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Today, Johnny and his friends have the challenge of playing Roblox as their IRL characters! Who do you think will look the funniest or the ugliest? Watch to the end to find out!

#johnny #roblox
00:00Since we never have done a face reveal on our YouTube channels
00:04I thought today guys it would be funny to recreate our real-life person in Roblox
00:13Yep, so your real-life person if you have a different color hair, then you need to turn it to that color hair
00:19It'll be the closest thing to a real face reveal. Okay, I guess I'll show everybody what I look like
00:26It's kind of scary make sure your character is still pretty fat time for me to reveal my ninja background
00:39Guys on the top of your screen you can go into catalog and you could switch everything about your character in this game
00:50Looks like IRL
00:52I'm starting now guys. I'm starting to go in some different things here
00:57And guys you better not lie of what you actually look like cuz if you do I know I've seen all of you
01:06Alright guys on the bottom everyone create a brand new avatar
01:11Okay, let's see what hairstyle looks like mine IRL. No, none of these girly ones. What is this cat ears?
01:18Nope, honestly, this one's looking pretty pretty good. Let me see. Yep. I'm gonna go with that one
01:23Of course, I got a lot of muscles. Mm-hmm. Would you guys agree that I have a lot of muscles? No
01:30What? Yes, I do. You guys have seen me. Okay, I have a ton of muscles
01:36You have like the same amount of muscles as me too. That's what I'm saying Gooby. Okay, so let's see
01:41Is there any other hair that looks better? Okay, IRL. I don't have black hair. I have brown hair
01:48So I need to get brown hair. Ooh
01:50This one could look pretty good. Try to find a body style for me. It doesn't look fat
01:55Wait, but daddy you look like that IRL so that makes no sense. No, I don't you know, I don't um, you're pretty big
02:02Yes, this hair looks so good that is perfect. All right, there we go. I got my hair down guys
02:08I got my hair too, but my clothing. Oh god, it is looking disgusting
02:14Hmm. What would I wear? IRL? Oh and ohm shirt. Let me put this on kidding. Um, let's see t-shirts
02:20Yeah, let's figure out the t-shirts first. Okay, I think a simple black t-shirt would look really really good
02:26I think I need a cooler face. That's what I need. You need a cooler face?
02:30His face is actually really cool in real life. Gooby, don't lie. What do you mean? I'm not lying. Okay
02:35I do have a really cool face. Ooh, like a zombie face. What? No, that's not like you. I'm not a zombie!
02:42Gooby, what are you talking about, bro? Sometimes I make a zombie face. Right. That's it. That's that would that's an interesting one
02:49I don't know. I've seen you in real life Gooby and guess what? You don't have a zombie face. All right, I'll change it
02:56All right, I'm gonna throw on some nice blue jeans. I feel like they look really really good. Yep. That's cool
03:02That's cool. And then I'm gonna put on the Lightning McQueen Crocs. What? Oh, yeah. Nope. Very bad. Very very bad
03:09I'm trying to really get my style down. Ooh, I see some Jordan shoes. Yep
03:15I would definitely wear something like that low-key. The Jordans are kind of sick. I'm gonna see if there's any more. Nope
03:20I don't see any more
03:22Well, there's a lot of different styles to choose from so you got to keep looking
03:27Let's see. What other shoes are in this game mid mid mid. You don't have socks
03:31I think I picked out the best ones I possibly could. All right. Now, let's see. Should I wear a jacket?
03:37Mmm, these jackets look really bad. So no guys, I think my characters almost done
03:42I just got to figure out a face and then I think he's completed
03:46Easy you gotta hurry up
03:49My roblox face reveals almost ready
03:53Really yeah. Oh my god, dude. Some of these faces are actually cursed. Some of them look so scary
03:58Okay, I don't have a beard IRL so I can't use that one. Definitely do not have any of these stupid faces
04:05Okay, I'm gonna stick with this face. I think my pants are still throwing me off. Ah, he was so hard
04:10I can't make it right. Let's see. Are there any other pairs of pants that are better? Yeah, let me take these off
04:16Oh god, I'm naked troll yourself. Sorry daddy. Don't be nakey. I need a beard. Where's a beard at what daddy?
04:23No way you're revealing that you have a beard IRL. Maybe oh
04:27Gosh, you have a mustache too because you might be just Marty IRL. I am NOT Marty IRL. Oh, oh, I just got in
04:35St. Jordan's. Oh my god. No, those are so clean. All right, guys. I think my character is ready
04:40I'm just now in the clothes what now you're on the clothes
04:44The hair was hard, okay
04:46Okay, I guess
04:47See, is there anything that can make my character look more realistic?
04:51Oh, no, I think I kind of killed it when you guys see my character
04:54You're gonna be like, yep, that's what you look like
04:56None of you are gonna be better than me. So I don't know why you're trying. All right, Gooby. We'll see bro
05:01We will see what is this? Oh my god, I could turn into Shrek. I could have Shrek follow me. That is weird
05:07Well, maybe don't do that. Maybe don't do that
05:09There's a lot of weird things in this game though, daddy
05:12See if I could find a sweatshirt or something nice. All right, my character's done. Let's see what he looks like in-game. Oh
05:17Baby, look at this. Nah, I look so cool. You know what? I think I'm a little short
05:23I need to make myself bigger. I don't think I'm actually this short in real life. So let's just go in here
05:29You are short. Hey, no, I'm not. All right, let's just increase my height just like that. There we go
05:35That looks a little bit more normal. All right, guys, my character is completed. Oh, yeah, I look so cool
05:42Wow, this looks a lot different than Johnny though. All right, I got it. I got mine. All right, daddy
05:47Let's just see me and you. Oh
05:49My goodness, there's no way you look like that. I look like this. Is that a lizard?
05:55Why do you have a lizard on you? Yeah, it's a bearded dragon. Oh my goodness. Are you serious? I have one
06:02Daddy why do you have a goatee cuz I've had a goatee before. Oh my god. I couldn't find the beard. I like
06:09You look like an absolute freak of nature. Gooby. Are you almost done over here? Oh, I am done boy
06:14I'm ready. Are you kidding me? You do not look like that. IRL. This is me
06:20No me you wear a golden tuxedo. I got blue skin
06:25I have a spirit dragon. This guy's lying. You do not have a spirit dragon. IRL
06:41Daisy literally lives with you and she would know and you she's saying no
06:45This is what I look like right? No Gooby. Tell the whole world. Tell them the truth. Let's see what Daisy looks like
06:51Whoa, hold on Daisy. You have actually black hair and not pink. Yeah, but I do have pink in my hair. Oh
06:58Okay, and then you also wear pink sweatshirts
07:05Interesting, what do you guys think about me? Don't I look so cool? You do not look like that. Yes, I do daddy
07:11I look so cool. You have longer hair. I look so cool. Look like a girl
07:15Oh, this money looked like a villain in a DreamWorks movie. No, I do not
07:21That hurts. You look like you work at Pizza Hut and you look like that like a golem that would work in frozen
07:28Wish maybe I set my own movie called Gooby in the spirit wagon. Oh my god
07:32I think we need to make each other so we know the truth. Yeah, I agree
07:36Yeah, there's some people that are lying here, especially you two
07:40I think me and Daisy are the most legit. No, you are not. You are very far off from what you look like IRL
07:46Okay. Well, this is what we're gonna do next. We're gonna focus on each other. So who wants to make me?
07:53All right, well since you're my best friend you're gonna do a really really good job I'm gonna make Marty
08:01So, I guess I guess I get Daisy, yep, you gotta make Daisy you gotta make a girl
08:05So, all right, everyone make a new character and I'm gonna go over here. So you guys don't see I'm resetting daddy
08:10I'm gonna make you look so good. It's gonna lie. You're not even ready daddy
08:15It's gonna lie over and over and over again. No, I'm not gonna lie. I'm naked. I'm actually full-blown naked right now
08:20No one look. Oh dad. There we go. There we go. That's good. Just starting off with a normal boy character
08:27Yep, we'll just give you let's see. Let's give you this hair for now. It's not really gonna matter
08:31All right. Now we're gonna go here. Oh, all right, daddy found you. Hold on. This is about to look insane. Here we go
08:39Hmm, this is gonna be very difficult to make you Daisy. Oh
08:44Goodness, this is the best thing I've ever done in my life daddy your character. It's just a masterpiece. It really is
08:50No, it's not. You're such a liar. Oh my gosh. This is the best thing ever. Oh, yes. This is a good idea
08:56Mm-hmm put some of those hairs on top. There we go. What are you doing?
09:00Daddy, just continue making Daisy. Okay. Yeah, you need to focus. I am focusing what you read how you relax
09:06Don't make me look bad. No, this is literally what you look like. Okay, let's see. Um, what is this? Oh, oh
09:13My goodness, this is actually insane. Let me try this. Oh Mike
09:18There's so many good things that just look exactly like you daddy. I'm focusing right now. Don't talk to me
09:23Ooh, one of these could be really good. Oh, nope. Not there. Oh this one. Yes
09:29Yo, that is so good that makes so much sense for you, but I'm not gonna like the way I look
09:34I'll be nine. What are you talking about? Daddy? You're gonna love it. Okay, yo gooby. How am I coming out?
09:39I'm coming out really good, bro. You're gonna look just like yourself. All right, I'm trusting in you better not make me look weird
09:48Look white. All right, where are the shoes at? Let's see. What which shoes would my daddy wear?
09:53Well, apparently not these cuz these are not working. Oh, look at these look at these shoes
09:57I need some boomer shoes. Daddy. Do you wear boomer shoes? No
10:02What about flat zebra shoes? Oh my god. No, I don't I don't do that
10:08Girl, I'm only getting men stuff. Are you having troubles making gooby? Actually, I am dang it
10:14None of these shoes are just giving Marty. These are not bad. I've seen worse. Um, let's see. Ooh
10:22Do you want to wear the cozy white fur boots? No, does that fit your style daddy? No, it does not
10:27All right. Let's see. I could give you the classic black boxy shoes the Adidas style though
10:34No, no daddy. You're gonna be barefoot. I'm not putting shoes on you. My character's done. He is done and he looks amazing
10:40This is Marty in a nutshell
10:46This is just the best thing I've ever done pose I can edit my pose that's pretty cool. What does your face look like IRL?
10:57A lot of weird pieces on guys. You don't want to hurry up
11:00I don't know if I could hold myself up for this much longer moving as fast as I can
11:04What do you mean hold yourself up? I can't tell you daddy. You make me extremely fat. No, I'm just saying you I can't hold myself
11:15I think Daisy's gonna hate this. I want to see I want to see are you done?
11:19All right here. Just watch out
11:23What the heck is that
11:26It's my daddy. What are you talking about? I'm done. It's like a crazy monster your daddy. You want to check yourself out?
11:32What the heck is that?
11:34It looks like the avocado avocado guy. What are you talking about? Daddy? It's you. It's not me
11:43I made Johnny. There's no way that you just made this in the video. That's you're telling me. That's me IRL. Yeah, look
11:50It looks just like you. Oh
11:52My goodness. I mean, yeah, you look a little fat boy. Hey, I'm not fat. I got I got cake
11:58Why do I like fins as hands I got a cell phone I've so many questions is a penguin
12:07Like me yes, this does you like wearing oversized stuff what the daisy that is not Daisy
12:18Yo, that kind of does look like goobie I like that goobie looks good
12:23Guys let's point out the elephant in the room literally me. I'm Marty. That is not me
12:29Just like him. No, do you think I have that many roles going that many directions? You got any extra McDonald's?
12:35I don't okay. I don't have a lisp either. Now. What are you goobie?
12:37You got any extra McDonald's for me? Can't even talk good
12:41I sound just like you too. My impression is just perfect. No, it's not you have to yell a lot more. Dang it, Johnny
12:47What are you doing? What are you doing?
12:49No, it's not you have to yell a lot more dang it Johnny, what are you doing in there?
12:53I'm gonna eat your butt. I don't say that. I do not say that. I've never been quoted saying that
12:58You know what daddy? I think I like playing your character. I think we should switch skins for now on
13:02No, I'll play this and you can play with goobies wearing. That's me. Well, then I'm gonna play as Daisy
13:07I'm gonna just go like
13:16Wait, hold on Daisy, do you actually like flowers IRL? Yeah, I do
13:21Daddy good job. You you actually caught that
13:25You like wearing baggy stuff. Yeah
13:30Little sweatshirt thing. No, I can make one
13:34Now Johnny, do you like having penguin feet and penguin flipples? No, I hate that. I don't have that IRL, bro
13:42Exactly what you have take that off. I do not have that
13:47Spindles and the way my god
13:51Is actually ridiculous gooby take that off. You know what? I'm actually offended. I'm offended at this game
13:56You know what? I'm gonna actually put a bad review. It's this game saying you should delete it. What are you talking about?
14:00No, don't do that. You know what? This is bullying
14:04Yeah, look at you, that's not me. Okay, you know what I got you I got you. What do you mean? You got me?
14:08I'll just switch it out for something else. This will this will be you have arms
14:13I look like a t-rex. There we go. Is this better? Oh my god
14:20I'm done. I'm done. Daddy. Do you think it should be skinnier or bigger? I'm done. I'm done daddy skinny or bigger
14:26Okay, I got it. I don't care. I'm not looking at it. I'm not looking at it. I'm leaving daddy. Come on
14:31No, daddy. Come back. We're not done. No daddy. I'm never coming back ever again
14:35Well, the next one was gonna be a big muscle guy like this. Oh, that is not my daddy
14:40Yeah, looks like me now. That looks like me. That's that's no my daddy. Come back. That's me. Daddy. This is you
14:47Can't see it's very blurry cuz I'm far away. I don't know what that is. It's a gorilla person
14:52Unbelievable. I think this guy is definitely the best now now I'm pale. You know what daddy?
14:57I think your favorite color is this right? No, it's not. I hate blue. Oh my gosh. There you go
15:00Look like a tomato. It's Marty. I look like an actual tomato. You look like a McDonald's monster
15:07Oh, I'm the McDonald's monster. Yep. This is definitely my daddy. I nailed it. All right, you know, I'm done again. I'm leaving
15:13I can't be going around look like a tomato. I'll stop. Okay, he's gone. No, I'm done this time for real
15:20Whatever daddy. Okay guys next I think we should make my daddy's brother
15:29Got him on it's his brother
15:35Yep, exactly
15:44Well, if you guys made it to the end of this roblox video then make sure leave a like and subscribe right now
15:49Maybe we'll do a real-life face reveal