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00:00Alright guys today. We're playing roblox fish, and we are going to go hunting for the Moby whale. Are you guys ready?
00:10All right, I see you guys got dressed up Emma with the little shark head on Ava with the little whale on your shoulder sage
00:17That looks awesome. You literally look like a whale
00:20And I'm not talking about the design on your head. I'm talking about your weight anyways
00:26Sage I was it was a
00:35I'm sorry calm down sage. It was literally a joke. You don't look like a whale, okay?
00:40But I like your design on your head wait guys. Where'd Ashley go?
00:45Actually, where'd you go?
00:46You just disappeared. Where'd you go?
00:49I forgot my whale outfit. Okay. She's putting her outfit on so well as she does that guys
00:54I am going to buy us the greatest boat to go Moby whale hunting are you guys ready for this?
01:01Actually, what are you?
01:06Your one piece of hair, huh, oh my I mean
01:12You have a strand of hair out out of the all right, you know what?
01:17Ashley Ashley, it's fine. Okay guys. We gotta buy some stuff if we're gonna actually catch Moby whale
01:22So first thing we're buying is the red racer bundle we get a big giant boat that we're gonna be using so let me go
01:31Right now that we got that guys think about it
01:34We're gonna need the best fishing rods in the entire world if we're gonna want to catch Moby whale right that it's true
01:38I could get the celestial one. I want to get the banana rod one, but it's out of stock, so I'm buying celestial
01:49500 robux oh my gosh, that is a lot now guys. What are uh? What are bobbers? What is that? What is limited bobbers?
01:57Attracted to oh
01:58I think I'm gonna buy the best one the hunter robot one. I think this is this is cool
02:01Oh, it comes with all three of them techy. I think you just should buy the one. Oh should I bought the oh, okay?
02:06Never mind. I think I'm good. All right. Let's see what else I should buy guys double XP
02:10We're gonna need double XP right guys if we want to level up, and you know get
02:14All right all right all right double XP we got that what else we got we got luck
02:18Oh, yeah, we buying luck for 400 robux. I'm buying everything bro. We're catching Moby whale
02:21Oh, yeah
02:24Actually, what is that? What do you got your is that your backpack? Oh, you're just oh, yeah, it's my backpack all right
02:29All right, well let me go back to the shop. I'm not done buying stuff guys all right
02:32So we got luck we got XP and now let's see what else we could buy wait guys guys think about it if I buy
02:37Supporter right if I support this game, maybe it'll give me more luck to catch Moby whale. I'm buying supporter
02:46It's genius you gotta think above the game, bro, okay now that we got that what else should we get guys?
02:52Uh, I'm looking spawn boat anywhere. We got a cop down in case we get stranded. Yeah
02:57Okay, spawn boat anywhere. Let's buy that for 300 robux. Um let's see what else we could buy guys
03:01Is there anything else? That's cool. Oh, thank you. Look you have a halo above your head now a little bit
03:06Oh, I do
03:10Think it's big. Thanks, Ashley. I think it's because I had bought in that thing for the server, so that's pretty awesome. Yeah
03:16All right, we're not done though yet guys. We have to do the most necessary thing possible for Moby whale
03:21Do you guys know what that is? No? I gotta buy so much server luck until I can't buy it anymore
03:29Yeah, don't know don't care, but I got 1.4 million robux, and I'm willing to spend all of it guys
03:35We got two times server luck, and we're bringing a four times server luck
03:41We're going for four times server luck all the way to eight times server luck Wow
03:48Guys now it's maxed out, but I'm gonna add 15 minutes to it and that's gonna cost around 400 robux
03:54But here goes nothing alright guys there. We go. We add a 15 minutes, and now we are literally stacked up
03:59All right, we're gonna catch something good
04:02Yeah, I don't think there's anything else that we could possibly do to get higher chance for the Moby whale, but
04:07Wait why are we talking to this guy guys? What's going on here?
04:09I don't know I I bought the celestial the purple one my rod, and I don't know where it is
04:15Thank you. What's you don't know how to equip it on no. How do I clip it?
04:17That's a that's a great great question Emma. You don't know how to equip yours either what of course I know how to equip
04:23My rod what are you talking about? Okay? You let me know when you find it, then yeah, of course I got guys
04:28How do you put the rod on?
04:31Open your backpack, right
04:36I'm looking for it. I'm looking for it guys. It should be I don't think it is sage. I think
04:43The fishing rod should have like a little pencil next to it, and you click that and you should scroll through all right Ashley
04:51Let me just uh
04:54Yeah, low-key I'm kind of confused
04:56Maybe we have to beat the tutorial. I'm not being a tutorial fighting Moby whale though. Where is this guy?
05:03Well, okay hold up hold up guys. I'm gonna lock in real quick. I think I'm gonna find it
05:07I'm a lock in hold up hold up. It's got to be in here somewhere, right? I feel like uh-huh uh-huh
05:12Uh-huh, I'm not cooking currently guys. I'm not cooking. Yeah, I'm not cooking at all either
05:16I got nothing how on earth do I uh look for my I just saw my boat somewhere
05:21Oh there it is did I spawn my boat in guys. It says you cannot spawn a vehicle at this region
05:25Oh, do we have to go to a new region guys? Yeah? I think we do
05:28I don't think there's anything here in the heart wait. I got something what Oh sage. What'd you get?
05:34Is it mobile?
05:42Do it say Jerry
05:45I'm almost done catching it. I'm almost done. It's a it's a feisty one
05:50Would you pull up I got a
05:55No, no hyper up get in the water
06:00Get in the water, or I will shoot you I have a gun
06:03That's weird. This is supposed to be a fishing trip shut up Emma. You want to see the gun, too
06:07Wait, I caught the first fish of the day, and you're threatening. You're threatening my life sage
06:12Does it look like we want a bear to know whatever whatever you call it? No?
06:15We're gonna go somewhere else then oh yeah, yeah, you're great. You're your bear doodoo. Go surrounds. I don't even care
06:27Jeffrey all right
06:30You can find your own fish. I'm we're not finding fish. We're trying to find Moby whale
06:36Fine you know what whatever I'm out. I'm out. I'm gonna find a way to spawn my red racer boat, and what do you want?
06:42I just discovered something yes, what we bought in the shop were skins for a mythical rod that we don't have oh
06:49So what you're basically saying is we we we waste it. We don't know how to read. Yes, correct, okay?
06:56Okay, great nice. That's awful, but techie there is a merchant up here that I discovered who does have rods for sale, okay great
07:04I'll come up there in one second. Let me just spawn my nice beautiful boat in now
07:07What I have to get more experience to use the boat that I spent a lot of Roblox hide
07:17No, I don't appreciate how that lady did not think that I knew how to drive a boat
07:20I don't want to drive a boat. She got a reminder
07:23Thank you, so stupid isn't that right Jeffrey? Okay? See you're talking to a fish you sound stupid now
07:28I'm oh, what do I do? How do I do this? We have to buy one of these rods?
07:32Oh one of these right okay, so I'd like to sell this I like to sell my inventory
07:35I'd like to buy a fishing rod. Yes, sir. I'd like to buy a fishing rod. You're in luck. Okay great
07:40I have a peek and hopefully find one that suits you awesome. How do I do that though these ones here?
07:44Thank you. They're on the ground already. Oh, Emma. What's the most expensive Roblox one?
07:495,000 oh they cost funds okay, well that's the actual cash you gotta buy the cash and don't worry
07:54I'll do that. I'll do that. Okay. Let's go ahead and buy this for 900 Roblox. This is easy, okay, all right boom
07:59There we go guys. We're one step closer. This is good. I got a fishing rod now
08:02I'm gonna buy this and there we go now Emma. How do I clip it on okay?
08:05That's actually in your book bag now. Oh in my book bag. Okay equipment bag, and oh I see it there
08:09It is awesome guys. I'm cooking okay
08:12I leveled up mine to the training rod so we should get something kind of decent to start
08:16Yeah, maybe the more we level up finally I can place my boat down, but guys. How do I start fishing?
08:20I'm pretty confused here. You pull out your little rod, and well you don't go in the water, okay?
08:24That was an accident bro. Hey, no. I want to get only amazing, but I got a timing in the green
08:28I got perfect okay now. What do I do guys?
08:30There's a button that's a shake on my screen is mobile gonna come out. You gotta click it. Okay. I'm shaking
08:34Oh, you got a press shape. I messed up. I misclicked. Oh my god guys Ava
08:38I keep on messing this up. I can't land it in the green bro wait
08:42guys I
08:43Gotta start it back. Oh
08:46I got a box. I threw it over here, though
08:49I don't I don't know what that does wait guys um am I just supposed to keep pressing shake forever. Yes
08:56Yeah, okay. Well. I'm just gonna keep on spamming. I guess it's just like
09:00What are you now? What do I do now? Do I spam?
09:02Oh, I have to stay with the fish at the stay with the fish. Oh, no guys. I got a red snapper
09:09Guys I got the hunter what is that guys? I got a big giant whale
09:28It's basically Moby-whale it's like his little brother now guys. How do I sell this guy?
09:34Come on come on guys. We got my prize possession in my hands. We're gonna see how much this guy's worth
09:39Can't believe you caught a shark. I know me too. Okay. Do I talk to this guy? Okay? Yeah? Yes, all right?
09:44How can I help you? I'd like to sell this. Oh, yeah, only 400 bucks, bro
09:48I just made a hundred robux and got like 5,000 this guy's a waste. Oh, yeah, I'm out of here, bro
09:53Hey guys on the bright side. I got a fish radar. What is this supposed to do?
09:56Oh, well, then I'll tell you what fish are out there techie. Oh, okay, so we'll know if Moby-whale is around here anywhere. Yeah
10:02Okay, I like this bro. I like this is awesome. Okay. Let's see if I can finally spawn my boat in though
10:08Hopefully I'm level two so let's see if that's high enough. Hi lady. I am now an experienced experienced ship person
10:15Can I spawn it in?
10:23Guys unfortunately, there's only four matter of fact. It's not a fortune at all sage if you can't fit in
10:28This is your fault, but get in what okay? I'm getting in are you in wait?
10:32We are Ava Ava Ava
10:36It's okay. I'll just stand here
10:42All right now guys we are zooming finally looking for Moby-whale now Moby-whale apparently is deep deep deep in the sea
10:49So we got it. We got to keep on going. Okay, we gotta be very careful techie guys
10:54I'm just leveling up without even doing nothing, bro. I guess just going to the island is leveling me up
11:02Got it. I got it feeling like we should have been unrelaxed because you're you're putting us in a cavern
11:09I'm gonna shut up. I got this okay. I'm just I'm trying to lock it. Okay. I got it. I got it
11:12I got it. Don't worry. We are not in the area where Moby-whale spawns in guys. He's all the way down this way more
11:18Okay, he's way out here. Yeah. He's like way way out here. He's apparently north guys, so we got to go north
11:23That's where Moby-whale spawns. Okay, but techie. Yes, this is a it's really dark out here techie. Oh, I know Emma
11:29I didn't say it wasn't gonna be scary bro. Um, do you know what's out here? Definitely not but I think Moby-whale is probably
11:43Did anyone else see Ava literally just like think about it and then jump off the boat
11:53Listen bro, if you want to jump out the boat just say that I can leave you here all by yourself
11:56I did not want to jump out of the boat. Okay, fine. Get it. I must love the ocean. I don't actually okay guys
12:03Stand right here. No, no one move. It's time to see if I can catch Moby-whale you guys ready for this
12:10Hey, stop driving the boat. Oh my gosh, okay, maybe we shouldn't get out of the boat. This is getting scary
12:23I'm all the way out in the ocean. I don't know where I am
12:28No, it's long Emma honestly well-deserved. Oh, yeah. I'm on the second. You got out of the boat
12:34I started shaking a lot bro, cuz you were standing up and you're just so big so I just shook the boat everywhere
12:41I'm near nowhere. Oh gosh guys. This is so hard. I keep getting amazings. I need I need perfect
12:47How do I get all guys? Here we go. Boom. Perfect Ava. Did you just get something? Yeah, I got a big Aurora sea pickle
12:52It's all glowy
12:57Guys I keep on miss clicking the shake button because I'm trying to press it faster than I really need to
13:02I'm too scared of fish. You need some aim training. I do need some main training, bro
13:06I'm pressing it before I actually just aim
13:12I thought it would be bigger guys. I'm about to get something good guys. I'm about to get something awesome
13:16I could fit. Oh, no, this is not good. This is not good. All this fish is going everywhere, bro
13:21I got a
13:23Mustard something fish. I think showed off techie showed it. Hold up. Hold up. I will in a second
13:28Let me just let me catch you. I can I catch more than one fish at a time guys
13:33Only one at a time bro, I don't even know if I got anything cool, bro. Where's Moby Whale at?
13:39Fish a sailfish. Oh my god guys. I'm getting something else guys. I'm going for it. I'm going for it
13:46Okay, hold up. Hold up. Hold up. Hold up. He's getting shorter now. Oh my gosh
13:57This is the other thing that I got to you wait, how do I just insta-sell it guys?
14:00We have to go back what you have to go to one of the islands. No, no, no
14:03No, there's got to be an auto sell, right? I swear I saw him there is but it's really expensive
14:07Wait, I'm just gonna auto sell everything. Is this work like this? Oh, it's not working
14:12I might have to turn these settings off wait Ava
14:14Where's the really expensive thing that you were talking about that auto sells?
14:16It's in the backpack. If you press the tilde key, uh-huh pressed it and then now where do I see it sell inventory?
14:23Is that a oh sell?
14:24All right, guys, I'm buying sell anywhere. There we go. And now I should be able to sell this and now sell inventory
14:30Did it work Ava? I'm not even sure if it worked. How do I know if it worked?
14:33Um, do you still have your fish in your inventory? Oh gosh, I got a praise anywhere down to okay
14:39Let me see how much I'll even get for this
14:40Okay, I'm trying to see all the fish that I could do at once but it's really really buggy. I'm not gonna lie
14:45Oh, I sold it. There we go. All right, I got it. I'm locking in
14:51Okay a praise there we go and now can I sell it oh wait, I don't think it's letting me sell it guys
14:56It might be bugged out a little bit. Anyways, has anyone caught in the Moby whale guys anyone anyone get any luck?
15:06All right, I got perfect oh my Ashley did you just stand up same effect as Emma bro, how much you weigh?
15:15Guys I messed up again. This is so hard. My mouse click is just way too fast, bro
15:21Okay, okay, just aim and lock in to the aim. Oh my
15:29It's very small did me bumping the server luck was a good thing, right? Yes
15:33Okay, good. Good. Good. Good. Okay. I'm locking in. I'm locking in. Okay. Let's see what I get out of this fish, bro
15:37I'm gonna get something so awesome. I can feel it. I'm shaking it a bunch guys the fast you shake it
15:41Do you get more luck or no? Is that just a myth?
15:44Ava how do you know you got a mythic fish? You only know until after you pull it. No, it's literally called mythic fish
15:49Oh, I just caught I don't think it told me what it was, but I think it's cool
15:54I I'm going again guys. I can feel Moby whale off of this one. Wait, Emma. Where you at? I'm back. It's fun
15:59Oh, nah, all right. I'm don't worry. I'm gonna come back to spawn with you with the Moby whale in my hands
16:04All right. Okay. I can't wait to see it. I know don't worry. I got this bro. I'm locked in
16:08Oh, yeah, here we go guys. Here we go. Oh, it's Moby whale. I can feel it. This one's going quick. This one's going quick
16:16Oh my god, oh my god, hold up guys I can feel it I can feel it's almost there
16:20Oh, I got a flying fish. Look at this guy
16:30Well, we didn't get the Moby whale however you guys want to see a part two and I was trying to find it like and