the green
10:04and green lands of Kanaan.
10:06Here Allah has given you
10:08a son in the form of
10:10Ibrahim A.S.
10:12Where his mother,
10:14Hazrat Hajra and
10:16Ibrahim A.S.
10:18whose name is Ishaq A.S.
10:22The life of some Prophets
10:24is generally a central event.
10:26Ibrahim A.S. is the Prophet of Allah
10:28whose life is revolving
10:30around many major events.
10:32He is the father of Prophets,
10:34one of which you have just heard.
10:36But the story of Ibrahim A.S.
10:38has not ended here.
10:40A new chapter is beginning.
10:42Ibrahim A.S.
10:44was commanded to challenge
10:48Now Allah has given him
10:50another command.
10:52And this command is also
10:54very unusual.
10:56What is this command?
11:02We will say it tomorrow.
11:14Al Fatiha.