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00:00Alright guys today. We're back on roblox rivals, and we are about to destroy it some 5e fives you guys ready
00:07Let's do it wait hold up. Where's Emma? Yo, Emma come here. We're doing the intro to the video Emma
00:15I have an idea Emma where you are you in this she's probably hiding in skins Emma listen
00:19You don't got robux to buy skins, bro. Just get out it. She's not even in here, okay?
00:22Maybe she's in the weapons area Emma if you're in the weapons area listen. I'll give you keys if we win the game
00:27Where's Emma bro? Hello?
00:30I have no idea
00:32Do we start our games without Emma what no actually we can't start a 5v5 with just four of us, bro
00:38Where's Emma? She's got to be in here summer. Oh, she dude. She's probably in the shooting range Emma get out of the shooting range, bro
00:44She's probably practicing a bunch. She is Emma. Where are you is she not she's not even in our game, bro
00:49Look she's not on the list
00:54Okay guys
00:54I'm gonna leave this game and see if she's in a different game or something cuz I'm pretty
00:58Confused on where Emma could be all right. Let me take a look at my friends real quick guys guys guys
01:07I'm looking at my friends list and I see someone on their name the fake Emma blocks in a rivals game right now in the
01:14Real Emma's not even online
01:17Yes, I'm not even kidding I can join the game right now should I join it yeah, yeah, yeah, okay?
01:22Yo everyone watch the video right now you guys better like and subscribe because I have no idea who this is I don't even think
01:27This is the real Emma, but all right. I mean, I guess we can join the game guys. I'm joining. I'm actually terrified okay guys
01:32I literally just joined their game, but it looks to be completely empty even though
01:35It's showing that Emma's inside of her you guys want to join too
01:39Okay, you know what I'm just gonna hide inside over here
01:41So you guys are in the lobby cuz I'm low-key kind of scared, bro. I don't even know what's em are not
01:47Guys listen this is a lobby I join okay all my friends list called the fake Emma blocks
01:53I have no idea who it is, but I think she's standing all the way down over there. You can kind of barely see her
01:59Look dude. She's wearing Emma's exact outfit literally identical I
02:06Have no idea, but she was on my friends list so that could only mean one thing we got to confront her yeah
02:13Okay, I'm going first guys stay behind me and just uh yeah, just try not to be too suspicious
02:19Wait wait
02:22Guys there's someone else in the lobby
02:26I have no idea, but it looks like another guy, and it looks like she's talking to him, okay
02:30I got another plan instead of confronting her. Maybe we eavesdrop and see what they're talking about guys follow me this way just crouch
02:37She making a lot of noise little fatty
02:41It's been so fun playing with you my friends are always so mean to me. Don't worry
02:46I won't be mean to you like your friends guys um is that our friend kind of seems like it's a boyfriend or something
02:52Oh, yeah, I don't know. They're really nice to each other
02:57I've been thinking you know we've been playing together all day, and I was wondering maybe we should like make it official
03:07Wait wait wait what does she mean by official?
03:11What if this is our boyfriend wait hold up guys, I don't think we should be here
03:14There's probably a reason she's on a secret account
03:19Make it official I mean I wouldn't be opposed to that idea
03:26Emma's getting a boyfriend, which means she'll finally get off my back, bro. Oh my gosh. This might be the best day of my life
03:35And not for real bro, he's but he's about to go through with Emma
03:402v2's come on this way
03:52The fake Emma I saw you on my friends list and we decided to join so who's this guy you were on my friend
04:05Hey there Theo
04:08Nice to meet you man, hi, I thought we were playing 2v2's yeah, Theo these are the friends
04:13I've been telling you about all day those
04:18Well technically just techies a friend
04:22I'm not your friend, but these are okay. These are my sister's sage Ashley and Ava's down there the pumpkin
04:30Pumpkin Emma we talked about this anyways. Let's talk about what's really important here Emma
04:35Why are you on a secret account, and why are we now meeting this Theo dude for the first time ever?
04:41Well, I'm on a secret account because I didn't want you guys seeing anything
04:44But I still am stupid and accidentally clicked on your name to add you and I wanted to meet new people
04:50You know cuz you guys are mean to me. I know now we get that we are definitely mean to you
04:54But I mean we we heard something about something being a official. I think right girls. That's what we heard
05:02Official from both you yeah something about being official. What do you guys talking about well?
05:06Do you want to tell them um well we wanted to be official rivals partners?
05:14No no no that's not what it was
05:16Yeah, no no if I heard correctly it was we were friends
05:19We've been friends for a long time, and I think we should make it official that that's what I heard
05:28Don't even try to lie to this one. I'm a cuz I'm pretty sure I heard that Ava did Ashley and Sage did that's four people
05:34Well Sage can't hear clearly. She's got boogers in her ears. Oh
05:39We all heard it okay, why don't you guys just leave right? Yeah, you know what I got a better idea
05:44Why don't we all play some 5v5 no no no to make it better since there's six of us
05:49Let's do 2v2 v2 and I'm a union your boyfriend could be together
05:53Why are we doing that? I don't I just want to play with Theo. Oh wait that would be kind of fun
05:57We're sort of doing 2v2s. Yeah, I see Theo Theo wants to do it
06:07All right well, I'm uh you know what I make it a little bit more fun
06:10How about we do random team so you and Theo are together and like I'm not sitting there with Sage and Ava's not with Ashley
06:15We could just fully randomize it you want to randomize it. How well I don't know how about we put Theo and Ava together what?
06:23You can't play with Theo
06:26Hey wait wait wait Emma before you freak out let me let me have a word with you real quick, okay?
06:30Don't talk to Theo ugly. Hey you guys decide the teams. I'll meet Emma. We're talking hey Emma
06:35So uh the reason why I'm doing this is because I'm trying to test Theo's loyalty for you, bro
06:40What what you don't think he's gonna be loyal. I mean Emma. I'm gonna be honest um Ashley Ava and Sage
06:46You're all kind of pretty cute, so uh you know Theo might. Why are they circling him like he's a dog
06:50I don't know Emma listen to me Theo might flirt with them, bro, so you got to put him on a loyalty test
06:56Yes trust me, I mean if you're actually gonna take this guy serious, don't you want to make sure he's loyal to just you
07:01Yeah, I guess you're right
07:04It seems like he's already liking the attention
07:12Really I mean I just got them yesterday
07:21Wow thanks, why is Sage calling him funny. He didn't even say a joke. Yeah, he didn't even didn't even tell a joke
07:26He just mentioned his glasses, but what's going on techie. Did you know about this?
07:29No, I'm telling you I did it, but I assumed it was gonna happen because your sisters hate you, bro
07:33But it looks like Theo's enjoying all of this attention. Just saying so you better be careful
07:42I'm down, but let the games play out and let's see how bad it gets all right anyways
07:46Did you guys decide who's being on Theo's team cuz it's not gonna be Emma?
07:49Yeah, I want to be on Theo's team all right Ava and Theo you guys are a duo Emma look
07:53We could be together me and you
07:55All right, Emma calm down Sage and Ashley you guys will be together. Let's go to be to be to techie
08:00I'm not sure about this Emma relax trust me. I know what I'm doing anyways guys. Let's do big crossroads trust me
08:06It's probably the best map for this
08:09All right everybody lock in all right. Yeah, we're gonna be the best team together. Don't you think I mean I'd hope so
08:16I don't want to lose or anything
08:18Cuz it was bad yeah, it was terrible and I feel I'm a sniper, bro, so don't let me see her boy
08:23She sniped Emma. I'm on the ground. I'm on the ground on the ground on the ground on the ground
08:35So listen it's Theo and Ava left, okay, let's see if they flirt with each other
08:38I see Theo right now, but I'm not gonna kill him. Okay, okay, okay, okay, all right, Theo
08:42We're gonna surround them, and we're gonna get him by surprise. Yeah, I don't know where we're at
08:50Yeah, nice. Oh you just you just killed your girlfriend, bro. Oh
08:55Well, I was kind of in the moment. What do you mean in the moment?
08:58I mean you know me and Ava just pushed, and it was like a really good kill
09:06Yeah, he basically just said they bonded bro, that's that's messed up. Are you bonding with my sister?
09:11That looks like a pumpkin patch. No
09:14That's what you get for killing me deal. Yeah
09:17I had the quickscope you're right there, bro, cuz you're messed up for that Wow
09:22What did I do I played the game?
09:28Thanks Ava
09:31Emma why are you rushing it to the spot like an idiot? I thought they all spawned on the other side
09:36Oh my gosh. I'm are you serious, bro. Yes, okay. It's okay. It's okay. I will avenge you don't even worry about it
09:42Oh my god
09:44Yeah, you're like so good at this game what Emma Theo is literally protecting Ava this is this is bad, bro
09:51Why are you guys sticking together like that?
09:57Yeah, I don't think you guys are a good team either meet me and I'm are definitely better isn't that right Emma
10:03Yeah, for real Ava look don't even come here if you're gonna get quickscoped on the head Ava
10:07Ava you don't want to do this, bro. I got my energy pistols. You don't know what's coming
10:11Ava you don't even know where I'm at bro. Look how dumb you look right now
10:19Hold up hold up Ava don't even know where I'm at anymore bro Ava's kind of lost right now Ava
10:23I can hear you you didn't go far. Oh, yeah, Ava. Come on. Peek me peek me do it do it peek me again Ava
10:29Yeah, how about you come down here and face me face face? All right, I will Ava now what now what now what?
10:35That's what you get for fighting with Ava's boyfriend
10:43Theo why are you sad that she died? Well, she was so close to getting that win
10:48Theo are you being so for real right now? Hold up wait wait wait wait wait Theo
10:52Are you sure it's about the win? Are you sad that she just died? Uh, well, I am pretty sad that she died
10:57She was doing so good
11:05Not gonna lie, I don't know Ashley are you okay? What is going on guys? Why are you flirting with my Theo?
11:13You are well, you never were official
11:21I'm uh, I'm a chill. I was not that deep. I'm not really very deep
11:25I tried to find my own friend my own boyfriend and you guys just come in here and you start taking control of my situations
11:33Listen Emma, if you didn't want us to meet Theo, you shouldn't have added techie like that. That is true. I'm I'm not gonna lie
11:40Oh, by the way guys, I'm 10 and 0 but like I was saying
11:43First of all, you guys didn't have to join you could have said oh maybe Emma doesn't want to play with us today and go home
11:50Okay, whoa
11:51Everyone stop fighting you go to the middle. I'm I gotta I gotta say something to you specifically fine
11:56You know, I don't think it's very nice that Emma tried hiding somebody like Theo from the rest of us
12:01What do you guys think?
12:06You guys aren't even nice to me every time I play this game with you you guys call me pee hair ugly girl
12:12poo-poo pants loser or
12:19Anybody that I meet around you guys, I'm not done piggy winky. Oh my god. Thanks, sir
12:25Are you done now? Yes, I'm done. That is exactly why I didn't bring Theo around you all
12:31All right
12:32Well explain this the secret account of yours because when I press escape it says the fake hemoblox
12:38Who are you trying to lie to bro? I wasn't trying to lie to anybody
12:41I was just trying to have a fake account to meet people on what you could have met people on your main account
12:46No, because my main account is really good. And then I don't want people to be intimidated by me. I'm I don't think anyone has ever
12:52Intimidated by you ever in life if you don't shut up, I'm gonna burn your house down. Okay. Sorry. I'm gonna go this way
12:58Oh, yeah. Thank you. Anyway
13:12Chill out. I thought deal did anything wrong. He's trying to win the game
13:16Again you guys weren't even official
13:21No, I said he was he was um, he was he was entertaining it but I didn't I didn't say he was flirting back
13:26Not yeah, he didn't really do anything crazy. I'm gonna just chill
13:29Now that I think about it, you're really pretty
13:36Yo, he just called a burrito right in front of me
13:44Theo you know that precious puppy you were telling me about today. Oh, yeah, like fluffy. What about yeah
13:51I am I'm gonna take that puppy to the Humane Society
14:02Oh, no, she's basically saying they're gonna they're gonna hang out how much he's gonna meet his dog. Oh
14:08Nah, I think I'll show Ava fluffy sometime in the future
14:16Very very interesting Theo because I remember you telling me that if you ever met my sisters and how I described how ugly they were
14:22You would never talk to any of them, especially the one that looks like a melted cream sickle
14:31I showed him a picture of you and he said you look like a melted I see
14:38No, because you're actually a nice sweet treat
14:48Ava he basically said you look like a melting ice cream cone because I'll fat you are yeah
14:56Yeah, but he said you're the melting ice cream the ugly melting one that that looks fast
15:01Sometimes the melted ice cream is the best
15:06Calling you fat and chunky, bro
15:10Where it's fat chunky or ugly from Theo. Did you yeah
15:13Well, I I heard him basically, but he just said him in a really nice way. I think you guys are twisting my words
15:19I don't think so
15:21Actually, not at all. I think he was talking more about her personality, you know, they seem like a good couple
15:26Hey, you know what now that I think about it. What's your name? You're kind of cute, too
15:36Yo, Ava, um, well, you know Ashley complimented me and you know, she was kind of defending me more than you were
15:46Felt more like we were forced to be
15:53With Theo to see if he falls for it. Okay. Okay. Um, yo, honestly, um, I think you're too good for them
16:00Um, I really like your style
16:04Complimented my style
16:10Man I don't know which one to pick now
16:18It's over for you, yeah get out. Oh, man. Okay. No, that was pretty bad. I'm not gonna lie
16:24I can't believe you invited someone like this. Well, I didn't know he was like that until you guys showed up
16:30Ava calm down. You never liked Ava. He called you an ice cream cone
16:34Now if you guys enjoyed it, you want to see a part two like and subscribe
