00:00Can I give a rebuttal to all this, ma'am?
00:02Of course.
00:04Well, puppycock is the word I have to say for this because, quite frankly, Gina Carvalho,
00:09I have a police report here where I had to call.
00:12I talked to the managers about her dealing drugs on the property.
00:16They were not listening to me.
00:18They were noncompliant.
00:19I'd like to see.
00:20I'd like to see.
00:21I'd like to see the police report.
00:24Yes, then I called the police.
00:25I called the police the same evening.
00:27The police come out and deals.
00:28Shh, shh, shh.
00:29Just let me see the police report.
00:32Why she, why she, she wanted to come out and ask me.
00:37I can't read and listen to you at the same time.
00:39Congresswoman, I have no idea, and they exposed her, so.
00:44Did you know that in July he made a report to the police?
00:48Yes, ma'am.
00:49About dealing meth from your house?
00:51That was the conversation when I went to speak with him.
00:53I'm just asking you.
00:54I did.
00:55Did you know that he had called the police?
00:56I did.
00:57With regard to that.
00:58Did you ask him what led him to make this call?
01:02I did.
01:03And what did he tell you?
01:04He told me that he felt that Gina was distributing meth, amphetamines.
01:08I asked him if he had any evidence of that regard, and he did not.
01:12What did he say?
01:13He said that, unfortunately, he didn't have any evidence of that.
01:16Is that what you answered him?
01:17Yes, I did.
01:18But I went further on to state that one of the other people that I was concerned about
01:22in the house, and her being dope sick, and she couldn't get drugs from Gina, my care
01:27and concern for her also.
01:30You got a temporary restraining order.
01:32I did, ma'am.
01:33That was?
01:36I have a stack of incident reports and phone calls that he made to the police, a stack.
01:44Now the restraining order put you out of the house until almost the end of your lease.
01:49So that was a couple of weeks, because first you were removed from the house, you lived
01:52in a hotel for a while.
01:54Then I went to court and it was dismissed.
01:55And it was dismissed.
01:56Did you appear in court?
01:57Ma'am, I didn't.
01:58The answer is either yes or no.
02:00No, I did not.
02:01Now you're going to tell me the reason you did not appear in court.
02:04Because ma'am, I felt like when I filed the restraining order, the protection order, it
02:08was because I felt like I was in imminent danger and everybody else in the house was
02:12in imminent danger.
02:13No, no, no.
02:14Ma'am, I didn't go because...
02:15You filed a police report on the 9th.
02:16The return date was what date?
02:18I don't know what the return court date was off the top of my head, ma'am.
02:21Well, you go to court to file a restraining order.
02:24You file it and they tell you when to come back.
02:27And I don't know the date of that.
02:29I do not know that off the top of my head right now.
02:31I apologize.
02:32Well, when you came back, did you tell either of these two gentlemen that you had filed
02:35for a protective order?
02:36Yes, ma'am.
02:37Eric was with me when I filed it.
02:39And so you went with her to file it.
02:43And they gave you a return date.
02:44And the return date was August 21st.
02:47That makes sense.
02:48Correct, yes.
02:49Now you went with her to file it.
02:50Why didn't you go with her on the return date?
02:52I honestly got busy with work.
02:55I did not remember what time, you know, what date the actual court date was.
03:00I gave her all the paperwork from it.
03:02I was hoping that she would keep me informed on when it was so that we could go together.
03:07I could take her to it.
03:08Oh, well, you mean you went with her.
03:09You had to have looked at the papers.
03:10It says notice of hearing, August 21st, 9 a.m.
03:13Correct, yeah.
03:14And the order of protection put him out of the house.
03:17Now you kept his security deposit.
03:19Yes, ma'am.
03:22Because less than last month's rent and the security deposit was given to us from the
03:26organization that he was a part of.
03:29Did you return it to them?
03:32We had to spend many hours moving.
03:34Who cares?
03:36Who cares?
03:37You determined not to go through an eviction proceeding.
03:39You're the owner of the premises.
03:41You live there.
03:42You knew of the problems that were there.
03:43And if you wanted to get rid of him prior to the termination of his lease, you have
03:47to have him evicted.
03:48That's what you do.
03:49You take his money.
03:50You have created a landlord and tenant relationship.
03:52And what you don't do is you don't use a different form, like a restraining order, removing someone
03:58from their house to circumvent what the law is with regard to landlord and tenant.
04:03Because you were a landlord.
04:05You went there with her.
04:06So you know that.
04:08I didn't ask you anything.
04:09Yes, ma'am.
04:10So far.
04:12So if you put him out in the middle of the month and you had to go in there and clean
04:16up trash and you were moving somebody else in, because I read the papers, into a place
04:20that had been carpeted, did they leave the carpet?
04:22Because you have a new lady living there.
04:23Did she leave the carpet?
04:25The carpet is still there.
04:26Just a second.
04:27The carpet is still there?
04:29And the walls are still painted?
04:30They are.
04:31So whatever little work he did in order to make this place habitable, what you did was
04:35you got rid of trash and you had to spend hours in doing that.
04:39That's too bad because you didn't use an eviction process.
04:42That would be you.