(Adnkronos) - “Il settore farmaceutico, punta di diamante per l'Italia e per l'Europa, sia per il contributo al benessere e alla salute dei cittadini, sia in termini di competitività e di resilienza per il sistema industriale ed economico vale quasi il 50% dell'investimento in innovazione in Italia. In un sistema internazionale competitivo, quello di cui noi abbiamo bisogno è stabilità”. Così Alessandro Chiesi, presidente presidente Chiesi Farmaceutici SpA partecipando, a MIlano, all’evento per la pubblicazione del rapporto di Fondazione Edison sulle Fab 13, le multinazionali del Made in Italy di Farmindustria.
00:00What is the role of the pharmaceutical sector in Italy and Europe?
00:04The pharmaceutical sector, as we will see today, but we already know,
00:09represents a diamond in the rough for Italy and Europe,
00:13in terms of, on the one hand, contributing to the well-being and health of citizens,
00:18and, on the other, of competitiveness and resilience for the industrial and economic system.
00:26What we need is stability, first of all,
00:31to have visibility on what is happening,
00:34not to have surprises, because the international competitive system is very strong.
00:40The United States has always represented and is the first engine of innovation in the health sector,
00:47but today, as today, Europe continues to lose shots and China, on the other hand, advances and kicks us.
00:55Having innovation all over the world is fine,
00:58the problem is that you can't help but be competitors
01:03who are effective and efficient and make a system in their way of operating.
01:10This is what we ask, first of all, to have a system at home
01:15that helps these companies continue to grow internationally.
01:19From here, from Italy, these companies, each one evidently in a different phase of its development,
01:25have been able to impose themselves globally.
01:29We keep the heart and mind of our activities here,
01:37we continue to invest in research and development.
01:41Our sector, in particular Italian companies,
01:44make almost 50% of the investment in innovation in Italy.
01:48It's incredible.
01:50To be able to do this, you really need to be aware and work as a system.
01:57Today we are talking about DATSY from the United States.
02:01It is evident that an American company that has invested in Italy
02:06does it much earlier to reposition and go back.
02:11It is very important to create the conditions, and again, we are not asking for money,
02:16we are asking for the conditions at the Italian and European level,
02:21so that we can continue to operate in this way.
02:25The new European pharmaceutical regulation is already coming,
02:30which brings us back.
02:33The other systems, the Americans, the Chinese,
02:36are extending the patent protection
02:40precisely to promote innovation and attract investment.
02:43In Europe it is the opposite.
02:46It is just an example, but there is a real need for coherence,
02:51having a strategy and clear priorities.