#Roblox #Cash #NicoandCash
#Roblox #Cash #NicoandCash
00:00Today we opened a water business in roblox
00:02Your goal is to expand on your store sell the customers on the street and dodge a bunch of cars
00:07Let's see who can expand their business the fastest
00:12First day of our water business and to start our factory
00:15We just press this button here and we can spawn our first conveyor in two
00:18We got worker one for five bucks and then a restocker for 50
00:22I don't know how a worker only costs five dollars, but i'm gonna get that once I start making money
00:26Oh for real, okay
00:28I'm building my water factory. Okay. I need to add the ingredients from where oh the chemicals
00:32Wait, why do you need chemicals to make water? Yeah, it's kind of nasty maybe to make it taste good
00:36Okay, we put the chemicals in there and then mix the reactants. Am I doing this with my hands? This is kind of nasty
00:42Ew, you're contaminating it. You know, this is not sanitary at all condense water and then we collect it. Wait, what?
00:48There's so many steps to this. Okay. I got radioactive water bring this up to anyone on the street
00:52They will happily buy it. All right. Mia. Do you want this water? Ew. Ew. No, please. I just sold it
00:59Bro, I just got hit by a car. What? Yeah, what's up with people speeding down the road?
01:03I don't know if you walk in the road. They just come flying at you. Oh my goodness, dude
01:06It took so long to make one water. Are you serious? It's okay. I made five bucks
01:10So I got tommy in it working for me now. I just sold my water to call jacob's
01:14Okay, let me get some more chemicals. I have to do a lot of this manually, which I don't like
01:17I need to automate this you're supposed to sell radioactive water to someone. Yeah, that's nasty
01:22Yo, that's nasty twin. I need to work alongside tommy in it right here so that we can keep it going the world
01:27Zoe just scammed me. Nah, I did. She gave me five dollars. Yeah, dan
01:31I'm going to sell to this nico right here. Yeah, there you go. You're selling to me
01:34Yeah, I just gave you radioactive water. I'm already making water bud. Oh, this is nasty
01:38Yeah, why are you buying from your own competition? I don't know. I'm gonna go sell it to the miner right here
01:43Here you go. Toast miner. No, don't you run from me? Okay, fine. I'll sell to tommy. Oh sonic just died
01:48I almost died. Okay. I have enough money to buy a second worker. Let's go. Yo, who is that? Oh my goodness
01:53That's oh cute single. Oh, nah
01:55Why does she have a scary face on she must have changed her skin recently or something? You want to be scary?
02:00I know let's keep expanding. I'm adding more chemicals. You guys are working too fast. I heard a second worker
02:04Okay, there we go. I have a lot of workers. Boom. Yeah, that's because you cheated
02:08No, I just started a little early
02:10I need to be the third worker and the fourth worker and I need to go sell I just sold radioactive water to preston
02:15Nah, i'm selling it to the peanut. Why do I see a shirtless shady right there? Hey, bruh
02:21I don't know. I just got a low taper fade. So nah
02:25What is that skin bro now I got nico working for me in my sweatshop, okay
02:30I got shady restocking for me. All right, here you go another five dollars. Wait, we can expand I made five water droplets
02:36Oh, yo, that expansion is kind of huge. Why that is so much bigger than I expected
02:39I have 110 bucks so I could buy my last two workers. I got the miner and tanker working for me now
02:44No way. Yeah. Okay. Well, I guess i'm rich now. What else can I buy?
02:48I have 75 bucks to my name marketer passive money. Carl. Jacobs is marketing for me. Yes
02:53I like it. I just sold radioactive water to vmt
02:56I can carry multiple water if I buy this 100 robux game pass. Give me that. Oh lucky
03:01Yeah, now I can hold multiple. All right, but I need to keep adding to the supply
03:04I need to hire somebody that can grab the chemicals and put it in here. It's 50 bucks for a restocker
03:09It's okay. Now we have marketing people will start coming to my front door, right? I think so
03:13I don't really know how that works. I don't know about all that. Here you go. Nico. Take that water five bucks
03:17Oh, yeah, wait 2x speed for 28 robux. That's a bargain. Give me that boom. Okay, this game is kind of chill
03:22Oh my goodness. The 2x speed is kind of op. That was so cheap. You can't even sprint in this game
03:26I know I just bought a restocker. So now there's another toast miner going to restock the chemicals. Yeah restockers op
03:32Yeah, oh and the water stacks. Okay, I just made 10 bucks off him getting the stacker is honestly so much easier
03:39You can fill your inventory with like 60 waters and then sell it all in bulk
03:42There's also a button here that says rule the planet. It's for a billion dollars though. Yeah, that's a lot
03:47I'm guessing that's the end goal. Let's see. Oh more water to collect five
03:50Yo, how y'all making so much money because i'm goaded don't you worry about that?
03:55No, you're not making money cash. I think you should click tab. No, I don't think you should auto sell
04:00What did y'all buy? Don't worry about that. What did y'all buy y'all cheated? No
04:05You guys are cheaters. Yeah, that's crazy. Why would you do that?
04:09Listen it's only 100 robux. Oh, no. What did you wait shop? Oh
04:15Okay, i'm not gonna buy the rob other players I feel like that's just not fun to play with that's crazy
04:19I will buy 2x water though 2x water and 2x cash. That's must have been what you guys got, right, baby
04:25And faster restockers. Oh, how are the good lebron? You can hire lebron. Wait, what?
04:31The people you can hire is kind of crazy. You can get mr. Beast lebron tyson at ice spice. I'm hiring queso
04:37Nah, I don't think i'm gonna hire them just yet. I'm just gonna get faster restockers. I hired queso and he just never showed up
04:43Oh, nah, nah, bro. Skip it out of the job
04:47He doesn't need this. He's got a streaming job. Yo, why is nobody around here? It's like nobody
04:53Nah, did you get hit? Yeah, there's nobody on our side of the road
04:55Me and zoe are getting cooked over here, but you can get an insurance fraud agent
04:59I think I want to buy that. Yeah, I kind of want to buy that too
05:02Let's see. Is there anything on the outside I could buy there's marble walls. This is all kind of like decoration
05:06I don't want that yet. There's a basement for five million bucks anything on the back of my building
05:09No, it doesn't look like it. I want to upgrade this thing to the max because right now it looks like we're in the boonies
05:13Dude, you can't expand this thing huge cash. I know I want to keep going. Let me add another chemical
05:17Let's go to the shop. My insurance fraud guy told me to get hit by a car and he'll give me money. Oh
05:22Okay, I just did that and I got 130 dollars. I just hired. Mr. Beast. Is that the method you hired? Mr
05:28Base. Well, where is he at? Hello? Uh, i'm not seeing him. I think he didn't show up either. I got scammazed
05:33All right insurance fraud agent. I will hire you soon. I need like 45 more bucks. Oh my goodness
05:38How did I just make twenty thousand dollars? What just happened bro hacking? I just made 541 bucks
05:42I filed a totally legal claim for you
05:43Yo, we got Saul Goodman working for me run in the road and get hit by a car then come back
05:47All right, any cars want to hit me? Oh
05:50Okay. Now I go to the insurance fraud guy. Hey, bro. I got hit 270 bucks
05:54You know
05:55this isn't really insurance fraud because i'm kind of walking in the roads and
05:58They're the ones speeding down and hitting me. It's not like i'm purposely doing it
06:01I'm, just trying to sell water out here. I need to slow down. That's what i'm saying
06:05Who drives like that you low-key what no, this is a residential area. I would never do that
06:09You are vmt average speed in residential zones 90 mile per hour. Okay, that's not true
06:14I would never do that. That is just dangerous and not smart to unlock upgrades upgrade menu
06:19What I can upgrade my worker speed max water max material. I need five computer icons though. How do I get that?
06:25That's what i'm trying to figure out right now unlock opto electronic supercomputer. I don't have enough for that
06:29I'm gonna expand though with 40 water droplets. How do I make this go faster?
06:34Oh, there's another conveyor you can get once you expand. I have the peanut working for me now and mia
06:39Gosh, I figured out how to get it. Yeah, i'm figuring it out slowly
06:42Oh, no, I bought an annoying plant. It's in a different section. Now. I have one computer chip. I'm hiring kaizen at let's see
06:48If this works, I don't think mr. Beast ever worked. Oh, yeah, I got kaizen now working for me, bro
06:53That does not look like him. He is not bald. Hey, yo, okay. Well, he's probably great at what he does though
06:57Let's see. I pretty much bought everything I could so far. I still have no computer icon
07:01So i'm gonna look down the road and see if it's down here. I can go check out my friends plots, too
07:05Oh nico's tycoon. Hello. Hello, bro. Oh
07:08Wow, I got quite a big area over here. Oh my goodness. Here is my water factory, bro
07:14Your factory is so much bigger than mine. I got wallen bear working for me, too
07:17Yeah, you also got k here. Yo, is that a rocket ship? What is this mia's lab? Yeah, don't worry about it
07:21Oh, no, I need to get to that level. Maybe one day. Hey, you know something I don't what is it?
07:26There's got to be a store around here that i'm missing. Maybe look on the right side of your screen
07:29Did you get that? Oh starter pack? I didn't even get that. Thanks for telling me about that mia
07:36Nika you didn't have this before y'all lying. There's no way you ain't got it. I just now bought it. I got it now
07:42I'm using this for my worker speed. Let's go a little fast
07:45I'm still not sure how to get more computer icon things. It comes with the starter pack
07:48So you should have some more. Yeah, but how do you make it after that?
07:51Okay, you go to the compute auto electronics chip. Oh wait compute. Oh
07:57I just now unlocked it. I'm literally not lying. Yeah, I know he's right
08:00I just made one and then there's a 60 second cooldown on it every time you make one. I told you i'm hiring speed
08:06I show speed. I want you to work with me. It's causing a lot of robux now. Oh, yeah true
08:10But there's another room that I just expanded with let's get everything in here. I got all the money in the world
08:15Oh my goodness. I just got a cat poster. You get another computer generator when you unlock the upstairs. Oh, really?
08:21Yes, wait, what is auto water? What? I don't know. Are you serious? I wish I wasn't missing out on this earlier
08:26I didn't even know this was here. What is it?
08:28There's just a bunch of new rooms that I thought that I expanded the most too, but I didn't okay higher case
08:33Oh, maybe this will work. Zoe said that she hired him and he just never showed up. I know
08:37Oh, he showed up for me. I think he likes me
08:39Sorry, zoe. So he scams me. Yeah, I think so. It looks like I can compute another super chip
08:44So let's do that and then let's go see if I can upgrade anything with this
08:46We got two right now rocket storage boom, it looks like every time you spend the water droplets
08:50It doesn't actually run down your inventory at all. I know it's great. Oh, yeah. Oh and there's an upstairs
08:55Okay, tax evader 30k mega water. Oh my goodness. Yo, I just got three of them
09:00I got preston vmt and tanker working for me mega farter. Let's go. Oh, and there's another opto electronic chip generator here
09:08I found where you could hire. Mr. Beast. Oh, really? It's on the top floor
09:11Hey, do you want to join my game? I send you invite stop inviting me. Hey, yo, okay. I'll join you. Nah
09:18He's trying to get that friend boost. I was wondering if you and your friend willhelm wanted to join me
09:24Yo, we're already in the game. I can't afford rocket factory 2. Oh wait now I can okay
09:28Let's hire lebron james hire the goat. Oh, okay. Now he's working for me. Yo, he got a big head. Oh, no
09:33Let's go back down here and see if I can hire anyone else. Oh, I spice. Yeah, give me we'll hire everybody
09:38Gosh, how are you? So rich because I spent robux to get the times two stuff. Oh my gosh
09:44And mia is working for me as well. She doesn't know she's not getting paid. Wait, what nothing watch yourself
09:48Oh, nah, I think the next thing I need to get is that basement for five mil. That'll probably be my next goal
09:53Okay, you know what? I might have to buy some cash four million to be exact
09:56It's 800 robux, but it'll allow me to unlock my basement. So i'm going to do that. I still can't believe case will scam me
10:02Oh boom. Yeah, you have to hire them at like the thing. You can't buy them in the shop
10:05Oh my goodness. Everything in the basement is so expensive. Oh, no
10:10The cheapest thing in here is eight million dollars and there's an interdimensional porter for 70 million
10:15I don't even know what that means. Let me get out of the basement. No, thank you
10:17How do I make my water sparkling? Ew, why do you want that bro? Do you drink sparkling water?
10:22Yeah, that tastes like tv static. It hurts my brain. Well, regular water tastes like regular water
10:27Hey, don't you hate on regular water? That's messed up
10:30I have everybody working for me out here and there's nothing else to expand on yet. I know I need more expansion
10:35Yeah, this is cooked. Are we cooked chat? I think so. Wait, I have 90 out of 500 parts you get them upstairs
10:40Hold on, maybe that's what I was missing. Oh, it's where mr. Beast is working over here. He's making rocket parts
10:46Okay, martin, I can buy rocket factory 3 finally
10:49That's another expansion, but i'm pretty sure there's nothing else upstairs that I need to worry about
10:52I think everything's still in the basement. I think i'm gonna have to rebirth. I think that's the next step here
10:57Oh, no, so we're gonna get to a billion dollars and do that. Although i'm still not even at a million. That's embarrassing
11:02I wanna be a billionaire any upgrades. Oh, wait. I have four computer chips. Okay, let's do
11:07Max material, I guess i'm not really sure I didn't even realize I had that many chips. I need more chips for real
11:13Come on, there's gotta be something else I can buy in the shop
11:15Maybe I could buy some water looks like my entire first floor is pretty much finished out
11:19I'm, not seeing any more buttons. I can press except for the rule the world. I want to rule the world
11:23Oh, wait, I could expand this if I have 10k. Okay, fine
11:26I'll buy some water 20k water that seems to be the best value. Oh now we expand here. Oh my goodness
11:31Wow, there's a lot more in here that I didn't even see there's another entrance. There's another conveyor
11:36You can get conveyor five cooler insurance agent. You will get me
11:39$86,000 if I get hit by a car, huh? The new insurance agent pays 400 times the other guy. I want that
11:45Yeah, we should just fire the other guy. Yeah, true. You're fired
11:49I just got hit I can also buy a sick car functional. Wait, what? Oh my goodness. This car is so fast, dude
11:54This thing is uncontrollable. Hello. You guys see me in the road? Wait, what? Yo, let me hop in
11:58All right, I don't know if there's multiple seats. Oh, yo, what's good? Yo, we're about to get hit. Oh
12:02Are we chilling? Oh, oh my what just happened, bruh? I think he just went into the stratosphere cash
12:08I'm literally on a barrier on top of the world. I see everything you all look like little ants. That's not supposed to happen
12:13I'm resetting my character. Oh my goodness. Oh my god. Oh, I forgot I can get marble walls
12:18Oh my goodness. My store looks awesome now and a zoey body just flew right in front of my store
12:23Okay eighty six thousand bucks I almost have enough for a conveyor five now, come on cars give me all you got where they at
12:28Hello, there's no cars. Never mind. I see one
12:31I don't even think I got hit. Yo, what does the computer chip do chat?
12:34You use it to make computer chips and then buy upgrades. That's all it's for. How do you buy the upgrade?
12:39At the computer downstairs. Oh, it's right by the hold multiple water one
12:43I just got hit by another car. Not really sure if this is worth my time getting hit just to make eighty thousand
12:48I mean, that's a lot of money but compared to two million right now
12:50I'd rather start a business and not risk my life. The peanut said why are you trying to sell me nothing?
12:55Yo, why is that exactly how we would type?
12:57Yeah, and i'm going back selling my insurance and now I made two million for conveyor five. Finally. Oh my goodness
13:03I finally have a third conveyor belt
13:04But I think I pretty much maxed out the game everything else is gonna take really long to get unless I spend like hundreds
13:10Of dollars on robux. I know right, but maybe we'll continue it if this video gets 20 000 likes
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13:20Bye guys