• 3 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “All’interno del grande boom dell’industria  farmaceutica in Italia, dove c’è un'importante presenza di multinazionali straniere, c’è anche la crescita specifica delle imprese a capitale e controllo italiano. Il campione di 13 imprese - le Fab 13 - che abbiamo analizzato ha un fatturato che sfiora i 18 miliardi di euro, con grandi sviluppi sui mercati esteri, sia attraverso l’esportazione che l'acquisizione di aziende e lo sviluppo di prodotti all'estero”. Così Marco Fortis, vicepresidente e coordinatore di Fondazione Edison, all’evento per la pubblicazione del rapporto sulle Fab 13, le multinazionali del Made in Italy farmaceutico.


00:00The report shows how, within the big boom of the pharmaceutical industry in Italy, where
00:10there are also important presence of foreign multinationals, there was a specific boom
00:16of companies with Italian capital, Italian control, we have analyzed 13, a champion of
00:2213 companies that have an income that has now grown a lot, it touches 18 billion euros,
00:29there are, above all, great developments in foreign markets, both through exports
00:35and through acquisitions of companies, the development of products abroad, roughly
00:39the foreign market now accounts for about 70% of the activity of these companies, while
00:48the Italian market is unfortunately very blocked by the administered prices and allows them
00:53a much more limited development, research and development is very important, there is
00:58more than a billion euros of investment in research and development by these 13 companies
01:04with Italian capital, they are companies certainly known by the public opinion, some of these
01:12were even born as pharmacies, as small companies in the late 1800s, early 1900s, they kept
01:20a capital under Italian control, they pay taxes in Italy, they have a heart and brain
01:25in Italy and certainly deserve more attention from the public opinion, which often tends
01:31to see the pharmaceutical industry as a sector that earns a lot made up of large multinational
01:37groups , we instead have 13 great Italian protagonists who make enormous efforts to
01:43be able to compete with the world's groups and who invest a lot in our country in research,
01:49production, employment, training of staff. Made in Italy is an extremely complex phenomenon
01:54nowadays, Italy produces practically everything except cell phones and
01:59computers and in the innumerable products we know how to make we have niche leaderships that
02:06are often little known, such as those of mechanics, such as those of optics, such as those of
02:12the cosmetics sector, which has also developed a lot in recent years, but above all this
02:19pharmaceutical company with Italian capital represents a formidable injection of new value,
02:25new employment, research, development that is made in our country and which is therefore one of the
02:31many factors of success of Made in Italy at the moment on the markets.
