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Today, Omz becomes his REAL LIFE SELF in Roblox with Crystal, Lily, Kevin, Roxy, and Megan!

#Roblox #Omz
00:00So I have never officially face revealed ever in my entire life
00:05There has been some leaks of me without my face in as you guys all know
00:10Yes, I know we've all seen the leaks but there has never been one officially of me
00:16So today we are going to be making our real live selves in
00:22Roblox, uh, wait, what are you serious?
00:25Yes, sir, and I'm even gonna make my own self
00:28So everybody knows it's accurate and I will literally put myself in roblox. But before we do ourselves, let's do other people
00:34So everyone pair up with your couples. I'm gonna be with crystal. I'll be with Lily
00:39All right, then I'll get Kevin and we have to make each other's real life self and crystal
00:44You've seen me once but like mad fast. It wasn't a long time. Yeah, babes
00:49I saw a quick photo so I have you in my memory and I've also seen you really fast one time as well
00:55So I'm going to be making you and you're gonna be making me and everybody we have three minutes on the clock to make it
01:02So three two one
01:05I'm gonna smoke you
01:07So let's make a new avatar and I didn't get the girl cuz obviously crystal is a girl throw her skin in
01:14Yeah, that was about her skin and then for her hair crystal has super long hair in real life
01:19It literally reached her butt babe. Stop leaking. I'm leaking bro. You guys are all getting leaked. Well, I've seen Lily before yeah
01:27And I feel like this hair is really long, but she doesn't really wear pigtails. Oh, wait, actually this one
01:35No, that's also pigtails. We're too long here at California girl. That's almost our bop. I feel like it's the most accurate
01:41I'm going with California girl now crystals height bro. You're literally like five to crystal. No, I am not
01:47Yes, you are and you're with I'd say is like that your depth that's like you're front to back with right?
01:53Is that what it is? Mm. Yeah, also pretty like that and then head I'd say like this
01:59Okay, perfect and now finish. Okay, we got crystals layout right over here. Okay. Awesome. Now for the hair wait
02:06We could just switch it out. Okay, I'm gonna do long
02:11Okay, let's see what we got for long and blonde. Try it
02:15Literally your hair reach your butt. So oh wait, that's Loki fire. Okay, so crystal has a long blonde here
02:21Now I gotta get stuff for her fit and crystal actually has started to wear her roblox outfit in real life
02:28So I'm gonna have to get some cyan fittings. So let's look up cyan and brah. I don't want to get her a one-day
02:34I need her to get some clothes. So classic shirts
02:38No classic t-shirts, maybe cyan girl, let's see anything good for this cyan girl
02:48Maybe cyan shirt that would hit let's look up shirts. Does she have one? No, I don't see any good science shirts
02:55Oh my gosh, we might be cooked. We might be cooked
02:59Okay, how about we go to clothing over here and let's go just in the normal section like that. Oh
03:04Awesome it bruh. There's literally an old shirt in the recommendation. No, that's crazy work
03:11Hmm, but crystal where is something she would wear? Maybe I should look up girl cuz it's a girl fit
03:18Oh wait, I might be cooking. I might be cooking. We're getting closer and then girls cyan, please
03:24Hold up. I think I'm fighting some sauce. Oh, oh
03:28Wait, that looks kind of fire. Okay, I'm gonna mess with that one over there
03:32And then we need some pants crystal be wearing jeans. So let's look up Jean. Wait, I spelled jeans wrong, but this one still works
03:38Oh, oh my gosh
03:41Hmm, but sometimes she doesn't wear ribs. I think yeah, this is more crystal. Oh my gosh now
03:46I gotta get faces and crystal you be wearing some makeup. Yeah, just a little bit though. Nothing too crazy
03:51Oh, okay. Okay. So let me look up super pink makeup. Uh, that is not crystals face. That's more of a lily face
04:00Where is it? Where is it? Let's go to faces and oh my gosh, there's so many this one
04:05Okay, that is that crystal crystal has blue eyes. Duh. Everybody knows that. Oh, let me just like a blue
04:11Okay, give me the blue eyes. Uh, that looks insanely cursed the boy in a way boy in a way wait
04:18Hold up
04:19Whoa that Loki looks like crystal. Oh my gosh, and never dynamic faces, too. How about this one?
04:28Okay, that does not look good. I'm seeing some more girl faces though and Chris is always happy
04:33So something has to be happy. Let's see this one
04:37Okay, our forehead is way too big. Yeah, Chris. Oh, there's nothing good here. Uh, you better not make me look chopped. Oh gosh
04:43Uh, don't look at my screen
04:46Wait, I'm getting closer. Okay, I'm gonna try this one. Maybe
04:49It's just that your forehead is so ginormous. Uh that one. No this one. Oh, actually that is pretty crystal coated
04:57Okay, I like this one a lot and then of course
04:59Crystal actually wears that flower that she has so let me look up flower and she always puts it on her hair and it's a
05:05Blue flower. So let me look up. Oh, actually this one Loki might hit but I don't want it with hair
05:13Where would it be accessories maybe? Oh
05:16It is. Okay flower try and oh
05:21I got one and wait. Why is this kind of awesome sauce? Let me see how she looks. Oh
05:27My gosh, I got crystal. This looks so good. Let's see how everyone
05:32Looks what in the world is this? Oh, babes. Do I look like you? Oh my god, bro, baby
05:38Ginormous guys hurry up already at a time. We have to all review and mine is actually looking insanely dope
05:45Are we ready? Yeah. Yes, sir. Let's do this. Okay first, who should we check out?
05:49We should check out Roxy and Lily's Ohms. Check me out. What the heck?
05:55Oh my gosh, babes, that's not like what Lily looks like
05:58I didn't actually see in herself. That's what I just assumed. Nah, bruh. This is so silly looking
06:06No, why does she have red eyes? Oh, yeah for real Roxy Lily would not red eyes. She would have pink
06:11Oh, well, look at her shirt. It's pink. Okay, I guess that is accurate. Wait, Lily
06:16Is your hair actually pink in real life? Sometimes I like it pink, but only no. Oh
06:20Okay, okay and
06:22I'm actually messing with the hair. I feel like the pink is fire
06:25So I'm gonna give this one a solid 5 out of 10 Roxy. All right, not too bad. But let's see. Whoa
06:31All right. Why is Roxy?
06:33Gigantic big muscle energy. Oh, no, he does it rising his little brother energy, but
06:42Red hoodie black pants that is Roxy and now look at the jawline
06:46Dude, I look like a giga chat and you also have your dinosaur fit on and a tail. Yeah, cuz Roxy loves dinosaurs
06:53Okay, this one is way better. This one is getting a solid 7 out of 10 and
06:58You ate on this bra, yes, sir, cuz Megan actually has green hair fun fact. Oh
07:05Wow, that actually looks fire. Okay. This one's a 9. Yeah for real, but check me out
07:11Whoa, wait, Kevin's like an e-boy. Yes, sir. I look awesome
07:16Nah, look at his pants are so baggy and oversized. Yeah, this is fire vibes 8 out of 10. Good job
07:22Hey guys, look at me. I'm oh
07:24Nah, bruh. I'm literally huge and look at my own splash. I do carry my own splotchy everywhere in real life
07:30That is true homes walks around with it and I got the jeans
07:34I got a shirt that literally says my name on it and a blue jacket fire. This one is getting a 9
07:39Nobody check me out. I'm crystal
07:41Wait, that is accurate. Yeah, because crystals mad short and I got the flower and I got that fit on baby
07:47I look at me. I look so good. Yes, sir. All right, we all look fire
07:51But now boys, we are gonna make ourselves
07:55So this is where you guys are gonna actually see what I look like. Yes, finally
07:59I've been waiting for so long
08:00All right, and I've been waiting to see some of you guys for so long
08:03So I'm excited to see what y'all boys look like in real life. Everybody go we have three minutes again
08:08And I'm gonna have to start from scratch so y'all boys are about to find out about my IRL features
08:14So let's get the boy
08:16Next and I need to get my skin which my skin would be like in between this in this I'd say I'd say more on
08:22this side now
08:25My hair right now. I have really poofy curly hair. Why am I a girl? Oh my gosh
08:30I'm not a girl new avatar. Give me the boy the boy
08:35Okay, we got boy got my skin color now, we gotta get my hair
08:40Hmm. They don't really got curly hair in roblox to be honest. It's more like this length, but mad curly
08:46Mmm, I guess like this would be the best option. Okay, we'll go with this and then my height
08:52I am exactly six foot tall. So I put like right here like
08:56110 115 my width I'd say that works and then my head I'd say like that then my body type
09:04What does this do? No, that is not my body type proportions. That doesn't do anything
09:08All right, finish boom. Now. I gotta look up curly hair cuz that is not my hair at all. So let's look up curly
09:15Boy hair, let's see. Do they have curly boy hair? Wait, try hold up. Oh, this is actually getting more close. Oh
09:24No, no, that's still not my hair. It's really curly. It's more like this and more poofy
09:30Mmm curly hair curly hair curly hair. Maybe I have to look a black curly boy hair
09:36So let's put black in the front of this and let's see. Oh, well, we're starting to cook. We're starting to cook. Uh,
09:44Wait, oh try now this one is as close as I think we're gonna get it's kind of curly but kind of not
09:51Yeah, actually, this is kind of close to I don't know. There's so many that's a kind of close to my real-life hair
09:59Curly maybe I gotta look up poofy. So let me look up poofy. Does that help at all?
10:05No, not really. Uh, maybe I gotta look up tight
10:09Let's see tight black curly hair. Okay, let me remove this and
10:14Wait, no, I'm not fighting any. Yeah, I think is the best we're gonna get so we're gonna go with that
10:19But in real life my hair is slightly more curly now
10:21We gotta find a nice little outfit and whenever it's hot outside because where I live is normally cold
10:28But whenever it's hot, I always wear a tank top
10:30So let me look up tank top and we gotta go and I like to wear the gray ones
10:35I don't like any other colors. So try this. Yeah
10:38Let go. Okay, and then I got to remove my bra. I can't just have nothing underneath. Oh my gosh
10:45Okay, that means that I'm gonna have to find one of those classic ones
10:49So let's go to clothing and then classic shirts and I'm gonna have to put on
10:54Bruh, why do I have the pink underneath me? Are you cereal right now get this off remove
10:59I do not want to have pink that is mad a to the yo
11:01I think it's good. I gotta put on pants and normally I'd be wearing some black pants like joggers. So let me look up black
11:10Joggers or sweats. Actually, I think I wear sweats more than joggers. Definitely. So black sweats. Let's see
11:16What we working with over here try. Oh
11:20That's gas. Alright, let me try this one over here. Mmm. Oh, that's fire, too
11:24And I always wear all black shoes. Okay, perfect now I can switch out my tank top because it got rid of the shirt underneath
11:30So it's gonna look really good. So clothing classic shirts, and then I'm gonna look up
11:34Tank top and find a gray one. Let's see. How does this one look? No this one? No
11:41Hey, yo, this one mad dirty
11:43Maybe this so we're getting closer. I think I just need to look up gray tank top. Is that gonna hit? Oh wait
11:50Hey, yo, there's a girl ones, bro
11:54No, not that
11:57Wait, let me try this one on. Oh
12:00Okay, okay. Okay. Okay. Now I gotta get my face and I'm mad handsome, bro
12:04I think I'm the most handsome person ever. So like bow. Yeah
12:09Oh my gosh, okay, no, no, but for real though, I'll be having a nice little smile on me
12:14So I need to find something that shows a nice smile cuz I'm always smiling and I got some really big eyes
12:20this no
12:22You find big eyes big smile this
12:27Whoa. Whoa. Why is this what actually kind of close? This is low-key. I might be looking like all the time
12:32Okay, that one's fire. I think I would go with that and
12:35Also, I gotta change up my body type cuz I'm not gonna lie they made me mad weak so I gotta get some muscles
12:41Let's see arms. I'm making my arms huge, bro. I'm making my arms huge
12:45Muscle, let's see. Yeah. Hey, that is not muscles, bro, but not that big that that big that that bit
12:51Yeah, where's it at? Wait low-key. Nah. Nope. That's way too big. Take off take off
12:56I messed up my arm. Oh gosh. Oh gosh. They know what are these proportions? They're all so good
13:05No, no, no, no, no
13:08All right, these words are off destroyedly bad bro, this is awful maybe if I look up athletic, all right
13:16Wait, okay. That is not athletic. What is that? Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Now both of them are messed up
13:24We're so good, we're so good. Let's try this one. Oh, I
13:28Feel like it is the best we're gonna gap. This is the best we're gonna get and wait. I can't change the colors
13:33Oh my gosh, this is not good. So that means I actually have to find a muscle one
13:37Maybe if I look up strong, I can get some better results. Huh? Wait, okay. Okay. That's the best we're getting
13:42That's the best we're getting it's like big but not crazy big. There we go. Let's go
13:46I thought I was about to be cooked. Wait, actually hold up. I feel like yeah, this one's way more accurate
13:51Okay, we're going with this one. Boom. Yeah, and I also have a chest on me. Yep
13:57I do actually have one of those so let me look
14:03One of which one which one is accurate. Oh, wait, wait low-key look. Yes. This is literally me right now
14:10This is what I'm wearing as I'm recording right now. Oh my gosh, but let's see how I look like not in game
14:16Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. This is literally me. I look so dope
14:21Holy smokes. I got the curly hair. I got the brown eyes. I got the mouth that always smiles
14:25I got the moose schools and I got the black fit on with a tank top. Holy smokes it. Oh
14:32Oh my gosh, okay, let's see how we all look like let's start off with Megan check me out
14:39What in the world is this? Okay, I couldn't find a good shirt, but I like to wear nice sweaters and pants. Oh
14:45Yes, I love the dress and the hair where your hair is greener right now. It is green. Oh
14:51My gosh, that is fire. Okay next up. I want to check out Lily and wait, Lily. What's your hair right now?
14:58I know my hair is blonde and pink. I got the double combo. Whoa
15:02That's so fire. And do you actually wear pink everything all the time? I can't not wear pink. Oh, I love the ears
15:11Wait, you wear pink ears just like normally. Yeah, I'm one of those. I be seeing them in the halls
15:16awesome and
15:18What's all what Kevin this is how you look like? Yes, sir, boy
15:23Wow, that's crazy. Your hair is actually silver. Yep. Just like the Ohms plush. Oh
15:30That's fire. I do actually have rats. These are plushies not real rats
15:34Oh cool, and I like the brown fit you got on those jeans are fuego my boy. Yes, sir, baby
15:41and what
15:43Roxy is this you? Yes, sir. I'd be wearing jeans and I got that thing on me Wow
15:48Is your hair actually red? No, but I always wanted to get red tips
15:52Mmm, that makes sense cuz your hair is black cuz I've seen it before and now
15:57Crystal whoa. Wait, this is accurate. What the what this is so accurate crystal got the blonde hair flower blue eyes
16:03Always wear pinks and normally wear socks her knees very accurate. I know babes. I am the best Wow
16:09And then guys check me out, so this is where I look like in real life
16:13I always wear tank tops and I have curly hair. I wear black pants all the time and I got brown eyes
16:20Yeah, I know you know, but no one else knows
16:23Yes, sir, and that was an awesome invention if you want to join us on the next click right here bye