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00:00Alright guys today, we're back on roblox, and we are playing a game called aimbot arena. Are you guys ready?
00:09I'm gonna be honest. I have no idea how this game is played, but just by the name of the game
00:14I feel like we're all about have aimbot and we got hitboxes around us
00:17So this is gonna be pretty insane everybody's really it's a pretty big hitbox. It really is. Oh
00:22Looks like I got a bot on my screen. What am I looking at right now?
00:26Wait guys. I just realized we're playing big crossword
00:33Wait do we all have are we all cheating with a bot oh my
00:38Literally playing a shooting game where we're all cheating with a bot say you're gonna be in right now. Oh my
00:49It's over I just beep sage from across the map, but all right, it's over for you guys where you guys at
00:54Oh, I finally died. Oh wait. I see someone I see Wow
00:59All right, all right, I see you yo wait guys are there different guns is this the only aimbot gun we get I'm oh
01:04You're there's other guns. No way. There's other guns. Are you serious way? Yes?
01:08How do we use the other Emma were you just shooting me before I even look at the wall?
01:16Believable up I just got Ashley. Hey, who's up there Ava? What is that? Oh my gosh?
01:23Actually, I spawn right behind you. I feel so bad for you
01:26Thank you, sorry Ashley sometimes you got to do what you got to do. Oh, actually you can beam again. You're lucky you
01:35Wait, there's shield. Oh my gosh Ava really guys get Ava. She's came in on the top of the building with a bot
01:41Hey, the high ground's really good. Okay, definitely
01:44Yeah, it's true techie. You gotta see some of these weapons wait Emma
01:48Are you not in the current game right now? You're looking at the weapons
01:50I went back to lobby look at the weapons and wow
01:53There's an mp5
01:55Hold up or you oh my gosh
01:57I see the weapon guys the weapons look absolutely insane you need to XP to get them
02:02And I'm currently only at 700 XP right now. Yeah, I'm at 600 so we got a grind now
02:07We really got a grind unless I can buy XP. Can you buy XP guys?
02:11I think you get double XP and double coins. Oh, we got to do that. We got to do that
02:15I'm going back in the game go back in the game hold up hold up hold up
02:18I think you have to die to be able to for it to pop up. Oh wait
02:20I think I see someone right over here and was that you what is that you buy double it?
02:24No, you have to have more HP than me bro. I
02:27Was moving just enough so you were missing the box. Oh
02:31Feel like I hit every single shot that went in there. Oh gosh Ava. Just eliminated me. Okay wait. I got this
02:37I keep on forgetting to buy double XP, bro. Wait who is that over there?
02:40Oh, is that I need to make sure I get the high ground row, but it's really difficult. Oh, oh wait
02:45I see somebody say
02:48Wait, that's my that's my health regenerate guys, or am I just weak forever. Um, I actually don't know
02:54I feel like after you kill somebody it does regen hold up
02:56I beam Neva for a little bit Ava. You don't want the smoke
02:59Ava just peek out or did you already die? No, you don't want this smoke. You better peek me, dude
03:03I keep on getting hit bro. I'm trying to hide while peeking Oh Ava Ava. Don't do it Ava Wow
03:09All right guys, I'm officially buying double XP I want to rank up my guns faster than you guys
03:14I just bought it too. I can't wait to use it sage sage. Don't do it
03:19Dude how am I bad with aimbot? I've actually never even heard of that before. Oh
03:24My gosh wait, yo Ava I see you all the way up in that castle type building bro. You do not want this smoke
03:30I just respond. Okay, never mind. That is mo with a shield and it's me shooter. Oh my god. I'm a your dad
03:35I'm a your I
03:37Was aimbotting through the wall to somebody else that I couldn't even hit and say just killed me. Okay. Wait guys
03:42What do you buy with double coins? I don't know where the coins go. I only know where the XP goes
03:46Yeah, I have no idea where the coins go either. Oh, I just killed someone on accident. I just
03:51Okay. Okay. Let me go crazy with it then Oh techie. The coins are crates for skins
03:59There's some animated skins white animated skin, okay. Hold up. I got a cop that sage again beam, bro
04:06You don't want to be me before I do. I have no idea
04:12How much HP did you ever
04:19Wait, you were so low that you were basically dead. Yeah, Lily took one shot to kill me
04:23Okay, no, no, no, you can't kill people when they have the shield on bro
04:26Cuz I just did like a billion damage to sage that is insane. Yeah. Yeah, you can't you can't kill them when they're just responding
04:32Wow, oh my my screen auto a modded turn to sage that is insane
04:41My god, I'm trying to be memo right now. I've got 2,900 XP. Oh, I'm beaming somebody I think
04:48Actually, really? Oh my god, Ashley just came up behind me to just be me bro. Yes. I need XP to
04:57Sorry sage had the aimbot on me right there
05:00Hey guys, I'm getting really close to the next weapon. I'm like one or two kills off. I'm one kill
05:06Wait, what you can already get the next weapon? Yeah
05:12The carbine
05:15Hold up. I got it too. I'm going back to the main menu. I kind of want to see this thing
05:18Okay, let's see it. Let's see it. I can now officially get this next weapon. Hey, Emma
05:22I can't tell if it's equipped or not. So I'm gonna have to go into the game
05:25Let me know if it is cuz I can't tell either. Oh
05:28It's equipped. Is it it's a big boy. All right, I'm gonna test it out
05:32I found weapons that you could buy for robux to guys and those ones look pretty insane
05:37Did you see the skins while you were in there? No, not yet. This weapon is really opie, though
05:41Ava, are you serious?
05:45Well, yes, I don't really have much a choice in it guys I hate to tell you this I think it was using a bot
05:50Wow, really Emma
05:55This weapon is blinds who put this off for me bro, I'm going back to the main menu
05:59I know I'm reequipping my other ones. Yeah
06:04It is pretty bad stage, I'm not gonna lie
06:06However, I am gonna get something else called a pixel blaster kind of want to test this out
06:10Okay, I don't think a pixel blaster sounds like it's gonna be good. Well, I don't even think I equipped it on
06:15Are you serious right now? Oh my gosh, you did not even equip. I think I got a reequip it
06:19I did just buy it. So probably got to go over and impress it again. All right, there we go guys
06:23I got a new weapon on you guys ready to see this
06:26Keep in mind it was 120 robux. So let's see how opiate is. Oh my gosh. This thing is doing a lot of damage
06:32It's like a pistol that bro. I don't really like how slow it shoots. Wow, Ashley you beam me from across the map
06:42By the pixel blaster, oh my gosh, dude, this is so difficult someone has high ground you can't even do anything about it
06:48Yeah, you got it. You gotta really do something about it. Like get up behind him. Yeah for real
06:53No, Ashley, you don't the beam bro. You don't the beam, bro
06:58Ashley you do not want this beam, bro. I'm telling you I'm deadly with it. Oh, why are people spotting on my body?
07:04It doesn't even make sense
07:07I'm a literally spawn right on top my body and so did Ava earlier to Ava Ava don't do it even
07:13Wow, I got killed
07:16All right, see just over for you. Oh my god. I can't even shoot him cuz she has a shield
07:23Oh gosh, this is awful. This is awful. They need to remove the shield out of this game, bro. I swear it makes it worse
07:30Yes, it is it's aimbot bro, you got a spawn and start spraying that thing
07:36Also, wait guys, I just got a free gun for owning the roblox pass
07:40So, let me see how op this gun is. Oh, it shoots way faster guys. This thing looks insane
07:45Oh, oh my god, you spy there guys. I think I found the most op gun in the game
07:51This thing is
07:54Actually, oh no, I just died wait guys I thought of a good idea. What if we go in a public match?
08:01Okay, we got to test the public match out oh my god sage why is it a but it's a body the wrong person bro
08:10Oh gosh, hey Ava don't do it even oh
08:15Ashley don't do it, bro
08:17Sorry, where are you guys at bros? I know there's a couple of you around me. Oh, okay. I just died
08:22All right, guys, you know what? I think it's time. We enter a public lobby. Everybody join me
08:25All right, guys, we're finally now in the public match and this was the gun that I was using the premium blaster
08:31It's honestly really insane if you guys want to test it out
08:34Boy should I buy the minigun?
08:40Guys I'm not gonna lie. I'm about to get 50 kills or something with this thing. This thing is gonna be
08:47Before we go inside though, Emma, where's the skins that you were talking about? Is it right here right here?
08:51Whoa, these are insane. So this is what you spend your coins on
08:55So wait, which crate is better the left or the right one? They're both the same amount of money
09:00All right, I'm gonna go left bro, I gotta buy a thousand coins real quick, but it's only 50 robux
09:05I think it's worth it. Yeah, and this one has a reactive animated one. Wait, I think I think I just got it
09:11I think I just
09:13Did I literally did how do I put it on I got the rainbow one?
09:16I think you have to go into the game and it said equip now or something like that. Oh my god
09:20Yes, right here. It tells you wait. I spawned in already. You said I just go into the game
09:24Oh in the game you type in slash equip skin and then the skin name. Okay, I got you. Hold up
09:31I'm aimbotting the random people that I'm not supposed to be aimbotting to how is this guy not even dying?
09:35Hey, I'm gonna be from across the map. Okay, let me return a menu real quick
09:38So, where do I go Emma to the left of the skin crate boxes?
09:42It says to equip skins type slash equip skin skin name the skin must be sure. Oh, okay
09:48So, how do I know the skin name though? Did it pop up when you got it? No, I don't think so
09:52It was just rainbow. Oh, I have no idea. Also techie you do regen health. Oh you do. Okay, that's good to know
09:58Yeah, but it takes a while. Okay guys, all I did was slash equip skin cuz it's not telling me the name
10:03So maybe it just that works. Let me see real quick. Nope. It didn't work guys
10:07I don't know the name of it. That doesn't even make any sense
10:11I'm gonna be honest. It's really not see just thing does not shoot straight at all. It's actually horrible
10:16I'm taking this minigun off bro. This thing is buns. I'm going back to this. Yeah. No, it's not
10:20It's not really good at all. All right, I'm back into it. And now I got my weapon. Oh my gosh guys
10:25I think the strategy is to hide behind building. You know, I actually don't even do it to me, bro
10:28Wow, really bro
10:31All right, you know what I gotta hide by why am I getting paid from this dude spawned behind me that doesn't even make any sense
10:39You just got really unlucky. Okay. I see this dude on me. He's gonna be now. There we go. I am now chillin, bro
10:44I gotta make sure that nobody's what did I just how did that even happen sage? Where did you even come from?
10:53I'm a techie. You don't I see where you see the name of the skin. Wait, what really? Where is I'm coming back to the main
10:58Okay, I'm right here oh it's rain it shows at the top left. Yeah. All right guys
11:03I did slash a quip skin rainbow. No, you have to you spell the quip wrong. What how do I spell a quip wrong?
11:09You put you quip. Oh my god
11:14I got it. I got it. Hold up. Hold up. Boom. It worked. I think it worked. Okay, let's go
11:20That was an accidental typo. It didn't even work. Are you serious bro? Oh, I don't know why that's not working then
11:26Okay, hold up. I see somebody down all the way over here though. This guy's about to get beamed. There we go
11:30It's not even shooting the right people most of the time the aimbot literally goes across the map. This is terrible, bro
11:35Sometimes it teleports me for real bro, like flips my screen completely upside down
11:39It's aiming at the wrong person. Hold up. I'm beaming someone across the map. There we go. I just beam them dude
11:44This gun is actually really insanely overpowered. Oh, I see another guy on me. Oh my god, absolutely beamed
11:49All right. Let me just keep on trying to beam people. I see another guy all the way up there
11:52I think he's got beams as well. Hey guys
11:54I wish there's like a leaderboard to see how many kills you have or something like that. There is wait, what where yeah
11:58Um, if you press tab, oh
12:01There is a leaderboard. That's pretty cool. Hey, I'm a little nervous. Where is everybody? I don't know
12:06I'm kind of just beaming people from across the map right now. Oh, okay. I see sage. I see sage
12:11They just hiding at the very top. She's always hiding up in a building
12:14You know, I think I have more kills than all of you except sage we're tied what that's cap Ava
12:19Hold on. Let me see the leaderboard real quick. I got about a hundred. No, that's not me. I have 14 kill
12:24Hey, well, you're 22. Yeah
12:27How do you have 22 kit? Okay. Now that's that's insane. Ava's the biggest cheater of them all. Okay. No, no, no, no
12:34No, I cannot let this slide Ava. What are you doing to get all those kills? What gun are you using real?
12:38I'm just using the basic gun. Yeah, we're both using that basically just the best
12:44No, I'm catching up though. I got 18 Ava. I got a boom. I got 18 people get away from me
12:49Hey, we'll get away from you
12:53Wow, it's all good. I'm gonna catch up bro. I'm actually starting to you know, focus up right now. It's over for you Ava
12:59Yeah, I don't think so. It is Ava and I see you you're gonna beam right now. There you go
13:03Oh, man, I was surrounded. I had nowhere to go. Sorry. I'm I had to beam you like that
13:08Oh my god, just keep spawning in today
13:15Do that to me bro every single time I aim bots me to the ground. Oh no. Oh, I need to hide right now
13:20Oh, I need to hide right now
13:21This is not gonna mind in the open bro being in the open when there's a mod active is like the worst thing in the
13:26World, bro. Yeah
13:27You just get absolutely destroyed. Also, I think I now got more kills than Ava. Do I wait? Let me check. I got 25
13:33Oh, I'll wave up to Ava. I'm two away, bro. You're not that far ahead
13:36I mean, you know, you're not you're not you're not you're not ahead of me yet though. So it doesn't matter
13:41All right, well, you know what I'm about to catch up to you though Ava I'm gonna catch up right now
13:46Bro I hate how it's a modding to the wrong people. This is horrible
13:52But I think I see somebody all the way over here Oh what they already died there but their red box is just
13:57Did you just spawn behind me? Yep, that is insane. Oh wait, I just spawned in front of this guy. That's so messed up, bro
14:02Why is that even a thing? Actually, you're gonna be from top. What?
14:10I'm not moving out of spawn. I'm just gonna sit behind and if someone still spawns behind me
14:14I'm gonna freak out bro. This literally makes no sense. It is kind of annoying
14:18There needs to be like a specific spawn area. Yeah
14:21Thinking too. All right, you know what? It's all good though. It's all good
14:24I'm gonna see if I can try to beam some more people. I haven't got a kill in a while
14:27It feels like it feels like your kills all depend on it where exactly you spawn
14:30Yeah, there's a bit of luck if you get a bad spawn
14:33You're not gonna get a kill for a very long time. It feels like yeah
14:40He's funny at the ground, yeah, I know he's doing that to me too guys
14:44I'm pretty sure it's the same guy and I hate how it aim bots to the closest person to me, bro
14:48It doesn't even aim about to what I'm aiming at. That is so bad. You know what though?
14:52It's okay cuz I got this overpowered skin. Wait is someone behind me bro. Someone's always spawning behind me. Yeah, look at this
14:58I didn't spawn behind you. But my thing was like auto targeting you. Yeah, that's really weird
15:03Oh, wait, these guys are getting beam now. Hold up Ashley. I see you too, bro. You don't want this you don't want this
15:11Sorry, you know, it's all good. I'm on it's all good. Let me check the leaderboard real quick
15:14I am now not above Eva. I've actually got further away from me. But Wow horrible. Yeah, I'm just too good
15:19You can't catch up. Sorry, but I just beamed you. Oh my god. Who is this right here? Emma? Emma? I don't smoke
15:26Fine do it big me wait, hold up. I must say it's gonna buy me someone's coming. It's Ashley. I'll die at the smoker
15:31No, I saw her with the red aimbot. Oh wait, I see this dude over here
15:36This guy's getting beamed how is he not dead? Okay, what kind of gun this guy have bro?
15:40This guy has an insanely overpowered gun. I see someone right there again beamed. Oh, I'm I really want the Uzi
15:46Yes, I did. I think the Uzi is probably the most op gun
15:49Oh wait, I can equip it is I can equip the Uzi on right now if I want to
15:53That's what it says at least
15:56I think this gun that I have might be better than the Uzi though. I have 10,000 XP techie
16:01Oh my gosh, that is insane. Hold up. I'm beaming a dude across the map. Oh, I feel so bad
16:05I think he literally just spawned. Oh, it was he's broken. It's broken. Is it? Yeah, how much how much?
16:11Spread how do I tell well, you gotta shoot somebody. Okay, hold on
16:18Yeah, it's literally a straight shot there's there's there's no bloom
16:21The Uzi is crazy. I think mine has a little bit of bloom, but mine does 18 a shot, which is pretty insane Wow
16:27Yeah, but the no bloom is really nice. Yeah, that is true. Oh my god. I just beamed this guy on me
16:32Oh Ashley, you're getting beamed by aimbot. Sorry. Why I keep spawning dude. I'm oh my what gun is this guy using?
16:39Can I see what he killed me with or no?
16:43The guns are invisible on my screen which kind of suck why is it not aimbotting to the right person that I'm shooting at is
16:48So weird. Yes. Oh my god, and this guy has unlimited. I think there's a guy cheating guys. I can't kill this guy
16:54It's like he has aimbot. Never mind
16:56No, I met with this HP bro. I couldn't kill him with the HP. He had too much
17:02He was beaming Ashley that was weird
17:06That would be cool if you could hold up I see the guy I never mind
17:09He probably just respawned right in front of me when I was shooting him earlier. Yeah, I just spawned right behind Ashley
17:14I feel kind of bad. Hold up Ava. You're gonna beam
17:22Wow, you killed me are you serious I you know
17:26I was this guy not getting hit. I am so confused. That is so weird. He's like God moded at the very bottom
17:32Okay, I just give Ava some more kills though. I can't even kill
17:37Imagine there was a cheat way it just flipped my screen and started shooting you
17:43You know what if you guys enjoyed this game and you want to see part two of it like it subscribe