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Wazifa | Shan e Sehr | Shan e Ramazan 2025 | Special Transmission | Waseem Badami | ARY Digital

Notable scholar Mufti Sohail Raza Amjadi, will do a daily segment in Shan-e-Seher where he will suggest different virtuous supplications to audience.

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr


00:00My heart has come to me like this,
00:03It has become the mercy of my heart again.
00:08How can I face you?
00:13I am in a dilemma, please hold me.
00:19Welcome once again to Nasheeriyat.
00:23And Qibla Mufti Suleimanuddin Sahib is with us.
00:25Assalamu Alaikum.
00:27Walaikum Assalam.
00:29Alhamdulillah, how are you?
00:32I am fine, thanks to Allah.
00:34Farman Ali Sahib is from Hyderabad.
00:38He says that everyone is economically troubled in the present time.
00:41I am a businessman.
00:42I keep coming to foreign countries.
00:44But I feel that my business is continuously falling.
00:47I have evaluated that I have more liabilities than assets.
00:52I have more debts than assets.
00:54I have seen my business falling and my debts are increasing.
00:57I have seen my business falling and my debts are increasing.
01:01In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
01:03Peace be upon him and his family.
01:08Whatever business you do,
01:12every third person is involved in it.
01:17Either it is a continuous decline or God forbid, it is dangerous.
01:22Whatever it is, my brother, you are a businessman.
01:27Think about it.
01:29You are not doing the work that you should be doing.
01:33You were fulfilling all the requirements.
01:37Are you not doing it now?
01:39In terms of timing,
01:41you should look for your mistakes and shortcomings.
01:45And the shortcomings that you face,
01:49get rid of them.
01:50God willing, it will get better.
01:52This is a medicine.
01:53We come to prayer because first we tell about the medicine,
01:56then we tell about the prayer.
01:58Now that prayer,
02:00this is a very beautiful prayer.
02:02The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
02:04also taught us this.
02:06And it is a beautiful surah of Allah's beautiful words.
02:11Surah Quraish.
02:14Surah Quraish.
02:16In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
02:18Surah Quraish.
02:20Surah Quraish.
02:25Surah Quraish.
02:34So, it is translated as,
02:37Since the Quraish were afflicted with heat and cold,
02:43they should worship the Lord of this house,
02:48who saved them from hunger and gave them food,
02:52and saved them from fear and gave them peace.
02:54Here, the business season of the Quraish,
03:01that you travel and do this and that,
03:03months come in a year,
03:05and then he mentions giving them food and saving them from hunger.
03:10This is a strange and strange surah.
03:12With the prohibition of prayer,
03:16after Fajr, and after Asr, and after Isha,
03:20you should recite it seven times.
03:23Keep the translation in mind.
03:25With the first, last, third and last Durood Sharif,
03:27Allah Almighty, God-willing, will change the decline of your business
03:32with a rise.
03:34Those people who do not have shops,
03:38who do not have customers,
03:40they should sit in their shop,
03:42before starting a business,
03:45recite this surah seven times,
03:48and give strength to their shop.
03:50God-willing, customers will also come.
03:53And the second, Waris.
03:55Waris means heir.
03:57Someone is someone's heir.
03:58Our heir is Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
04:01So, either you are the heir or Allah,
04:03you should recite it while walking.
04:04What to say, JazakAllah.
04:06If I can ask one more question quickly,
04:08many people say that we have enemies,
04:11or sometimes it seems that the enemy is winning over us.
04:13Sometimes in a gathering,
04:14the enemy means the one who is standing with a gun,
04:16sometimes in a gathering, there is a confrontation with someone,
04:19so he is making fun of someone,
04:20or he is winning over his words.
04:22I mean, it is not a short story that there is a confrontation and enmity with someone.
04:25So, is it a duty that he should not win over you,
04:28or destroy your mental peace?
04:30It is a very good duty.
04:32Okay, is it not allowed to read inappropriately?
04:34Yes, right.
04:35That you are the enemy,
04:36you are reading inappropriately,
04:38so God-willing, it can be bad for you.
04:40We are not responsible for that.
04:42I have said before,
04:43no one is allowed to read inappropriately,
04:45and everyone is allowed to read inappropriately.
04:48This was the verse of the Holy Qur'an,
04:49when the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
04:51came out of his chamber,
04:53he did not hit the ground or the pebbles,
04:55he read the verse of the Holy Qur'an and hit the disbelievers like this.
04:58Oh, okay, okay.
05:00You have been taken away from their sight.
05:02They did not even know that you were there.
05:03Is this about the night of migration?
05:06The verse of Surah Yaseen, verse 9,
05:09"...and left a barrier before them, and a wall behind them,
05:14so that they could not see."
05:17He says,
05:18"...and made a array of walls in front of them and behind them,
05:24and left a barrier before them, and a wall behind them,
05:28so that they could not see.
05:30We put a veil over them, so that they could not see."
05:34They humans cannot see.
05:35So that they could not see.
05:37Whenever you have to go to one place,
05:39or the danger of the enemy, read this and go, he will never come to you.
05:43There are some people who are in danger of losing their lives.
05:48They even keep guards. Read this holy verse.
05:51Inshallah, the enemy will not see you.
05:53Tell me the number of this verse again.
05:55Surah Yaseen, verse number 9.
05:59Surah Yaseen, verse number 9. Jazakallah.
06:02How many times should we read it?
06:04Read it at least three times.
06:05In a day? Yes.
06:07Whenever you have to go out of the house, read this.
06:12What to say, Jazakallah. Thank you very much.
06:14Inshallah, we are trying to cover as many as possible.
06:17We try to cover two or three Wazaif in a day.
06:19Although, there is less scope in Dhammarabad.
06:21But we try to include your questions as much as possible.
06:24After the break, we will be back with our final competition, Inshallah.
