• last year
(Adnkronos) - Chiuso il Festival del Lavoro "Il futuro dell'IA si gioca sulle competenze"; Strade più tecnologiche per implementare sicurezza e sostenibilità; Salvini: Il porto commerciale di Fiumicino porta sviluppo e lavoro; gricoltura, focus di Syngenta sul valore della sinergia pubblico-privato nella ricerca per una maggiore sostenibilità; Industria Felix, fatturati in crescita nel Centro Italia; Infortuni, nuove prospettive per le tutele dei lavoratori con il protocollo tra patronati e Inail; It Forum 2024, a Milano la 3^ edizione dedicata a It management e cybersecurity; Rapporto Cida-Censis su ceto medio, forte timore declassamento socio-economico; B7, al centro del summit il rapporto tra imprese e politica a fronte delle sfide globali.


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01:22 Ethics and safety of work in the era of artificial intelligence
01:26 is around this theme that is carried out in the fifteenth edition of the
01:29 "Work at the Fortress of Basso" festival in Florence.
01:32 For three days, characters from the world of politics and economy,
01:36 civil society and entrepreneurship,
01:38 have confronted each other on ethical work and times of artificial intelligence
01:42 and the revolution of new digital tools.
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02:30 Artificial intelligence and the formation of new skills
02:33 were also at the center of the conclusive intervention
02:36 of the Minister of Labor Calderone from the auditorium stage.
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04:25 and to have taken part in this meaningful, eternal, and I hope it will be, event for Milan Serravalle and the city of Milan.
04:33 The highways of the future will be more and more a technology laboratory and, in real time,
04:39 will allow the communication with the vehicle, thus ensuring greater safety and a sustainable impact for the environment.
04:48 To stop traffic means to allow users to spend less time on the road, which means less emissions,
04:56 and here we connect to sustainability, and less chances of accidents.
05:01 Smart cameras and sensors will acquire data and information that,
05:07 elaborated through algorithms governed by artificial intelligence,
05:12 will allow both traffic control systems, preventive maintenance plans,
05:18 to communicate with the latest generation vehicles,
05:21 connected within a vehicle-to-vehicle or vehicle-to-infrastructure system,
05:25 and to arrive with the vehicles waiting for autonomous driving to complete the journey to the smart roads.
05:36 A long wait of more than 20 years has ended today with the symbolic laying of the first stone of what will be the new commercial port of Fiumicino,
05:43 in the presence of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini,
05:47 of the President of the Port Authority of the Martin-Reno Centro Settentrionale,
05:52 of the Mayor of Fiumicino, Mario Baccini, and of the Vice President of the Lazio Region, Roberta Angelilli.
05:59 I am proud, after decades and decades, of the laying of the first stone of a major port,
06:06 which will bring work, beauty, wealth, tourism.
06:09 Fiumicino is not only an airport, but a community of entrepreneurs, restaurateurs, fishermen,
06:15 and I am proud that my ministry has contributed with 50 million euros at the beginning of a journey,
06:21 because then we have to prepare other projects and other funding.
06:26 I am satisfied to arrive here with some elderly resident who tells me that it was not 20 years ago,
06:31 but a century ago that they were waiting for this intervention.
06:34 So for me, unblocking the construction sites is the reason for life.
06:39 A first stone with a lot of contract signed between the parties and religious blessing,
06:43 placed with delicacy on the foundation on the right of the North Pole,
06:46 with the collective promise to solve many of the problems in this area,
06:50 with a first investment financed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of 55 million euros.
06:54 This is the first commercial port that starts from scratch in Italy in the last 40 years.
06:59 We also definitely fix, with the new concessions that we have made to IP,
07:03 the provisioning of kerosene and jet fuel for the Fiumicino airport,
07:08 which is 80% supplied by sea.
07:11 So it's not just a port, but it's another infrastructure,
07:15 at the service of one of the largest infrastructures in the country,
07:17 which is the first airport scale in Italy.
07:20 The project involves the construction of a flood dam to guarantee the safety of the port,
07:25 protecting it from increasingly frequent tides.
07:28 The work should be completed by contract by the end of February 2026
07:32 and also includes the completion of the work with a service to the fishing fleet.
07:37 On land, however, an area of ​​more than 3 hectares is provided for the fishing infrastructure,
07:42 in addition to the relocation of some important nautical sites,
07:46 located within Fiumicino, with the imaginable logistical problems.
07:50 It is a constant growth of Fiumicino as a city.
07:54 We were considered an adjoining of the Fiumicino airport,
07:58 but in short, we are showing that Fiumicino is much more.
08:01 Blue economy, green economy.
08:05 Today, with this work, thanks to the Port Authority, the Ministry of Transport,
08:09 together with the city of Fiumicino,
08:12 we will put in safety our entire fishing fleet, a part of the construction site.
08:17 A very important work in progress.
08:20 Among the protagonists of the eighth edition of the Mantua Food and Science Festival
08:28 there is Syngenta, always a partner of the demonstration,
08:31 which celebrates the value of science in agriculture,
08:33 deepening the challenges of the present and turning a glance to those of the future,
08:37 in order to reconcile innovation and sustainability in food production.
08:41 Among the most interesting panels of the 2024 edition,
08:44 the one dedicated to the importance of the collaboration
08:47 between public and private entities in the field of research in agriculture,
08:51 in particular for the development of new technologies to be put on the market.
08:55 It will be a technology that will continue to introduce new research parameters,
09:02 which are important, for example, for a more sustainable innovation.
09:09 We can guarantee technologies that will have a lower impact, for example,
09:15 on the soil, on the water.
09:18 We can understand better what the impact of our innovation on greenhouse gases is.
09:26 We can understand how we must integrate, for example,
09:31 a chemical technology with a biological technology
09:35 and what are the tools that we must guarantee to agriculture
09:39 to be sure that it will always make the best decision in its own interest.
09:44 An interest that is linked to the local reality of a certain type of culture,
09:50 of a certain type of geography, but also of a certain type of mechanization
09:54 that each farmer has at his disposal.
09:57 One of the themes on which public and private research work together
10:01 is that of strengthening sustainability in agricultural productions.
10:05 Research at this time has a fundamental theme,
10:09 which is strengthening sustainability in agricultural productions,
10:13 the best use of natural resources and trying to reduce at least
10:19 the impact of agro-ecological action with positive effects,
10:24 especially for future generations.
10:26 To further strengthen and promote the synergy between public and private research,
10:31 however, there is still work to be done.
10:33 Surely, there must be cooperation protocols,
10:37 common activities on areas, on productions,
10:42 on what can be innovative technological solutions
10:47 that promote sustainability, but also maintain profitability in agricultural companies,
10:52 because otherwise we will lose the most important asset.
10:56 The invoices of companies in central Italy are growing.
11:02 On the podium, Lazio, 34%, Sardinia, 29%, Tuscany, 22.7%.
11:08 The respective regions are the provinces of Sassari, Rome and Livorno.
11:12 As emerged from the survey on the balance sheet of companies in the fiscal year 2022,
11:15 carried out by the Felix Magazine and Cervet Industries,
11:18 presented in Rome at the University of Luis Guido Carli,
11:21 for the 56th Felix Industries event, where more than 100 companies were awarded.
11:25 Italy is a country that is extremely resilient,
11:29 after Covid, what Italy has done, even with small and medium-sized enterprises,
11:33 is simply extraordinary.
11:35 Of course, we are facing two very big problems,
11:38 which is the Italian generational change and the energy part,
11:42 which is a real problem for our companies.
11:45 But the capacity of the Italian entrepreneur is unique in Europe.
11:50 Thanks to this initiative, a history of great capacity and pioneering vision emerges,
11:54 which becomes good practices for the construction of a sustainable, inclusive and innovative future.
11:59 These are the words of the Minister of Enterprises and Managers, Adolfo Urso,
12:02 written in black and white, in a letter sent to the participants.
12:05 At Cervet we have presented to the Felix Industries two studies
12:10 related to the studies carried out by our office,
12:12 which start from the proprietary data that we have available.
12:16 At Cervet, for over 40 years, we have been integrating information
12:20 that comes from both public sources and third parties,
12:23 rather than from our daily interaction with our customers.
12:27 In particular, we had the opportunity to show the progress of payments in Italy,
12:33 and in particular the reference to the regions of central Italy,
12:37 which are represented here today.
12:39 The second study we did was on public procurement.
12:43 We also gave a dimension to the volume of purchases made by the public administration
12:49 and how they are distributed between large companies and small and medium-sized enterprises.
12:53 Despite the growth and recovery compared to the pandemic period,
12:56 companies are experiencing a common problem of increasing production costs,
13:00 especially energy costs, but also a difficulty in passing on witnesses to the new generations.
13:05 The national emergency is not serious, it is very serious.
13:08 Why? Because 85% of companies in Italy are medium-sized.
13:17 Of this 85%, 70% of these companies have leaders who are over 70 years old.
13:23 Already 3,400 companies have made generational changes.
13:27 The survival of family businesses is only 25% for the second generation,
13:34 and 15% for the third generation.
13:36 So we have an incredible system, an incredible wealth,
13:40 which we must defend at all costs.
13:43 After 12 years of waiting for the latest renewal,
13:50 on March 6, 2024, a protocol of understanding between INCA, CGL and INAIL was signed.
13:55 The renewal of the document puts the worker at the center and aims,
13:58 in respect of the reciprocal roles and competences,
14:01 to provide adequate and timely answers on injuries and professional illnesses.
14:05 The CGL's patronage tells us.
14:08 The agreement organized by the CEPA, ACLI, INCA, INAS, ITAL patrons
14:13 was discussed in Rome under the title "INAIL - Patronati Protocolo 2024 - Nuove Prospettive per le Tutele".
14:20 The heart of the new protocol is the use of technology.
14:24 The digital transition obviously involves the whole society.
14:29 We have tried to combine the need for greater synergy between employers and institutions
14:36 and the possibility of making more accessible and usable the health care services in the workplaces.
14:45 The goal is to fully recognize the professional illnesses,
14:50 which unfortunately remain a problem of the country.
14:53 From the agreement, it is clear how often the care for workers remains ignored.
14:58 There is a need to approach those workplaces where we often don't know the rights,
15:05 the rules, how they should be applied.
15:08 It is even more paradoxical that we are faced with a lack of knowledge by the workers,
15:14 often by the entrepreneurs, of the protections that the State, through INAIL, puts in place.
15:19 In Italy there are about 60-70 thousand questions about professional illnesses,
15:24 but we are convinced that there are many more cases to be found.
15:29 The patronage in this is the subject closest to the workplaces, to the people,
15:36 and therefore has a fundamental function to guarantee protection and assistance.
15:41 500 subscribers, including speakers, partners and guests,
15:48 at the appointment that confirms a national reference for all those
15:52 who are interested in the challenges and prospects of new corporate technologies,
15:56 first of all artificial intelligence.
15:59 It is the IT Forum, the Italian communication forum
16:02 dedicated to the scenarios of IT management and cyber security,
16:06 which has reached its third edition and landed in Milan for the first time.
16:11 We are investing in various projects that concern artificial intelligence,
16:16 especially in the phase of data dissemination.
16:20 In particular, we are working on a semantic search engine
16:25 to offer our users to have answers in natural language.
16:32 A chatbot of artificial intelligence will be added to this search engine
16:38 to give an increasingly better information to the user,
16:45 making it easier to search.
16:48 Another project we are investing a lot in is related to the contact center.
16:52 We want to answer with a chatbot that can direct them to the best service,
17:01 to which then ask if it has been satisfied or not with this automatic re-administration,
17:07 and if it has not been satisfied, it is then redirected to the correct service.
17:15 Implementing advanced digitalization systems of artificial intelligence
17:19 is fundamental for business strategies.
17:23 The first work direction is to make artificial intelligence
17:27 make our own devices more efficient.
17:30 The second work direction is, with our selected and certified partners,
17:36 to set up real solutions that, thanks to artificial intelligence,
17:39 help companies to work better.
17:41 For example, in the field of retail, what was once a monitor on the selling point,
17:47 which displayed content that entertained users and customers,
17:51 today has become a monitor that, thanks to a camera,
17:55 recognizes very well the profile of the person who is looking at the monitor,
18:00 who is looking at the products, and engages him in an optimal way
18:03 thanks to contents that are uploaded according to the person's profile.
18:07 One of the great challenges related to IT is cybersecurity.
18:11 We, within the company, have a cybersecurity offer.
18:14 We have also acquired a company called RAD,
18:16 which deals specifically with cybersecurity, and therefore Cybersecurity Consultancy,
18:20 and therefore we offer our customers all the possible and imaginable solutions
18:24 of consulting and approach to security
18:30 and the adoption of a more suitable security posture for their companies.
18:35 The strong fear of a next socio-economic declassification
18:41 concerns almost 50% of Italians who believe they are part of the middle class,
18:46 a range that believes to belong to about 60% of Italians.
18:50 Of these, then 74.4% is convinced of a concrete block of mobility up,
18:55 and more than 75% is convinced that future generations will be worse than current ones.
19:01 These data, which emerge from the report "The value of the middle class for the economy and society",
19:05 commissioned by the CENSIS by CIDA, the Italian Confederation of Leaders of High Professionalities,
19:11 is presented in the course of a meeting held at the House of Representatives.
19:15 The president of CIDA, Stefano Cuzzilla, illustrates the proposals of the Confederation to support the middle class.
19:21 Today we are gathered here at the Parliamentary Groups' Hall to say that the middle class,
19:26 which is 60% of Italians, is feeling a moment of great concern,
19:32 because they are afraid of a declassification.
19:35 And on this I must say that our alarm is on fiscal reform,
19:40 on making a courageous reform that helps the productive sector, which is the pillar of society.
19:44 Our proposals are also those of a work of integration between the public and private,
19:50 a reasoning on pension funds, on health funds.
19:54 These must be defiscalized to increase the proposals and the public supply.
19:59 We are focused on this today.
20:01 We are also working on this, because when a middle class, which is the productive part of the country,
20:07 does not feel safe and runs to the reparations,
20:10 as, for example, the future of pensions, which worries us, for lack of certainty,
20:15 well, clearly, we are going in a phase of regression.
20:19 And this leads to a status of non-investment for the country
20:24 and, above all, this worries us for future generations.
20:28 The B7 Italy 2024 Leading the Transition Together,
20:35 the G7's engagement group, held at the Technical Auditorium in Rome,
20:40 was held at the G7's Engagement Group, held at the G7's Engagement Group,
20:43 led by Emma Marcegaglia, of whom Deloitte Italia is the only knowledge partner.
20:48 At the meeting center, the importance of the collaboration between the G7 countries
20:52 to lead the multiple transitions in progress.
20:55 The goal is to increase the competitiveness of the companies
20:58 and promote sustainable growth over the long term.
21:01 First of all, we are particularly proud to have been chosen as Deloitte
21:05 with this role of knowledge partner, with whom we have accompanied Confindustria
21:10 in all these months, in this beautiful B7 path.
21:14 We are also taking a step further after the collaboration that had already begun
21:18 in the B20 and then in the COP26.
21:21 We bring to the B7 all our knowledge, expertise and experience,
21:26 which come not only from our knowledge of the Italian market and economy,
21:32 but also, of course, the possibility of leveraging our international group,
21:37 being present in over 150 countries.
21:40 We have touched on all the issues that are on the agendas of companies and institutions,
21:45 from the energy and environmental transition to the digital transition,
21:49 to the issue of global supply chains, to the issue of talent development.
21:55 Finally, we have brought out the issue of artificial intelligence,
21:59 believing that this is absolutely pervasive on all the other issues
22:03 touched on in the course of the B7.
22:05 These are very difficult times, where freedom, security and even open markets are at risk.
22:15 There is a lot of protection.
22:17 We ask for a very strong dialogue between companies and politics in all the countries of the G7
22:22 and that there is a convergence of industrial policies between the countries of the G7.
22:26 Today we highlight that there is a great problem of competitiveness for all the countries of the G7,
22:31 but in particular there are also differences within the countries of the G7.
22:35 The central theme is also that of artificial intelligence as a challenge to guide the transitions,
22:40 in addition to the issue of energy and environment, of the economy data,
22:43 of the evolution of the labor market and of the welfare systems.
22:46 Artificial intelligence is one of the key priorities of the B7 and the G7,
22:53 but it is also the priority of the priorities.
22:56 It is a priority because it is essential that it knows how to act on all the benefits of efficiency,
23:03 innovation and innovation in the transitions,
23:07 but it is also the facilitator and the flywheel of all the other challenges and priorities.
23:12 For this to be possible, the B7 asks the G7 to implement all the policies
23:18 that can facilitate the collaboration between the public and the private sector,
23:22 all the policies that can allow a clear normative framework,
23:27 shared globally, based on ethical principles.
23:32 Thank you.
23:33 [Music]
