• 13 hours ago
Video Nasty S01 E05


00:00Since when did you drop out of honour's maths?
00:01When you were out sick?
00:02For a week.
00:03I caught my dad sleeping with someone else.
00:05You're gonna have to tell Con eventually, you know.
00:06You actually think you're gonna meet your dream girl?
00:09Shut up.
00:10That's not true, is it?
00:12Now, you can get to know each other.
00:15There's some fucked up family and they're gonna put us on the hook for everything.
00:19Detectives are keen to speak to three teenagers from Ireland.
00:22Can I sleep with someone else?
00:24Everything that's happened, it's not your fault, okay?
00:27Oh god!
00:37At first glance, Ashdale is a typical English village.
00:41But 300 years ago, the people of this town sacrificed some of their own
00:46to save Britain from the spread of the plague.
00:50They quarantined themselves, shutting the town off from the outside world.
00:55And though hundreds died, thousands were saved.
01:00Each year, the townspeople march from the parish church to the old village
01:05to commemorate their ancestors' sacrifice.
01:09Burning straw dolls on a ceremonial pyre symbolising those who died.
01:15Being from Ashdale, embracing that heritage,
01:18it's about playing our part to keep the devil from the doll.
01:21And each year, they add to the pyre a symbol of something they wish to purge from the world.
01:28Well, it's a centenary, so we're keen to make a big statement with our symbol this year.
01:35Something that speaks to society's problems.
01:39With everyone doing their bit,
01:41this is the town that kept out the Black Death and gave itself life.
01:46Open up! This is stupid.
01:50Get in there!
01:51There's obviously no one here. It's the middle of the night.
01:54Why's it closed? I thought they'd have people working shifts.
01:57If you were running a huge manhunt for psycho killers, would you run it out of here?
02:01Okay, well, we'll have to get in somehow.
02:03Are you sure this is a good idea?
02:05What else are we going to do? If we wait outside, we're sitting ducks.
02:07Yeah. Sitting ducks holding a drill.
02:10At least try and hide it, will you?
02:12Yeah, wah.
02:12Come on, let's try around the back.
02:15There has to be another door.
02:20You have to find a weak spot.
02:21Okay, just give me a shot of it, will you?
02:22I know, I know. Billy, I know what I'm doing.
02:24Come on, give me a shot of it.
02:25You're not even using the shot, Billy.
02:26It doesn't matter, because I don't want to break it.
02:28Give me ten minutes.
02:35They're not going to sweat a wee bit.
02:36They're not going to sweat a wee bit.
02:38They're not going to sweat a wee bit.
02:39They're not going to sweat a wee bit.
02:41They're not going to sweat a window when we show them what we think.
02:53Do we really have to listen to that all night?
02:56Welcome to my world.
02:58Can we not just wake them up?
03:00Oh no, she was very clear on the phone.
03:02No check-in after 10pm.
03:05What time does the station open?
03:07The detectives won't be there until nine, so...
03:11Are you all right?
03:13After earlier?
03:16I'm fine.
03:20I've been saying the same thing for 10 years.
03:24Does it make it through, does it?
03:29I knew that.
03:30I knew all along.
03:33I'm not stupid.
03:37The more you know...
03:39The more you don't want to know.
03:47Get some sleep now, big day ahead.
03:52Everything OK?
03:56Bit of a nasty kerfuffle.
04:01Speak when you're spoken to.
04:04I were barely there.
04:07I didn't even see anything.
04:09Joe's out looking, suited and booted.
04:15He has his radio.
04:17If anyone sees them anywhere, we'll get them.
04:20What then?
04:23You don't need to worry about that.
04:25That's for the senior members of the family.
04:28Now, say your prayers and get into bed.
04:38Got it.
04:51We need to eat something.
04:53Oh, I need a drink.
04:54What are you doing? Don't mess with anything.
04:56Should be something here about those bodies.
04:59I mean, what was that?
05:02They're not going to leave murder files lying around, are they?
05:04If these people are missing, it should be big news.
05:06Posters, they're locked.
05:07There has to be something here.
05:08What are you doing?
05:14We can't wait till morning.
05:17Have you thought about how you're going to explain all this?
05:19Emergency, which service do you require?
05:21Hi, hello, yes.
05:23I need the police to come right away.
05:25Certainly, sir.
05:26What's your emergency?
05:27Well, we just need to talk to them.
05:28We'll explain everything when they get here.
05:30Tell them about the bodies.
05:31It's not an emergency.
05:32Is anyone hurt?
05:33No, we're fine.
05:35But it's very urgent.
05:37OK, so what's the crime, sir?
05:39No, you see, we actually haven't committed a crime.
05:42We're totally innocent.
05:43We're in the police station in Ashdale, and we just need someone to come.
05:47So you're in a police station, calling the police to get them to come to the police station.
05:52Is this a prank?
05:53No, no, we know who the killers are.
05:54We found loads of dead bodies in a slurry pit.
05:56OK, very funny.
05:58So, Brooke, please keep this line free for real emergencies.
06:01No, just send a car, please.
06:04All right.
06:04You better not be wasting our time.
06:13We need clear heads when they get here.
06:33Hello, you've reached the power household.
06:39We're not in.
06:42They'd sleep through a nuclear blast.
06:47Do you want to show your place?
06:52What was it like when she left?
06:57I was just confused.
07:00I didn't know what to say to Billy, so I didn't say anything.
07:12Can I ask you a personal question?
07:15It's a bit late for that.
07:17Do you find me attractive?
07:21It's just a question.
07:22Do you find me attractive?
07:25It's just, Frank never comes near me anymore.
07:29It's as though I'm invisible.
07:35You are a beautiful woman.
07:38I don't think that's the problem.
07:41What do you think is the problem?
07:44Tell me.
07:48You know, this week has shown me.
07:51You two really love your children.
07:54But you do not love each other, not anymore.
08:03Just give me one second.
08:22Look, I'm sorry.
08:25No, it's okay.
08:25I shouldn't have said anything.
08:26No, it's fine.
08:34But you know, you and me, we just get off with each other and get even.
08:39He wouldn't even care.
08:44You know, that's not true.
08:47You could kiss me right now.
08:49No, it would not fix even one thing in your life.
08:57It's bald again here.
08:58Need some heat.
09:01Don't waste the petrol, Frank.
09:03Five minutes, Maureen.
09:04It's all we need.
09:20Not one thing.
09:22Five people missing.
09:23It should be national news.
09:26Maybe he goes deeper.
09:29Maybe everyone's in on it.
09:46What's that?
09:49It's her.
09:49It has to be.
09:50Her name is Kate.
09:54Fangoria Fangirl.
09:55She was...
09:57She was the girl that was killed in the woods.
10:00We don't know that.
10:02Maybe you were writing to that mentaler all along.
10:04You could have been on their hook right from the start.
10:06I wasn't.
10:08They took her letters, all right?
10:09And then they killed her.
10:10How do you know?
10:10I just do.
10:13He couldn't have written what she wrote to me, all right?
10:16She genuinely cared about me and now she's gone.
10:19We shouldn't be messing with stuff in here.
10:20Put it back.
10:21What's her problem?
10:22We just don't know anything about her.
10:24That's all.
10:31Go easy on him, yeah?
10:34She's dead and he's being a dick about it.
10:36That's not fair.
10:38You never told him this whole trip was about her.
10:40And I never.
10:43Nobody's being honest with him.
11:10take some.
11:12What happened to clear heads?
11:15You're not going to have one in a minute.
11:19What's going on?
11:31A while back, I came home early from school one day and
11:38dad was there.
11:43And he was with
11:49other woman.
11:52And they were, you know,
11:57well, not right in the middle of it, sorry.
12:05He told me to keep it a secret.
12:10Said he'd fix it.
12:14He lied about that too.
12:19Around the time I stopped coming out of my room.
12:28That was because of dad.
12:46Why are you only telling me this now?
12:54You had months, Zoe.
12:57And you spent most of them acting like I did something to you.
13:01I know.
13:05I'm sorry.
13:09Come on, just leave me alone.
13:11Rise and shine, it's 6am.
13:13We're starting your day the right way.
13:16I didn't mean to, you know.
13:19You're telling the wrong person.
13:29Leave it.
13:31I'll make this up.
13:35You actually think you're right about everything, don't you?
13:40What a horrible disease.
13:45Biggest pricks in the world always think they're right about everything.
13:51Don't be one of them, Billy.
13:55I'm sorry.
13:58I'm sorry.
14:01I'm sorry.
14:05I'm so tired.
14:10Of everything.
14:22Sorry, no, that was...
14:30No, Jesus!
14:39I didn't, that wasn't...
14:46Oh, Jesus.
14:50How did I not see?
14:53See what?
14:56You don't have to...
14:59We nearly died, okay?
15:02You're obviously more than friends.
15:05I'm, we're not like, I'm not...
15:08I'm not saying that you're, it's just that Tom...
15:10Shut the fuck up, Zoe!
15:12Sorry, sorry, forget I said anything.
15:15What the hell was that, Zoe?
15:35I'm sorry.
15:38I didn't mean to...
15:38It's what ruined my life.
15:43Really sorry.
15:45You're sorry?
15:47Look, listen, if...
15:50If you are...
15:56It's okay.
16:11It's him.
16:13That psycho from the cowshed, come on!
16:44Why did you bring us into the only room with a window?
16:58How was I supposed to know?
17:15No, she's not, I can show you.
17:38All that before, she's probably drunk.
17:41You wanna get us killed?
18:02What are you doing here?
18:04I answered the dispatch.
18:06Yeah, sorry.
18:10We're up.
18:11Thought I'd come in early, check it out.
18:14Looks like some jokers broke in.
18:20Messing about.
18:22All gone now.
18:24Okay, well, let's get this place cleaned up and file a report.
18:31Big day, Ed, with the festival.
18:34Oh, and the team were coming down from Chesterfield after the sightings yesterday.
18:38Do you want some tea and toast?
18:40Er, please.
18:42Milk, two sugars.
18:44No rush.
19:39Oh, God.
20:04Why is everything spinning?
20:06Because you necked a load of whiskey.
20:08We need to stop.
20:12Where are we going?
20:13Don't look at me.
20:15The police station was your big idea.
20:17If he's police, where does this stop?
20:20I don't know, okay?
20:21I don't know if we're in the Texas Chainsaw or the Wicker Man here.
20:26It's either one fucked up family or a whole fucked up town.
20:30I'm not waiting around to find out.
20:33Where are you going?
20:34Anywhere but here.
20:36Just keep going.
20:44I'm not going with her.
20:46Not after what they did to Kate.
20:50I'm going back to get the tape.
20:52Are you off your head?
20:53No, no, no, no, no.
20:54I'm finally seeing clearly.
20:57Why are we running?
20:59We are the ones with the drill.
21:00That doesn't make it a good idea.
21:01That's a stupid, drunken idea.
21:03This is the part in the film where you shout, don't go back.
21:07They killed her.
21:09And I'm going to get that tape.
21:11They don't get to win.
21:14I'm not a loser, Con.
21:16Con, come on.
21:17I'm not waiting.
21:18Wait, Zoe.
21:20She's going the wrong way.
21:21Is she?
21:22Yeah, where the fuck are we?
21:23The quickest way to Chesterfield is back through these woods, past that shed.
21:28We can run in.
21:28We can grab it quickly.
21:30They'll be out looking for us, Zoe.
21:36Billy, don't be stupid.
21:38You're being mental.
21:42You're the mentaler.
21:44Your family's messed up.
21:48Even you.
21:49Fuck you.
21:58You're a dead weight.
22:00I should have carried him by myself.
22:35This is all your fault!
22:38You're the one who's the weirdo, not me.
22:51Well, I know it's hard to hear this, but the evidence against them is substantial.
22:55And when we find them, they're going to be arrested and then they're going to be charged.
22:59Oh, really?
23:01So that's it, is it?
23:02Well, I don't know what else to say.
23:04I mean, thanks for coming all this way.
23:05But unless they get in contact somehow, there's not really much you can do.
23:10Just let us do our jobs.
23:11Now, what job is this, eh?
23:13Because it seems you have been standing around while everyone else is coming with pitchforks.
23:17Well, I can assure you nothing like that is going to happen.
23:20They are going to be arrested and charged and then given a fair trial by Her Majesty's Court.
23:25Hang on a second.
23:26Isn't it supposed to be innocent until proven guilty?
23:28Well, that's for the jury.
23:30All we care about is who we need to arrest.
23:33And right now, that is your kids.
23:36Now, I know.
23:38I know you probably thought they were little angels.
23:40But this, this is what happens about proper discipline.
23:43You see, the thing is...
23:44I don't think this is helping them.
23:45Oh, wind your neck in, Lisa.
23:48No one asked you to row in.
23:52Your children are guilty.
23:55Face facts.
23:57They're not who you thought they were.
24:00What an utterly prick.
24:03Look at me.
24:05Yesterday in the, um...
24:07You know, I think we should talk about it.
24:09Are you actually serious?
24:11I can't deal with this now, okay?
24:13We'll talk about it later.
24:14He thinks he knows everything.
24:15That man has no tact.
24:17Yeah, it's kind of annoying, isn't it?
24:19They're already tried and convicted here.
24:21We need to find them before the police do.
24:23Well, we are going to need a full tank of petrol.
24:58Please, God.
25:00Just get me the fuck out of here.
25:01I'm sorry for cursing.
25:09I just want to go back to being normal.
25:14And I promise I'll be normal.
26:01Fancy a lift, love?
26:31Hey, hey.
26:46Put it down, son.
26:51So what, to get a reliable battery?
27:00I don't want any trouble.
27:02All right?
27:05I just want to take my tape and go home.
27:08Those things have poisoned your mind.
27:10You're the one who's fucking poisoned.
27:20I read your letters, you know.
27:23What you needed was a good mother.
27:29Don't you dare talk about my mother.
28:01Oh, Jesus, no.
