• 2 days ago
Abducción ET - Skinwalker Ranch - Película completa en español Latino
Abducción ET - Skinwalker Ranch - Película completa en español Latino
Abducción ET - Skinwalker Ranch - Película completa en español Latino


00:00:30This is Cody's special day, November 11th.
00:01:00Dad! Dad!
00:01:02Well, there he is.
00:01:04Hey, is it your birthday today?
00:01:06You got the Lincoln! You got the Lincoln!
00:01:10I told you. I told you I would get it.
00:01:13Happy birthday.
00:01:15Let me out of here.
00:01:17Next birthday, we'll have a whole team of guys here.
00:01:21We'll all be playing baseball together.
00:01:32I pulled a muscle.
00:01:34Gotta do this.
00:01:38What the hell was that?
00:01:40Cody! Cody!
00:01:55No, I don't think Hoyt had anything to do with it.
00:02:07Sad but true.
00:02:10Kids are kidnapped.
00:02:12But right after it happened,
00:02:14because they had to drag him into court and all that stuff,
00:02:17so he's kind of forced to be around everybody and all that stuff,
00:02:20there was a difference and there was some meaning in that, you know?
00:02:23I didn't consider him up until that time a drunkard or anything.
00:02:27I didn't talk to him at length about it, but, you know,
00:02:30we were delivering hay, and he was just broke up.
00:02:33You know, show it to me, and then I'll believe it.
00:02:36You ask me, I think he's guilty.
00:02:39Maybe everybody's projecting their fear on Hoyt.
00:02:42Maybe that's what's going on.
00:02:44That's why he's left alone.
00:02:46But he's staying there until he finds his boy.
00:02:54I mean, it's sad. It's sad as can be.
00:02:56I've got kids and grandkids,
00:02:58and if an 8-year-old grandkid of mine disappeared, I'd be, you know,
00:03:01I don't know what I'd do.
00:03:03Cody was in my little girl's class.
00:03:05I've been having to go in and sleep with her almost every night,
00:03:08you know, until she falls asleep.
00:03:11So yeah, it's been hard.
00:03:14Of course I know Cody, man. Good kid.
00:03:17Funny. A little wiry.
00:03:20He's going to grow into them feet one day.
00:03:23Yeah, man.
00:03:27Yeah. I knew Cody.
00:03:34I mean, I followed it quite a bit.
00:03:37I don't really buy either one.
00:03:39I'm not into the paranormal stuff.
00:03:41I've never seen that tape, and I've never seen a wolf like that.
00:03:47But it could happen.
00:03:50Could happen around here, but it's going to happen somewhere.
00:03:53I don't believe any of it, you know.
00:03:56I've got to see something to believe it.
00:03:58I've never seen anything like that.
00:04:01You stick around, man.
00:04:04You'll see something.
00:04:22My name is Sam Green.
00:04:24I'm a Ph.D. in Sociocultural Anthropology
00:04:26from the University of Chicago.
00:04:28I have been working for MD for about 6 months as a field scientist.
00:04:39My man.
00:04:41Hey, Sam. How are you, buddy?
00:04:43Good to see you, man.
00:04:45My name's Cameron Murphy.
00:04:47I'm an investigative journalist from Los Angeles.
00:04:49Sam and I grew up together.
00:04:51He called me about a month ago,
00:04:53told me he was heading up an investigation
00:04:55to some strange cattle ranch.
00:04:57Asked me if I would come out
00:04:59and observe it from a third-party perspective.
00:05:01Hey, this is our videographer, Britton.
00:05:03Hey, man. Cameron. Nice to meet you.
00:05:05My name's Britton Sloan. I'm a freelance cameraman.
00:05:08Normally don't like to be in front of the camera,
00:05:10so I'll make this short.
00:05:12I've been on tour with other groups,
00:05:15and we've never come across anything strange
00:05:17or out of the ordinary,
00:05:19so I hope this trip is a little different.
00:05:22Hey, Matt, would you mind us bagging?
00:05:24Yeah. Thanks, Matt.
00:05:26Have a little tour of the grounds?
00:05:32Why don't you meet my friend Cameron Murphy?
00:05:34Hi, Cameron.
00:05:36Hoyt Miller. That's my name.
00:05:38Hoyt Miller.
00:05:41This ranch, 4 years, a little over 4 years ago,
00:05:46with the idea of turning it into something, you know,
00:05:51special or...
00:05:54Say, uh...
00:05:58Do I have to do this?
00:06:00Can I...
00:06:02Do I have to talk to the camera right now?
00:06:04I don't really feel like it.
00:06:06All right, you guys be up in about 45 minutes.
00:06:08We'll have the A&E ready.
00:06:10Sounds good. Come on, girl.
00:06:20This is our amazing vet tech, Lisa.
00:06:22Lisa Cameron.
00:06:24Oh, Cameron, I heard a lot about you.
00:06:26My name is Lisa Moreau.
00:06:28I'm the field veterinary tech.
00:06:30I've worked locally for years.
00:06:32I just started working with MDE a couple months ago.
00:06:35This is my first big case with them.
00:06:37They brought me on because I'm so familiar
00:06:39with the cattle mutilations in the area.
00:06:41It's disturbing.
00:06:43I've seen a lot of sick and dead animals in my line of work,
00:06:47but the cattle mutilation phenomenon is...
00:06:51I don't have an explanation for it.
00:06:55Is the horse still acting unusual?
00:06:57Uh, no. The horse's moods have stabilized.
00:07:00I mean, their behavior's been completely erratic,
00:07:03so it's fine now, but, you know, talk to me in ten minutes.
00:07:06All right, I will.
00:07:08Okay. Uh, you've seen Matt?
00:07:10Yeah, I think Ray has him setting up something behind the house.
00:07:13Lisa, pleasure. Nice to meet you.
00:07:17That's a long time to be in Afghanistan, man.
00:07:20Actually, I was embedded with a group of about ten soldiers
00:07:24for a period of nearly three months.
00:07:26How's it going? You mean motion sensor hell?
00:07:29Hi, I'm Matt Johnson, and I work in the media lab at MDE,
00:07:33which is how I met Sam, who brought me on board the project.
00:07:36We both share a passion for the paranormal,
00:07:39and, uh, well, I really hope that this project
00:07:42helps legitimize the field a little bit.
00:07:45Also, I'm here as the team's driver, cook, and resident bitch.
00:07:50You ready?
00:07:55Who's that?
00:07:57My hand. Over.
00:07:59Walk in front of me, you stupid ass.
00:08:03That's Ray. Let's go meet him.
00:08:11Ray, why don't you meet Cameron Murphy?
00:08:14Hey, man.
00:08:16You here to help with the sensors, man?
00:08:18Ray Reed, uh, ex-military.
00:08:21Here for the security and wires and shit.
00:08:24If lady luck shines upon us,
00:08:26this place is gonna be a goddamn fortress.
00:08:29That's all I got. We're done.
00:08:36How are the cameras coming?
00:08:38Got them all set up.
00:08:40When you guys are done, why don't you pop on by, and I'll show you.
00:08:43Afternoon, Hoyt.
00:08:45Ready to roll? Yep.
00:08:51All right. Everybody in?
00:08:58Where are we headed?
00:09:00Hoyt found a dead deer on the property.
00:09:02Sam wants to check it out.
00:09:07What's the acreage?
00:09:09About a thousand feet of the tank.
00:09:18Well, it's not clearly defined,
00:09:20but parts of southern Idaho, the Utah Basin,
00:09:23Four Corners, all the way to Nevada, California,
00:09:25is considered the paranormal mecca of the United States.
00:09:27Local tribes won't even set foot on this land in this day.
00:09:30There's evidence for this.
00:09:32We got, uh, evidence going back to the 1800s
00:09:35with the first documented UFO sightings.
00:09:37Roswell crash in 47.
00:09:39First reported cattle mutilation in 67.
00:09:42Yeah, Dugway's basically the new Area 51.
00:09:44Never heard of it.
00:09:46You passed it right on the way up here.
00:09:48Ground zero for U.S. military research.
00:09:50I mean, we're talking everything from remote viewing
00:09:52to psychological warfare.
00:09:54Just over the ridge here.
00:09:56Right here.
00:10:27Sam, I'm sorry to burst your bubble,
00:10:30but she died of natural causes.
00:10:32Do you see the discoloration in the tongue?
00:10:34It's a classic case of hemorrhagic disease.
00:10:36Take a sample anyway.
00:10:38Sure, whatever you want.
00:10:40Hey, uh, we better get back.
00:10:43We got a big storm coming.
00:10:50Hey, boy.
00:10:52All right.
00:10:57All the feeds record directly to the server here.
00:10:59And just in case, I got it all backed up on the C-70.
00:11:02It's generator-powered.
00:11:04It's all independently wired, and it's set to record 24-7.
00:11:08Camera 1's a wide shot of the road
00:11:10so we can monitor everyone coming in and out of the property.
00:11:14Camera 2 is wide of the house.
00:11:17Camera 3 is of the western pasture.
00:11:21Camera 4 is of the corral.
00:11:24Camera 5 is the barn exterior,
00:11:26and Camera 6 is inside the barn.
00:11:28That's it for the exterior cameras.
00:11:30What happens at night?
00:11:31They all switch to infrared.
00:11:35This is the escher I was talking about.
00:11:37It's not really my thing.
00:11:38Oh, let me see it.
00:11:39I'm just passing along.
00:11:43If I could, I'd like to propose a toast.
00:11:47I just want to, um,
00:11:50thank you all for coming up here.
00:11:54Since my boy's been gone,
00:11:56the help's been few and far between,
00:11:59and I just, I really appreciate it.
00:12:04And I want you to know that whatever this thing is,
00:12:08I believe it's still here, and it's really smart.
00:12:12Matter of fact, I would bet my arm
00:12:15that it's watching us right now.
00:12:21Oh, don't leave me up here.
00:12:30Where do you want me to go?
00:12:32Just walk, and I'll find you.
00:12:36This is the living room.
00:12:38Look at this.
00:12:39Say hi to Big Brother.
00:12:44Say it.
00:12:47Bedroom 1.
00:12:51Bedroom 2.
00:13:05The dining room.
00:13:12Hey, Matt, can you go downstairs for me, please?
00:13:14You got it.
00:13:15Hoyt's room.
00:13:17Cody's room.
00:13:19Got the basement.
00:13:22And this is the old butcher room.
00:13:25Oh, my God!
00:13:27I'm sorry.
00:13:28I'm so sorry.
00:13:29I didn't mean it.
00:13:30Just the cameras, and I thought you knew I was here.
00:13:33I'm sorry.
00:13:34Just don't sneak up on people like that.
00:13:36I know.
00:13:37I'm stupid.
00:13:38I'm sorry.
00:13:39This works.
00:13:40Goddamn it, Ray.
00:13:41The blind spot's gonna be on you, man.
00:13:43If you guys need a review on the footage,
00:13:45just let me know, and I'll set it up right here.
00:13:47I got motion detectors across most of the property,
00:13:49so if something moves, we're gonna know about it.
00:13:51Also, I programmed most of the sensors
00:13:53to detect only large objects.
00:13:55I don't want the local wildlife
00:13:56having us chase ghosts all night.
00:13:59All right.
00:14:04I'm gonna go to bed.
00:14:06Night, Hoyt.
00:14:07See you guys tomorrow.
00:14:18Hey, um...
00:14:20Is it true some people think you faked the tape?
00:14:24Yeah, but there's always something else.
00:14:27What if he did?
00:14:29How'd he do that?
00:14:32I don't know.
00:14:34Even if we had evidence, um...
00:14:36People are gonna think he's crazy.
00:14:38That's just how they operate.
00:14:40Well, we're gonna help.
00:14:53Uh, August 2nd.
00:14:55It's my first official night here at the ranch.
00:15:01What, have you been here talking to yourself?
00:15:03Um, no, actually, it's a camera.
00:15:05I used it as a video journal.
00:15:08What happened to the days of the mighty pen and paper?
00:15:11Does that still hang there?
00:15:13Sadly, they are gone.
00:15:16Well, as long as you don't use the thing for any midnight photography.
00:15:20It's gone somewhere.
00:15:24I got that on tape.
00:15:25That's good.
00:15:26And tape.
00:15:28So how long have you known Sam?
00:15:30A couple months.
00:15:32I actually would prefer this to be off.
00:15:35That's actually this button.
00:15:37Oh, that is good to know.
00:16:15Oh, yeah.
00:16:45What the hell was that?
00:17:02Sarah on the roof!
00:17:04What the hell was that?
00:17:10What the hell was that?
00:17:11It was out in the attic on the roof!
00:17:24Oh my God!
00:17:25You guys!
00:17:26You guys!
00:17:33Wait for me, Larry.
00:17:34Careful going up, Brittany.
00:18:05Wait, Lisa.
00:18:06What if they?
00:18:07Matt, don't.
00:18:10He ever say anything like that before, Hoyt?
00:18:14Hell no.
00:18:15Nothing like this.
00:18:16There is no trauma, the internal organs are fine.
00:18:19It was definitely the tone that messed with their sonar.
00:18:24Uh huh.
00:18:26I'm going to get some sleep, I'm going to document this in town, I need you to check
00:18:55Hello, Mr. Miller, this is Dr. Davids at White Oak Psychiatric, I wanted to talk to you about
00:19:02your wife's progress over the last month, if you could give me a call at your earliest
00:19:18convenience, I'd appreciate it.
00:19:19Oh my god, sorry.
00:19:50If you could, I need you to follow me up to the pasture.
00:19:57What's going on?
00:19:58The MDE never mentioned anyone else coming up to the property, I don't think that's them.
00:20:03They've been sitting out there about 35, 45...
00:20:06I don't know, it's hard to tell.
00:20:09They got lost.
00:20:12He's turning around.
00:20:19Sam, wait, hang on, I have a question.
00:20:27What do you think, Ray?
00:20:28I don't know, but it's not right.
00:20:31No, it sure ain't right.
00:20:33I've never seen anybody out there like that in no way.
00:20:36I'm the team leader of this thing.
00:20:39Yeah, you are the team leader, then you're supposed to know.
00:20:43Look, wait, I don't know every vehicle that's going to come onto the range.
00:20:47Hey, calm down.
00:20:48Listen, figure it out.
00:20:57Okay, so I ran an analysis on that tone from last night, turns out there were actually
00:21:01two sounds on that tape.
00:21:03There was that high-pitched noise that we obviously know, the one that woke us up.
00:21:06But below that, I found traces of infrasound.
00:21:10Yeah, it's a frequency below the audible range of the human ear.
00:21:13So, what could cause something like that?
00:21:15I mean, infrasound can occur naturally, or it can be man-made.
00:21:18You know, at certain cycles per second, the military has actually successfully tested
00:21:22infrasound to cause things like vertigo, depression, fear, anxiety, physical lesions,
00:21:28throat pressure, all sorts of awful side effects.
00:21:31I mean, those are just the ones that we know about.
00:21:33Okay, and how about naturally?
00:21:36All the big natural disasters that we know of, volcanoes, earthquakes, avalanches,
00:21:41it's why animals are able to detect earthquakes before people do.
00:21:44They pick up the vibrations.
00:21:48They use inaudible sounds to paralyze and catch certain prey, like, you know, fish.
00:21:51I'm just saying that the sound we heard that Matt's talking about could have been caused
00:21:54by a live animal.
00:21:56We have no idea what we're dealing with here.
00:22:00How the fuck would a whale get up here?
00:22:19So, what are we doing out here?
00:22:21Oh, it's really well-documented that attempting to communicate with paranormal energies
00:22:24directly greatly increases the likelihood of contact.
00:22:27Follow me.
00:22:29Which way?
00:22:30After you.
00:22:46Sam has asked me to come and do a blessing on the property,
00:22:50to communicate with the energy that speaks from this earth.
00:22:55But you need to know
00:22:57this land is forsaken by my people and it's only to try and bring you some protection
00:23:02that I've agreed to come.
00:23:05There are legends of warriors hunting in this valley,
00:23:08returning to their tribe,
00:23:11disturbed and changed.
00:23:13Stories of whole tribes disappearing.
00:23:17There is a darkness in this soil.
00:23:20I would not feel right if I didn't suggest that you leave now.
00:23:24This place has nothing for you but suffering.
00:23:28I also know that I'll do what I can to bring some light here no matter how small.
00:23:34I ask for silence now while I reach out to my ancestors.
00:24:24Hey, can you breathe?
00:24:44There's nothing I can do for you.
00:24:47We need to get the fuck out of here.
00:25:091am on the 4th.
00:25:12Already low on sleep after the events of the other night.
00:25:15Sam seems to think we're close to getting something concrete,
00:25:18some kind of evidence.
00:25:22Like the sound, the dead bats.
00:25:25Strange, certainly.
00:25:30I'm not so sure.
00:25:34Hang on.
00:25:39What's up, Sam?
00:25:40Ray's got something.
00:25:41Come on.
00:25:43Come on.
00:25:51What do we got?
00:25:52Just a second ago something very large set off one of the sensors in the blind spot.
00:25:55Zone 3 specifically.
00:25:56So we're talking about something bigger than a deer.
00:25:59Try the size of a goddamn helicopter.
00:26:02All right.
00:26:04Cameraman, can you set up and shoot the far side of the field?
00:26:06The rest of you guys come with me.
00:26:08All right.
00:26:10Cameraman, can you set up and shoot the far side of the field?
00:26:12The rest of you guys come with me.
00:26:38Come on.
00:26:41Come on.
00:27:08Over here!
00:27:11Come on.
00:27:26This is not a natural death.
00:27:28What about an animal attack?
00:27:30Oh, no.
00:27:31There are no bite marks, no claw marks.
00:27:34These incisions, they're perfect.
00:27:37Sorry, girl.
00:27:41Come on.
00:27:47No blood.
00:27:49Someone's surgical.
00:27:52Holy shit.
00:27:54I want to bag the whole thing.
00:27:56Matt, get the bag.
00:28:03What is it?
00:28:04Come on, Sam.
00:28:05If you're gonna do it, do it quick.
00:28:11Oh, my God.
00:28:13Oh, my God.
00:28:15Oh, my God.
00:28:17Oh, my God.
00:28:19Oh, my God.
00:28:21Oh, my God.
00:28:23Oh, my God.
00:28:25Oh, my God.
00:28:27Oh, my God.
00:28:29Oh, my God.
00:28:31Oh, my God.
00:28:33Oh, my God.
00:28:35Oh, my God.
00:28:37Oh, my God.
00:28:39Oh, my God.
00:28:41Oh, my God.
00:29:08Hey, Sam.
00:29:10Hey, Brittany.
00:29:13Got a blood?
00:29:15Oh, yeah.
00:29:16And a nosebleed last night.
00:29:18Are you prone to nosebleeds?
00:29:20Uh, no.
00:29:22And I've had a couple since I've been here.
00:29:24I'm thinking it's just the elevation or...
00:29:30Come on, Brittany.
00:29:33And you knew to check the tape
00:29:35because she had a few bloody noses?
00:29:37Just a hunch.
00:29:39I don't think we can tell them.
00:29:41Tell them what?
00:29:43How would you even explain this?
00:29:45You don't.
00:29:47You want to see something even crazier?
00:29:49This is the tape from the 9th.
00:29:53August 7th.
00:29:55August 7th, almost 10 after.
00:29:57You guys, what's going on?
00:29:59What are you guys doing?
00:30:01Sam, what's going on?
00:30:03Matt, I need you to be exact.
00:30:05Camera's good.
00:30:07Where are we at right now?
00:30:09You're at a minute right now.
00:30:11What are you guys doing?
00:30:13Hold on a second.
00:30:15This is my house.
00:30:17What are you guys doing?
00:30:19Last couple nights at exactly 11,
00:30:21energy has moved through the house.
00:30:23Sam, you're at 45 seconds.
00:30:25Energy in this house?
00:30:27What do you mean an energy?
00:30:30No, we don't need the gun.
00:30:32You don't need the gun.
00:30:38No matter what you see,
00:30:40no matter what you guys see,
00:30:42the camera goes first.
00:30:44Put it down.
00:30:46Okay, we're at 10,
00:30:489, 8,
00:30:507, 6,
00:30:5611, 11.
00:31:11Hey, Cody!
00:31:15Hey, buddy, it's Daddy.
00:31:22Sam, get back.
00:32:25Okay, here.
00:32:29Matt, you go here, okay?
00:32:31I'm gonna go cast all these prints.
00:32:33Look at all these tracks.
00:32:35Where did they come from?
00:32:53These are definitely canine prints,
00:32:55but they're enormous.
00:33:00Nothing yet.
00:33:02How's Voight?
00:33:04For better or worse, he's got a lot of alcohol in him now,
00:33:06but it seems like he's calmed down.
00:33:11You guys have got something?
00:33:14You guys have got something?
00:33:26It says for emergencies only.
00:33:46What the hell is that, Sam?
00:33:52Make a call right now.
00:33:57No one's picking up.
00:33:59Do you have another number for them?
00:34:01Sam, someone's on the phone.
00:34:03What do you want me to do, Lisa?
00:34:05I'm just saying there's someone that's on...
00:34:09Yeah, I'll hang up.
00:34:12Um, well, we have...
00:34:14You're saying they were here?
00:34:16From 67 to 71.
00:34:18Doing what?
00:34:20Look, you guys are looking at this the wrong way, okay?
00:34:22They answered all my questions.
00:34:24They offered to provide documentation.
00:34:26They're not trying to hide anything.
00:34:28They did. They answered your questions.
00:34:30What the hell are you talking about?
00:34:32They answered all my questions.
00:34:34My goodness gracious, they did?
00:34:37They didn't find anything, okay?
00:34:39I want to talk to you for a second.
00:34:41They were here. They were here.
00:34:43Wait, wait, wait. Just listen to me one second.
00:34:45They were here.
00:34:47They were here before my boy.
00:34:49I'm talking about my boy.
00:34:51Look, we had no idea.
00:34:53And so I just had that phone call.
00:34:55But them being here has nothing to do with your boy.
00:34:57Do you understand?
00:34:59Why? Why does it have nothing to do with my boy?
00:35:01Tell me. Do you have an answer?
00:35:03Excuse me.
00:35:05Lisa, you are a scientist.
00:35:09What are you investigating?
00:35:11What are you trying to find?
00:35:13Are you trying to find my boy?
00:35:15Are you trying to find my son?
00:35:17Just look me in the eye and tell me
00:35:19that you're trying to find my son.
00:35:21Are you trying to find my son?
00:35:23I'm trying to help you.
00:35:25How are you trying to help me?
00:35:27You're trying to help yourself.
00:35:29I'm on to you.
00:35:31You better watch out.
00:35:33You better watch yourself.
00:35:51This is what I was telling you about before.
00:35:53Guys, I found two more containers buried in the shed.
00:35:55Now, one was empty like the first one I found,
00:35:57but the second had this in it.
00:35:59What is this?
00:36:01If you have anything on site, I can check this.
00:36:03You'll see what I can put together, right?
00:36:05Apparently, M.D. was out here in the 60s
00:36:07looking into this thing.
00:36:09The box we found in the shed
00:36:11said, for emergencies only,
00:36:13and it was empty.
00:36:15I would probably be more concerned about that
00:36:17if I hadn't seen what looked like
00:36:19Hoyt's son
00:36:21tear through the house,
00:36:23go into a shed,
00:36:25and completely disappear.
00:36:27He was gone.
00:36:29I can't explain it.
00:36:31I feel like I'm going to die.
00:36:33I can't explain it.
00:36:35I feel like Sam is so obsessed with finding evidence
00:36:37about what's happening here
00:36:39that he won't even question
00:36:41M.D.'s motives.
00:36:43I don't know.
00:37:03I don't know.
00:37:33Beep. Beep. Beep.
00:38:03Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
00:38:05Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
00:38:07Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
00:38:09Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
00:38:11Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
00:38:13Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
00:38:15Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
00:38:17Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
00:38:19Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
00:38:21Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
00:38:23Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
00:38:25Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep
00:38:55Beep. Beep. Beep.
00:39:25So, Lisa, you've never seen anything like this, you know?
00:39:41That's it then.
00:39:42Let's go hunting.
00:39:43There should be tracks, right?
00:40:08I think we should be looking for the tracks we found in the shed.
00:40:11It has to be the same animal.
00:40:14And just judging by the size of the wolf we saw, it's easily 500 pounds, which is five
00:40:19times larger than him.
00:40:21That thing was huge.
00:40:22Come on, let's go get it.
00:40:23Come on, that's what we're here for.
00:40:27Come on, let's go get it.
00:40:31Come on, that's what we're here for.
00:40:34Come on, that's what we're here for.
00:41:02Come on, that's what we're here for.
00:41:14We gotta go the rest of the way on foot.
00:41:15He's right out there.
00:41:16All right, let's go.
00:41:17Easy now.
00:41:18Look at that.
00:41:45I wanna go back now.
00:41:54What's going on?
00:41:55He's right there.
00:41:57Wait, where'd it go?
00:41:58I don't see it.
00:42:00Guys, over here!
00:42:01Wait, Sam, Sam!
00:42:02Did you see the light?
00:42:03There it is.
00:42:04There's the light.
00:42:06I got some ropes in my truck.
00:42:07Let me go get them.
00:42:08All right.
00:42:09You guys be careful.
00:42:10That thing's got to be out here somewhere.
00:42:11Sam, Sam!
00:42:38You guys ready for these?
00:42:39Three, two, one, go!
00:42:48Come on.
00:42:49We got you.
00:42:50Come on, hurry!
00:42:51Come on.
00:42:53Sam, Sam!
00:42:54Come on, Sam!
00:42:55Come on!
00:42:57Sam, we got them!
00:42:58Oh boy.
00:42:59There they are.
00:43:00Right there.
00:43:01There they are!
00:43:02Right there, one.
00:43:03How old do you think that is?
00:43:16I think he's just saying what's going on, really.
00:43:18What the hell are we even looking at?
00:43:30Let's see if we can find our artist.
00:43:45How the hell will that thing even get down here?
00:43:48Come on! Go! Come on!
00:43:52Hey! Hey!
00:43:57Come on! Come on! I said hurry!
00:43:58Shut up!
00:43:59Come on!
00:44:00Come on!
00:44:02Turn off the camera!
00:44:03Come on!
00:44:07August 13th.
00:44:10We just got here.
00:44:12Let's watch this shit.
00:44:14When will they proceed?
00:44:16The wolf, I don't know.
00:44:22I'm going to take a closer look at the artwork in the morning.
00:44:27Could be a Vimana, right?
00:44:30A what?
00:44:32A Vimana.
00:44:36In India, they've uncovered all these ancient texts and documents
00:44:39that describe a flying spacecraft called a Vimana,
00:44:42and it looks just like this.
00:44:46Even though that stuff is like 6,000 years old
00:44:48and a lot of people think it's myth,
00:44:50experts in our field think that, you know,
00:44:52based on the schematics and the flight plans and the design,
00:44:55that it's as modern as anything you'd see today.
00:44:59Are you suggesting that our native painted a spacecraft
00:45:02on the inside of this cave?
00:45:08It's just, I know everything we've seen.
00:45:10It just seems pretty astounding.
00:45:12Well, it's like a perfect match.
00:45:14This is bigger than a wolf room, I think, kid.
00:45:21How do you even know it's back here?
00:45:24It's working on the ATV.
00:45:36I just wanted to say that I completely lost my perspective back there,
00:45:40and I'm really sorry.
00:45:44I'm sorry.
00:45:47I'm really sorry.
00:45:50Stuff like that happens sometimes, you know.
00:45:56You know, uh...
00:46:04Cody, on his birthday, he woke his mother up
00:46:08with a handful of wildflowers that he picked in that field right out there,
00:46:13and she looked at him and she said,
00:46:16It's your birthday. Why are you giving me flowers?
00:46:20And he said, Well, because you're the reason I got born, Mom.
00:46:29That's the kind of kid he was.
00:46:31He is.
00:46:33That's Cody.
00:46:38Listen, um...
00:46:42I'm sorry I gave you a hard time the other night at the table.
00:46:45It's just, I don't...
00:46:48I don't understand your techniques, and, uh...
00:46:54I just want you to know I appreciate you're here.
00:46:59And, um...
00:47:02I mean, it's the only thing that gives me any hope.
00:47:11I'm sorry.
00:48:41That doesn't make sense at all.
00:50:29What's the problem?
00:50:31The pastor came with me on it.
00:50:33Man, you take this walkie and go out there.
00:50:35It won't even take you two minutes, man.
00:50:37All right, Sam, can you come with me?
00:50:40Take me through all these theory camps.
00:50:42All right.
00:50:50Okay, Tom, copy?
00:50:52Give me 30 feet back for focus. Thanks, buddy.
00:51:07Oh, my God!
00:51:09Let's go!
00:51:20Matt's up and about.
00:51:23He's pretty beat up, but he should be fine.
00:51:26I have no explanation for what happened to Hoyt's dog.
00:51:32Cameron, do you hear me?
00:51:34It's all right.
00:51:37Seriously, Sam, just back off.
00:51:50Why are you doing this?
00:51:52What the hell is wrong with you?
00:51:54I was just picked up and thrown,
00:51:56and we don't have a single explanation as to how that's even possible.
00:51:59Look, let me tell you what's going down.
00:52:01I'm going to the E.R., and then I'm booking a flight out of here,
00:52:03and adults of common sense, you all come with me.
00:52:06You didn't know the driver so bad, you hire someone else.
00:52:10Be careful, guys. Seriously.
00:52:13You're an asshole, Sam, you know that?
00:52:23Let's go to Hoyt's truck.
00:52:27I'm going to Hoyt's truck.
00:52:34So what's going on?
00:52:36Were you guys aware that Matt had found additional M.T.U. materials in the shed,
00:52:40including a videotape?
00:52:42Yeah, he mentioned it, but I thought it was too old to play up here.
00:52:47Turns out I was able to find an old deck and transfer it to a hard drive.
00:52:50Okay, so what was on the tape?
00:52:56I think it's better if I just play it for you guys.
00:52:59I think it's better if I just play it for you guys.
00:53:29There, right there.
00:54:01Can you hear me?
00:54:29We're on our way back in. We'll be back about eight minutes out.
00:55:00Mommy? Mommy?
00:55:03Where's Mommy?
00:55:05That's what we're trying to figure out, Rebecca.
00:55:07Do you remember the last time you were with her?
00:55:59How far out are we?
00:56:24Well beyond the pasture.
00:56:26And the dog?
00:56:44Oh, shit.
00:58:30Ray played us the tape that Matt had found in the shed.
00:58:37There's something unexplainable out here.
00:58:40If that tape is to be believed,
00:58:42then I just witnessed the killing of an entire team of people
00:58:47by something completely unknown.
00:58:49Why would they send us out here?
00:58:52Sam is so obsessed with what's happening,
00:58:54we're hesitant to even show him the tape.
00:58:57And Hoyt is hanging on by a string.
00:59:04I think we should go.
00:59:07We have to go.
00:59:13But I do not think that he is in a place to make decisions right now.
00:59:15What the hell are we supposed to do then?
00:59:17I say we leave tonight. We have Hoyt's truck.
00:59:21Get behind me.
00:59:27Get in the truck.
00:59:29Get in the fucking truck!
00:59:31Go! Break through the truck!
00:59:33Get in!
00:59:35Shit. Where is it?
00:59:37Where is it?
00:59:55What the fuck is it doing?
01:00:03Where did it go?
01:00:05Where'd it go?
01:00:07Is it running off?
01:00:09Are you okay, Lisa?
01:00:11Are you okay?
01:00:13Lisa, no!
01:00:15Lisa, no!
01:00:17What the fuck are you doing?
01:00:19Stop it!
01:00:27I don't remember anything.
01:00:32We should have left with Matt.
01:00:34We're getting unprecedented footage, guys.
01:00:36This is what we wanted. This is why we came here.
01:00:38This is what you wanted. People are getting hurt.
01:00:40What are you talking about, Sam?
01:00:42Look, I think this thing is a single intelligence.
01:00:44Oh, for Christ...
01:00:46You know something?
01:00:48You're out of your mind.
01:00:50Look, we are so close. We are right there.
01:00:52Close to what?
01:00:54What if this thing can turn into an orb?
01:00:56Or a wolf? Or even Cody?
01:00:58And me?
01:01:00Lisa, it's fucking done.
01:01:02I don't want to be here anymore, Sam.
01:01:06I can't be here anymore.
01:01:08Go pack your bag. I'm going to meet you at the front door in five minutes.
01:01:10Okay, we are leaving.
01:01:12I'm not going anywhere. Cameron, please!
01:01:14Get your hands off me! It's done, Sam!
01:01:16Well, I'm not leaving!
01:01:18It's over! Stop!
01:01:30It's over.
01:02:28I got your bag.
01:02:34Are we ready?
01:02:36What about Sam?
01:02:38He won't listen. We'll send somebody back.
01:02:40He doesn't give a shit about Sam.
01:02:46What the fuck is this, Cameron?
01:02:52Oh my God!
01:03:00Come on!
01:03:02Let's go, Lisa!
01:03:16I'm sending a van first thing in the morning.
01:03:18In the morning?
01:03:20As soon as they get here, Lisa.
01:03:22That's great, Sam.
01:03:24Considering we were just out in Hoyt's driveway
01:03:26and his truck was completely disassembled
01:03:28and we didn't hear a goddamn thing.
01:03:30Leave any time you want!
01:03:34Do you find it odd that the moment we arrived on this ranch
01:03:36is when all of this shit started happening?
01:03:38He's right. We could be part of an MDE experiment.
01:03:40What are you talking about? You should know better than this.
01:03:42How do you explain what's been happening here?
01:03:44The MDE doesn't know exactly what's here, Sam.
01:03:46I never should have asked you to come here.
01:03:52Okay, we're gonna get home.
01:03:54Look at me. We're gonna get home.
01:04:42There's something wrong with Ray.
01:05:04You turn down right now.
01:05:06All right? Just...
01:05:08I don't want it.
01:05:14Oh, my God!
01:05:40Oh, my God!
01:05:42Oh, my God!
01:05:46Run, Sam!
01:06:06Oh, shit.
01:06:10Oh, shit.
01:06:16Open the door!
01:06:18Open it!
01:06:20Get back!
01:06:30She's gone. She's gone.
01:06:40She's gone.
01:06:44In the barn! Hurry!
01:07:00Come on!
01:07:02Come on!
01:07:04Hang on, Sam!
01:07:16Get in the van!
01:10:11This is Cody's special day.
01:10:14November 11th.
01:10:22Well, there he is.
01:10:24Hey, is it your birthday today?
01:10:26Congratulations! Congratulations!
01:10:28I told you.
01:10:30I told you I would get it.
01:10:32Happy birthday.
01:10:34Next birthday,
01:10:36we'll have a whole team of guys here.
01:10:40We'll all be playing baseball together.
01:10:50I pulled a muscle.
01:10:52Gotta do this.
01:11:24I don't think Hoyt had anything to do with it.
01:11:28Sad but true.
01:11:30Kids are kidnapped.
01:11:32Right after it happened,
01:11:34because they were dragging him into court
01:11:36and all that stuff,
01:11:38everybody and all that stuff there was a difference and it was some meaning and
01:11:41then you know I don't consider him up until that time a drunkard or anything I
01:11:47didn't talk to him at length about it but you know we were delivering hay and
01:11:51he was just broke up you know show it to me and then I'll believe it
01:11:56yes me I think he's he's guilty maybe everybody's projecting their fear on
01:12:02Hoyt maybe that's what's going on that's why he's left alone but he's staying
01:12:07there until he finds his boy
01:12:13I mean it's sad it's sad as can be I've got kids and grandkids and of a
01:12:17eight-year-old grandkid of mine disappeared I'd be yeah I don't know
01:12:21what I'd do Cody was in my little girl's class I've been having to go in and
01:12:26sleep with her almost every night you know till she falls asleep so yeah
01:12:32it's been hard of course I know Cody man good kid funny the wiry he's gonna
01:12:40grow into the feet one day yeah yeah man
01:12:54I mean I followed it quite a bit I don't really buy either one I don't I'm not
01:12:59into the paranormal stuff I've never seen that tape and I've never seen a
01:13:03wolf like that but it could happen could happen around here if it's gonna happen
01:13:11somewhere that's I don't believe any of it you know I gotta see something to
01:13:17believe it I've never seen anything like that you stick around man you'll see
01:13:41my name is Sam green I'm a PhD in socio-cultural anthropology from the
01:13:46University of Chicago I have been working for MD for about six months a
01:13:50field scientist sorry
