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00:00Alright guys today. We're back on roblox rivals, and we are going for a thousand game one streak. Are you guys ready?
00:08All right now I know a thousand seems absolutely crazy, but look I'm already at 340 Emma you're at 222 sage
00:14You're at 242 and evil you're at 36 30 36
00:20What's wrong with my win streak mm-hmm nothing nothing about it. You know what we can this is really far away from a thousand
00:32I'm gonna be totally honest bro, and you're also not even ranked sage's gold Emma's gold on platinum
00:37You're literally nothing so you're dropping the aura of the squad bro. I don't like to be around all the stinky sweaties
00:43Yeah, cuz your buns anyway
00:47Yes, you totally are bro now Ava you can start the squad will still play with you
00:51We'll help you try to get to 100 game one streak at least
00:54All right everyone join Ava squad all right come on guys. We're going to the 4v4 pads
00:58It is time to fully lock it wait. We're the 4v4 pad that I miss it
01:03You know let's just do 5v5 pads, and then hopefully another random person will step on with us
01:08I think it'll be fine. Yeah, all right. I'm a hop on guys. It is taking a while
01:11I think that's a youtuber it must be
01:25Hold up, I'm gonna go introduce myself you guys stay right here. I'll be right back. Okay. Um hello Riley
01:30Huh, oh someone was in my lobby. Yeah, we kind of all were in your lobby
01:35I heard you do an intro though. Are you some sort of like youtuber or something? Yeah?
01:37I'm a roblox youtuber, and I have like 2 million subscribers now 2 million subscribers
01:47I'll be hitting 3 million. That's why I'm doing rivals today. That sounds awesome
01:54That is really cool. Not gonna. I Emma. Why can't you be that cool excuse me nothing? I am that cool never mind anyways Riley
02:00I am also youtuber not you've ever heard of me, but my name is techie
02:07Got about 3.1 million subscribers, so we're pretty close in subs
02:16You know I got a couple youtuber friends, but I'm not gonna be friends doing it wait we could do collabs
02:24Oh my god, it's gonna be awesome. Yes. I'm always going on you come here come here real fast. Yeah, wait wait
02:29I'm talking to Riley. I'm gonna give me a second. Okay, Riley. I'll be right back stay right here
02:33Yeah, just give me a sec what what's going on techie techie? You can't just offer up collabs. You don't even know that girl
02:38What if her channels bad or something Emma her channels not bad dude. She said she got 3 million subs
02:42She seems really sweet, and I mean, I don't know I just want to collab with her
02:48Why not she's nice, uh you just met her you don't even know if she's nice. Yes, I do watch this hey Riley
02:55See told you how much she's nice
02:58Yeah, she's sweet though
03:03Never be rude
03:07Okay listen Riley so I was thinking about it
03:09We were gonna go play for before as we were kind of waiting for a fifth person to come in so if you want you
03:13Can come hang out with us and play with us
03:17Yeah awesome, so wait do you not really play rivals that much
03:21Let me guess you play dress to a press don't you
03:28And I also got a feeling you upload a lot of murder mystery to videos don't you yeah
03:33That's kind of my new niche now
03:36No, I can kind of just tell she gives that vibe she got like a murder mystery to outfit on I swear
03:41I see a lot of people with that kind of outfit, but anyways
03:43I must shut up. You don't understand bro. You're not a youtuber like us isn't that right Riley?
03:50Yeah, she's just a fat whale
03:53You big beluga and second of all I've never heard of you either Riley. Hey who you got a beluga
03:59You a big boy, okay, anyways like we were saying we should play 5v5 is you guys all down
04:07Awesome also Riley I'm assuming you go for clips cuz you got clips at the end
04:10So if you had a really awesome sniper shot, that would be cool
04:21Don't worry, it's your you know a youtuber friend of mine now. I got you with the gift Riley
04:26I'm gonna get you 5,000 keys
04:28Wow, you're so kind
04:31Legendary keep on Noah's going right your way wait what I'm what's going on
04:35I'm just gifting her if she's a big youtuber she could literally gift herself that stuff. I'm a ruler. Why are you so jealous?
04:41What's going on with you?
04:47Ava is she getting jealous or is it just me? I think you know it's a little bit of both, okay?
04:52Anyways Riley did you get the key bundle? It says that I gifted to you in the chat. Yeah, I got it
04:59You should also get the energy pistols the scythe and also the med kit as well
05:04You can't give her everything that you do techie cuz then she's just gonna steal your formula wait, so I don't really care
05:09It'd be awesome. We could snipe together
05:195,000 row bucks yeah, I gifted her that legendary key bundle. I already said that that's crazy cuz for sages birthday
05:26Oh, oh, yeah, my bad sage. Well. We're friends sage, so it's
05:43Perfectly you could edit your videos while we play
05:50What oh yeah, it's giving sim hey hey guys no no no no no no no you guys are getting this
05:55I'll twist it. I'm not
05:57I think you are
05:59Simping hey, I'm not simping shut up. Okay. Me and Riley. Why are you so excited about a laptop because it's cool
06:07It's like a youtuber skin. You wouldn't understand beluga now anyways Riley you ready to play
06:16Change it or God about that one Wow okay blue whale all right fat shark
06:21That's you can't name any other whales can you no I can't that's all I know anyways you guys are to play
06:28All right Riley you can start the game up hi Riley since you are a youtuber with me and also we just met you I'll
06:34Let you pick the map so go ahead
06:36I'm a shut up
06:38She even knows our favorite maps, bro. Let's go Riley
06:44Can you guys stop sounding like you're all jealous, I don't really appreciate that bro
06:51Also Riley I got to show you something look at the skin that I put on just for you
06:56Okay look I put a blue one on a match you
07:03Yes, it's blue sage, what are you talking about what colors blue she's teal yeah, well listen. It's it's similar
07:10That's that's all I had also. I just killed somebody for you. Hey Riley. Yeah, I'm gonna snipe this guy for you real quick
07:16Hold up. Oh, let me lock it. Let me lock it. He's it for 70. He's it for 70
07:20Riley I don't know why are you doing everything for Riley? Don't you want to teach her? Oh? Yeah?
07:25Oh, you're right. I just got this guy for you. I protected you
07:33Okay, okay guys listen, it's not simping. It's another youtuber guys. I don't have a crush on her anything sure
07:55Well I have a
08:00Yes, I have a simping behavior problem with you hey shut up Emma you literally sit for me every day
08:06Yeah, I don't know what you're talking about. Yes
08:08You do you literally sit for me every single day until I start flirting another girl. Did you get really really jealous?
08:16I don't like you
08:21We're not dating Riley, she's just a psychopath crazy fangirl. I'm not crazy
08:27Yes, you totally are bro. You're literally the craziest person ever met in my life
08:31You know what's really crazy techie meeting somebody two minutes ago spending 5,000 robux on them killing everybody and rivals for them
08:38Going crazy every time they do anything. That's crazy
08:42Simpy behavior hey shut up, but I bet if I did it to you would be excited wouldn't you?
08:47Yeah, what does it matter now anyways doesn't matter Riley. I'm gonna make sure I protect you to the very end all right
08:53I got you
08:55All right, I got you. I just named two more people wait
08:58I think I just named three people this round, and I think I see the last guy
09:04You know if you want I could teach you Riley where you at
09:06I died in the building. There's someone in there. Okay. I'm gonna help you out. Let me here
09:10Just spectate me Riley, so maybe you can learn for me a little bit and wait hold up pull up
09:14Let me snipe this guy. Oh never mind
09:22Yeah, I'm trying to get things done, I'm like someone over here
09:31Thank you
09:33Who's better than me I'm out of you guys
09:36Some days, maybe sage. I don't know definitely not
09:49She has three million subscribers, bro, you better watch out all the way you're talking to her
09:53I'm not worried about no three million subscribers
10:16How much ill okay listen I didn't think she was gonna say that that was kind of too far
10:20I'm not gonna lie yeah, I'm sure you didn't think she was gonna say that yet for some reason as soon as we leave this
10:26Room you're gonna go over there, and everything's gonna be
10:29It's gonna be so cool. You're gonna be riding with Riley. I could see it now calm down listen
10:36I'm we're gonna go back out there, and I'm gonna tell her to apologize to you, okay?
10:39No, what's gonna?
11:06What did she just say?
11:19I'll be right back
11:22I'm a were you oh, oh, this is not good. This is really not good. Where'd miss Piggy go um?
11:29She said well fits her name's Emma, and she said she'll be right back
11:36Yeah, also Riley. I never really asked you
11:38What's your YouTube channel name cuz I kind of want to look it up to you know maybe confirm that you actually have three million
12:00Okay, well what's the one with three million subscribers
12:03Real Riley
12:05Wait hold up. Let me hey Riley nothing is uh nothing's coming up
12:11Yeah, so you want to show what sage the real Riley has three subscribers you found the channel
12:21It does say three subscribers
12:23Hey guys
12:28I'm a what we just discovered something too. Yeah, she's a liar. I called up her ex-boyfriend and her mom
12:35Yeah, not only is she crazy. She's delusional
12:39Wait what do you mean by she's delusional?
12:41Her mom said that she talks to herself every day that she pretends that she's a youtuber
12:47She walks around the house going hey guys today. I'm gonna show you how to brush your teeth
12:51That is so funny techie that you fell for her wait
12:55So right that's really embarrassing for you techie Riley. You are a famous youtuber
13:08So you have three subscribers that three million
13:21Came out to us and asked us to play normally without lying to us
13:25Maybe you would have been our friend, but you just sat there and lied to all four of us, bro. That's messed up
13:34You lied about your subscriber count bro to try to make yourself look more famous than you are and that's pretty messed up, dude
13:40We can't really be friends with you after that. Yeah. Yeah, just to rub it in techie
13:43You sent her 5,000 Roblox worth of stuff. Oh, yeah
13:45Yeah, that's a lot of Roblox down the drain I did do that
13:50What really okay, you know what you know what at least you gave me a life by calling him a fat
13:55But I don't think we're gonna play with you anymore really techie. Sorry