Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) tengah menggodok strategi untuk menopang kinerja Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG).
Kepala Eksekutif Pengawas Pasar Modal, Keuangan Derivatif, dan Bursa Karbon OJK, Inarno Djajadi mengatakan, pihaknya akan mengeluarkan aturan baru untuk menopang kinerja saham Indonesia. Namun, Inarno tidak menjelaskan dengan detail apakah aturan yang dimaksud adalah pemberlakuan buyback tanpa RUPS atau aturan lain.
Kepala Eksekutif Pengawas Pasar Modal, Keuangan Derivatif, dan Bursa Karbon OJK, Inarno Djajadi mengatakan, pihaknya akan mengeluarkan aturan baru untuk menopang kinerja saham Indonesia. Namun, Inarno tidak menjelaskan dengan detail apakah aturan yang dimaksud adalah pemberlakuan buyback tanpa RUPS atau aturan lain.
00:00Inarno Jaidy, Executive Director, Capital Market Monitoring, Derivative Finance, and OJK Carbon Stock Exchange
00:05Meanwhile, the Financial Services Authority will issue regulations to support the performance of the Joint Stock Price Index.
00:11Executive Director, Capital Market Monitoring, Derivative Finance, and OJK Carbon Stock Exchange,
00:16Inarno Jaidy said that the OJK will immediately implement policies or policies tomorrow
00:22regarding the decline of the IHSG today.
00:24The decline of the IHSG reached 6% on the closing of the first trading session on Tuesday, March 18,
00:30causing the Indonesian Stock Exchange to immediately stop trading for a while after the decline reached 5%.
00:37However, at the opening of the second trading session, the IHSG again experienced an increase of 6%,
00:43recorded only a drop of 3%.
00:47Inarno Jaidy, Executive Director, Capital Market Monitoring, Derivative Finance, and OJK Carbon Stock Exchange,
00:50said to his fellow journalists that we have several policies that we will implement.
00:56God willing, tomorrow we will implement one of the policies that we will implement.
01:03Maybe the fellow journalists will be present tomorrow morning at 10 am.